Chapter 1: The continuation off live

It has been two months since Lissa as crowned queen an d a little over two months since I was shot. I'm doing alright, still a little sore when I train whit Dimitri, but that's mostly because I won't give off. I'm back on guardian duty, and besides the extremely boring meetings Lissa has, I'm loving it.

Lissa is changing court for the better. At least that's what I think. Not all Royals are happy whit such a young mind up on the throne. She already turned the age law back around to 18 years old. There was a hard discussion, till Lissa (or at least me) got sick of hearing the same crap reasons way it should stay 16. She simply stated that all the counsel members voting 16, would get the next batch of 16 year old ones guarding them and their family. That turned everyone's mind around pretty quickly.

Me and Dimitri live in 'the queens personal guardian chambers' (cause that's who I am. Hell yea. F*ck all those predicting I would become a blood whore) It pretty much was a small apartment whit full access to the queen chambers. I know everything about the palace now. Every secret passage way, every lock down chamber and every short cut. Off course I would never, ever use them to my personal advantage, because I happen to be late again for some guardian meeting. Or because I had a quick run in whit my Russian god. Ironically enough, those two frequently went hand in hand whit each other.

So now that you know everything that you need to know about what's going on in my life. Let's get back to the here and now shall we?

Right now I'm throwing a bunch of guardian uniform and some normal clothes in a duffel because in five minutes, me and Dimitri are picking up Lissa and her not so better half, to leave for the court airport. Yes airport, do you how many royals have personnel airplanes? Let me just say A Lot. No wonder so many normal Moroi and nor guardian Dhampir study to be a pilot. That it's the closest they get to come to royals and a status. Pilots and doctors, lawyers and pretty much the same as in the human world.

So, while my Comrade is not so patiently waiting for me, I quickly throw in some toiletries. Of course had finish packing like two days ago.

"Roza, why are you not ready yet, you knew last week when we would be leaving"

"I had to wash some of my clothes and iron them before I could pack"

"You don't even know how to use a washing machine, let alone you could iron a T-shirt whiteout burning a hole in it."

"Bir, For everyone who doesn't know that, it's a valet excuse and iki Christian is the one who sets stuff on fire. The only thing I set in fire is you" Yes I was learning to speak Turkish.

"What do you do with your laundry anyway?"

"Same as in st'-Vlads, I throw it with Lissa's" I said just as I joined him at the door


"What, it was a pretty good arrangement: I protected her, she watched my clothes or let them get washed" He wasn't really disappointed, I could see the humor in his eyes.

"Fine, Let's get going"