Hello readers! Inspiration struck me one night, and I came up with this! This is going to be a multi chapter fic, and I am open to suggestions and prompts. (On my other story, I had a set plot from the beginning.) This is an AU, although we will definitely meet lots of Fairy Tail characters… and maybe a few from other fandoms. Eh heh heh… But I digress. Also, this fic will be pretty Levy-centric. Hopefully you enjoy this!
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima-sensei does.

Magnolia: a gorgeous city with a mild climate and booming businesses. You see, this city is run by big business owners, or tycoons. Each one controlled a certain aspect of the city. Mr. Laxus Dreyar, for example, is the man responsible for the city's electricity. Ms. Porlyusica Marvell runs the health industry. These leaders are the rulers of the city. And even though it may seem like a foreign concept to you or I, they do a very good job of keeping Magnolia up and running. Who am I, you ask? I am Mavis, the founder of Magnolia. Let me tell you a story…


Late one night, a young woman staggered into her apartment. She shucked off her shoes and groaned.

"Ahhh, that's a relief. Mavis, those things hurt!" she rubbed her feet. "Ugh, Phil was being a royal pain. Why am I even talking to myself? Oh yeah, because I'm working two jobs and slowly going insane. Gee, Levy, why didn't you think of that?"

The girl slipped off her clothes and tugged on her pajamas. "At least there's no dress code."

The girl, now identified as Levy, went to bed. "I should probably find a new job… after today, I think I'll need one." She sighed, and turned off the lights.

The next day, she was doing just that.

"Lu, do you know if any of your friends has a job open?" Well, kinda. Levy was chatting with her friend Lucy at her apartment. She crammed a handful of chips in her mouth. Lucy sipped from a can of soda.

"Hmm… no." Lucy, an attractive twenty-something blonde, was slouched on her couch.

"Oh well…"

"Wait, actually, yes!" she bolted upright, startling Levy.

"You know how I'm a PA (A/N: Personal Assistant) for Natsu?"

Levy nodded. He was the head of Igneous Pyrotechnics and one of Magnolia's famous 'good' tycoons.

"How could I forget?"

"Well, his cousin, Gajeel, is looking for a PA, too! I could put in a good word for you." Lucy offered.

"Thanks, Lu, but… I really don't think I'm cut out for that type of job. I mean, does he really want a rookie? I'm an editor, not a secretary." Levy said.

"Well, Natsu took me in! It sounds like you're scared." Lucy teased. She poked Levy in the arm, grinning.

"I-I'm not scared! I-uh, just don't have the clothes for it…" Levy replied, looking away.

"Oh, that won't be a problem…" Lucy shot Levy a sly grin, whipping out a handful of credit cards.


Gajeel Redfox looked out over the Magnolia skyline. His office was at the top of his building, the MetaTech office, and the view was unrivaled. Sighing, he sat down at his desk. The day had been especially tiring, with a shit load of meetings, which was a disaster for him. Being a tycoon had its low points. The man looked at his messy desk. There were papers strewn everywhere, some on the floor. He shoved half of them off the desk and buried his head in his hands. He really needed a PA, like his ash-for-brains cousin.

He grabbed his phone and called his second-in-command.

"Hey, Lil." he looked out at the Magnolia skyline, the sun casting colors over the skyscrapers as it set. "Put out an ad. I need an assistant."


"Luuuu…" Levy moaned, "Is this really necessary?"

"Of course!" Lucy marched along the fashion district of Magnolia, dragging Levy along. "We are going to find you some work clothes, whether you like it or not!"

"But-but I'm never going to wear them!" Levy complained.

"Of course you are! You'll wear them to the interview, and when you finally get that editor's job, you can wear these."

"Well, then, I'll pay for it!" the smaller woman complained, yanking her hand out of Lucy's grasp.

"No! I have money to burn, and you're struggling to pay your rent. I WILL pay. I insist. Besides, how long has it been since we've gone shopping?" Lucy grinned. "C'mon!"

Levy sighed, but had to admit that she had fun. They went shopping and even though Lucy insisted on paying with her bottomless credit cards, Levy did manage to sneak a few purchases by.

"Where does all this money come from, Lu?" Levy groaned as Lucy bought yet another pencil skirt for herself.

"Natsu." Lucy answered simply. "Being a PA pays well. Daddy's 'benefits' don't hurt, either."

"Hmph." Levy looked away. Being a PA never looked so appealing.
They perused the better part of the Retail District, and Levy got enough clothes to stock a small boutique. She found an orange top with a large white bow on it that she took a liking to. They shopped until sundown and then crashed at Levy's place.

Levy sighed. Lucy had agreed to stay over and they were staring at the ceiling in their pajamas.

"Is Gajeel nice?" Levy asked. She looked over at Lucy.

"Dunno. Natsu is, though." Lucy replied. "Like, he actually likes me for my personality, not my… assets."

"Both politically and physically?" Levy teased, gesturing to her large chest.

"Yeah… I'm not just another pretty faced rich girl to him." Lucy smiled. She grabbed Levy's hand and squeezed. "He's… well, he's so kind."

"Huh." Levy said, looking back at the ceiling.

I wonder what he'll be like…


Three days later, on the day of the interview…

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Levy slammed her hand on her alarm clock.

"Ugh…" she groaned, forcing herself out of bed. "The thing's too loud."

She stumbled out of bed, rubbing her eyes. As she walked past the her calendar, she stopped.

"Today's the day!" she screeched. As if possessed by a burst of energy, she ran around the house, getting ready for her big day.

After an hour and a half, when she was putting the finishing touches on her makeup, there was a knock on her door.

"No, not now! I swear, if it's Jet or Droy coming to check on me…" She moaned, but opened the door anyways. Lucy stood in the doorway, grinning. She was dressed in her work clothes, swinging a key ring on her finger.

"Need a ride?"


"We have six ladies who are coming today." Pantherlily was briefing him. The man had a folder in his hands.

"I'll interview them and when-" Gajeel held up a hand, cutting off the older man.

"No. I'll do it." He said evenly.

"But-" Pantherlily protested.

"No. One of them will become my PA, yeah? I want to know them." Gajeel said firmly. Lily raised an eyebrow. This was very unlike Gajeel.

"Very well. Here are their papers. I'll escort them in when they get here." Lily nodded and gave him the folder, then exited the office.
Gajeel looked at the papers in his hand. The one on the top caught his eye. A woman with bright blue hair stared up at him from the picture. The name underneath read Levy McGarden.


"Lu, you know, I could just take a cab." Levy whined, strapped into the back of the blonde's gray BMW.

"No! I set this up, so I feel obligated to help." Lucy said determinedly, revving the engine on her car.

Levy pouted. After Lucy barged in, she practically kidnapped Levy and dragged the bluenette into her car, barely giving her enough time to grab her purse.

"Lu, you didn't even give me enough time to put in my contacts! You're lucky I always keep my glasses in my bag or I would've murdered you." Levy opened her bag and stuck a pair of red-rimmed spectacles on her face. She shook her fist at her friend, who only giggled.

"Well, I knew you would've prepared a bag the night before. Remember that fiasco with my cotillion?" Lucy grinned and Levy gasped.

"Don't even mention that!" Levy croaked out. "You'll jinx me!"

They giggled, and then Lucy pulled up in front of the MetaTech building.

"Good luck!" she called, sticking her head out the window and giving her a thumbs up.

"Thanks! Say hi to Natsu for me!" she waved, and then stepped through the threshold into the MetaTech building.


Gajeel took a deep breath. The woman he was interviewing was an incompetent, brainless broad. Sure, she was pretty, but as she twittered about her cat and makeup, Gajeel sighed.

"Thank you, Penny. That's fine for now. Lily, see her out?" Gajeel cut her off and the woman frowned, grabbing her bags.

"My name is Patricia." Pen-Patricia sniffed, and walked out of the room. Her tall heels clicked on the stone floors.

Lily touched his headset. "A new woman is in the lobby. She says her name is 'Levy McGarden'."

Gajeel froze. The girl with the blue hair was here. He cleared his throat, straightening his tie. "S-send her up."

Lily raised his eyebrow at him. "Everything alright in there?"

"S'fine. Go!" Gajeel shooed Lily out of his office. He sat down at his desk, waiting for her.

And, five minutes later, she appeared.


When Levy stepped into the MetaTech building, she was awed.

"Whoa…" the building was sleek and modern, with glass and chrome steel everywhere. Mr. Redfox definitely spared no expense when he decorated. The receptionist chuckled, and Levy realized she had just voiced her latest thought out loud.

"How can I help you?" the lady sitting at the reception desk addressed Levy.

"Um, I'm here for the PA interview? For Mr. Redfox." Levy said nervously. It was finally time!

"Mmm-hmm… can you tell me your name?" the receptionist clicked away at her computer.

"It's Levy McGarden. Small c, big g." Levy replied.

"-D-E-N. Okay, just take a seat and I'll send you up in a minute!" the woman behind the desk smiled, and Levy sat down on one of the white leather chairs

After about five minutes, a tall bald man escorted a woman out of the elevator. He paused by her chair and asked, "Are you Miss McGarden?"

"Y-yes." Levy replied, startled.

"Mr. Redfox will see you now." he nodded, and she followed him to the elevator, trailing behind him like a lost child. "Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Pantherlily." He held out his hand for her to shake.

"A-ah. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Pantherlily." Levy said, taking his hand and shaking it firmly. "I'm Levy, but you probably already know that, huh?"

"Please, call me Lily." He said. Levy immediately felt at ease with him.

They entered the elevator, and an awkward silence fell over them.

"The building is pretty overwhelming, right?" Lily said.

"Yeah, kind of. It's really different from what I'm used to." Levy said sheepishly.

"I'm sure you would be able to get used to it." the man said kindly.

"Mmm… well, that's if I get the job." Levy replied, flustered. She pushed her glasses up higher on the bride of her nose.

"I'm sure you will." Lily replied with a smile, and then the elevator doors opened.


When the elevator doors opened, Gajeel almost spit out his coffee. The woman was tiny! She probably didn't even come up to his chest if he stood up.

He shook silently, trying to contain his laughter. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lil shake his head.

Quickly, he composed himself while she was checking something in her purse.

Gajeel studied her from a business man's perspective. Apart from her shortness, she had dressed properly, with a white blouse tucked into a pencil skirt. Her hair really was blue! It was darker than Juvia's but lighter than Wendy's. She had on heels, but not those very-inappropriate-for-work torture devices the other women were wearing. And when she looked up, he noticed a pair of red-rimmed glasses perched on her nose. All in all, she definitely looked professional.

The woman was looking at him, so he greeted her.

"Miss McGarden?" she nodded. "Please have a seat." He gestured at the two sitting chairs in front of his desk. She sat delicately in one and placed her handbag next to her.

He asked her some questions, and then the real test came.

"What do you like to do in your free time?" Gajeel braced himself. All the other interviewees talked about their phones or pets or love life. He really didn't want someone who was obsessed with social media as his PA.

"Well, I really like to hang out with my friends. They're an… entertaining bunch. I also like to read and edit stories. I do that for my friend. She wants to become a writer. It's really fun!" she said cheerfully.

Gajeel was surprised. This shorty really was different from the rest.

"Thank you, that'll be all." He nodded, and scratched some notes on his pad. She walked to the elevator.

"I'll escort you out." Lily murmured, and they were gone.

Is there really any doubt about who I should pick?


When she stepped out of the elevator, Levy wasn't surprised. Mr. Redfox's office was chrome steel and glass just like the rest of the building, but the man sitting behind the modern desk was what set this room apart from the rest. He was tall, really tall with a heavily muscled figure and long, wild, black hair pulled back in a ponytail. Piercings covered his face, and when the sleeve of his (most likely expensive) suit slid up, she could see some on his arms, too. He looked very intimidating, so she pretended to check something in her bag just to stall.

He greeted her in, and asked her some questions. Why she wants the job, what she does now, blah, blah, blah. All the usual stuff. She answered them all nervously, and then the final question came.

"What do like to do in your free time?"

There was no hesitation or nervousness in her voice this time. "Well, I really like to hang out with my friends. They're an… entertaining bunch. I also like to read and edit stories. I do that for my friend. She wants to become a writer. It's really fun!" she replied cheerfully.

"Thank you, that'll be all." Gajeel dismissed her, and she took the elevator down to the lobby. Lily accompanied her, and even though he was polite, she help feel like Gajeel was… distant, almost cold.

Lily noticed her worried look and smiled. "That's part of Gajeel. His personality is as little off-putting, but he's a good man."

"Oh! I-uh, didn't mean to be rude, just thinking…" Levy said, flustered.

"That's quite alright. Here you are." The elevator doors opened, and Levy stepped out. "Have a nice day, Miss Levy."

"Good-bye!" she waved at Lily, cutting through the lobby.

And she stepped out into the sunlight.

A/N: This… is really long…

I hope you like it anyways! I like the idea of Levy as an office lady. Eh heh heh heh… I'm going with the idea that Lucy's dad is alive and they are on speaking terms, but are still pretty distant. Mr. Heartfillia still feels bad, so he basically gives her all the money she wants.

Suggestions? Comments? Leave a review!

Signing off,
Miss Quiet Writer