A/N: Hi, remember this story? There are three divisions in this chapter. I usually don't like doing that, but I've actually written past this part and it doesn't make sense to divide it up anywhere else. So this chapter splits.

"Why haven't you changed, Agahnim?"

Agahnim looked up from washing off my legs, and tapped the eye insignia hanging from his neck. "The Sheikah emblem pendant I wear is actually made from a Moon Pearl, which counteracts the effects of the Dark World's transformation. If I were to take it off I would change, but I never remove it."

"What do you suppose you'd change into?" Now I was curious.

"Probably a nightmare or an imp poe," he rattled off, not even looking up from his work. I take it he doesn't want to find out. It's possible changing would keep him from being able to use his magic, who knows. This Dark World is a strange and scary place.

Ganon strode in just as Agahnim finished, and knelt down to look at my busted leg. "I believe I have a suitable plan of action for fixing your leg, but it's going to come at a heavy cost," he sighed.

That scared me. "What do you mean?"

"The short of it is that you'll be wearing a cast for at least six months," he admitted. "You can't walk right now as it is, and I doubt you'll be able to walk while its healing due to the spells I'll have to use. Unless you learn how to use those wings, you'll be staying in bed."

I was about to say something, when Ganon chuckled under his breath. "What's so funny?"

"Deja vu," he mumbled. "Anyway, you need to be healthy for the procedure, so we'll begin after you've had a few more days' meals and rest. But for right now, since you're stuck in bed, we might as well do something productive."

Ganon slid his hand between me and the wall, pushing me away from my lean against the headboard and sliding me to the middle of the bed. I wobbled and started to fall over once he let go, so he quickly shoved a bunch of pillows in my lap and had me hunch over them.

"What are we doing this for?" I asked, noticing that Agahnim had started doing chores in the washroom, ignoring us completely.

"How much can you move those wings?" Ganon asked, carefully turning my chin to look his way instead of towards the washroom. "You've said you don't know how to use them, but surely you must have gotten them to move at some point..."

"Um, they stretch out when I yawn..." I tried to think of any other times I could move them. "Oh yeah, I could hide them under my cloak."

"So you could close them?" Ganon scratched his chin. "Like a damselfly... When you first realized you had wings, were they open or closed?"

I chewed my lip as I tried to remember. "I was lying in a box, so they had to be closed. When the octopus who found me told me to get up and look, they were open like they are now, maybe because I probably stretched when I stood up."

Ganon raised an eyebrow when I said I was in a box, but then shook it off and sat down on the floor in front of me so he was closer to eye level. "Fine. Close them for me now."


"Just do it."

I grunted in annoyance, then hugged the pillows as I thought about how I was going to do this. A few seconds later Ganon nodded, and I realized the wings had closed themselves.

"How did I do that?!"

"Were you thinking about closing them?" he asked, and I nodded in response. "Then that's how you did it. It's just like how you move your other limbs by thinking about them, except the brain simplifies the process and you do it automatically. Try opening them."

Opening took a little longer, but I managed to get them back to the X spread they were in when we started. The top right wing was a little slower and I got confused, but then I remembered that it was broken when they found me and was still healing.

"Well done, Meika."

"Huh?" I looked around, puzzled. "Who's Meika?"

"You," Ganon answered with a smirk. "It means 'beautiful flower' in my people's language, and since you can't remember your name, we'll just have to give you a new one."

That's... actually rather cute for a big piggy man. He thinks I'm a beautiful flower. I was pondering the significance of a horrible creature having a soft side, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Agahnim entering the room with an armful of colorful dresses. "What's that all about?!"

"Hm?" Ganon turned, and saw his manservant stop in his tracks. "Ah. Well, you don't expect us to make you keep wearing the same soiled dress, now do you? You're not a prisoner."

Oh wow... First I'm rescued and patched up, then I'm given a cute name, and now I have actual clothes to wear. This is a lot of care to put into the simple charity of looking after an amnesiac. Agahnim laid the dresses on the bed, and I could see that while they were a little old and faded, they were clean and soft.

Agahnim left to prepare my dinner, so Ganon helped me change out of the pink dress. It still had the breakfast that I had spilled splattered all over it. Luckily I had a shift on underneath, so Ganon didn't see everything... The dresses all laced up the back, since they needed somewhere for the wings to poke out. Ganon was nice and didn't string me up too tightly, though he did trace his finger along my healing wing enough to make me giggle.

"You felt that?"

"Yeah, it tickles," I mumbled between laughter, catching him off guard.

"...Well, that's a good sign," he snorted, trying to hide a smile. "It means feeling has returned to the damaged area. You're healing on schedule."

"It kinda felt good..."

Ganon heard me, and smirked. "Of course it did. You probably don't know this, but the base of the wing just happens to be one of the faerie's more sensitive erogenous zones."

"E-ero...?" I turned red as a beet, and quickly hid under my blanket. I could hear him guffaw as he left the room, but I remained in my little cocoon. Is he teasing me? He gave me a cute name, buttered me up with lovely clothes, and now he's embarrassing me by flirting! This isn't right! Bad piggy!

"I'll explain what I'm going to do," Ganon said, as Agahnim propped me up with my back against the headboard. I was dressed lightly, just in my shift and a pair of panties so that they could access my leg. Ganon wiped my leg off, then traced lines above and below the damaged area.

"The lower leg has two bones," he explained, "and when yours was broken, instead of the two healing in line with their mates, it turned into a calcified mess."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means I have to get rid of all that," he answered with a sigh. "I have to open your leg, take the rotten parts out, put a guide in place for the bones to heal straight, and close it."

The face I made must have been frightening, because Ganon and Agahnim both stopped their preparations and came over to calm me down. "Don't worry about the procedure," Agahnim urged. "You won't feel any of it, since it will be performed through magic."

"The only reason I'm keeping you awake is so I can make sure I'm not overstressing your body too much," Ganon said while setting his hand on my thigh as a calming gesture. "This is going to take a lot of magic to accomplish and while I believe your true form is one that can handle a great deal of magical energy, it is still very risky."

"True form?" I looked up from the hand on my leg into Ganon's snout, taking note of his sharp golden eyes. There was something familiar about-

"I believe I know what your true shape is, back in the Light World," he interrupted, making me lose my train of thought. "The girls of the forest are somewhat fragile physically, but they are known to have strong magical auras. If I can control things right, you should be able to take just enough of my magic to reconstruct the bones. After that, we can let them heal on their own."

"Okay. As long as it doesn't hurt..."

"You won't even feel it," Ganon said, then waived his hand over my face. I suddenly felt everything go limp, and I leaned back in a daze as I watched Ganon begin hovering his hands over my leg. A few minutes after that, I felt my eyes drift closed.

"Is something the matter, Master?" Agahnim had been holding their patient's leg open as Ganondorf worked, but now the Gerudo king had paused and turned toward the head of the bed looking rather pensive.

"...You see it, don't you?"

Agahnim tilted his head as Ganondorf continued.

"It's not just the eyes. She's a match in almost every way." He picked up her hand, and for a second thought he saw a familiar scar across her palm. "Pale, thin, the same pointed ears, an unfortunate set of injuries..." Ganondorf raised the girl's shift, revealing a rather large scar across her lower abdomen. "Blind did not do that, it's too old."

Now Agahnim realized what his master was thinking. "My Lord, I was there with you. Marin wasn't breathing. You were even holding her as she..."

A sharp glare cut the priest's sentence short. "Bite your tongue, Agahnim. I know what happened, I think about it every day I look in the mirror and see this hideous pig staring back at me. But remember how she said she woke in a box?"

"I don't remember her saying that, but go on."

"We were banished here through an artificial gate created by the sages," Ganondorf recollected, "but we've all heard the rumors about entrances to the Sacred Realm that are scattered throughout Hyrule. What if we buried Marin atop a hidden portal?"

Agahnim closed up the girl's leg after Ganondorf finished setting his magical splints. "I see what you mean, Master, but wouldn't that have just transported her body here? How could she have come back to life, and without any memories?"

"I don't know," Ganondorf answered with a sigh. "Maybe it was the magic of the Golden Power. Our Meika doesn't have Marin's memories, at least not that I could see."

"...There's always a Moon Pearl," Agahnim suggested, causing his master to chew his lip.

"Yeah, but there are also mimics and redeads who like to steal bodies." Plus, Ganondorf couldn't admit that it was painful enough seeing the result of Blind's torture on Meika. If he saw it on Marin, it would ruin him. "Let's just wrap her up and forget I said anything."