Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I know it. You know it. Hell, everyone knows that I don't own VA or DOA.

Summary: Modern world. 50 fighters from all over the world and only one wins. It's a fight for being the ultimate fighter. The competition is ought to get interesting when there is a brewing romance, budding friendship, strategies, survival instincts and mysterious disappearances. This may not be a fight to death but this is a fight nonetheless.

Inspired by DOA movie and characters are slightly ooc.

Authors Note: I just had this idea when I was watching the movie DOA: Dead or Alive the other day. So, I was like why not try it! Warnings: the characters are OOC. I have changed a lot of things though. So, expect few surprises. And finally, sorry for all the typos, since I have written this all with my mobile, so I m sure you can imagine the terror (#mock horror and winks). This was first supposed to be a Hunger Games fanfic but the i changed my mind and made it VA.

Hope you guys like it! Some support would be great. Anyways, on with the chapter.

Lissa's POV

Survival is an instinct. Every human does everything possible to survive. Some people kill, some people sell themselves and I, well, I just follow my Uncle's orders. My Uncle, Victor Dashkov is a biggest dealer in the underworld. There are many things that he has done, but showing kindness is not one of them. He never showed any form kindness to his own daughter or neice, in my case, forget about showing them to strangers.

As I said, my Uncle is the biggest dealer, selling all kinds of drugs and well everything illegal. But his biggest achievement is the "ULTIMATE _ X".

Ultimate is a fighting competition among the best fighters from all over the world. My Uncle is the founder of this great competition. There is only one winner in it though, that gets the title of ultimate championship fighter and a price of $100 millions. But the winner is never-

"Knock knock", the knocking on my door brings me out of my thoughts. I open my door to see one of the guards, Ron, I guess is his name, standing in front of me. I raise my eyebrow at him in question.

"Sir expects you to see in his office", he says in a very neutral voice showing no emotion whatsoever.

"Did he mention anything else?" I asked wondering what he needed from me now.

"No, ma'am. Just asked to bring you to him".

"Okay, let's go", I say closing and locking the door of my room behind me. I follow the guard through the long hallways and finally we reach the destination. Sir Victor Dashkov's office. At least 4 guards are stationed at his door. As if anyone comes in here, I mentally roll my eyes. A guard escorts me in while the other guy, Ron stands in his place. As soon as I enter the office, an overwhelming smell of medicines, blood and something else finds it place through my nose. I resist the urge to vomit, after all these years, I never got used to this smell.

"Uncle", I say in acknowledgment to his presence.

"Ah, my neice finally. You had me waiting for a long time"

"For what, Uncle?"

"I knew you would forget. Didn't I remind you last night of today's event", he said. I racked my brain for the answers but I came up with nothing.

"We are watching the videos of the fighters", he said after noticing my confusion. He had this evil glint in his eyes and I shuddered involuntarily at his gaze.

"Yes, Uncle", I manage to say. He looks at the guard beside me and asks him, "is everything ready?"

"Yes, sir", he says without missing a beat.

"Great. I would like to see them now"

"Yes sir", the guard says and escorts us at the other end of the hallway and into the control room which is highly secured. Any unauthorised person couldn't even place a finger in. As soon as we enter, everyone inside the room stands up.

"How many did you find?" my Uncle asks a man in the centre in a black suit. Spiridon , he is the head in the control room, managing and controlling everyone and my Uncle controls him.

"Fifty, sir", he replies.

"Only fifty? From all over the world, you can only find fifty fighters?" my Uncle asks.

"No... Yes, sir. I found many fighters but only 50 are worth it, sir"

"Did you send the invite?"

"No sir"

"Are they ready?"

"Yes sir. At your command, sir"

"Good, very good. Show me their current footage then", he commands. The computer comes to life at his command.

A pale faces comes up. A girl with red hair tied in a pony tail and dressed in black, is running from someone. Apparently, some drug dealers. She somehow manages to out run the two boys but ends up in a dark alley. A guy comes out from the end of the alley while she catches her breath. But the girl doesn't seem to notice him though. He comes behind her slowly and is about to grab her when she turns around and punches him in the stomach. He backs away and before she can run, the guys from the earlier catch up with her. All the three guys surround her, circling her. The boy, number 1, with blond hair is looking at her lustfully, eyeing her. The boy, number 2, with black hair looks at her smirking and the boy, number 3 is glaring at her for maybe punching her.

"Can't run anymore, sweetheart?" the boy, number 2 asks her. Ohoh! She can't escape now and probably my Uncle is about to make me see the girl getting raped or worse. Suddenly I hear a laugh and look at the screen to see the girl smirking and laughing. The guys' surrounding her looks as confused as I am.

"So, now can we get down to business, huh? I need to be home soon", she says.

"We will see. Who goes home, sweetheart", 2 says.

Then the boy, number 2 jumps on her from behind. She moves out of the way at the nick of time and punches him hard at the side of his head. The boy falls from the impact and looses conscious. The other two come at her together. She kicks the guy, number 1 at the back of his knee making him fall to the ground. She then punches the third guy, number 3 but he blocks as if expecting it. He catches her fist and turns it round breaking it probably. But she doesn't seem to be in pain. She brings her other hand and pulls at his hair, so he lets go of her hand. She is about to hit him again, when the guy 1 grabs her from behind. She struggles to get free, though it doesn't work. The guy 3 removes something shiny from his pocket, and I realize its knife. The girl's eyes widen seeing the knife.

"Now, not so brave, are we?" the guy 3 taunts tracing her face with the tip of the knife. She doesn't say anything, just gives him a smirks at him. For a minute, I thought she lost it. But the she kicks him hard where the sun doesn't shine. The guy 3 doubles over pain and falls to the ground. The guy 1 seems to have loosened the grip on her because she easily gets out and punches him in the throat. Soon, he follows his friends and falls to the ground. The girl looks around at the three of them and seems to be pleased with her. She then climbs the bins and then the wall at the end and turns back to look at them. The videos pauses at that moment and at the side of her image is her profile information.

NAME: Jill Mastrano

AGE: 20

GENDER: Female

Spiridon looks at my Uncle and seems to be asking a question. My Uncle nods at him and say, "send it".

The video plays again. This time, the girl, Jill is running through roofs and suddenly a shiny thing falls in front of her. A metal shaped in the form of X, is the invite. The girl is invited for the ULTIMATE _X competition.

Thank you for reading!

Author's note: this is Romitri fanfic guys and it is just starting. Did you guys like it? Next time we will meet Eddie, Rose and maybe a certain hot Russian God.
