Harry wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so when the Dursleys said they were going on vacation to look at volcanos and he was coming with them he was very excited despite the knowledge that he would probably spend a lot of his time being kicked, punched, being invisible and most likely carrying the bags. He didn't care though, this would be his first time going anywhere. He was only five years old and he had never left the confines of four privet drive. He figured the only reason he was going was because there was no-one to leave him with and the Dursleys did not want to leave him home alone. How wrong he was. This became clear when they began a tour of the island and his relatives were being nice to him for the first time in his memory. Harry felt a flicker of fear as they watched a view of the volcano the island was famed for. He did not notice they had wandered away from their tour guide nor did he see Dudley walk behind him as he peered inside the volcano. He also missed the sadistic smile on Vernon Dursley's face as he encouraged his son to go ahead. He did notice however when he was suddenly pushed forwards and over the railing that was there to prevent falls. Harry tried to grasp at something, anything to prevent falling into the fiery pits he could see and feel. He could hear the Dursleys making a fuss and shouting for the tour guide to get help to save their poor nephew. As he landed in the fiery depths of the lava at the bottom Harry knew this was planned. They had done this to get rid of him. He didn't get much time to ponder as he sunk into the lava his screams cut off as he was completely sunk.

Music that was what Harry could hear. Beautiful music cut through the fog of pain he was feeling. Although Harry was certain he had never heard it before it sounded so familiar to him. All he could see was a brilliant red, orange yellow colours blended into each other so beautifully. They swirled all around him and the pain became less and less until it was completely gone. He could see again. He could see his body the same colour and consistency of the fiery fire he was swimming in. Laughing he swam in it, loving the caress and warmth he was feeling from the lava. He shot up to the surface not knowing that the action made whole volcano explode lava out creating a mass panic. Hot lava shot out of the usually serene mountain and made its way down through the surrounding lands towards the water.

Vernon Dursley watched as his nephew was pushed into the volcano with a satisfied smirk. He refused to keep the abomination in his home so he decided to do something a little more permanent to make sure he would never have to see him again. He and Petunia put on a show of screaming and worry over their nephew who had fallen in. They knew they would be heard as the rest of the tour was just a few minutes ahead. He already had a story planned on how his nephew had slipped into the prohibited area out of curiosity like any other child would do and then he had slipped and fallen into the volcano before any of them could do anything. He didn't count on the volcano exploding outward and as he was trying to get out of there he received third degree burns over the entire half of his right side. Petunia escaped with third degree burns to her face, halfway down her arm and her entire chest area. Dudley received burns on his right leg and arm.

It was a while before they released from the hospital they had been taken to. Luckily the volcano had not done much damage, people were quickly evacuated to safety and the only casualty was the Dursley's nephew. Something else Vernon had not counted on when he was preparing to leave with his wife and child to return to their home, the money he had been enjoying the benefits of was connected to his nephew. Without Harry he was now cut off from it. He had to max out his and Petunia's credit cards to pay for the hospital for all three of them and the only reason they were able to go back home was because they had bought return tickets. Upon arrival to privet drive Vernon received a phone call telling him not to bother to come back to work he was fired and an eviction notice was on the door when they arrived. They had two days to pack up their things and get out. Petunia fell on her knees and wept. She had known that the house was never theirs and that the company Vernon worked for was bought by her sister before she died and allowed her husband to work there. She had not told this Vernon and allowed him to think that he was the one providing for them. Both were in Harry's name but she had assumed that she would get both upon his death as his only living blood relation she was wrong. She couldn't think of anything worse that could happen until she found herself and Vernon arrested for murder. It turned out there were cameras in the place where Dudley had pushed Harry and they were seen encouraging him.


Harry found himself landing in the ocean surrounding the island of Hawaii. The waves threw him back and forth, he couldn't breathe as the water rushed into his lungs but the music came again and this he both felt and saw the changes his body was making. He was no longer fiery hot, he was a part of the waves. He felt his body pulled out of the water into air and went through a similar change only this time he became the wind. This transpired through each element fire, water, air earth, light, shadow, life, death, lightning and every change he went through the music was always there soothing him and calming him. Helping him to accept whatever was going on. It was after the final element of lightning that Harry found himself in a seeming grey world. He sneezed and grey dust fell off him as he looked around. Everything was huge. He screamed when he saw his body but instead of the sound he was expecting a frightened trill came out his mouth. A huge fiery red and gold bird appeared next to him it was followed by others until eight of these birds surrounded him. All different bright and beautiful colours.

The red and gold one spoke for the others "Hello young one. I know you are frightened right now but there is no need to be. Your family tried to get rid of you in such a cruel way we could not allow that to happen. I don't think you will understand much of what has happened I will try to explain it to help you understand as much as I can. I am called Fawkes and these are my brothers and sisters."

Harry just stared at the majestic bird in front of him as he talked. He then decided to ask a question "What has happened to me?"

Fawkes answered him "When you fell in the volcano I surrounded you with phoenix fire to protect you as I can control the intensity of heat with it. It however changed your body so that you would not burn in the lava. You are now what is called an elemental young one. To complete the changes my brothers and sisters each did the same with their elements. Do not worry we will teach you as you grow how to control them and what they are about. But for right now you are a baby phoenix. You will be back to your normal age in a few days and I will teach you how to change back."

Fawkes picked up some sliced grapes and fed them to Harry. As he did this he answered Harry's questions as they came to him and before long he was asleep.


True to Fawkes' word Harry had grown and was no longer so little. His feathers had grown in and they were a mixture of the colours of all the elemental phoenixes although is dominant colour was a forest green the same colour as his eyes. The first time he changed back he didn't like it. He wanted to stay a phoenix but Fawkes reminded him that even though he was now a phoenix not human anymore he was the only one who could change into human form and he needed to be able to control his changes.

Harry spent a lot of time with each of the phoenixes learning how to control his new abilities. Fawkes explained to him that he was the third person to ever become an elemental the other two however were born with their powers and could only control three elements at the most. The reason Harry was chosen by the phoenixes was because of his trials ahead of him. Harry would need all the help he could get and those who were entrusted to give him that help were willfully blind and ignorant of the damage they were doing. Fawkes knew he would need to get Harry into training to help him protect himself. He knew of one being who could do that.


Hestia the goddess of the hearth was at camp halfblood tending to the fire when one of her first creations decided to visit in fiery flash. She laughed in delight as Fawkes appeared before her and said "My lady, it has been a long time has it not?."

Smiling Hestia answered "Yes it has Fawkes. You seem to have forgotten this old girl and rarely visit anymore."

In reply Fawkes said "You know I cannot visit as much as I would like to my lady. If I could have it my way I would stay here with you forever."

Hestia was stroking Fawkes' feathers when she replied "I know that my dear Fawkes. I was only teasing you. Now there must be a reason you decided to visit today."

Nodding Fawkes replied "Yes my lady. I wish to ask you if you would be able to take care of my little nestling. He is only five years old and a new elemental. He needs to be trained and taught to control his powers there is only so much that my brothers, sisters and I can teach him. At the moment I am having trouble convincing him to use his human form. You see he was abused by those who were his relations and they tried to kill him for being born different from them by throwing him in a volcano. It is lucky that I have always kept my eye on him ever since he was born. My bonded was careless with the child and left him in a home environment that would have turned him into the darkest evil to ever grace the earth. The darkness would have lasted forever because he is destined to master death in the future. You know death will never take his chosen. It would have meant his family killing him over and over each more painful than the last. As it is he has already met death three times at the rough hands of his obese uncle even if he does not remember. I made a decision to make him an elemental before they could damage his soul."

Hestia was listening horrified by what she was hearing. She knew Fawkes was right, If that treatment had lasted especially with a child favored by death he would have been twisted to the point of no return.

She looked at Fawkes and said "Bring your nestling Fawkes. I will adopt him as my own and he will be able to stay at camp halfblood and learn what he needs."

Trilling happily Fawkes said "Thank you my lady, and oh by the way the child is a legacy of the primordial Eros through his mother and also a legacy of Poseidon through his father."

Leaving a shocked Hestia staring at the now empty space Fawkes flashed out and returned two minutes later with a much smaller bird not even close to half his size. Upon seeing Hestia the little bird let out a trill of distress. Fawkes trilled a comforting tune for the little bird until he seemed to relax.

Then he spoke to him. "Harry, this is my lady Hestia. Remember I told you about her?"

Harry nodded his little bird head and looked at Hestia before trilling a hie shyly.

Hestia smiled and said "Will change into your human form little one it'll be easier to talk then."

Harry hesitated but still did as he was asked. Now instead of the tiny multi colored bird there was a little boy with should length hair that seemed to be changing colors as he stood there. It finally stopped at a soft brown color like Hestia's own even his eyes changed color to match hers. This made Hestia smile as she realized that this was the child's way of accepting her.

"Hi Harry. Did Fawkes tell you why he brought you here?" Hestia

"Harry answered in a voice that sounded lyrical "Yes, he said you were going to be my new mummy and that you are nice and nothing like the Dursleys."

Hestia could feel emotion rise within her for the child and what he had been through. She herself had never had a child, knowing that someday her child would die from the various monsters that chased all halfbloods intending to kill them. She didn't think she would survive the heartbreak of such a loss. Just because she refused to birth a child did not mean she did not want them. This was the first time she ever considered even adopting, but just one looked at that angelic face and she knew it was already too late for her to back out. She opened her arms in the universal gesture recognized by children everywhere asking Harry to come to her. Harry walked into her embrace and for the first time in his life felt the love of a mother.

Hestia spoke as she held Harry "Well Harry what do you say? Do you want a mummy?"

Lifting his head to face her Harry smiled shyly and said "Yes please."


Harry could not remember a time when he was happier. He spent most of his time with his new mummy. She gave him lots of hugs and kisses and he had new clothes and got to eat really nice food whenever he was hungry. What he liked the most was that there were no endless chores for him and he was never locked up. He had his own room in a really big house with a bed and lots of toys that his mummy got him. He even had his own bathroom in his room.

Today however Harry was excited. It had been several months since he was living with his mummy on Olympus, not that he recognized the significance. He just knew that his mummy was a goddess and she taught him how to make food out of nothing. Anyway today Harry was six years old. His mummy was going to present him to her brothers. She called them the big three. She told him not to worry because he was already immortal so he was allowed to stay on Olympus with his mummy.

They arrived in front of the three brothers and Harry felt quite intimidated. His fear was clearly shown on his face at the sight of the stern Zeus who seemed to be scrutinizing him while he tried to hide behind his mother. Poseidon noticing this shrunk down to human size then berated his brothers.

"Will you two stop staring at him like that you are frightening him. He's only six for crying out loud."

Hestia smiled in gratitude at Poseidon as the other two ignored him but they did stop the intimidating stares. Poseidon crouched down to Harry's height and said "Hello little one what is your name?"

Harry replied "I'm Harry, Are you my granddad? Mummy says you are my daddy's dad so that makes you my granddad."

Surprise flickered on Poseidon's face as he regarded the child. He sent out his senses to assess the child and sure enough the child was of the sea.

He looked at Hestia and asked "How?"

She replied "I'm not sure how but I do know Harry's parents were killed several years ago protecting him. The only thing I can imagine is that your son's mother found a way of protecting him from the monsters and from you finding out about him."

Despite the anguish he was feeling over the loss of a child he had never met or even knew about Posiedon faced his grandson and said "Yes Harry I am your granddad."

This made Harry smile as he asked "So can I call you granddad?"

Laughing Poseidon replied "Yes child you may call me granddad. That would make me very happy indeed."

Zues finding that he did not like being ignored spoke "Well, as nice as this little reunion is, Hestia you know the ancient laws."

Facing her brother Hestia spoke "Do not think me a simpleton Zeus I know the ancient laws I was there when they were laid down. You forget that I am older than you. Harry is not a demigod so the rules do not apply to him. He is an immortal."

That declaration had all three brothers looking at Harry in shock and saying "What?"

Hestia laughed and said "I brought Harry here to you so you could meet him and know who he is, he is death's chosen. The relatives he was living with did not like the fact that Harry had unusual power they hurt him a lot. He met death three times before a phoenix intervened and saved him from the volcano they had thrown him in. He has become a phoenix as result of that and gained his immortality earlier than he should have. I will give you a more detailed explanation later I do not want to remind Harry of his past too much. Hades smiled at Harry and shrunk down to normal size before crouching down next to his brother and saying "Welcome to the family kid. You can call me grandpa."

Smiling Hades held out his hand and there was a shimmer before a tiny cute three headed dog appeared in his hand. He held it out to Harry and said "She was born yesterday the youngest of four and the only girl. I think she would be happier with you than in the underworld. Her sire is Cerberus my three headed dog. Her name is Hedwig.

The beamed a wide smile at the sight of the dog. His mummy had said he couldn't have a pet yet when he asked for one because he was too young to take care of it properly.

Harry's reply was almost lyrical as he said "Thank you grandpa." and reached out for the dog.

His mother's restraining hand stopped him from taking the puppy making him pout look up at her with teary eyes. Sensing a blow up Hades spoke "It's okay sis. Hedwig will not need looking after like other pets she is pretty intelligent even for her kind. The only thing needed is to provide meat for her otherwise she can basically take care of herself and when she is older she will be able to shadow travel and get her own food. I picked her because she will provide the best protection for him no monster will dare attack him the humans won't be able to see her and she can change her size when she needs to. The bonding process has to happen now before she is too old for it to happen."

Nodding her acceptance Hestia allowed Harry to accept the dog. With a huge smile Harry took the dog then hugged Hades. Hades froze at first not used to anyone touching him except his wife. Even his own kids were afraid of him and kept a bit of distance but then again he never made any gestures to say they were welcome to do so. He hugged the child back noticing he didn't flinch away from him. It made him feel happy.

Now the attention was turned back to Zeus who now seemed content to have it away from him. Growling to himself he said "Fine welcome to the family brattling. You step one toe out of..."

He didn't get to finish as a furious Hestia threw a fire ball at him burning his beard and narrowly missing the rest of his face. In a furious voice Hestia shouted "Do not threaten my son Zeus, I will not tolerate it. He has been through enough and I will not have anyone deliberately frightening him again especially ones who are his family."

Hestia's Hair and eyes turned into the fiery flames of her hearth making her look very scary even for Zeus. He stopped speaking and said "Okay, I'm sorry sister and Harry..." He quickly added the last at the end when he saw her eyes narrow and another fireball forming in her hand bigger than the last. Despite knowing it would heal eventually he knew Hestia could make his skin melt off him and he would be unable to heal it with powers and would have to leave it to heal on its own. Despite her passive nature and compassion his sister was a power to be reckoned with even he was unsure who would win in battle between them. She never took sides in wars or actively fought but she was always there for them all. He just never realized that having a child would make her react so fiercely.

A soft small voice sounded in the room immediately calming Hestia down. "Mummy!"

She bent down, picked him up and said "Oh sweetheart its okay, mummy is just a little mad at her brother for being mean."

He replied "Oh I'm sure he's sorry now mummy."

Hestia laughed and said "Of course he is, nobody starts on my baby and gets away with it."

Blushing Harry whined "Mum, not in front of granddad and grandpa."

That broke the tension as everyone laughed. Harry hid his face in his mum's hair shyly. Hestia and spoke with Poseidon and Hades who both wanted to be a part of Harry's life as he grew up. She told them about is control over the elements as well as Harry's mother being the daughter of the primodial Eros. By then Harry was asleep in Poseidon's arms as they talked. Zeus was there although he did not say anything. He wasn't sure how well received his input would be with the irate mother. This was new for him. He had never had to deal with Hestia's children because she never had any before. A part of him was resentful of the child as she took some of his sister's affection. He liked her nonjudgmental view of things and how she was always there for him when he needed her. He supposed he could give the brat a chance. Just as they were leaving he said to Hestia "Tell the brat he can call me grandfather." then without waiting for a reply he left the room with a shocked Hades, Poseidon and a smiling Hesita.


Harry watched as is mum put together the clothes she wanted him to wear that day. They were going to camp halfblood. He vaguely remembered it from the day Fawkes had brought him. He had not paid much attention as his mum had brought him to Olympus almost immediately after. He was really nervous. His granddad had told him about his uncle Percy. He was twelve and he was now at camp he also wanted to meet him. He had not yet met the other Olympians except grandmother Hera and his uncle Apollo. He liked them both very much and they played with and Hedwig when they had time. His uncle Apollo got into trouble for trying to teach him how to shoot an arrow and he managed to shoot himself in the foot. It was a good thing his uncle Apollo could heal. Harry didn't cry when it happened. He had had worse before so an arrow in his foot was nothing compared to that. His mummy had cried though. he tried to tell her that was okay and that it didn't hurt but she only cried harder. Harry didn't like it when his mummy cried. He was resolved to do everything he could to keep her happy no matter what.