A/N: Here we are, the last chapter, our pixie is home and so are the boys. I hope you have enjoyed this journey and will leave me a review with your thoughts.


Chapter 21

Sam pulled himself from a deep sleep as something started climbing over him. His instincts kicked in and he made ready to defend himself when he heard chirping and tweeting. He relaxed as he opened his eyes to see Kalen kneeling beside him, hands on his chest.

"Up S'm, eat." he chirped clapping his hands excitedly.

"Ok, I'm up." he smiled sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked around for Dean, but didn't see him in the hut. He noticed Kalen had changed back into pixie clothes. "Kalen, where's Dean?"

"W'lking." he pointed out the doorway. "Come."

"Let me get my boots on." Sam chuckled at Kalen's impatience. "Ok, let's go find Dean."

They walked out together, Sam searching for his brother among the pixies. Kalen pulled him toward the middle of the structures and to one of the larger ones. Pixies were hurrying in and out, bringing food and drink. Sam stepped into the interior to see tables and benches spread out around the room. There were all kinds of food sitting on the tables ready to be consumed.

Sam spotted Dean sitting at the front of the room with Kalen's parents. Kalen pulled Sam that way, weaving among the others to get to the table.

"Hey Sammy." Dean called to him. "You'll have to sit here, only one big enough to hold us." he mumbled sliding over on the bench he was sitting on.

"We were looking for you." Sam said looking down at the bench before glancing at the other smaller benches that were occupied by pixies seeing the difference in size.

"Sit, young one, it is time to celebrate." Lashul told them clapping his hands to get everyone's attention.

He sat down beside his brother and smiled when Kalen wiggled in between them sitting on the edge of the bench to reach the table. Sam slid him to his knee so he could reach the table easier.

All the pixies stopped their chattering and looked toward the head table waiting for the elder to speak.

"This is a time of celebration for us with the return of my son. We all want to thank these two human who cared enough about our kind to escort him back to us, risking their own lives in so doing. From now on, both will be honored for their bravery and will always be welcome in our realm. Tonight we eat, drink and rejoice Master's Dean and Sam, you have our undying gratitude. Everyone! Enjoy."

The pixies cheered and clapped all trying to get a glimpse of the brothers. Neither brother was one who wanted or needed attention, so they nodded once and hid behind their drinks. The food was being passed around now and the brothers began to fill their plates glad to be out of the spotlight even thought they still got plenty of stares and pats on the back from passing pixies.

"The food is really good." Sam comment to Lashul as he sampled some of the unknown food.

"He's right; you really know how to throw a party." Dean added forking some more meat in his mouth.

Sam frowned at him as he kicked him under the table. Dean looked at him arching an eyebrow at his brother's bitch face and roll of his eyes.

"Glad that I am you like our meager offerings. I understand one kidnapper attacked on way here and was dealt with."

"Yeah, I had no choice." Dean said looking down at his food.

"Understand I do, grateful we are. Is there anything you would like?"

"Well there is one thing; do you know a way back to our world?" Dean asked. "It's nice here and all, but we got family and things we need to take care of over there."

"One way there is, only known to pixies that will lead you to your realm. Enjoy tonight, tomorrow Corym will show you path to portal and journey you may go. Careful you must be, dangers you could encounter."

"Sounds good, we'll be careful, it's not the first time we've had to face danger, nothing new to us."

"See that I do, mighty warriors you both be. Enjoy tonight, tomorrow your journey home can begin."

"How far is this portal?" Sam asked shifting Kalen to his other knee.

"A day or so walk to the north."

"S'm goin' h'me?" Kalen asked looking up at his strong face.

"Yeah Kalen, Dean and I have to go home, to see Bobby and help people there."

"Miss ya I will." he sighed throwing his arms around his waist to hug him.

"I'll miss you too."

"Dee, miss ya too." Kalen said slipping from Sam's knee to crawl into Dean's lap to hug him.

"Me too Kid, but you're home where ya belong and we have to go home too." he said cuddling Kalen to him as he brushed his hair out of his face.

"Kal come." Corym told him holding out his hand. Kalen let his brother pull him from Dean's lap and lead him away. The brothers watched as a twinkle of mischief sparkled in Kalen's eyes as he looked back at them.

The brothers looked at each other wondering what was going on. They didn't have long to wait as Kalen proudly walked back in a few minutes later carrying a plate with a large pie on it. He stopped at Dean and with his brother's help sat it on the table.

"For you, our best fruit used, re-re..." Kalen started looking up at his brother for help.

"Reward." he whispered.

"Re-'ard for h'lp." he beamed.

"Thanks Kid, it smells delicious." Dean smiled taking in the aroma of the pie. He accepted a knife and sliced into the pie pulling a piece out, setting it on his plate. He cut several more pieces, passing them out to those around him.

"This is delicious!" Dean moaned taking a big bite of the pie. "Someone knows how to make a pie, please thank them."

"Yum!" Kalen agreed smacking his lips as he ate.

"Very good." Sam agreed chuckling at Kalen when he picked up his piece of pie with his fingers so he could take bigger bites. He managed to smear pie across his face and all over his fingers that he began to lick.

"Here." Sam laughed taking a napkin and helping him wipe his face and hands.

"That's ok Kid, its better if you get it on ya." Dean snickered licking his fingers too.


Sam rolled his sleeping bag up and tied it to his pack before looking over at Dean who was doing the same. He looked over at him seeing he was ready too.

"Come on bro, let's go home." Dean said quietly to him letting him go outside first.

"Home." Sam mumbled to himself.

All the pixies were waiting outside for them to tell them good bye. Corym and one of the same pixies that escorted them before stood to the side, armed and ready to lead them to the portal. Lashul and Sarya stood at the front of the group with Kalen by their side.

The brothers stopped in front of the family to say their good byes. Kalen ran toward Sam who leaned down to catch the pixie as he jumped into his arms. He hugged him tight giving him a kiss on the forehead while he blinked back the tears.

"Fr'end S'm." the pixie chirped into Sam's ear as he clung to his neck. "Luv ya." Sam felt tears drip from Kalen's face onto his neck and blinked his away his own.

"You be good buddy." Sam whispered. With one final hug Sam handed him to his brother's waiting arms.

"Dee, family, luv ya." Kalen told him squeezing his hug tighter.

Dean ruffled his hair and kissed the top of his head lovingly. With one final hug, he sat him back on his feet, patting his back before coughing and clearing the lump in his throat.

"Much thanks for your courage to bring our son home. Welcome you will be always in our realm. Safe travels on your journey home." Lashul told the brothers bowing to both of them. Kalen's mother bowed to them offering her thanks also.

"Take care of him." Dean told them and nodded to Sam. "Ya ready Corym?"

"Yes, follow us." Corym said turning and motioning his companion to follow.

The brothers gave one final wave, before turning and heading out of the village, following their guides. Dean glanced over at his brother who was in his own world mulling over something in his mind. He saw the sad expression that Sam couldn't hide from him. They were going to miss their little pixie and the mischief and antics he could get into. He decided to keep a close eye on Sam over the next few days to be sure he was going to be ok.


"Rest here, replenish water." Corym told the brothers stopping by a fast flowing stream.

"Great, I'm ready for a snack." Dean said slipping his pack off and pulling out his water bottle. "Sam give me your's and I'll fill it." Dean looked over at his brother when he didn't get an answer and saw Sam sitting on a rock looking out at the flowing water. "Hey bro, you hear me?" he said louder.

"What?" Sam asked looking absently up at him.

"You ok?"

"Um...Yeah, I'm fine. What did you want?"

"Water bottle, refill." he told him snapping his fingers impatiently.

Sam dug around in his pack and pulled his bottle out offering it to and impatient Dean.

"Sammy, watch yourself."

"I will." he told him going back to watching the water.

Dean sighed and shook his head deciding he would talk to him later when they stopped for the night. From what he got out of Corym, the portal could only be found at sunrise. The first rays of a new day would point to the portal and he had the words that needed to be said to open it. They would only have a few minutes to pass over before it would close. Corym wasn't sure where the portal lead to in their world, no pixie had used this way in a very long time and no other beings knew of it.

The pixies were downstream toward a deeper part of the stream doing something Dean couldn't make out until one of them shoot an arrow into the water and pulled out a fish. They were getting food for their evening meal. Dean paused and watched the skilled hunters snag several more fish before stopping to fix them. They bowed their heads over the fish and thanked the spirits for the food before gutting and wrapping them in broad leaves.

"We go now." Corym announced as the pixies strolled back to the brothers. "Almost to camp for night."

"And we'll be at the portal?"

"Stop early, rise early before sunrise, must be in place when sun hits peak."

"Sammy, come on, we're moving out." Dean called to him tossing his water bottle to him.

Out of instinct Sam grabbed at the bottle, trying to catch it only to have it slide out of hands and roll at feet. He reached down and picked it up, brushing off some dirt before replacing it in his pack. Dean frowned at him not liking his brother was spacing right now. They weren't out of here yet and they needed to stay alert. He watched Sam follow the pixies and fell in behind him as he checked the area out with a hunter's gaze.


The travelers hiked for another two hours before the pixies lead them to a small clearing to set up camp. Dean had a fire going and the fish cooking in record time. Everyone one ate quickly and the pixies hung their hammocks a short distance away. Dean waited until they were swinging gently to talk to Sam.

"Ok, spill it." Dean demanded from Sam.

"What?" Sam asked looking up innocently and puzzled at him.

"What's goin' on in that head of yours?" he asked. "You've been absentminded since we left, you know that's what gets ya killed." he chastised him as easily as he could.

"I don't know..." Sam trailed off looking deep into the fire. "Did you ever think maybe...about having kids?"

Dean stared at the side of Sam's face as he continued to stare at the fire. He knew where Sam was coming from. He knew Sam had wanted to be normal, marry, have kids, live in a house with a picket fence, but reality always has a way of slapping you in the face. Both had faced the facts that the life they lead didn't leave room for family, hell it didn't leave room for you to get close to anyone for fear they end up dead.

Sam didn't wait for an answer from Dean before continuing, "You know having Kalen around it just got me thinking...Are we missing out on not having a real life and having kids?"

"Sammy, you know how dangerous what we do is, it wouldn't be fair to subject anyone to that. Think of all the baddies that would just love to snag someone we love and hold it over us. Their lives would be in constant danger because of us."

"I understand that after what has happened in the past, but those feelings...It just got me thinking and...I feel like I'm missing out...Sometimes I wish I could be normal..." he trailed off.

"I wish you could be too, Sammy." he said softly feeling Sam's melancholy mood. "Come on, we need to get some sleep, we're goin' home in the mornin'."

Sam sighed and nodded he heard, but still didn't move to his sleeping bag. Dean lay down and watched his brother until he tossed a stick he was fiddling with in the fire and moved to his bag to lie down. He had his back to Dean so he couldn't see the silent tears slip from his eyes and trail down his cheeks. The longing lingered in his mind as he wondered how it would be if their lives were different.

Dean couldn't see them, but he knew Sam was hiding his tears from him. A deep sadness hung over him as he closed his eyes to try and sleep.


"Wake up, we need to get goin'" Dean urged his brother kicking lightly at his feet to wake him.

"Um...Wh-what...Ye-ah-ah." Sam yawned stretching his arms above his head. "I'm up."

"Here, drink this." Dean said offering him the last of the coffee.

"Thanks." he grunted accepting the cup and sipping on the warm liquid. He watched Dean put out the fire with the remaining water in the coffee pot and kicking dirt on top of it.

"Corym said it's about an hour further and we'll just have to wait for the sun to show us the way."

"Good, I'm ready to go home."

"Get yer bag rolled and packed then."

After tossing the last mouthful of coffee, Sam shook his sleeping bag before rolling it up and strapping it to his pack and sticking the cup in his pack. He shook his body trying to take away the tiredness he still felt before shouldering his pack and walking toward the pixies. Dean glanced at him and saw how tired he still looked and the hint of dark circles beginning under his eyes. When they got home, he was going to make Sam sleep for a couple of days.

There was just enough light to allow for the travelers to make the last leg of their journey. The pixies pushed on through the forest that had begun to thin out to stop as they broke through the trees. Sam and Dean stepped up beside them to look up at a sheer cliff stretching several hundred feet into the air. Dean looked right and left seeing it went on as far as he could see.

"We're not goin' to have to climb this are we?" Dean asked cautiously.

"No, come." Corym motioned to the brothers as he began to walk along the edge of the cliff. He stopped after ten minutes and pointed to a sliver of an opening that would of gone unnoticed if you didn't know where to look. "Must go through here. Look for circle room, wait there. Sun will guide you, say the spell and door will open."

"Thank you Corym, take care of your brother." Dean said holding out his hand.

"I will." he replied taking his hand to shake.

"Safe travels home, thanks for the help." Sam told him accepting his hand to shake.

"Travels be safe." Corym said before both of the pixies disappeared into the trees.


"Packs off, it's gonna be a tight squeeze." Dean grunted looking at the crack carefully. "We may have to crawl some."

"I'm ready." Sam told him removing his pack and looking around Dean at the crack.

"Let's do this, the sun'll be showing soon."

"Lead on."

Dean slipped into the tight crack and began to work his way inward squeezing around boulders jutting out all around them. Sam grunted as a rock scrapped his side when he pushed himself around it. They pushed, squeezed, crawled and wiggled deeper into the crack for twenty more minutes until it suddenly opened up into a circular room approximately thirty foot in diameter.

"This must be it." Dean huffed as he stretched his sore back and wiped the blood from the scrapes on his fingers.

"Glad to be out of that." Sam winced holding his side that had been rubbed raw. He felt blood seeping into his shirt and pulled it away from his body.

They both looked around the circular room wondering where it was going to appear. Dean looked up at the brightness that was growing stronger with each passing minute and began to picture where the sun was come up from to guess its direction.

"You have the spell?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking it's gonna be over here."

Both brothers watched closely as suddenly a strong ray of sunlight pierced the circle casting a multicolored shaft of light onto the wall in front of them.

"Now Dean!" Sam cried when he saw the light.

"Powers of the earth

Let this light guide the way

Open up the door

Allow the passage

Of the ones before you"

Dean recited loudly looking up as the last words left his mouth. Both brothers looked at the light as it began to shimmer and hum softly. Dean quickly grabbed his pack and tightly grabbed his brother's arm. In one swift movement, he pulled them both through the shimmer being sure not to lose his grip on his brother. The air around them thickened and it was hard to breathe as Dean pushed hard letting the darkness surround them. Their ears popped and their vision blurred the longer they struggled forward until both felt the bubble pop and they were through. Both brothers stumbled when the pressure stopped and the air grew thinner.

Dean panted hard trying to see in the darkness when a sliver of light caught his attention. He staggered toward it while pulling Sam with him, afraid to let go until he knew they were safe. They'd made it this far and he wasn't about to loose him now. Dean never let go of Sam's arm as he drug him toward the beacon of light. With each step the light became brighter and the opening larger.

"Dean, let go." Sam complained as he tried to keep up with him in the darkness.

"Almost there Sammy." Dean replied not listening to Sam's complaint.

Dean stepped out into the sunlight shielding his eyes so they could adjust to the glare. He stopped outside the cave entrance to draw in fresh air and check out their surroundings. They were in a forest of fall colored trees, with leaves covering the ground around them.

"Dee, you can let go now." Sam said softly now that they were clear of the cave.

"Right." Dean replied releasing his arm finally.

Sam looked around listening to the sounds of insects and the chatter of animals scurrying among the branches of the trees.

"Wonder where we are?"

"No idea, you ok?"

"Yeah, few scratches, but..."

"Let me see." he fussed reaching for where Sam was holding his side.

"It's ok." Sam complained pulling away only to have Dean stop him.

"Hold still." Dean ordered in a big brother voice.

Sam knew it no use arguing when Dean was in big brother mode and huffed as Dean pulled up his shirt to look at his side. He frowned as he checked out his side before pulling out the first aid kit.

"This is gonna hurt." Dean told Sam as he opened an alcohol wipe.

Sam hissed and grunted as Dean cleaned his side and applied first aid cream and taped a couple of pads over the injury. Satisfied with his work he repacked the kit and put his pack on.

"Looks like we're hiking some more. Let's head down, see if we can find a town or something."



Bobby was finishing up some research when he heard noises at his front door. He heard knocking and picked up his gun before walking to the door. He turned on the porch light and cracked the door wondering who would be visiting this late.

"Hey Bobby." Dean smiled as the door opened further.

"Bobby." Sam greeted the older hunter stared at them in shock.

"Boys?" he finally got out a loss for words.

"Yeah, we're back, ya gonna let us in?"

"Dean!" he cried happily pulling him into a hug.

"What's wrong, didn't think we'd make it back?"

"Sam!" Bobby said giving him a strong hug. "Good to see ya boy."

"Good to be back."

"Get on in here."

Bobby ushered the boys into the house patting them on the back still amazed they were back.

"How's my Baby? Has she missed me?" Dean inquired tossing his pack down beside Sam's at the stairs.

"Your car's in the garage. You boys want a beer?"

"Do I! Haven't had one in over two weeks I could use a cold one" Dean grinned heading for the fridge.

"Wait a minute; did ya just say two weeks?"

"Yeah, it took us longer than we thought to get Kalen home." Sam answered accepting the beer Dean handed him.

"Boys, by my calculations, you've been gone over six months. I started to think ya wern't comin' back."

"Six months, you sure 'bout that?"

"Yep, ain't that forgetful."

"Time must past different over there." Sam commented. "Maybe it's the magic over there."

"Could be it being a different realm and all." Bobby guessed sitting down at the table with the boys. "Did ya have any trouble?"

"Few mishaps, but nothing we couldn't handle."

"I'm just glad you boys are back in one piece."

"I'm heading for bed; I could sleep for a week." Sam yawned getting up head upstairs.

"I'll be up in a minute."


Bobby watched Dean watch his brother, a thoughtful look on his face. After the boys got some rest, he was going to hear about their journey. He could see the exhaustion and concern on Dean's face and wondered what had happened to them. Dean sipped his beer, closing his eyes to savor the taste.

"I'm glad ya and yer brother are home. It lightens my heart to see ya sitting there again."

"It's good to be home Bobby, it truly is."