Of Unnatural amusements, Desperate coalitions, and Little Tsuna

Summary: In which 6 years old Tsuna is extremely lazy and sadistic and his older brother, 12 years old Giotto is precious to a fault. Together, they spend their lives with their barbaric and destructive friends and undergoing inconceivable events that would blow a normal person's head.

Disclaimers: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn and its characters. Just the plot of this ff.

i. Aspirin /ˈasp(ə)rən/- n. a synthetic compound used medicinally to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation.

Giotto's eyesight was blurry, his face and body burning, his head aching and he felt nausea overcoming him. He wanted to throw up, he wanted something cold, He wanted the pain to go away.

"You have a fever," His mother, Nana informed with worry," Don't worry, Gio-kun. I'll go buy medicine right now so please, just hold on okay? Is there something you want me to buy?"

"Mmm… I-ice cream…"

"You're not allowed to eat something cold, Gio-kun!" Nana scolded, her lips turning into a pout, "Oh yes, how about a pudding?"

"Mmkay… Hurry up… And come ba- ACHOO!" The poor boy sneezed, his eyes teary and his nose, runny.

"I got it, I'll let Tsu-kun look out for you!" His mother clapped her hands as if it was a good idea and exited the room. A few seconds later, A child half his age entered, His brown hair sticking out in every direction.

The boy walked towards him and touched his forehead with his chubby and little hand, "Hot." The boy then shook his hand in attempt to cool it off.

Giotto only watched when Tsuna went to the closet and grabbed a futon, his little figure dispersing the futon on the wooden floor. When he was finished, he entered the covers… and slept. The older brother wanted to let a tear spill from his eyes—not that he was expecting anything from Tsuna since he was mostly like that for the past six years that he spent with him.

"T-tsuna.. could you get me that glass of water in the desk?" Giotto pleaded, faking a cough so that his brother would feel guilty even for a slightest—


"… please?"


Giotto wanted to cry. He sat up from his bed, pain shooting up from various parts of his body and feeling dizzy by the sudden action, 'Hold it in, Giotto. You can do this! Just grab that water and return to bed and wait for mom to come home!'

He went to fetch the water, his legs trembling in every step he took. At least the floor was cold.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

'Huh?' Giotto tilted his head on the side and was met by a flash, making him close his eyes. What he saw after the blinding flash afterwards was his brother, holding a camera and directing it to him.

"Nice expression." Tsuna commented like he was a photographer of a model, "G-san would probably buy this photo for Ten thousand yen."

"Tsuna… W-what are you…" Tsuna removed himself from the covers and gently clutched his brother's arm, An adorable smile making its way into his face, "Now, dear brother, all you need to do is to rest and leave everything to your little brother."

Giotto was then pushed by Tsuna back to his bed. If the blonde wouldn't have felt so weak, he would have ran for his life because that smile wasn't anything to joke about.

The six year old child then made his way into the desk and fetched the glass of water, trudging back to his sick older brother who was by now praying that nothing bad would happen to him. "E-err, thanks Tsuna.."

"Of course, I would do everything for brother!"

The 360° change of Tsuna's attitude was starting to worry the blonde, but he was very thirsty at the moment—he'll deal about his little brother's evil plans after he finished drinking the water.

After gulping the liquid in one go, he gave the glass to Tsuna (who was still smiling suspiciously) and laid back to the warm bed.

"Gio-nii," Tsuna started and Giotto looked at him, 'Be prepared of what's to come Giotto! I know you can do it!' The younger brother then raised his hand and showed him a white tablet. "Do you know what this is?"

"A medicine?"

"This, you see, is called an 'Aspirin'. Do you know what an Aspirin is?" Tsuna asked, a not-so innocent smile crawling up on his expression.

Giotto reluctantly shook his head, 'I have a bad feeling.'

"Then another question," Tsuna proceeded, his smiling closed eyes opening and looking at his eyes was like looking at the depths of hell, " Did you know that I put this in that glass of water?"


The blonde stared at the brunette, eyes wide and filled with horror and jaws dropping. "U-uh, what does it do?"

" It's a poison that kills you within an hour after taking it. It's usually used in suicides and stuffs."


Giotto reflexively touched his throat. Oh no, was he going to die? He still wanted to live! He still wanted to be in the middle school, high school and go to college, work, have a girl friend, marry, give birth to a son or a daughter, see his child's growth, see his child marry, retire, and only die when he is an old man already and surrounded by his grandchildren! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Out of nowhere, Tsuna handed him a telephone, "Call your friends now because you won't be able to speak with them anymore after an hour."

The older Sawada of the two was now crying—his snot dripping from his nose and mixing with the tears that cascaded like a waterfall in his eyes. He sniffed countless of times before he dialed a number, It rang countless of times before the other line picked it up, "H-hello?"

"Giotto? What's wrong? Are you crying?" As expected of G, sharp at any times.

"J-just remember G that you're one of my close friends. *sniff* Although you're always hot-headed and I have to stop you from eradicating a place which I find exasperating every single time, You still stood beside me when I was in trouble and we went through thick and thin with our friends. I-I… I'm really glad to be your friend, G. Th-thanks for—ACHOO! –Everything that you have done so far… Good bye."

"O-oi Giotto, what the hell is happeni—"

Giotto hung up the phone. He doesn't need to hear his friend speak, He knows deep in his heart that his friend felt the same. He dialed the next number that came into mind,

"Prrt, Prrt—Clank. Hello? Who is this- degozaru?"

"A-Asari *sniff* I—" Giotto started, thinking of what he wanted to tell his friend before he departs from this world.

"What's wrong Giotto? Your voice sounds rough, are you sick-degozaru?"

"Asari… thank you for being a nice friend. You were always the peace maker and you were always smiling, and that's what I like about you. Even though you play too much flute and my ears are being killed, I still think of you as one of my close friends. Don't forget our friendship, okay? I really value it. G-good bye… *sniff*"

He then hung up, knowing that Asari wanted to reply to his last words but didn't let him. The next one was,

"H-hello, *sniffle* This is Giotto…"

"Gio? Did you decide to return ore-sama's sweets that you borrowed yesterday—"


Giotto slammed the phone down, his cry intensifying, "L-Lampo is so mean, even though I'm dying and he's—*sniffs*"

The phone then rang, as the blonde picked it up—If it was Asari or G, he'd hung up the phone instantly. It was hard letting go of someone, especially when you're very close to them.


"Nufufufufu, I heard that you gave G and Asari strange phone calls, Giotto."

Giotto put the phone down, making the line dead and the conversation over. He'd hung up the phone instantly for Daemon, although for a completely different reason.

The last person was…

"H-hello, This is Giotto from the Sawada…"


"Is this Alaude speaking?"


"Alaude, I—about you—" Giotto could hear the other side of the line dying. Countless "Prrts" was registered by his ears as he covered his face with a pillow, "Why! *sniffles* Why couldn't you at least hear me out until the bitter end, Alaude?! Why?!"

"Are you done?" He could hear his brother questioning while yawning widely, quite amused by the show but getting bored of it already.

"Mom—?! Oh no, I need to tell mom my final words!" Giotto could feel himself getting really dizzy… and sleepy. What was going on?

"Oh, and before you die, The medicine would force you to sleep for the remaining half an hour, so…" Tsuna trailed, his arms folded in his chest, "Hmm… Well, let me hear what you wanted to tell mom. I'll just convey it to her."

"P-please, Tsuna. Tell her that I really love her, and that she's the world's greatest mother. Tell her that I've enjoyed the past 12 years that I was with her. Also, tell father that despite being absent all the time, I still love him and I enjoy every moment that he comes back here… And also, Tsunayoshi, despite the fact that you were the one who gave me that poison, I still think of you as a brother and love you. Thank you for everything nice that you have done even though it's much fewer than the number of the mean ones…" Giotto's pair of sky-blue eyes drooped as he tried to blink it, "I… truly enjoyed my life even though… It's so short…"

The older Sawada, by now, was softly snoring. How funny, he even had a hard time sleeping because of head ache. It must have been because he was going to die…

"I'm back!" Sawada Nana cheerfully called out as she entered the house. She saw that Tsuna was watching tv, as if he was enjoying the show, in which was rare because the younger Sawada was quite a peculiar child—different from other children. Let's just say that his sense of humor is much more similar to a psychopath's, rather than a normal child his age.

"Tsu-kun, where's Gio-kun?"

"Welcome back. He's in his own room, I gave him Aspirin."

"You had one? Oh my, I even went to the supermarket to fetch him medicine. How's he doing?" She asked, putting down the bags she brought on the kitchen table.

"Fine. I checked his temperature after he fell asleep and it considerably dropped down. It'll probably be gone after tomorrow." Replied Tsuna, whose eyes' still glued to the television, remembering his brothers "last words" and stifling a laughter.

Nana couldn't help but giggle. Tsuna was like a fully grown adult. She was glad that she could have a bright and caring child like him. "I'll check Gio-kun for a moment, okay? I'll cook lunch afterwards. I brought pudding, I'll just refrigerate them. Just get one when you felt like eating them, okay?"

Tsuna nodded as his mother went upstairs. When he was sure that the woman couldn't hear him anymore, he strolled towards the telephone and dialed a number.

Prrt, Clank.

"Hibari Alaude," The younger Sawada started, "I have the goods."

"Hn. Hand them over to me tomorrow at school. I'll drop the payment on your family's bank account."

Tsuna then turned the camera on and looked at Giotto's different expressions—when the blonde was horrified, miserably crying, sleeping in peace, etc.,etc. "I got it. I'll print all the pictures and hand them to you tomorrow."

"Good. Deal closed."

Prrt, Prrt, Prrt.

Author's Note: First KHR fanfiction. I really have nothing to say, Just that they're a bit too OOC here. But hey, that spices up the things right? This is just a chick plot which came out of its shell minutes ago. And yes, I'm using a dictionary. The next is B... I still need to think of what word would be appropriate for the second chapter that starts with B. Oh, and please R&R! I hope that you'd look forward to the next chapter!