A flash of light entered Ash's eyes, the light blinding him for a few seconds as his eyes took awhile to adjust. He found himself laying in a bed, a heart monitor next to him, beeping with the pace of his heartbeat.

His ears then picked up on something he wasn't expecting. Music. It sounded like it was coming from a nearby radio. It was a person singing, he couldn't pick up what he was saying, all he heard was something about "the man who sold the world".

Ash tried moving his arms to push himself up, it felt stiff. As if he hadn't move for quite a long time. He then remembered what happened, he had saved Serena from whatever that was controlling her, and soon after that he blacked out. He sat up and took a look at his surroundings, there was no one else in the room. Outside his room window was nothing but pitch darkness, indicating that it was night. To the left of his bed was his hat and Pikachu, sleeping soundly next to its trainers hat. Ash was relived to see his partner alright and with him.

Ash then noticed that he was shirtless, and wrapped in bandages. Although he wasn't feeling any pain or discomfort sustained from his injuries, he didn't want to think about it.

Suddenly, he heard a door opened nearby. He turned his head around and saw Nurse Joy, pushing a tray of medical equipment into the room and saw Ash up and awake.

"Oh, you're awake!" Nurse Joy exclaimed.

It was then Ash realise where he was. But just to make sure, Ash decided to ask anyway.

"Where am I...?" Ash asked.

"You're in a Pokemon Centre, you arrived here by helicopter. You were in a pretty bad condition when you were brought in. Thank goodness you're alright!" Nurse Joy said, smiling in relief at the raven haired trainer's wellbeing.

Pikachu heard the commotion that was going on and was awoken. When the electric rodent saw its trainer had woken up as well, it happily leapt onto Ash with happiness.

"Hey there buddy! You missed me?"

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu exclaimed.

"I'm just glad you're alright!" Ash said, gently stroking Pikachu's head.

After that, Nurse Joy did a quick medical check-up on Ash. Testing his blood pressure and changing bandages were one of the many procedures Ash went through.

After everything had checked out, Ash wore back his usual traveling outfit and put his hat back on. He double-checked his bag to make sure everything was still there. Pokedex, his Pokemons Pokeballs, his camping equipment. Everything were still where he had left it.

Ash checked the time using his Pokedex, 2:33 AM. It was pretty late at night right now.

Just then, the door to his room opened. And three people entered, Mike, a tall looking man who wore a peaked cap and had a three star insignia on his shoulder and...

"Wait, aren't you that Officer Jenny that helped us with that incident at Hope Tower?!" Ash remarked.

"That's Cap... Ah forget it..." Jenny said.

Nurse Joy decided to leave them be as she left the room to finally call it a day.

"How are you doing kid?" Mike asked.

"Feeling a little bit better, the wound still hurts though."

"Electrical burns would usually take up to a few days minimum to heal." The man in peaked cap said with a thick accent.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name." Ash said.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Général de division Alexander Miller, leader of the KSATTF."

"Leader huh." Ash said.

"You must be Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town correct? We've been keeping an eye on you since that Garchomp incident in Lumiose City."

"I figured as much..." Ash said.

"You've been unconscious for 2 days. A lot of things had been discovered at the camp thanks to your friend, Serena." Jenny said.

"Se... Serena?!" Ash exclaimed.

"Because of her and Meowth from Team Rocket. They were able to save the camp from total annihilation." Mike continued.

Team Rocket, he remembered them disobeying orders to retreat and continued onwards into the camp.

"Where are Team Rocket anyway?" Ash asked.

"They disappeared as soon as we recaptured the camp." Jenny replied.

"In any case, for their efforts in stopping a serious threat in the Kalos region. I hereby clear them of all previous charges." Alaxender said.

"Now with that settled, I think you should go see your friends." Jenny suggested.

"Where are they?" Ash asked.

"At the reception area." Mike answered. "We called them out to discuss about something."

"Best join up with them." Ash said as he walked towards the door. "Aren't you coming as well?" He asked.

"Oh, we'll catch up." Mike said.

Ash nodded and decided to see himself out. As soon as the door closed and they were sure no one was listening, Jenny then turned to face the General.

"We should have told them." Jenny said.

"We didn't need to."

"With all due respect Sir, this is something-!"

"-We shouldn't reveal to the public. If word gets out about a weapon from 3000 years ago. It'll cause widespread panic throughout the region."

"The General is right, this isn't something that should get out to the public." Mike said.

Jenny clenched her first. She knew the General was right, but it felt wrong not informing anyone about this! Their lives could potentially be at stake. Jenny prayed that this was the right thing to do.

Ash walked down the dim hallway of the Pokemon Centre. The quietness of the long empty hallway made Ash feel relaxed. He hadn't felt this relax for the past few days.

Ash then entered the reception area and saw Serena, Clemont and Bonnie sitting at a nearby couch. Bonnie and Clemont had both fell asleep on each other. With Serena, her hat placed on the table just twiddling her thumbs. When she saw Ash standing there she was shocked.

"A... Ash!" Serena exclaimed.

"In the flesh. Are you o-"

Serena interrupted Ash by embracing him into a hug.

"-kay..." Ash said.

"You got me so worried!" Serena said hugging Ash even tightly.

Ash decided to return the hug. The warmth of her hug made him realize how much he had missed Serena.

"It's alright Serena, I'm here." Ash spoke softly.

Just as they both released their grip on each other, Clemont and Bonnie both woke up. The siblings were just as shocked to see Ash as well.

"Ash! You're finally awake!" Clemont said.

"Are you feeling alright?" Bonnie asked. "You got me so worried!"

"I'm fine guys, well... mostly alright." Ash said.

Just then, Mike, Jenny and Alexander entered the room.

"I see that you're all now reacquainted." The General said.

"So, why are we here?" Ash asked.

"Serena please step forward." Jenny ordered.

"Oh um... Okay then..." Serena said, as she took a few steps forward to face the General who was holding a small box in his hands.

"Serena Yvonne, for your valiant effort and bravery in a top secret military operation. I would like to commemorate the Kalos Legion Of Honour to you, the highest civilian award in Kalos." Alexander said as he opened the box. Inside was a gold medal, engraved on it was the Prism Tower, surrounded by a crest.

Serena was taken back in surprised by this. She couldn't believe her eyes. Was she really getting a medal for serving her region.

"I... Uh... Wha...?!" Was all Serena could let out, still being taken by surprise of this.

"Also, as ordered by the "Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur", you're hereby awarded the title of "Chevalier"."

Serena got even more of a shock when she heard that. She was given an honorary title by the "National Order of the Legion of Honour ".

Jenny then walked up and removed the medal from the box. She then pin the medal on the red vest she was wearing.

"You did Kalos proud." Jenny whispered.

Alexander, Jenny and Mike then turned attention to Serena and saluted her.

Serena, who remained hesitant at first about all this. But she finally accepted it and saluted back at them.

Once they were both done, Ash, Clemont and Bonnie walked up to her with a sense of of proudness on their faces.

"Congratulations Serena!" Ash said.

"Your mother would be proud." Clemont said.

"Chevalier. That's such a cool title!" Bonnie exclaimed.

Serena blushed heavily with a huge shade of red on her face that almost made her looked like a Tomato Berry.

"Serena, there's something that I need to tell you." Ash said nervously.

"What is it As-"

Ash grabbed Serena by the shoulder and pulled her close, their lips intertwining. Ash knew that he had always made reckless moves throughout his journey, but this was a really bold move, even for him. But it didn't matter anymore, the warmth of Serena's lips tells him that it was all worth it.

The kiss lasted for a good few seconds before he released Serena. Her face an even darker shade of red now. Everyone else in the room couldn't help but smile at this rather cute scene between two childhood friends.

"I love you, Serena. Ash exclaimed.

Serena process those words for a good 15 seconds before she replied.

"You're one hell of a kisser, Ash Ketchum."

Lysandre slammed his desk in anger. He couldn't believe it, those dammed people had captured Project ARCADIA! All the funding and time invested into this project. All for nothing! It was only a matter of time before everything would lead back to him.

What's even worse is that Malamar had gone AWOL and had never returned. The Pokemon, along with the chopper that extracted Malamar, were never seen again.

But it didn't matter, for he had another plan in the works. Something that would bring Kalos down to its knees.

He picked up the phone on his desk and started dialling numbers on it. The phone rang for a few seconds before a person on the other end picked up.

"Z has come to." Was the only thing Lysandre said before hanging up.

He turned on the activated the giant screen opposite of his office and waited. Slowly, the orange coloured background of the Lysandre Labs logo changed into a shade of green.

Radio chatter that was picked up from all over the place kept repeating the same phrase.

"Z has come to."

A few days had passed since Ash had awoken. His injuries had finally healed. But as a precaution Nurse Joy had advised them to stay for a few more days to do some final medical check-ups. Braixen, who had been injured a few days ago had thankfully made a full recovery. Much to Serena's relief.

Slowly but surely, life went back to normal for everyone.

The next day, they were all ready to continue on their journey again.

"Is everyone good to go?" Ash asked, now fully recovered and back to his usual self.

"Ready!" Bonnie said.

"All set here." Clemont said.

"Serena?" Ash asked.

Serena, who was still sitting on one of the couches was looking at the medal she had received. The KSATTF had left shortly after the "award ceremony". Mike said that their team had been redeployed elsewhere, effective immediately. Mike also said that maybe someday their paths would cross again.

"Hellllo? Earth to Serena?" Bonnie yelled.

Serena jolt back from the sudden yelling and was brought back from her daydreaming.

"Come on "Chevalier"! You wouldn't want me to leave you now would you?" Ash teased.

"Very funny Ash." Serena said to his new boyfriend.

She clasped the medal and placed it in her bag. As she was about to leave, something dropped out from her pocket. Something small.

"Huh?" Serena said, looking down to see what she had dropped. A bottle cap with the words Slateport City Root Beer written on it.

"Is that a bottle cap?" Ash asked. "Where did you get that from?"

"Oh this? I got it from..." She trailed of for a bit. Trying to find the right word to say. She smiled and picked up the bottle cap and placed it in her bag.

"...A friend." She finally replied.

Ash seemed confused at first at why she struggled to reply his question. But he decided to ignore that thought.

"In any case, let's go! A bright new day awaits us!" Ash said as she grabbed Serena's hand and ran for the door.

"Woah, wait slow down!" Serena exclaimed as they passed by Clemont and Bonnie.

"Wait up you lovebirds!" Bonnie said as she started chasing after the couple. Leaving Clemont behind.

"Wa... Wait...! Don't leave me behind!" Clemont yelled. Slowly chasing after the rest of the group as they exited the Pokemon Centre.

Ash didn't know what laid ahead for him and the gang. But everything that happened these past few days had changed him. Made him realise that there was something more to life than just being a Pokemon Master.

With the events of the past finally passed them. It was time for Ash to look ahead to a brand new adventure, along with Clemont, Bonnie...

And Serena.

And that concludes Old Grudges ladies and gentlemen! WOOOOOOO (Fireworks in the background).

These past few months had been great. Writing these story had to be one of my toughest challenge yet. With now 18 chapters in total, it's finally time for me to move on to a new story.

Speaking about that, I'm happy to announce my new Amourshipping story! The title would be called "Cold, Cold, Heart". Yes, I know it's a title of a song, but it just fits really well for I'm planning. I'll give you the basic rundown of the story. It's going to be a sort of horror/mystery fic that takes place on a snowy mountain.

That's all I have to say now, I would like to again thank each and everyone of you who took the time to read this fanfic 6 months in the making. With that said, this is Ikcatcher, signing out!