This is the sequel to I'm Just a Puppet.

Read that before reading this to know what happened.

How long have I've been seeing the same dream? It replays over and over again.

I'm at a party singing, then I notice a mangled up animatronic on the ceiling. I stand up and move to protect some guy, I guess it is his party. Then I was on ground with that guy yelling at me. Then I fell asleep.

Now that thing been playing over and over in my head.

But sometimes it will stop and I'll hear people talking to me. I only listen if I hear a name and no nurse or doctor to it.

The two most common names I hear are Mike and Marion. I love the Marion person cause they're funny and tells me stories. Mike reads me a book each time he's here.

I always feel like yelling out when they turn sad. I want them to feel happy. I want them to be OK.

The other day, Marion and the nurse got happy cause I moved my hand a little. They said I still have life in me.

I have been feeling like waking up to meet Marion and Mike, but I'm stick here, watching that dream.

Marion isn't losing hope, but sadly Mike is. He hasn't been coming very much anymore. When he does come, he is so sad and it puts me in pain.

I want to wake up and talk to them. I want to be out of this nightmare.

"Jeremy, Mike is here. He brought flowers."

Ah. It's the nurse.

I didn't know my name till Mike and Marion said it so much that I took Jeremy was me.

Yay! He's reading the story!

Um... That isn't the same place we left at.

Hey, Mike stop! No, wrong area! I hate jumping ahead in stories!

"Nah!" I let out angrily.

He stops reading. "What? Something wrong?"

A hand touches my forehead.

"Nah..." I move my head and open an eye.

What?! I'm out of that nightmare!

I look around confused. Where am I?

"Jeremy?" A man beside my bed said to me.

I look at him. "A... Are you M... Mike?" I ask.

He only nods. Then tears starts coming. "You're awake!"

Well, yeah I'm awake. I won't be talking to you if I wasn't.

"Yeah..." I look around some more.

I'm in a hospital room. There are lots of flowers, drawings, and stuff animals around the room.

I look at my body. I have a bracelet on my left wrist. I decide to look at it more.

"M... Marion aka Marionette?" What is this thing?

"You made that a year ago. The person you love has another one you made." Mike was wiping his tears away.

"H... How long have I b... Been sleeping?" I look at Mike.

"A year." He frowns.

That long?! I've thought it was a few days!

I frown. Is that why he was losing hope?

"Wh... Where's Marion? I want to m... Meet him." I really want to.

"He's at his restaurant. A lot has changed in a year. I'll tell you about it." Mike then told me what happened while I was asleep.

The animatronic thing in my dream and 4 others were forced to be scrapped. Marion bought the originals and opened up his own restaurant. He hired most of the same people. Mike is getting married next month to some girl named Ginger. My stepfather was found guilty and my stepsister went to a different home that is far away.

Only problem is... I don't remember anyone!

I'm scared now. What else did I forget?!

"M... Mike... I don't r... Remember anything!" I scream and start crying.

Mike hugs me. "It's OK. I'll help you remember."

A nurse came in latter. We did some test.

Turns out... I can't walk anymore...

I'm just wanting to cry all today. Waking up from one nightmare, just put me in another.

"I... I can't walk!" I scream out in sadness.

The nurse comforts me the best she could.

"It's l... Like I jumped to the f... Future!" I cry out more. "I don't kn... Know anything!"

Mike came back in. He quickly walks over and hugs me. "Sh... It's OK."

I shake my head. "N... No! It's n... Not ok! I don't r... Remember anyone or anything!"

"Hope about I get you out of her and we go get you some really food. Then I'll make a plan to help you." Mike pets my head.

"S... S... Sure." I start to calm down.

Then Mike left. He came back with a man, I guess is a doctor, and a wheelchair.

"Jeremy." The doctor had a funny accent. "You are a miracle. You survived a terrible head injure... Though you have seem not remember how to walk or as Mike told me, anything about your life."

I smile at him. "I... I'm just happy to b... Be alive." I've calmed down as I waited.

Mike picks me up and put me in the wheelchair.

I smile at him. "Th... Thanks."

"Now to Marion's restaurant!" Mike races me out of there.

"Wwwwaaaahhhh! Sl... Slow down!" I yell as we almost hit the doors, but they open on their own. "Huh?"

Mike laughs.

I opened my own restaurant to keep most of my family alive. So, to get Purple Guy in my trap.

You see, the night of... The Bite. The souls of the 4 children came and talked to me. We made a plan to get him back.

I made a special room in my restaurant and I put the wearable suits in.

Turns out Shadow Freddy is really purple and Shadow Bonnie was really a wearable suit that is Golden Bonnie. I also put Golden Freddy in there.

I leave Golden Freddy on at night, but he has to be really turned on by something else, so he doesn't force me into the room. He is to scare him into the room.

I put an alarm for when something goes in that room at night and days were closed.

Everything is OK, but Uncle Foxy was messing up. So he is out of service till a repairman comes and checks him out.

Dad doesn't move that much anymore. I think it's because he is the oldest.

Mom is really interested in food now. It's really annoying when she is in the kitchen. Also, when I work the night shift, she stares at me through the window.

Don't get me started about Uncle Bonnie! He is scary at night! He seems to teleports! Also, he'll stare in the doorway at me.

They don't hurt me. They jump up and tickle me to were I almost pee myself!

I'm working the day shift and I'm dress up as my character, Marionette. I'm still the same character, but I host parties now.

Mike called today and told me to be ready. I have no clue what he meant.

I hear Mike's horn and I ran to the window. He was coming in with a guy in a wheelchair.

WAIT! That's Jeremy!

I'm so happy! He's awake!

When they came in I ran over and hug Jeremy.

"You're awake! Oh! My! God Bear! You're awake!" I yell and cry. I pull back and look at Jeremy.

"Who are you?"