Freddy woke up to the sound of an alarm going off next to his bed. He reached his hand out of the covers and smashed the alarm clock. After throwing the covers off, he gets up and puts on a red T-shirt and blue jeans. He goes to check the time only to remember that he smashed his clock
He walks downstairs to be greeted by his father, Frederick Fazbear Sr. "Morning Son." Frederick said in a neutral tone, as he took of sip of his coffee. Freddy yawns as he replies, "Hey Dad, is Teddy up yet? I don't wanna be late again."
Frederick tells him, "No,wake him up for me will you." Freddy nodded and proceeded up the stairs. His younger brother Teddy always slept through his alarm. Freddy slowly opened the door and peeked inside. Teddy was sleeping on his bed with all the blankets thrown off, with the exception of the one he was laying on. Freddy grabbed the bottom of the blanket and yanked it out from under Teddy, successfully throwing him off the bed
Meanwhile downstairs, Frederick heard a thump and a yell and assumed what had happened. Soon enough, Freddy ran down the stairs, followed by an angry Teddy. "Get back here!" Teddy yelled, still chasing Freddy. Frederick sat down his coffee down and stopped Teddy's rage. "Calm down before you're late for school
Eventually, Teddy ran up stairs and grabbed his red beanie, a white T-shirt, and his black pants with a chain on them. Freddy on the other hand was eating oatmeal with some orange juice. Teddy had to grab a granola bar on the way out to the bus. "Teddy hurry up, the bus is here!" Freddy shouted to his younger brother, who was running to the bus stop. "I'm here, I'm here." he said while panting heavily. The two brothers sat with their respective friends

At Cawthon High School

Bonnie stood outside Cawthon High School with her brother, Donnie. "Let's go sis, its just a new school." Donnie said with confidence. Making friends came very easily to him. She sighed and followed him inside. A girl with shoulder-length blonde hair approached them. "Hi, are you new here?" Bonnie gave a sly mile and asks, "Is it that obvious?" The girl smiled and replied, "I know that nobody here has neat hair like yours!" Bonnie knew she was referring to her purple colored hair and her brother's streaks of purple in his black hair. Donnie spoke up, "Yeah our family has this weird thing for the color purple."
She giggled, "Oh really? By the way my name's Catherine ,but everyone calls me Chica!" Bonnie finally says "I'm Bonnie and this idiot is my twin brother, Donnie." Chica whispered to Bonnie, "I know what it's like to have an annoying sibling." They both laughed as Donnie stood there confused. He was about to ask what was so funny when he was knocked over by a boy with reddish-brown hair and a red beanie. "Hey watch it!" Teddy told Donnie. Teddy spotted Chica and ran to her. She sighed and asked, "What do you want Teddy?" He smirked and replied with a question of his own. "Where's Chia today, huh?"
Donnie interrupted,"Hey care to explain why you ran into me?" Teddy turned to him, "Well, you were standing in my way so, I solved the problem." he finished with a very smug look on his face. Donnie was about to speak when a boy with wavy brown hair walked up, looking very angry at Teddy. "Teddy how many times have I told you to stop harassing people." he said clearly annoyed at the younger boy. "Calm down bro, besides he got in my way." The older boy wasn't amused, he stood there and crossed his arms. Teddy turned away and left swearing under his breath. The brown haired boy apologized and introduced himself, "My name's Frederick Fazbear,but most people call me Freddy."

So to go over characters so far:





Toy Freddy=Teddy

Toy Chica=Chia

Also tell me what you think this is my first story so it might be bad.

There are more chapters to come if people want to see them

So tell me. Are you ready for Freddy?