Author's Note: This is sadly the last chapter for "Meet My Brothers". Thank you so much for all those who favorited, followed and reviewed this fanfic! Special thanks to Rosemary1234 and the mysterious guest for the nice comments :3. Again, I am heartily sorry for all the stupid typos and grammatical errors in the previous chapters. I make this at like 1 am so I'm a bit out of it. Since this one is much longer than the other chapters I finished this about 3 am so I think theres at least 4 error, but hopefully not! I hope you enjoy and if you want to read more HongIce, I made a new fanfiction called "Mysterious is the New Popular". Go check it out if you want and have fun reading the last chapter of "Meet my Brothers"

Iceland stared at the mirror. He has been changing his outfit for hours now. His other clothes were either scattered on the floor or on his bed. He wanted to look formal, but also casual at the same time. There have been many promising combinations of jeans and shirts He even wore a suit, but he couldn't pick. He has been up since 4 am, but hasn't been lucky in finding that perfect set of clothes.

"Ice, What ya doing so early." Iceland turned to see Denmark who was in his sleeping clothes. He wore a red fitted long sleeve shirt and white boxers. Denmark rubbed his eyes and yawned. He looked at the digital clock on Iceland's wall.

"It's only 7 in the morning, Ice. Isn't Hong Kong coming later? Like late late later later." The Dane said obviously still half asleep.

"I couldn't sleep." Iceland replied hoping that the sleepy nation wouldn't notice the bundle of clothes just lying around in Iceland's room.

"Awwwwwwwww, that so cute!" Denmark gushed and walked towards Iceland. He pinched Iceland cheeks and kept making baby noises.

"Agh! Stop! You're so embarrassing" Iceland tried to take Denmark's hands off, but he was too strong.

"If you can't go to sleep you could always sleep with me and Nor- wait. Why are there clothes all around? DID SOMEONE ROB YOU? OH GOD! WHEN I FIND OUT WHO!-"

"NO I DIDN'T GET ROBBED YOU IDIOT!" Iceland exclaimed at the now fuming Denmark.

"Then what happened! OH! IS THERE AN EARTHQUAKE! IN THAT CASE, I'LL SAVE YOU, ICE!" Denmark answered back and tackled Iceland which made both fall to the floor. Denmark pinned the Icelandic teen to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! GET OFF!" Iceland continued to struggle but the Dane's weight was too heavy for him to get out off.


"STUPID! I CAN'T BREATHE. YOU'RE MAKING ME DIE FROM SUFFOCATION!" Iceland replied feeling a little bit breathless.



"Oh." Denmark immediately rose up which made Iceland instantly breathe as much air as he can.

"Why didn't you just say so?" Demark gave a big smile and lend his hand for Iceland in order to help him stand. Iceland gave a deadly glare, but Denmark was very much oblivious to it so it was no use.

"I can help you in that department ya know? I mean your brother didn't just date me because of my brain and my smartnitude." Denmark proudly stated.

"The fact that 'smartnitude' isn't a word indicated that you don't have a brain." Iceland said still very much angry at Denmark.

"Oh come on, Icey. I didn't mean too! Seriously though, I'm good with clothes and stuff. Let me help! Pretty pretty pleases! With a beer… I mean cherry on top!" Denmark hands were in a praying position. He pouted his lips and gave Iceland his best set of puppy dog eyes. Surprisingly, it was working. Iceland sighed. He wasn't making progress anyways. Might as well give the stupid Dane a shot. Iceland nodded.

"YAAAAAY!" Denmark launched himself to Iceland in order to give him a tight hug. Iceland accepted it and hugged back.

"You better not mess it up though, stupid."

\(-_-)/ HUZZAH \(-_-)/

Norway woke up around 8 am. Today, he and Finland would be going to the supermarket to buy the necessary ingredients. He sat upright and stretched his arms while closing his eyes. After, he turned to his side to wake up the annoying Denmark. To his surprise, he wasn't there. Norway was very confused. Denmark never woke up earlier than him. Some days, he was dead asleep until it was the next day. He quickly got out of bed and went to look for him. He went to the bathroom and knocked on the closed door.

"Hello? Denmark." Norway said hoping it would be him in there.

"OH GOD! SVE ITS NORWAY! WHAT DO WE DO?!" A voice came out of the bathroom. Most likely, it was Tino.

"D'nt w'rry, w'fe. 'll h'ndle it." Correction, it was definitely Tino.

"N' 'nes h're g' aw'y." Sweden said. He was probably proud and thought that his statement was very convincing.

"K." Norway replied and went downstairs at once. He didn't even want to know what weird shit they were doing in there. He went to the kitchen, but no luck showed in finding Denmark. He was getting a little bit worried now. What if something bad had happened to him? He quickly then remembered Iceland. He ran as fast as he could up the stairs and towards Iceland's room. He karate kicked the door open with all his strength and the wooden barrier immediately fell to the ground.

"ICE ARE YOU OKA- Denmark?" Alright, now he was confused. So many articles of clothing were randomly placed around the floor. Meanwhile, Iceland was safely sitting on his bed while Denmark was standing and holding two different pairs of pants. Both had a look of bewilderment that was directed at Norway.

"Oh Norge! You are just in time. What works better with the white polo? The black jeans or the red ones?" Denmark asked.

"The black one. WAIT. HOLD ON. WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING?!" Norway said.

"Oh yeah! Forgot to tell you. I woke up and went to the bathroom and then I heard rustling in Ice's room so I went there to check on him and I found him awake. Apparently, he just needed help with his clothes and there was no earthquake or thieve or anything like that." Denmark explained.

Norway turned to Iceland.

"You know if you can't sleep you can always sleep with us, lillebro-"


"Whoops." Norway replied he immediately turned his back and walked away leaving the angry Iceland to unleash his torment unto the Dane instead. He'll be sure to make Sweden fix it later though.

\(-_-)/ HUZZAH \(-_-)/

It was almost 6 pm. All was ready. Iceland's clothes, the food, even all the broken furniture was fixed. The only thing left on the list was to wait for Hong Kong to arrive. Iceland was nervous. He was shaking. I mean his boyfriend is actually going to meet his family. HIS FAMILY. What if he doesn't like them? What if they don't like him? Iceland was internally freaking out when Sweden noticed what was going on.

"D'nt b' sc'red. 'f he l'ves ya, he w'll acc'pt ev'ry p'rt of ya, and we w'll b' at 're b'st b'havior."

Iceland calmed down a bit.

"Thanks, Sve." He replied.

"S're. Is th're anyth'ng 'lse I c'n do ta c'lm y'r n'rves?" Sweden asked.

"Well, there is one thing."

Sweden looked at Iceland, waiting for the task he was to do next.

"Just don't touch me." Norway told Iceland about the little rendezvous Finland and Sweden has this morning and he just wanted to be safe and clean from whatever Sweden got out of Finland.

\(-_-)/ HUZZAH \(-_-)/

The doorbell rang. Iceland quickly stood up from the couch and approached door. He checked if it was really him through the peeping hole, and sure enough it was. He accidentally gave a small squeal. Hopefully, Hong Kong didn't hear that. He opened the door revealing Hong Kong holding a bouquet of flowers.

"I like totally heard the squeal." Hong Kong said with a smirk, but Iceland didn't care. He pulled Hong Kong into a hug.

"Hi." Hong Kong said while holding Iceland.

"Hi." Iceland replied still hugging his boyfriend tightly until…

"HI! IM DENMARK!" Stupid Dane.

Both boys let go. Denmark was standing and grinning widely at the two.

"Well, don't just stand there! Come in! Come in!" Denmark said enthusiastically leading Hong Kong and Iceland in the house. Denmark led them to the living room where Sweden was.

"H'llo. 'm Sw'den 'r Sv' if ya w'nt." Sweden said to Hong Kong, trying his best not to seem scary which of course still look a little scary to the others, but apparently not to Hong Kong. Hong Kong smiled and greeted back.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Hong Kong put out his hand for Sweden to shake. Both Denmark and Iceland were impressed. Most people would have ran by now. Denmark whispered in Iceland's ear.

"He didn't even flinch! He's so a keeper, Icey. Good job."

Iceland smiled. He was, wasn't he?

"This is such a nice place, especially the furniture." Now it was Sweden's turn to whisper… or at least try to whisper.

"I l'ke h'm. C'n we keep h'm?"

"Sve, that's not whispering! He can very much hear you!" Iceland replied back.

Hong Kong turned to them.

"Don't worry, Ice. I'm don't find it weird. Actually, thank you very much for your very nice comment, Sve."

"S're" Yep, Sweden was loving this kid already.

"Hey, what about me?! Say something nice about me too!" Denmark annoyingly shouted. This was it, Iceland thought. Denmark would be so annoying that he would be the one to drive Hong Kong away.

"I like your hair." Hong Kong said.

"Wait what?" Iceland asked, a bit bemused.

"I like his hair…. I like it." Hong Kong didn't have to say no more. Denmark immediately ran and squeezed the kid.


Hong Kong just had the same blank expression. He didn't struggle or yell for help. He just simply stayed quiet. Denmark finally let him go when Norway and Finland arrived.

"Sorry about him. He's an idiot." Norway said.

"It's fine." Hong Kong replied.

"I'm Iceland's older brother. You can call me Norway." Norway said shaking Hong Kong's hand.

"This is Finland."

"Hi!" Finland waved and his tone had a hint of excitement.

"You already know Denmark and Sweden."

"Mm.." Sweden said.

"If you need anything don't hesitate to ask." Norway told Hong Kong. Hong Kong stared at the ground. He looked a little troubled.

"Is there a problem?" Norway asked.

"Oh, not really. It's just like in my country we are very respectful to people who are older than us… If you don't mind… may I call you Big Brother?" And just like that Iceland knew what Norway was about to say.


Of course he did.

\(-_-)/ HUZZAH \(-_-)/

They all finished dinner and now Iceland and Hong Kong were in Iceland's bedroom cuddling. Dinner went smoothly. Hong Kong complimented Norway and Finland's cooking which made Finland very happy and Norway love Hong Kong even more. Hong Kong shared a few stories that were funny and told the Nordics more about himself, his culture, and his siblings. Everyone, especially Denmark, thought the stories were interesting and asked him for more. It was safe to say that the dinner turned out a success. Iceland was smiling up at the ceiling.

"What are you thinking about?" Hong Kong asked looking at him.

"Oh, nothing really. Just today was wonderful. You were wonderful." Iceland answered. He couldn't keep that damn smile hidden so he just let it be for now.

"And you are perfect." Hong Kong said as he placed a kiss on Iceland's forehead. Iceland blushed. They stared at each other's eyes for a minute. Hong Kong leaned in closer and closer. Their lips were about to meet.


Immediately they broke apart. Iceland pushed Hong Kong away too hard and fell off the bed.

"WHAT?!" Iceland said angrily. Denmark was standing outside holding a DVD with Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

"Well, remember when I lost the Fault in Our Stars movie you bought. I finally found it which means it's movie night!... Uh, Hong Kong what ya doing on the floor?" Denmark asked curiously.

"Oh, um… looking to check if there are like thieves under the bed. I want to make sure we're all safe and stuff." Hong Kong answered. There was a short pause which made both Hong Kong and Iceland scared. Then, Denmark spoke.


Iceland was relieved.

"Again, not a word."

"Whatever, come on! Let's watch it! Norway said yes!"

"Really? You agreed to this?" Iceland said to his older brother who now came in along with the rest of the Nordics.

"It's been so long since we had a movie night, so we should have one now with family. That includes you Hong Kong." Norway replied pointing at Hong Kong while smiling.

Hong Kong got up and sat on the bed. Iceland sat right beside him. Sweden settled on the arm chair and Finland sat on his lap. Denmark placed the disc on the player and sat on the floor with Norway. The movie played and Hong Kong looked at Iceland and said,




Author's Note: Again, thank you all so much! I hope you liked this and if you're about to check my new Fanfic, I'm sorry for the many typos and thank you for reading that too!