Author's note: This is the final chapter of The Woman Next Door, so once again can I send a massive thank you to everyone who has taken the time to leave a review or send me a message, I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading through the responses and many of you have had some really interesting views on the plot of this one. I'm not sure whether Caroline's fears would be realistic or unfounded in real life, but I do know that unfortunately there are still plenty of homophobes in the world…

I've also posted a McElliot one-shot today called "Scenes From A Softer Series Three". I think these stories might well be my last McElliot stories as I seem to have run out of ideas for these two characters, but at minimum I'll be taking an extended break from writing for McElliot. It has been a pleasure to be a part of this fandom!

(And if any of you are fans of the The Good Wife and particularly Kalicia I'm posting some old fics on this site if you fancy a read.)

Kate slips into a chair at the very back of the hall, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. With dismay she surveys the group congregated in front of her – there couldn't possibly be less than 150 people. Jesus Christ. The nerves churn in her stomach as she spots Caroline standing at the head of the room, perched against the large top table, looking…oh God. Looking frightened. She's trying to hide it, of course, but her face is as white as a sheet, her hands clearly shaking as she pours herself a glass of water.

The urge to comfort her is almost impossible to ignore; it's torture. But she knows it can't possibly help and it might even make things worse. She tries to meet her eyes and at least send her a supportive smile but there are rows and rows of people between them and Caroline's gaze is all over the place, scanning the hall as if she's looking for the one bigot who will end her career. Seeing her like this is almost unbearable.

After five excruciating minutes Gavin joins Caroline at the front of the hall, touching her on the arm and whispering something in her ear that puts a watery smile on her face. He then stands up and raises his hand for quiet. Kate's stomach turns over with fear. Here we go.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. For those who don't know me my name is Gavin Hardcastle and I am the chair of governors. I'm going to provide you with a brief introduction explaining why we are here and then ask for your views.

"So. The facts are as follows. On 24 February Dr Elliot informed the governing body in writing that she had separated from her husband with a view to divorce. She also said that she had been involved in a romantic relationship with a female staff member at this school, a relationship which had come to an end. The policy of this school does not require members of staff to declare romantic relationships unless there may be an issue of bias or conflict of interest. Although no such situation had arisen Dr Elliot wished to draw our attention to the involvement so we could plan around it if necessary in the future.

"She also wished to put it on record that the relationship with the staff member had been homosexual in nature. Again, this is not something that is required by school policy but the governors welcomed Dr Elliot's honesty in this matter.

"Following the receipt of this letter one member of the governing body requested that we share this information with parents. After a long and intensive discussion the governors voted in favour of this motion. I then received a total of thirteen letters of complaint or concern which have led to this meeting tonight.

"In a moment I will open the floor to questions addressed to either Dr Elliot or myself. Before I do that I wish to stress that I will not be allowing any questions or comments of an overly personal, prurient or abusive nature. Two of the letters I received were homophobic and borderline abusive. That will not be tolerated tonight.

"So. If anyone has an appropriate question, please raise your hand. Yes, sir, the gentleman in the second row there with the blue tie. You have the floor, if you could stand please sir."

Kate's heart sinks as she recognises the man from a recent parents' evening. Gregory Waterson was in her year 9 French class and was, to put it politely, one of the most difficult students she had ever encountered. And in her experience, young men with far too much confidence usually got it from their deluded parents.

"Thank you, chairman. Good evening, everyone. Perhaps it is not the done thing but I am happy to admit that I am one of the parents who expressed concern. The issue here is not about someone's private life-"

"Oh really?" someone heckles, followed by what sounds like murmurs of agreement from around the hall. Kate relaxes ever so slightly – maybe they have more support than she'd thought.

"-the issue is about the headteacher as a role model and our children's education. Do we really wish to send a message that there is no difference whatsoever between a heterosexual relationship and a homosexual one? Do we wish to promote homosexuality in that way?"

That earns him a few boos.

"And what about the curriculum? Are we teaching children in their sexual education classes that lesbianism is perfectly normal? Are we telling them that a marriage between two people who can never produce children is as sacred as a normal marriage? I want to hear from Mrs Elliot on these issues, I don't want to be fobbed off by the chairman who is clearly in her pocket."

Caroline waits a few moments for the murmurings to die down and then smiles sweetly at the man.

"I don't believe we've met. Your name?"

"Kenneth Waterson, my son is in year 9."

"Mr Waterson. A pleasure. It's Dr Elliot, by the way. You mislaid the Oxford doctorate."

A shiver runs down Kate's spine. Caroline's skin is still ghostly pale but her body is still, her gaze steady. Is she finally ready for a fight?

"To answer your questions. We do not promote homosexuality in this school. A number of eminent people have expressed concern over the decades on this issue but I must admit I have never actually come across the promotion of homosexuality in the wild and I have great difficulty imagining what it looks like. If it means that some impressionable pupils might model their sexuality on whatever persuasion Mr Doodah the geography master happens to be then that's clearly nonsense, and that must surely go double when we're talking about the head. This may come as a surprise to you Mr Waterson but they do not idolise me as much as I would hope. Indeed, some of them positively object to my very presence. They are not going gay in my honour.

"Now, if you were instead referring to the curriculum then that has not changed since the last – and to my knowledge, fully heterosexual – headteacher was in position. We teach children about sex and relationships and that includes mentioning that some people are gay and some are bisexual. It does not include telling children that any one sexuality is preferable to any other and it does not include teaching children that discrimination based on sexuality is acceptable. What I did introduce was a ban on homophobic bullying because I was so sick of hearing the words 'faggot' and 'queer' and what I did introduce was a chance for pupils who might be confused about their sexuality to confidentially consult with the school nurse, who is also, to my knowledge, heterosexual. Does that sound reasonable?"

A ripple of applause goes round the hall; Mr Waterson shakes his head, clearly still angry but apparently unwilling to subject himself to more of the same. A rush of excitement floods Kate's body; this is the real Caroline, this is the Caroline she knows and loves. And if she's finally brave enough to show her face to the world the least she can do is stand beside her.

"And who's next please?" says Gavin. "Yes, Miss McKenzie. Miss McKenzie is a teacher here, I asked the staff not to attend en masse but Kate kindly volunteered to be the staff representative. This meeting is primarily about parental opinions but before we hear from Kate I should highlight that I have received a large number of supportive message from staff members and zero complaints. Over to you."

She stands on shaky legs, trying to appear as confident as possible and avoiding Caroline's eyes, knowing the surprise that will be present there.

"Thanks, Gavin. I have a very short announcement which is this: I'm the teacher referred to earlier as previously being in a romantic relationship with Dr Elliot. For those of you who don't know me I have taught modern languages here for a year now and I honestly believe it is the finest school I've ever worked at with the finest headteacher I've ever worked for. And I'm just one teacher among many, a teacher who I'm sure you could replace very easily, but I do feel obliged to tell you that if you fire Dr Elliot then I'll be leaving too."

A quiet rumble of voices starts up, as she knew it would – nothing like a bit of juicy gossip. She braves a quick look at Caroline and can see a look of utter shock on her face, although she quickly covers it up.

"Thank you, Miss McKenzie. Perhaps I should have clarified this at the start but we do not have the power to fire any member of staff for their sexual orientation, or at least we do not have the power to prevent them from suing us successfully if we were to try to do so. But whether they wish to remain in our employment in the current circumstances is another matter. Who's next?"

A number of hands are raised and Gavin chooses an elderly gentleman in a smart suit who stands slowly with the help of a cane.

"Thank you chairman. Good evening. This is an extremely important debate we are engaged in, ladies and gentleman, an issue that can cause the most enormous damage to young hearts and souls and which concerns the most appalling depravity. But before I get into that, I need to tell you right from the start that I do not have a child in this school. Technically I may be gate-crashing but when I heard about the agenda for tonight's meeting I felt compelled to come along and air my views."

One or two of the parents start muttering and Gavin steps in.

"Sir, if you're not a parent at this school then I think I need to ask you to leave."

"Mr Chairman I hope you will do me the courtesy of at least listening to what I have to say."


"My brother was a pupil at this school. My brother Arthur."

"Yes, all right, but surely that was many years ago? I mean, not to insult you but-"

"But I'm clearly 105, I know. Or 76 to be more accurate. But I still wish to say my piece, it will not take long and I can assure you it is relevant to the subject at hand."

Gavin glances at Caroline; she shrugs slightly, as if to say 'Let's get it over with'. Kate braces herself as best she can.

"All right. Please be brief."

"Thank you, Mr Chairman. As I was saying, my older brother Arthur was a pupil at this school until 1954. In the summer term of 1954 this very issue arose, although at that time the concern was focused on the pupils, not the staff. One of those pupils was my brother."

A few more mutterings are heard around the hall; he's not exactly sticking to the subject, Kate thinks. A few experimental fumblings 60 years ago, what did that matter? But the man carries on talking.

"A top secret version of this debate was held in the headmaster's rooms, attended by my distraught, confused, thoroughly ashamed parents who did not reveal to me what happened that day until a quarter of a century had passed. Arthur had been caught engaging in intimacy with another boy. He was expelled. My parents were told that it was due to, and I quote, his "disgusting perversion". He hanged himself the next day."

A shocked silence falls over the room. Kate looks over at Caroline, sure that the appalled expression on her face is mirrored on her own.

"If Dr Elliot had taken up with a man you would never have called this meeting. Never. The existence of this meeting is the very definition of prejudice and that prejudice is the definition of depravity and if this lady leaves the school because of it you will all be dancing on my brother's grave."

The last words are choked out through tears and he sits down quickly to compose himself. Long moments pass until Gavin finally speaks.

"Thank you very much, sir, for your comments. I am very sorry for your loss. I could not agree more with your sentiments and in that light I am going to call a vote. All in favour of ending this meeting right now as Dr Elliot has our full support, raise your hand."

Kate's heart thumps in her chest as she looks around, but there's no doubt about the result, crystal clear in a sea of raised hands. Tears well in her eyes and she blinks them back, a flood of relief washing through her body like spring rain. Caroline has leant heavily against the oak table but her head is held high.

"That's a conclusive yes if ever I saw one. Common sense prevails."

A loud round of applause resounds in the hall, lasting for a good two minutes. She stares at her hands, not trusting herself to meet Caroline's eyes without breaking down. When the applause finally dies down Gavin speaks.

"I think I have one more job as chair and that is to check with Dr Elliot and Miss McKenzie that they both wish to remain as employees at this school after the events of the past few weeks. Dr Elliot?"

Caroline looks over at her, looking nervous. "Miss McKenzie is an extraordinary teacher and extraordinary person who deserves to receive nothing but respect. I would not blame her if she wishes to leave but I would greatly prefer it if she chose to stay. And if she is happy to stay, then I'm staying too."

The tears threaten to overwhelm her. Is she just talking about their jobs or is there a chance they could rekindle their relationship? But either way, there's only one answer.

"And I'm staying," she says, her voice full of emotion, and when several of the parents cheer and the applause starts up again she loses the battle entirely and feels the tears run down her face.

"Good. Here endeth the meeting, thank God for that. Thank you for coming ladies and gentleman and may I say that I hope we don't do this again anytime soon."

Kate watches as the parents gradually leave the hall, a number of them stopping to have a word with Caroline. One or two of the parents send badly-disguised looks of curiosity her way but she paints a pleasant smile on her face and waits quietly for everyone to leave. After a few more minutes the only people to remain are Gavin and Caroline and she hesitantly makes her way over to them.

"Kate, I am so sorry about all this business."

"Not at all, Gavin, not your fault. Thanks for all your support tonight."

"Of course, the least I could do. Well, I'd very much like to see the back of this day so I'm going to head home. Dr Elliot, perhaps I can give you a call next week to discuss the next governors' meeting agenda? Which thankfully won't include any of this nonsense."

"Sounds good, Gavin. And…just as Kate said. Thank you for your support."

"Of course. Good night."


They watch as Gavin heads out and then they're left in a tense silence. Kate takes a deep breath.

"That poor man. His poor brother."

"I know, it's heartbreaking. He came and spoke to me afterwards, a lovely man. He said his parents never really got over it, I don't suppose you would, something like that. He did say that it was heartening to see that times have changed somewhat and a pupil at the school today wouldn't be suffering from the same anguish."

There's a silence between them; she's not sure where she stands.

"You were fantastic," she says nervously.

"Oh, hardly." Caroline half-smiles at her, looking equally nervous.

"You were. Absolutely fantastic. I've never been more proud of you."

A blush starts to make its way up Caroline's neck. Kate pauses, trying to choose the right words, to get this moment right as it feels so significant. But it's Caroline who speaks first.

"Come home with me?" she says, her voice full of an endearing vulnerability. "Will you?"

She has to take a moment to catch her breath.

"Thought you'd never ask."

Caroline smiles widely, her eyes fixed on Kate's, her expression a mixture of relief and exhaustion. Kate closes the gap between them and takes hold of her hand.

"Take me home, Caroline. Take me to your turret."

Caroline bursts out laughing. When the laughter dies away she gives a gentle tug on Kate's hand and leads her out of the hall.

She hasn't felt this nervous since the first time she ever slept with a woman. Which is crazy, she tells herself – it's not as if they haven't touched each other at all. But this feels so different and deep down she knows why. This is the real beginning. This is the start of the rest of their lives.

Caroline smiles anxiously at her as they stand on opposite sides of the turret bedroom, fully dressed, neither quite brave enough to make the first move.

"I've missed you," Kate says quietly, her heart thudding at the joyful smile that her words elicit.

"Missed you too. Very much."

"Are you…how are you feeling? It's been a tough couple of weeks."

"It has. I'm…tired. Relieved. Happy. Mostly I'm glad that it's over."

"You're probably exhausted, after all of this. If you want to get some sleep…"

Caroline studies her nervously. "Do you…is that what you want?"

"I want you. I don't mind if that's tonight or tomorrow or next week. I just want you."

There's no reply but she can see the desire as plain as day. Caroline slowly crosses the space between them and stands in front of her, as if waiting for permission to touch. Kate enfolds her in a warm, tight hug, breathing her in, luxuriating in the closeness for long moments and revelling in the sigh of pleasure that's released from the other woman.

They finally pull away and Caroline slowly starts to undress her. Her blood rushes through her veins, her heart pumping, as her body is gradually revealed. When she's fully naked Caroline looks at her as if she's the most beautiful thing she's ever had the good fortune to lay eyes on. And then she's reaching out a soft, gentle hand and running it tenderly up and down her body, over her neck, her breasts, her stomach, the tops of her thighs. She looks almost hypnotised.

"Bed," Kate says shakily. "Clothes off first."

Kate removes Caroline's suit jacket but finds herself fumbling with the buttons of her shirt, her hands shaking slightly from a heady mixture of adrenalin and sexual energy. With growing impatience she struggles with it until the need to be close to her is too strong to resist any longer and she tugs at it hard, snapping the thread and sending the button flying across the room.

"Oops, sorry," she says, embarrassed.

Caroline grins at her. "Doesn't matter."

In record time she gets the rest of her clothes off, basking in the beauty that is revealed. She takes hold of her hand and pulls her onto the bed, pushing the duvet away and guiding Caroline to lie on top of her, her soft, warm skin like silk all over. They lie there for a few moments, luxuriating, Caroline staring deeply into her eyes before leaning into a deep, yearning kiss.

All of her supressed desire is unleashed and she grabs onto Caroline's body, pulling her tightly against her, the needs of her body far too demanding to allow her a pretence of decorum. Caroline breaks the kiss and they gaze at each other, both needing more but both unwilling to separate their bodies.

But the lust finally becomes too strong and Caroline manages to lift herself up enough to reach one hand down between their bodies, sliding through Kate's wetness with no preamble and sending waves of pleasure through her body. After several more strokes she slips slowly inside, silently asking Kate for permission as she does so, receiving it in her smile. When at last she can feel her inside, feel the tender stroking of her fingers and the teasing touch of her thumb on her clitoris, she knows that she's not going to last long and she has to seize the moment.

Raising one knee she guides Caroline's body so that she's straddling her thigh, watching in lustful amusement as the realisation dawns on her lover's face. At first it seems like she'll demure, embarrassed, but then Kate gently moves her leg a little higher and Caroline's eyes close as she moans quietly.

"Move with me," Kate whispers, guiding Caroline's hips, thrilled when she feels her body begin to gently undulate against her, the heat of her wetness burning into her thigh. For a little while it seems as if her lover's lost in her own pleasure, an expression of bliss on her face, and Kate feels a small pang of disappointment. But then Caroline opens her eyes and begins to move her fingers again, every caress sending sparks of excitement shooting through her body, every touch of her thumb on her clitoris sending her closer and closer to the edge.

For long, delicious moments they move against each other, the air electric with tension, a thousand unspoken feelings clear in their eyes. Finally the pleasure overwhelms her and she feels herself fall over the edge, crying out, aware even in her ecstasy that Caroline is following in her wake. As the orgasm fades away and she bathes in the afterglow she touches her lover tenderly, caressing her face, her hair, trying to tell her without words how much she's missed her. For the first time ever she can see that Caroline is really here with her, open and vulnerable and beautiful in every way.

Caroline leans down to kiss her gently on the mouth and then kisses her cheek, her forehead, her eyelids. They share a long moment of calm, smiling at each other, Caroline gazing at her with a mixture of sweet tenderness and pure joy.

"Sorry about your button," Kate says, trying unsuccessfully to keep the grin off her face.

Caroline bursts into laughter. "It's all right, it'll go back on. Or I might leave it off, actually. You know, as a reminder. Of the effect I have on women."

"Cheeky sod!" She hits her playfully on the arm, Caroline laughing and fending her off. They gaze at each other happily for a while, until a voice at the back of Kate's brain can't be ignored any longer.

"Can I ask…are you planning to utilise the effect you have on women in the foreseeable future? On any woman apart from the one who's currently underneath you?"

Caroline's face falls. "Why would you ask me that?" she says, the hurt clear in her voice.

"Oh sweetheart, I didn't mean it like that…"

She kisses her tenderly, trying to soften her words.

"That came out wrong, I'm sorry. What I meant was…what I meant was not for the foreseeable future. I meant forever, I just wasn't brave enough to say it. I was trying to ask, very clumsily, whether or not you might be interested in being with me forever."

Her heart skips alarmingly in her chest she tries to interpret Caroline's expression, but she can't read her at all.

"Is that…is that an option?"

"I think…I think it's the only option for me. I need you. I love you. I don't want to be without you again."

A myriad of emotions flit across her face before, finally, there's one she can read – happiness. A broad smile starts to form and tears well in her eyes, but she doesn't speak.

"Is that…do you…?"

Caroline nods but she can't seem to find her voice, the tears beginning to fall.

"Nod once for 'Forever', twice for 'What on earth are you even talking about you mad pillock'".

Caroline laughs and then, very deliberately, nods her head once, the tears still falling.

"All these tears, sweetheart," she says softly. Reaching over to the nightstand she takes a handful of tissues and gently mops the moisture from Caroline's face – and her own body.

"Thank you," says Caroline eventually, her voice sounding strangled.

"For what?"

"Everything. Absolutely everything. Moving in to the flat. Not being able to open your own front door. Watching Songs of Praise with me. Being so patient. Being so lovely. Putting up with me. Putting up with the gossip. Waking me up, shouting at me, telling me to fight. Coming to that awful meeting, saying what you said about me, doing what you did. Loving me. Coming back to me."

"I couldn't stay away," she whispers.

Caroline lays her head on her chest and she pulls her as close as she can against her, revelling in the intimacy after so many weeks of loneliness. There's a contented quiet in the room for a while, Caroline occasionally giving a little sigh of pleasure as Kate tenderly caresses her back.

"There's a small confession I should make about your flat."

"Oh? What?"

"You know I told you it had been offered to staff in order of seniority and no-one wanted it?"

Kate strains her neck slightly to try to see her face – where on earth is she going with this?

"Yes…that wasn't true?"

"That part was true, in that no-one on the existing staff wanted it and we couldn't shift it for a year but…well. I may have misled you slightly as regards the newer members of staff. You must have known that you were hired at the same time as two other teachers."


"Two other teachers who weren't members of senior staff and who were therefore younger, like yourself, with no families, who might have enjoyed living in a convenient little one-bedroom flat…"

Kate manoeuvres herself into a semi-upright position and gently pushes her lover away from her so she can meet her eyes.

"Caroline Elliot, what exactly are you telling me here?"

She looks adorably sheepish, her eyes lowered, her hair all over the place from their lovemaking.

"I'm just saying that all three of you were told about the flat. And all three of you were single with no children and all three of you were new and impressionable and hadn't yet cottoned on to the fact that your boss was bananas, so…."

"So…oh my goodness, are you saying all three of us wanted it?"

She answers with a gesture that's somewhere between a nod and a shrug.

"So why did I get it? How did you decide? And why do you look so guilty?" Caroline tries to snuggle up to her again but she puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Uh, excuse me, where do you think you're going, sunshine. Tell me how you decided."

"Why can't I-"

"Tell me how you decided. Dr Elliot's famous for her sense of fair play so I assume you used a system that was scrupulously fair to all concerned."

"Not exactly," she mutters, a soft blush beginning to rise on her cheeks.

"Pardon me?" says Kate, enjoying herself immensely. "What did you say?"

"Fine, you want to know? I'll tell you. You were the most beautiful woman I had ever set eyes on so you jumped the queue. Happy now? I wasn't planning to seduce you in the corridor but I thought that if I had to live next door to one of my employees it might as well be the one who made me feel glorious just by walking in the room. You mustn't tell anyone, it's appalling behaviour, I should have picked names out of a hat. I told Beverley I did pick names out of a hat. Firing offence, I would think, forget the lesbianism."

Kate smiles widely at her, revelling in the idea of being so attractive to her before they'd even got to know each other. But then a thought occurs to her…

"It's not, is it? A firing offence? Not after everything we've been through?"

"Oh, no, no, don't worry. There's something written down that says the headteacher has the final say, that they can use their best judgement and discretion or some such thing. Still shouldn't have done it though. Highly unprofessional way to choose a neighbour."

"I'm very glad you did."

"So am I. Best appalling decision I ever made."

Caroline moves to snuggle into her again and she relents this time, wrapping her arms around her and smiling as Caroline sighs in contentment.

"I mean it, Kate. Thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome. Thank you, too. Thank you for being so brave. Thank you for being in my life."

"And thank you for not calling me a hot water bottle."

Kate laughs and tightens her arms, drawing Caroline firmly against her, the purest bliss surging through her body.

"You're welcome, sweetheart," she says, gently kissing the top of her head. "You're very welcome."