There he is. Sitting at his usual spot. The steel table with a white umbrella and a single chair waiting for someone to sit in the empty space. He seems to always have a book with him when he sits here. Every 20 minutes he checks his phone that is sitting on the steel table. I'm to far away to see what book he is reading, but it looks like a hard cover.


I like that.

Every Friday I wait for him to sit down outside this cafe, Patito Cafe. He always shows up at 5:15p.m. I sit on a park bench while watching him. He is interesting to look at, to study, to have someone to love. The wind pushes his hair in front of his flawless face. With one swift move he pushes his hair back into place with his soft looking hand. I wish to know what it feels like. I imagine it feels softer than silk.

Although he looks harmful I feel like there is an edge to this boy. Something that makes him stand out of a crowd. His chestnut colored hair gives off a shine, like how an angel has a halo on top of their head.

The shadows of the world darken his facial features which makes him even more desirable to look at. His skin seems a bit tanner than the average person with the shadows covering him. Each time he blinks his long wing-like lashes seem to get longer. Anyone could get lost in his dark wood colored eyes.

He seems more than just a human to look at. He needs to be cared for and looked after by someone. Someone like me.

I want him.

I will have him.

I want to keep him and treat him like

the way he needs to be treated like. But now he is getting up which breaks my heart. It's been an hour since he sat down to read that book he brought with him. Time flies when you're in love with someone. Like usual he walks to the left with his black iPhone phone in his pocket and the book in his right hand.

With it being cooler than usual he lifts his black hoodie over his head. I've never seen him with his hoodie over his head. This made my heart pound with joy and wonder. He looked even more magnificent than usual. Without hesitation I got up to follow him down the street. The street lamps guided him to where ever he was going.

I've never followed him so far before. I was scared and nervous, but also excited to see more of him. I followed him a few feet behind. His black, slick jacket complimented him body so perfectly. I've never been so close to him. This fueled my fire for wanting him even more.


I'm hit with water.

I look up as rain falls from the sky. Each droplet of rain lands swiftly on the ground. I can tell he doesn't like the rain by the way he stuffs his hands fiercely in his pockets. He sighs.

I heard something from him. This is new for me. I've never felt so happy before. I dreamed of what he sounded like. Even a sigh from him depicted his voice. I imagine a cheerful voice from him with a bit of edge.

The rain didn't bother me because I was to focused on watching him and everything he did. I could hear a faint whistle from him that sounded lovely. Like he could keep a beat. Maybe he is musically talented?

He must be so talented with how smart he looks. I want to know and I will know.

But without realizing he stopped suddenly making me bump it to. I felt like a deer looking at head lights in the middle of the road. I wasn't prepared for this.

"Oh sorry," He cheerfully said turning around.

I'm so close to him.

I was at a lost for words, "Um it's ok..."

"Dan," he said happily pushing back his damp hair.

"Oh well then, it's okay Dan," I nervously said.

He turned back around and started walking of again.

His name is Dan.


It suits him. I want him even more. I will have him.

I will take him.

What do y'all think of this story's so far? I'll try to update every two weeks.

Bold words are Phil's Point Of View.

Italic words are Dan's Point Of View.

Thanks :) -Author