
The story of "Sua Sponte" is not a final draft and is subject to change and revision.

The story "Sua Sponte" was made because of inspiration from another story motivated me to write. The story that inspired me is called "Last Alarm" here on and the writer firemanjim is a good writer, you should check out his story first before reading mine as it will run more smoothly if you do.

Here I will explain how these two stories are connected.

Now where Jim's story is about him joining a Private security Company after a long career as a Firefighter/Paramedic in Texas. He does this due to many factors that can lead a 40 year old man to join a mens club of military vets from various Special Operations units.

Jim was glad he joined the PMC as he found a new sense of belonging. With him becoming best friends with a former SAS member, Andrew. He is now able to do something he regretted not doing long ago, he wish to be a US Navy SEAL since high school.

Now excited for what action and new experiences lay ahead for him Jim was on his way to his first mission to Africa. Two teams named BLUE Team and GREEN Team were to protect pipeline workers from local tribesman. Both teams were lead by two friends, former DELTA force Captains, and owners of the PMC Jim is employed in, John Ross Wallace and Chris Adkins.

On their way to Africa they had to make an emergency landing in Tokonosu city, Japan to get some repairs. What happened in the early morning hours is that a pandemic of never before seen proportions hit all over the world. The 16 men of GREEN and BLUE Teams then fight to survive this pandemic which seems to have come from some sci-fi film.

As they fight their way to possible safety circumstance made J.R. give the order for everyone to split up to go to the American Embassy in Tokyo.

And that is where our stories split.

In the net few hours of chaos Jim gets lost and runs into the cast from the "Highschool of the Dead". His inner fireman kicks in and he looks after them throughout the outbreak. That is how "Last Alarm" is set up, and that is very vague information I know but I want y'all to read it to know everything instead of me spoiling everything.

In "Sua Sponte" we start off where Jim left off with the teams in chapter 35 where excerpts from the chapter are put in to introduce BLUE and GREEN Teams as well as Echo and Foxtrot platoons of Bravo Company, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division of the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force. Whose characters are based off of the anime "PATLABOR"

Its a story of survival in what would be the worst disaster to fall on mankind, and on an individual level its a story of moral conflict. Can Matt be a glimmer of light in a very dark world, or is that just hopeful dreaming? Can he be able to protect his brothers in arms while living with the tough decisions he will have to take?

My main character is a loose representation of me. I am a volunteer firefighter, however I am not currently or formerly a veteran of the US Army. Nor would I ever claim to be one, stolen valor is something only sick people would do.

I have never claimed to be anything I have not earned.

I do have permission from Jim to use portions of his story in mine as this is a collaboration of stories made to show two different experiences in the setting of "Highschool of the Dead". I do ask him for advice and info on how the story should progress since it is his characters and plot being used.

Now since it is a collaboration I am fashioning the story for people who have read "Last Alarm" to jump into the story since they will know everything that is going on. I am also making it so that anyone who has not read "Last Alarm" can make sense out of everything that is happening.

On a final note I have little experience writing, especially writing long chapters for a story. So I would appreciate any criticism, comments, and reviews as to how I can improve. No one ever got better by assuming they are doing good so please send them reviews so I can improve the story for y'all.

I hope you guys enjoy "Sua Sponte".
