Chapter twenty two Girls night part two

"Seriously Liss? We're living in a time when even portable hard drives and USB sticks are getting old. And you still haven't copied those CD's and DVD's?" I asked as Lissa got out a bag filled with cd's. I couldn't help but laugh at her lack of modernity.

"I don't know. I never copied them in high school, and now with being Queen and everything. They hold some of my parents old video's and I just don't want anyone else to be responsible for them and... you know Rose."

"I know Liss It's okay. I think everybody disserves to be granny-like at one aspect of their life. So yours is using ancient devises." My smart ass remarks always work.

"Yeah, and what's yours Rose?" Mia asked. "What aspect of your life are you granny-like in."

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"I show you mine if you show me yours." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"So you admit in being granny-like?" I teased.

"I so do not. Seriously though. I really want to know what the Rose Hathaway think she can possibly be granny-like in."

"Well. If, and I say If I ever say yes to Dimitri, I disserve my white. And I'm f-ing proud of it." Now this could take a while to sink in. Lissa was silently sniggering while looking through the map of CD for the right one, while sipping on a cocktail.

"Wait, you're a virgin?" Jill asked. On which account Lissa started to choke hard. And when she was finally done choking she started her laughing fit.

"No Jill I'm not. How could I be with a man with a body and skills like his. He however the first one I ever had sex with, so I figured that would be pretty much the same."

"But there were always so much rumors in school, so I figured least some of them had truth in them."

"Yeah Those were my fault, sorry about that." Mia said.

"It's okay Mia, all is forgiven." I said. "Almost fond that CD,Liss?"

"I guess it's this one. It's the only one that isn't marked so it must be this one."

"Good, play it." Lissa put the disk in her laptop and waited for the icon the popup. She hit play and sat down.

Instead of the graduating podium to popup as I was expecting, a boys head did. He started to speak in a langue I could only classify as Russian.

"Euh Liss? This is not the right one." I said eventually.

"No, it is not. But don't recognize this one, you've seen this?" She asked me.

"Nope, can't say I have. Anyone?" I was met negative responses from all trough the room as the little movie kept playing. Than the boy on the screen started to spaek English.

So for are the monolingual friends of Pierre. Pierre here is on a exchange program to this mighty fine place we call Saint-Basils Academy. It has a lot of other names but I won't name then because I don't know who will be watching this. So because my new friend here has suddenly got the Idea to film his time here, that's what we are doing. Pierre say hi to your future viewers." The camera turned and a fair haired guy smiled in on the screen, his face to close. Then he turned the camera again. "So right know we are going to celebrate Christmas. We are at my best friends house who you are going to meet later since my parent have to be at courts Christmas celebration, where I am not aloud to join. Not that care. but like I said Pierre and I are at my friends house to celebrate Christmas and they have a long history of taking strays home, so they won't mind. Let's go meet the family"

The moment the camera turned way and filmed some of the rest of the I recognized it immediately.

"Shut it down." I said. Lissa hit the button and looked at my questioningly.

"That was the Belikov home. The guy must have Ivan and we shouldn't be watching it." I explained. Lissa dutifully closed the laptop. and looked at me. Everybody was looking at me, but I didn't want to talk about it. Mia was the first to speak."The guy was a vlogger even before his time." That brought a few laughs out of the most of us.

"Jill truth or truth. Did you Eddie did the dirty already." I asked and Jill first looked shocked then went all tomato red, then turned all afraid and then shy. Oops maybe to direct.

"So not. You guys did kiss already right?" She looked at Lissa, then at me. "Don't worry we don't care about Dhampir-Moroi relationships. In fact Lissa is going to be vouching for them."

"I am. You already got dragged into this mess against your will. You can date whoever you want and I will support you. People don't agree, they take it up with me. So you kissed him?"

"How did you even know."

"Please, you can't not see it. the way you two constantly see each other. Seriously the sexual tension must be astronomical. So kissy kiss kiss?"I bragged a bit. I still didn't understand how I didn't figure this before.

"No he didn't and I don't know if he even likes me." She said with her head in her hands.

"He does." I said. "And next time you guys need to dress up, we are going to make you so sexy, that he doesn't have any other option than fuck you senseless."

Jill looked a little shocked; Lissa was giggling and Mia was full out laughing. Home run.

"Okay who hasn't been asked a question yet?" I asked.

"Lissa!" Mia shouted and I swear I heard the guardians outside that door shift and the where about to open the door when I shouted to them to stay out. They did. I crawled over to the other side of the bed and whispered the question I wanted her to ask Lissa. She started laughing and nodded feverously.

"We want to know all the weird places you and Christian have done it since you became Queen."

"What?" Lissa looked scandalized. I saw Roxanne looking shocked at the question. Yeah our new queen had a sex life and some weird fetishes.

"Come on Liss." We already know you haven't been staying away from that cathedral so what other places? I'll some you mine if you show me yours." I said wiggling my eyebrow, or well trying.

"Fine." She sighed. "The office." She mumbled.


"Kitchen and Court garden." She confessed.

"Court garden? How did you do that without being seen?" Mia shouted, before reconsidering her question. "Actually do not answer that. So Rose now it is you turn. What places did you and the Russian do it. Ever, not just after Lissa became queen."

"Okay, ...Well the bungalow at Saint-Vladimir's, just before the attack. Then in a hotel room while we were on the run. On and against about any surface in out apartment. In a-"

"Wait!" Lissa shouted. "Your apartment is part of mine... You didn't... you know..."

"Oh did I liss?" I said. "Either way you and sparkles had sex in the kitchen where my food comes from. That is disturbing. Soo... where was I... Oh yeah. In a car while where waiting for Lissa and In the gym showers. That's about it."

Roxanne was looking at Mia as if she was going to be the next one to spill. Mia took the bait.

"Euhm...Well my dorm room, a few others their dorm room, including Lissa's" Yeah I remembered. "Not with Lissa though" she clarified for Roxanna and Jill's presence. "You know I really haven't done it in weird places. I do want to do it on a plane at least once though. So Roxanne, your turn." She ended

"I euhm...I haven't really done anything..;" She whispered.

"You haven't? How you're not ugly, at some dude must have asked you out? I mean how old are you?" Mia spoke our thoughts.

"Well, yes. I'm twenty one. But I grew up in a human socity, and then I did a film making course in a human college and even though I was asked out and went on dates I never really went all the way. I was always afraid I would lose control and bite a human, which would have been bad." She said quietly

I never thought of it that way. How moroi form relationships in the human world, without being notes as different. We naturally adapt to an nocturnal schedule and thing that walking around with weapons on you is the most normal thing of the world. Living between human needs so much secrecy that it would be hard to from a bond. Every friend you make becomes a liability.

While I was thinking this over, Lissa and Mia where being girly in setting Roxanne up with a date with our captain. Soon they realized that they didn't even knew if the guy was single or not. And we didn't exactly have a fb profile to look it up.

Mia, Jill and Roxanne where discussing the most crazy ideas to finding out if he was single and so yes, if he would be interested in Roxanne, when Lissa asked me a question.

"So... Your man already told way mine is being weird?" smooth Liss, real smooth.

"Nope, he's holding our surprisingly well. The fact that we haven't been alone together ever since I started that bet, might work in his advance. Though, sirously, don't make we wait any longer, I can't!"

"Already sex deprived yes?"

"Yes!" I sighed loudly." how many nights have we been on this plane? I mean we aren't even part of a mile high club yet! How did this happen?"

"Yeah well we are all very grateful you aren't part of the club, at least we could sleep."

"Funny Liss, real Funny."

"Here have a another." She handed me a glass of wine. Whine truly wasn't my favorite, but the fancy one Lissa had stoked wasn't that bad.

The rest of the night went on pretty much the same. food, drinks, insane plans for Jill ad Roxanne. Mia would be fine or her own. Gossiping about Dimitri and Christian. At the end we were randomly spaced out in the room and randomly commenting on whisper posts, without making sense due to the alcohol and fatigue, mostly the fatigue. I don't even remember on which topic we were when I did fell asleep.