Welcome, to a world full of mysterious creatures called Pokémon. There are hundreds upon hundreds of Pokémon in our world, from the deepest oceans to the highest mountains and beyond. Some as common as grass, but some as rare as diamond.

There are many legends about Pokémon said to have shaped this world, commonly referred to as the Legendary Pokémon. But there are some that have been lost through time. Every day more and more is learned about Pokémon. But many doubt we will ever learn everything about them.

This story takes place in an unknown world where Pokémon live as you or I would. But there are always dangers and perils in this world. And so some Pokémon form exploration and rescue teams. But there are those who only do so to further their evil ambitions.

There have been many stories about rescue and exploration teams which saved the world many times. And now, this story shall begin again. Keldeo and his sister Keldea have decided to form their own rescue team, and have enlisted in Wigglytuff's Exploration Guild to learn.

But little do they know, destiny has a special plan for these two, and many others…

Chapter One:

Day One at the Guild

"Come On! Hurry! We're going to be late for class!" yells Keldeo as he races through Treasure Town.

"Well it's not me who overslept, Keldeo!" responds his sister Keldea.

"Well you're the one who spent forever checking your mane!" yelled Keldeo.

The duo dash down the street, trying to make it before…


"Oh no, we're so late now," says Keldea.

"We're here, so we won't be real late," says Keldeo.

As they approach the entrance, they have to have their footprint identified by the Diglett sentry.

"Ladies first," says Keldeo jokingly.

"How nice of you," responds Keldea sarcastically.

As Keldea steps on the grate, a voice erupts from below.

"Pokémon Detected! Pokémon Detected!" says the Diglett, "Who's Footprint? Who's Footprint? The Footprint is Keldeo, The Footprint is Keldeo!"

Keldeo went through the same process. After the process, the gate rose and the duo was allowed in.

When they got in they were greeted by an angry Chatot.

"You're Late you two!" shouted Chatot.

"We know, we're sorry," apologized Keldea, "but my brother over there overslept this morning."

"But we would have been here on time if she hadn't spent so much time checking her mane," argued Keldeo.

"That's enough from both of you!" shouted Chatot, "If you want to be a team you have to get along with each other."

"He's just so irritating sometimes," said Keldea.

"She's just as bad," argued Keldeo.

"Both of you quiet and listen up!" shouted Chatot.

Both of them quieted and stiffened in surprise.

"Now since it is your first day, we can overlook this once," said Chatot.

"Thank you," said Keldea.

"And I will expect you both to act more like a team since you are siblings," said Chatot, "Now get to the class room and meet your classmates."

"Yes Mr. Chatot," said Keldeo.

Later, after class began, Chatot was going over basic exploration and rescue team knowledge.

"Now, everyone should know why rescue and exploration teams are formed," said Chatot.

"Yeah, it's to help Pokémon in need and to discover new things," answered Keldea.

"Correct answer, that is exactly it," said Chatot, "Now what do you need to make a team work?"

"An explorer team kit, right," asked Keldea.

"That is what you need to start an exploration team," says Chatot, "But what do you need to make a team work?"

"Exactly what you said," said Keldeo, "Teamwork."

"Perfect answer Keldeo," said Chatot, "Without teamwork, we can't really call ourselves teams now can we? I would like to call you two up here for a demonstration."

"Alright," said Keldeo.

"Fine with me," said Keldea.

"Now imagine you are both in a dungeon," said Chatot, "One of you is knocked out. Who's fault would that be?"

"Of course it would be the one who was knocked out," said Keldeo.

"Incorrect," said Chatot.

"Then it would be the one who was with him," answered Keldea.

"Also incorrect," said Chatot, "It would be both of your faults. The partner should have been watching the other's back, and the one who was knocked out should have waited for his partner for help."

Both Keldeo and Keldea realize the true importance of teamwork for the first time. On their first day at the guild, they have already learned a lesson that will shape the course of their journey.

After dinner, Chatot leads them to their room where they will stay while at the guild.

"Well, at least we get our own room here," said Keldeo.

"Yeah, it's alright," said Keldea, seemingly distracted.

"What's on your mind Keldea?" asked Keldeo.

"I'm sorry about what I said this morning," said Keldea.

"Don't worry about it, it was my fault too," said Keldeo.

"Tomorrow, let's start fresh," said Keldea.

"Yeah, with you and me, we will be the best rescue team this guild has ever seen!" said Keldeo.

"Yeah! Nothing will be able to stop us," said Keldea.

Both of them yawn loudly, and decide to go to bed.

"Good night Keldea," said Keldeo.

"Night big bro," said Keldea.

As the sun disappears below the horizon, the twin siblings drift off to sleep.