He tries to remember how he got here, ended up in this situation. A situation that doesn't look like it will have a very positive outcome; at least, not for him.

There had been the desperate call for back-up by HPD, then scattered bits of info coming over the radio as an increasing number of cops responded to come to the aid of fellow officers. He'd been by himself, doing a last follow-up on a case they were about to close, tying up loose ends before heading on over to HQ to call it a day.

"What do you have for me, Chin?"

His team mate's voice sounded slightly confused when he came back to him over the radio.

"Don't really know, boss. It was supposed to be a simple arrest but it turned into a shoot-out. As far as I can tell there are three officers down; the original arresting officers as well as one man from the second squad car HPD sent over. Two more cars were sent in but it seems they got lured into a trap; they're being pinned down as we speak."

He'd swore, both out of frustration as well as concern for the safety of the men out there. "OK, tell Danny and Lou I'll meet up with them there. Keep me updated." Chin had told him Danny and Lou were already on their way over, then signed off.

And then ...

He'd been close to the scene, just a few more miles. As he took the sharp turn in the road, concentrating hard on keeping the Silverado under control while anticipating possible oncoming traffic, he never expected a car coming down out of a driveway, coming at him hard and fast, slamming into the side of his truck.

For one dazed moment after his truck went off the side of the road it hung suspended, caught by roots and vines and branches. Hanging against the door, wedged between deployed airbags, he had looked up and seen somebody standing above him, staring down.

Then the natural safety net had proven to be too weak and the truck had started sliding down hill, back end first. Slowly at first but then gathering momentum, going faster and faster, violently slamming his body against the door and steering wheel until both the truck and his world had come to a crashing halt.

He had blacked out.

So here he is now.

Trapped inside what's left of the truck, wrenched upside down, hanging in seat belts which are meant to save his life. Seat belts which have probably kept him from dying on impact, but are now slowly but surely choking what little life he has left out of him.

He can't breathe ...