Operation Hope: Skipper x Hans

Operation Hope: Skipper

Hans was well known for his isolation from the team, avoiding his teammates' attempts to befriend or get close to the Puffin. Most of them had given up and written the artic bird off as an impossibility.

Yet Skipper was not most, he was determined to befriend and help the Puffin open up wither Hans liked it or not. He would become Hans' hope and best friend, someone the puffin could trust and relay on.

Operation: Hope, as he chosen to name it, was a go.

Elsewhere, Hans couldn't help but shiver as a feeling of dread ran down his spine.

Operation Hope: Cinnamon Fish Coffee

Hans sighed as he nurtured his beloved coffee and secret addiction.


The puffin glanced to the source of the voice to find Skipper standing nervously by the table.

"Yes, Skippa?"

Baby blue eyes locked on golden causing the Penguin's face to heat up to a lovely pink shade as he tried to collect his thoughts.

"I...I was wondering...Maybe that you...Can you make me some coffee?"

For some reason Hans got the feeling that the question wasn't originally what Skipper wanted to ask but shrugged before standing.

"I'll make you a Hans' Special."

Skipper blinked.

"Hans' Special?"

Hans smirked at the Penguin as he moved to the counter.

"You'll see in a minute."

Hans raised an eyebrow as he watched Skipper devour his coffee in a record time before slamming the cup onto the table and looking at him with a large grin.

"That was amazing! How did you make it? Can I have the recipe?"

Those baby blue eyes seemed to peer into Hans' soul, causing the puffin to shift on the spot.

"A blender...I guess."

A blinding smile fount its way to Skipper's face.

"Fish. Coffee blend, a little milk and cinnamon..."




"That's about it."

Hans finished a few minutes later.

"Uh, Hans?"


"Can I have another?"

Operation Hope: Sword fighting with Fish

Hans was swift on his feet, Skipper would give the Puffin that. He couldn't help but grin as the puffin swiftly dodged Skipper's Swordfish before paring it with his own.

He had to admit, he enjoyed this, the thrill of someone finally being able to hold their own against him and the fact it was Hans only made the thrill grow stronger.

Well, that and the sudden lively gleam in the Puffin's usually empty gold eyes made it all worth it.

A smirk fount it way to Skipper's face.

"Don't hold back."

"I didn't plan to. "

Operation Hope: The Promise He Couldn't Make

Hans was woken by the nerve wrecking feeling of someone watching him. Slowly a golden eye opened to a slit as his hand subtitle slipped under his pillow, gripping the handle of his .45 caliber pistol. Yet a moment later he fount himself letting it go as he spotted the intruder.


The Puffin sat up, his cover pooling at his waist as he noticed the odd solemn gleam in those blue eyes.

"What's wrong?"

A part of him couldn't help but wonder why he even bothered asking.


Though he wasn't sure why, Hans found himself patting the mattress as a sign for Skipper to hop up, which the penguin happily did before he cuddled into Hans' side.

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

Why did he even care? He should have just sent Skipper back to his own bed. Yet Hans fount himself actually listening to Skipper's fears.

"Promise me you won't leave."

Skipper mumbled as he finally drifted to sleep.

Hans stared down at the Penguin before a sad smile found its way to his face. He found himself answering despite knowing Skipper was sound asleep, unable to hear his reply.

"Skipper, Don't ask me to make promises I can't keep."