One Night of Love

Edward Outtake # 5

~ All I Want to Do is Make Love to You ~

In a matter of minutes it seemed, Bella and I were stumbling up her stairs and falling down on her bed with me on top of her.

I was grateful I remembered to put a condom in my wallet. As much as I loved Katie, I knew Bella and I were no where near ready for more kids.

More kids?

The idea made me smile.

As soon as I pushed inside Bella, I knew I was home. I knew where I belonged for the first time in my life. My home and my heart was with her.

The way she looked at me when I moved in and out of her, so much love and longing in her eyes.

"God Edward, you're so hard," she gasped.

"You make me that way."

I wanted to make her come. I wanted to feel her all over me. I reached down and began to rub her clit making her squirm under me.

"That's it... I can feel you, come for me Bella. Let me have you."

"Edward, you feel... oh god, you feel so good," she moaned. "I'm... uhhh, I'm gonna..."

And then I felt her explode all over my cock. I held onto her as her body rocked, it was the most beautiful thing ever. I paused for a few beats and then I slammed into her.

"Bella..." I groaned.

I picked up my pace, faster and faster, harder and harder, deeper and deeper.

"Fuck... shit... " I hissed.

And then I was coming. I felt it from deep within. My cock pulsed and I came hard, giving her everything I had. I collapsed on top of her completely spent. I felt her hands all over my back making me shiver. I then leaned into her neck and kissed her there.

After I returned from the bathroom, Bella and I lay in bed wrapped in each others arms.

"It was just as I remembered," I sighed, and then kissed her lips. "Maybe even better."

"I can't believe how this all happened. I never thought I'd see you again, let alone be here like this with you."

"Something inside me felt so empty when I woke up without you that morning."

"I'm so sorry, Edward, I..."

"No, Bella, I understand," I stated, as I kissed her forehead. "I just meant that, I knew I loved you even then, and now we have a second chance. I want to take that for all it's worth."

"Me too," she replied. "Starting with Katie."

"What's her middle name?"

"Renee, after my mom."

"I like it," I smiled. "You've done such a good job with her, she's seems to be a happy little girl."

"She is, she was a good baby," she told me, and then her face fell. Her eyes looking down.

"Hey, its okay," I told her, as I lifted her chin. "I missed some, but I'm not going to miss anything anymore. It's you and me now, Bella... along with our baby girl. This is the home I never knew I wanted."

"I'm just so happy we've been given this chance, to make things right," I sighed. "I'm glad you want her."

"I'll always want her... and you. You're both apart of me."

"And you us," she breathed. She moved closer to me and kissed my lips, making me groan. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

"Tonight and every night after... if you'll have me?"

"There's no one else for me, but you Edward. It's always been you since the moment you got in my car."

I grinned at her and then moved so I was on top of her again. I leaned down and kissed her deeply and then I pulled back.

"Tell me about your tattoos."

I nodded and while still hovering over her, I motioned to the tattoo on my arm.

"The cross is my strength that always came from my mother, and the music notes used to be my life," I then shifted a little so she could see the one on my ribs. "My dad used to wear a ring just like this. He loved it and told me one day it would be mine. When the accident happened, the ring was damaged beyond repair, and so I had it drawn the best I could remember, so he'd always be with me."

She smiled at me as she traced the tattoo on my side with her index finger. Her touch was making me hard and I knew I wanted her again, but then I realized I only had one condom with me.

"I only had one condom. I wasn't really expecting this, seems I am ill prepared again."

She looked at me with a cheeky grin.

"Nightstand drawer."

I narrowed my eyes at her and then reached over to her nightstand. I grinned when I opened the drawer and saw there was an unopened box of condoms.

"I wasn't expecting it either, but oh how I hoped." She smiled.

"Why Bella, are you saying you want me again?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

I quickly opened the box and tore a condom from the strip. I had it one in a flash and then I once again, I was home.


The next morning it took all my strength to leave Bella, but I knew I needed to go back to Emmett's to change. We had decided we were going to talk to Katie later today and I needed time to get my head on straight. I knew if I stayed any longer, I'd put the rest of those condoms to use and never get out of bed.

I kissed Bella and told her I'd be back in a couple hours. I pulled into the driveway and walked into the house. Rose and Emmett were sitting at the kitchen able and when they saw me, they grinned though their teeth.

"Well look who decided to decided to come home," Emmett chuckled.

"Nice walk of shame Edward," Rose laughed.

"Good morning to the both of you too," I said. "Is there coffee?"

"Sure," Rose said. I looked to the pot and poured myself a cup. I knew she wasn't done with me yet. "So... did you have a good night?"

"Yes, it was a great night." I smiled.

"That's what I'm talking about," Emmett shouted. He got up from the table and smacked me on my shoulder, nearly making me choke on my coffee. "Edward finally got some ass."

"Hey that's my best friend's ass you're talking about," Rose snapped at Emmett and then she looked at me. "I"m glad you had a nice night."

"Thank you, " I replied. "Now if this morning after fun is over, I'm going to go shower and change. I told Bella I'd be back soon, she wants to talk to Katie."

"That's good," Emmett responded. "That little girl is going to love having you for a dad."

"Thanks little bro, I'm hoping so."

After my shower, I changed, and then headed back over to Bella's. I was so scared. I was scared that Katie wasn't going to want me or that she was going to be so mad at me for not coming sooner. However, I knew I had to face this and hope for the best.

"Hi," I greeted as Bella opened the door.

"Hey, come in." She moved to the side. "I was just telling her, she's being a little quiet right now."

I looked over and saw Katie sitting on the couch. She was looking down at her hands not saying a word.

"Can I try?"

"Of course, go ahead."

I slowly walked into the living room with Bella right behind me. I looked at Katie and swallowed the huge ass lump that was in my throat.

"Can I sit next to you?" I asked her.

She nodded.

I let out my breath and sat down beside her on the couch. I paused for a minute before I spoke to her.

"I guess you're a little confused right now," I started, "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, Katie. I understand if you're mad about that, but I'm here now, and I'd really like to get to know you. You're my baby girl and I am very excited about that."

Katie looked up at me and I continued.

"You and me, we both have long fingers, see?" I moved my hand so Katie could get a better look. She looked at my hands and then her own. "Maybe I can teach you to play the piano sometime?"

Katie was still silent. I wasn't sure what else to say to her. I didn't want to overwhelm her too much. I didn't want to scare her, so I knew I had to back off.

"I hope we can talk sometime." I told her, and as I was about to stand up, her little voice stopped me.

"Your eyes are gween." Katie finally said. "Like mine."

"Just like yours," I said.

"You're really my daddy?"

"I really am, Katie, and that makes me so happy."

I gasped when Katie got to her knees and fell into my arms. I instantly wrapped my arms around her as she clung to me. She was holding on so tightly and I never wanted her to let go. I held her for what seemed like an eternity and it still wasn't enough. She was my baby girl and I would do everything in my power to protect her. I could feel tears in my eyes as I held her and when I looked up at Bella, I could her wiping at her face.

Later that night, Katie had passed out from all the excitement and I helped Bella put her to bed. As I watched her sleep, I never wanted to take my eyes off of her.

"I can't believe she's mine."

"She is," Bella replied, and then squeezed my hand. "When she was first born, her eyes were so green. I think they only got deeper over the years."

"She's just so beautiful. I just can't get over that we made her together."

"We definitely did, she was made from love."

"She was, yes." I took Bella's hand and brought it to my lips for a kiss.

"Come, I need to talk to you about something."

Once down stairs again, Bella and I sat side by side in the couch, her hands still in mine.

"Before I came back here earlier, I got a call from my realtor. Before I knew you were here and about Katie, I was looking around at different houses and I found one just on the other side of town. I loved it the moment I saw it. It has four bedrooms, a large kitchen, an office, a huge den to put my baby grand. I had put an offer on the house and the realtor told me today the seller accepted my offer."

"Oh wow."

"Bella... the house is way too big for just me," I told her. "What made me fall in love with the house was the idea of one day raising a family in it with the woman I love. Never knowing, I already had that.

"I know everything is moving fast, but I love you and Katie so much. You two are my girls, and when you feel the time is right, I want you both to move in the house with me."

"Wow," she sobbed. "Really? You want that?"

"More than anything," I responded. "Bella, I know you made a life here for yourself, you have your own home..."

"Edward, that may be true, but this place is too small," she interrupted. "I just got you back and Katie needs to have her father in her life at all times. I don't want to be away from you, so yes. After we get things in order and talk to Katie about it, we'll move in with you."

"You will?"


"I love you so much, Bella."

"Well that's a good thing, because I love you too."

I knew that one night of love we shared forever changed my life. I knew it would never leave me as long as I lived, but I thought I lost it. I thought I lost her that night, but as it turned out, she was always so close, I just had to find her.

And find her I did. Not only did I get Bella back, but she gave me the best gift of all. She gave me a little girl who I loved more than anything. She gave me everything I was too closed off to know I even wanted.

That night definitely did change me. It made me change my priorities and get my head out of my ass. It made me realize what I was missing in my life.

It gave me love.

One night of love had turned into many nights from now until forever.

And there you have it, the end of Edward's words. As I said, the epi will post as soon as I am finished with it. When I post the epi, I'll do all my thanks, so until then...

Much Love