Title: The Best Kind of Kisses

Rating: K

Summary: The best kiss depends on the couple.

A/N: Based on a prompts from OTP Prompts. (Prompt is listed at the bottom) Enjoy!

"Yo, Ice Princess!" Natsu grabbed the arm of his boyfriend, who was just a few feet in front of him. "Slow down!"

Gray sighed in exasperation. "Whaddya want now, Squinty Eyes? I wanna get home."

"C'mon! I saw something really cool back there!"

Gray glanced up at a murky, gray-clouded sky. "It's about to rain, Natsu. I don't wanna be stuck in it."

"You'll like it~" Natsu sang.

Gray frowned. "What is it?"

Natsu shrugged and began to walk.

"Well, if you don't want to see it, then I guess I won't make you."

He heard Gray's groan. "You're really gonna go that low, aren't ya?"

Natsu spun around. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Gray smirked, happy to have turned the tables. "Just what it sounds like, you flaming idiot."

They argued back and forth for a few minutes before Natsu lead the conversation back to its original point.

"So do ya wanna see or not?"

Gray rolled his eyes. "Fine."

Natsu took his hand and dragged him back the path they came from. When the reached the place, Natsu flourished a hand dramatically.

"Here it is."

Silence. Natsu turned and looked at Gray. The ice mage looked like he was about to murder something. (Preferably not Natsu)

"What happened, Gray?"

Gray turned toward Natsu. "You brought me here to see a freakin' playground?"

"Oh, come on, Gray don't deny it. You wouldn't mind reliving your childhood and playing on a playground."

Gray raised an eyebrow. "Excuse you, but the majority of my childhood was training. Unlike you."

"Hey! I was at the guild very young too!"

Gray smirked. "I was there before you."

Natsu set his hands on fire. "Well, I'm more powerful than you!"

"Wanna test that theory, Fire Breath?"

"Wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, Ice Brick!"

Gray shook his head, deciding to stop the argument. Even if they were a couple, it didn't mean they had stopped being competitive.

"Whatever. If you want to play, I won't stop you. After all, it doesn't look like it'll be too bad a rain anyway."

Natsu gave him a triumphant grin before sprinting off to the swing set.

Gray stood there for a while, trying to appear the mature one. Then he glanced left and right, making sure no one was coming and joined his annoying boyfriend.

It started to pour rain. Natsu didn't seem to notice. Gray had always harbored the secret that he thought Natsu was absolutely adorable when he was acting childish or wearing that goofy grin. Of course, it wasn't so much a secret that Gray loved Natsu as they had been dating for a while, but Gray had yet to tell Natsu that he that he thought flame-brained dork was adorable.

Gray didn't mind the cold, since he was an ice maker mage. And he would go through anything to see Natsu this happy. Of course, he wouldn't tell Natsu that.

Speaking of Natsu, he was currently clambering up the legs of the jungle gym. Gray snorted. That idiot.

Natsu reached the top and, grinning, let himself drop so he wa only hanging by his legs. God, that idiot was so oblivious.

Natsu looked like he was ready to get up, then Gray shouted to him, "Yo! Don't get up just yet!"

Natsu looked at him questioningly. "And close your eyes!" Gray added.

What was possessing him to do this? Sure, he loved Natsu, but this idea was a little too mushy for his taste. But he wanted to do it nonetheless.

Natsu closed his eyes slowly. Gray ducked under one of the jungle gym bars and walked over to Natsu.

Then there in the pouring rain, took Natsu's upside-down face in his hands and kissed him. Natsu's eyes flew open then slowly fluttered shut. Gray's eyes did the same. It was a little awkward since Gray was right-side up and Natsu was hanging from the bars, but they made it work.

They seemed to kiss forever when Gray pulled back. "I love you, Ash Brains."

Natsu smiled that sweet, innocent smile. He flipped down so he was hanging by his arms. He dropped to the ground. Without a moment's hesitation, he wrapped his arms around Gray and kissed him with such a passion it made Gray's icy heart (or Gray liked to think it was) stumble. Both their hearts were racing, neither one willing to halt the kiss. Nevertheless, Natsu pulled back this time.

They stood there, in the rain, smiling at each other when Natsu's face contorted into confusion, then annoyance.

"Hey," he said. "Who're you calling ash brains?"

Gray grinned devilishly and exited the jungle gym bars and walked quickly away, yelling over his shoulder, "I only speak the truth!"

Natsu's face twisted in competitive rage as he ran to catch up with Gray, who was also running.

"You come back here, Ice Prick! Too scared to face me?"

"Nah, I just like you better without your face bashed in!"

Steam came whistling out of Natsu's ears. "You're gonna pay for that one!"

Gray cackled as Natsu raced to catch up with him. Then he heard, "Gray! Your clothes!"

Gray looked down and groaned. Natsu caught up with him and pulled him in for another languid kiss.

Prompt: Imagine your OTP playing in a children's playground and it starts raining while Person A is hanging upside down on the jungle gym. Person B comes over and starts a sweet, slow kiss with A as they hang upside down a la the first Toby Mcguire Spider Man.

Obviously, I didn't follow this prompt exactly, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless. :)
