Detective Carl Horvath let his mind wander while he drove. His wife Tori, had been gone for almost a decade. When she passed she left him with his two children, Carl Jr. and Vicky. They were only twelve and thirteen at the time.

It wasn't long after he started having an affair with a young woman. He had by chance met her after her car broke down. For some strange reason she had grown some attachment to him. She kept showing up where he was. Not long after that the affair began, it wasn't until much later he learned she was married.

Four years after the start of the affair she told him she was pregnant. For a moment he was thrilled until she told him it was her husband's. Carl didn't know how she could be so sure but they were always safe.

Nine months later she had a little boy she named Justin. The affair didn't end; it just became once a month instead of once a week.

Then two years ago, she told him she was pregnant again by her husband. It hurt too much and he ended the relationship. He had no idea if the new baby was a boy or girl. One thing for sure was he was done with relationships. It was just his job and kids, even though they had their own lives now.

Justin held his baby sister's hand while his dad drove away. He liked the park but didn't like to be there alone. His dad said he would be back to get them soon. The park wasn't the one they usually go to. This one was dirty and didn't even have a slide. He loved the slide, but he had Molly so he couldn't do that anyway. Molly was just a baby.

Molly started to pull on his hand. She was trying to go to the swing. There was a baby swing but he's not big enough to put her in it. Molly is only one, she only started walking last month. It was scary at the park by themselves. Even if his dad wasn't always nice he would protect them. He wished he would come back soon.

Craig Taylor was in deep trouble. It all started when his wife died shortly after her daughter's birth, leaving him with two kids that weren't even his. He knew about his wife's affair but didn't call her out on it; it would be very hypocritical.

After a year of marriage and Jen wasn't pregnant they both were tested. Jen was fine but he was shooting blanks. He decided to keep it to himself. It wasn't a big deal until one day she announced she was pregnant. Big red flag for him. He kept his mouth shut though. He never wanted to marry Jennifer in the first place; that was all his father's plan. All he wanted was to get the hell out of Pittsburg and stay gone. His dad threatened to take away everything he gave him if he didn't settle down and get married. He met Jennifer their senior year of college.

They were married within the year, but that didn't mean he was faithful. He didn't care who Jen slept with either just as long as she was discreet and the old man didn't hear.

When Justin was born his dad was over the moon about his 'grandson'. The old man doted on Justin, and when Molly was born he did the same with her.

After Jen died he told his father the truth; he was tired of raising someone else's kids. His father was less than pleased but the real shocker was the man didn't care, he still loved his 'grandchildren'.

Then to make matters worse his father changed his will. He made it clear that no matter whose blood they had, the kids would split his entire fortune, not one penny for Craig.

Abandoning the children at the park was sort of spur of the moment. Starting when his father died yesterday, he flipped out. Not because he would miss the son of a bitch but because he really needed that money.

So he set everything up with an old friend. Craig would drop the kids off at the park, then Pauley would get rid of them. Craig had no feelings for the kids, putting up with them for a year was pushing it and he only did that because of his father.

He couldn't let them be killed, even he couldn't stomach that. But Pauley knew someone that did black market adoptions. He said Molly was almost guaranteed to get adopted. Justin on the other hand was a little old at four. Pauley said not the worry that he would find someone to take him. In the matter of hours his problems would be over.

Oh sure, in a couple hours he would have to call the cops and report them missing. He would tell them about dropping the kids off at the park and doing business down the street. He would get in trouble for leaving them, maybe even do jail time. He didn't care, he would be rid of those brats once and for all.

That was all before Pauley called him and told him that cops were swarming the park. He just hoped the kids weren't there.

Detective Horvath drove up to the small, grimy park. No kids ever play in it anymore, no parent would let them. They had received a call earlier from a concerned citizen. The woman said she was driving by and saw two small children.

She comforted the children then called the police. This was a job for uniforms but he was on his way home when the call came in. He would be driving past the park anyway.

When he arrived he was the first to arrive. There was a well-dressed black woman holding the baby. She was swaying side to side; he could hear her singing. There was a little blonde boy in overalls and a red long-sleeved shirt. The baby at least had a coat but the boy didn't.

Once most of the trio noticed him approach the boy grabbed the woman's legs.

"It's okay, baby," the woman said softly to the child. She gently stroked the child's blonde little head as he held onto her for dear life.

"I'm Detective Horvath, a uniformed officer will be here shortly. I radioed in that I was on location." He flashed the woman his badge.

"I was driving by and saw these two. The boy is ice cold but he wouldn't leave the park, he kept saying his father was coming back," she said.

Carl knelt down so he would be eye level with the child. The little boy peeked out from behind the woman's legs.

"Hello, my name is Carl Horvath. Can you tell me your name?" he asked gently.

"Justin," Justin whispered.

"Can you tell me what your sister's name is?" He was going on it being a girl from the pink coat.

"Molly," Justin said a bit louder.

"Those are real nice names. Can you tell me your parents' names?"

"Mommy's in heaven," Justin said, eyes filling with tears.

Carl wasn't really good with things like this. It was probably one of the reasons his kids were so far away. The woman seemed better equipped, she handed the baby off to Carl and picked the small boy up. He cried softly into her shoulder. By the time he was drying his eyes, two uniformed officers were walking up to them.

"Detective," Officer Palmer said, nodding her head. "What do we have here?"

"Looks like the dad dropped the kids off, don't know if he's coming back or not," he told the officers.

That seemed to be the worst thing he could have said. The little boy's head shot up and angry tears started to roll down his face.

"My daddy is coming back. He promised," the boy said forcefully.

"Can you tell me what your daddy's name is?" Officer Harris asked.

Officer Harris had just comeback from maternity leave. She was the best chance they had at getting answers, her and the Good Samaritan.

"Craig Taylor," Justin said glaring at Carl.

Where had he heard that name before? Craig Taylor. Even Justin Taylor sounded familiar. He only had known a few Taylors. Jennifer had been a Taylor.

It hit him like a ton of bricks. Craig Taylor was the name of Jennifer's husband. She had said she named her little boy Justin.

Carl looked closer at the little boy; he could see Jennifer in this child. Funnily enough, besides the blonde hair, he also looked a little like Carl Jr. did when he was small. The boy's face was softer that C.J.'s was but there was just something about the child that reminded him of his son. He didn't even have to wonder if he got it right, he knew these were Jennifer's children.

That asshole of a husband of hers left their children in a drug-filled park. He would have to…

Mommy's in heaven.

That meant Jennifer was really gone now. If he was pressed he would admit he loved her. She was too scared of her husband to leave; no matter how much he promised to protect her.

Carl was determined to at least now put his suspicions away. Once they took the kids to the hospital to make sure they were okay, he would have a DNA test run.

"Evelyn Chanders," he heard the Good Samaritan reply to a question.

If the woman hadn't seen the children and stopped the outcome could have been very different.

The children had been in custody of social services for two weeks. Craig Taylor had been found and said it was all a misunderstanding. Carl was expecting the DNA test any day now. His lawyer had promised him that if he was the father, he would have his children. He didn't trust Craig Taylor one little bit. The man hadn't even asked if his children were okay, he didn't even ask to see them.

There was something very wrong with the situation. Mrs. Travers, the children's social worker, had said the boy had been asking when his father was coming to get them. It broke Carl's heart to hear about it.

Carl's phone rang just as he was headed out the door.

"Horvath," he answered.

"Detective Horvath, we have your DNA tests back about the minor children Justin and Molly Taylor," a soft female voice said.

"And?" He hoped they could just tell him. He went through the hospital instead a facility specializing in DNA testing.

"I have faxed copies to your lawyer like you have requested."

"Are they mine?" he asked gruffly.

"Carl, I can't tell you on the phone. But I will tell you to contact your lawyer immediately to get a jump on things."

That was all he needed to hear, they were his. Jennifer had lied or at least convinced herself they weren't his.

Justin didn't like it at Mrs. Dana's. She was nice and all and was good to Molly but he wanted to go home. He missed his bear Gus, he missed his dad. He just wanted to go home and sleep in his own bed.

Mrs. Dana said she wasn't mad at him when he wet the bed. His daddy would have been mad, he always was. Then he would get a spanking, he hated getting spankings. It hurt to sit down and his back always hurt. If his daddy lost his temper then he would have to wear long sleeves so his babysitter wouldn't know.

"Justin?" Mrs. Dana called.

He picked up the stuffed dog that he got from the nice man. The nice man had come over almost every day. He would play with Molly and Justin, he was really funny too.

Mrs. Dana said the nice man was coming and they would talk. She said that he had something really important to talk to him about.

Justin went down the stairs carrying his dog. It looked like the nice man was already here. He was holding Molly and tickling her belly. Daddy never did anything like that. He wouldn't play with either of them.

"Kiddo," the nice man said when he saw him.

Justin ran to him and gave him a big hug. The man handed Molly to Mrs. Dana and scooped Justin up. He giggled when the man started to tickle him too.

"Oh, someone's ticklish," the man said.

"Stop," Justin begged in between giggles.

Carl put his son down in front of him. The paperwork was all done and the judge finally signed off on it. He was able to take his children home. Social Services would still check on them until the case was closed. Craig Taylor admitted to knowing the children weren't his. He said he wouldn't give up his rights but he didn't have a leg to stand on. After some investigating, Carl found out about the kids inheritance.

The kids were lucky, Craig's father was a whole lot smarter than his son. The money was locked up tight until they each were twenty-five, except for a trust for college. Craig had filed to get it thrown out but Mr. Jamison, his father's lawyer, said Mr. Taylor knew the kids weren't his biological grandchildren but he didn't care.

Now all was left was for Carl to get his children. Molly was still young but he had to tell Justin the truth. He wouldn't go in to detail, just the facts.

He pulled out a chair and pulled Justin onto his lap.

"I need to tell you something very important." Deep breath. "I used to know your mommy, did you know that?" Justin shook his head, eyes wide. "I was in love with her, and we had two babies together."

Really, he had no idea how to tell the boy. So he went the blunt way. His big point was he didn't want the child to think that asshole was his father.

"Where are they? Do they live with you?" the boy asked, tears springing from his eyes.


"You're my son, Justin. Your mommy was mistaken when she thought Craig Taylor was your father."

"Daddy's not my daddy?" Justin asked. He didn't understand what was going on. The nice man said that he was his real daddy. That was what Justin really wanted but thought it was a silly dream.

"No, he's not. I am."


"She's mine too. We can all live together if you want." Carl's heart was beating out of control.

"Can I call you Daddy?" Justin asked timidly. His first dad didn't like him calling him daddy sometimes.

"I would be honored." Carl hugged the boy tightly.

Justin threw his arms around his new daddy's neck and hugged him really big. He still missed his old dad but maybe his new one wouldn't be so scary. Maybe Molly would never have to go hungry for days because she was bad. Maybe she would never have to tell someone she fell down.