"Why do I feel so excited

Why do I feel so free?

I'm running now

Because you're somewhere near me"

New Beginning

2015 12:00 am Monday

Cars sped by, muffling the sounds of running feet.

"Excuse me! Sorry! I'm running late!"

She passed by strangers, nearly bumping into them. They gave her disapproving looks and continued on to their uneventful destination.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed and kept on running.

He listened to the loud noises of the city for a few seconds and put his headphones on. Music drowned out the police sirens, the car horns, and the seemingly never ending chatter of people. His eyes gazed up to the towering skyscrapers and he stood in the middle of the wide sidewalk, people parting in front of him.

She saw the building a few blocks ahead of her. The Institute of Art and Design, her first time going to a class there and she was going to be late.

"Almost there." She whispered through gritted teeth and increased her speed. Years of jogging in the mornings and a few marathons made her an experienced runner.

Her eyes flicked to her watch and looked at it for a few moments, unaware of a person standing just a few feet in front of her.

She kept running, still keeping pace.

Suddenly, they collided.

He stumbled back a few steps and steadied himself. She, however, lost her balance and almost fell on him.

"Ah! Oh geez, I am so sorry!" She felt two arms encircle her waist to catch and steady her. Her head turned slightly upwards and for one second, time seemed to stop.

He was only about a few inches taller than her, but he was still unbelievably short. His straight, black hair was styled in an undercut and framed his grey intimidating eyes.

She had shoulder-length hair that wasn't quite ginger or blonde, with almost the same colored eyes to match. Her appearance gave off a bright and warm feeling…something that he was not used to.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." She looked at him with a panicked expression on her face. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, the headphones he was wearing were knocked back onto his neck. One moment he was calmly looking up at the sky and then the next was a person crashing full force into him.

"I'm fine. Are you?"

She shook her head yes and stared at him for a few moments. His face looked so familiar, yet so distant at the same time.

"Have we met before?"

He raised an eyebrow, the question took him by surprise. "No."

She bit her bottom lip and glanced at the ground. "Sorry that was a stupid question." Her eyes met his again and she smiled.

"I'm Petra."

He took a second to look at her smile and then realized that his arms were still wrapped around her waist. His mind processed what to do and he quickly released her and shoved them in his pockets.

"Levi." He muttered.

Her smile grew wider and he saw her eyes twinkle. "Nice to meet you, Levi." She held out her hand for him to shake and he took it. A sudden feeling came over them and both felt whole again.

When their fingers touched, what felt like a small spark of electricity coursed through them and their hands fit together perfectly. Just like that, their pasts reunited, their fates and destines intertwined, and, in the midst of a crowd of city strangers, that someday happened.

"We're in New York City

You take me by the hand

One thing is certain

I'll stay with you forever

I'm never going to leave again."

A/N- This is the last chapter of Someday: A Rivetra Story and I wave farewell to Levi and Petra as they continue their new life. Credits to MysteriousDarkness21 who created the comic about reincarnation. If you are reading this, thank you so much for creating those drawings. I hope you enjoyed. Sayonara. (^_^)