Like I promised guys! I updated today! Yes! It feels good to update everyday again! So I wanna thank you so much guys for supporting this story! We're nearing the end! Ah! OMG! Oh my G!

And a final note: Time skips will come often in the Training is Over chapters


And no… it's not Ruffnut… SH*T! WHAT THE..?! The producers and directors are so… I can't find the words… and also Race to the Edge is before HTTYD 2… so there will be a Hiccstrid episode there, as stated by the directors/show runners Art Brown and Douglas Sloan

"They even address 'Hiccstrid' fans. "They want it so bad. They just want them to get together," says Brown.

Immediately afterward, Brown even confirms that there will be romance in Race to the Edge. They won't lean too heavily into it, but being on Netflix has given them some leeway to let these elements in. "

And also… Stoick will be on Race to the Edge! Wait! *does a R.I.P. response*

PS. Yes! These guys rock!

Oh did I spoiled you? Sorry.. but there are more info to it than what I just blurted out, and I was just so shocked… were you guys shock? I nearly threw my keyboard away when I found out about Fishlegs having a girlfriend

So here is obviously your new chapter! And the last chapter


Chapter 23: Training is Over PART 2

"So… how are gonna tell the gang about this?" Astrid asked

"I don't know actually…" Hiccup said

"What about your dad? Not to mention Gobber also…" Astrid asked

"I don't know either… we'll just let them find out" Hiccup said

"That had to be the dumbest way to tell your dad, Gobber, and the gang" Astrid said

"I'll try to tell dad and Gobber, you and me will go tell the gang tomorrow…" Hiccup said

The couple were flying with their dragons back to Berk and as they were nearing Berk, tension, nervousness and awkwardness tend to rise up within them. After a while of flying, Hiccup and Astrid managed to get back to Berk, the dragons landed at Berk, Astrid was the first one to dismount her dragon, followed Hiccup who dismounted his dragon.

"I'll go tell dad and Gobber… remember, tomorrow at the Great Hall, we'll tell the gang at breakfast" Hiccup said

"You really had this planned…" Astrid chuckled

"Nah… I'm still nervous telling dad and Gobber… but tomorrow okay?" Hiccup asked

"Tomorrow…" Astrid said, before turning away "Goodnight Hiccup…"

Astrid walked to her house, followed by Stormfly, Hiccup smiled at her and turned away also and started heading to his house "C'mon bud…"

Toothless followed Hiccup from behind, they began walking to their own house. Toothless warbled, making Hiccup smile at him "I know bud, I need to tell them right away…" Hiccup said, pretending to understand Toothless

Hiccup went in his house and saw Stoick beside the fire, trying to heat himself up, Hiccup cleared his throat, attaining his attention. Stoick looked at his son "Oh son, where have you been? It's already late"

"Dad… we-we need to talk…" Hiccup said

Stoick stood up and went to his son's side "What is it?" Stoick said, still in a serious tone

"Ugh dad… I was… I know that… I ugh… me and ugh… dad, d-don't freak out! T-this is... this is a bit serious… ugh, not-not serious like… not serious like there is a intruder, but…" Hiccup stuttered

"C'mon tell me… I haven't had all night for this" Stoick said

"H-how do I say this… I-I was with… Astrid! And I am… I was… I-I was… I was… argh! I asked her to be my girlfriend!" Hiccup sped up the last part

Stoick raised his eyebrow and bent down to Hiccup, looking suspicious "What did you say?"

"Dad… I… I-I asked Astrid… t-to-to be my girlfriend… and she-she said yes…" Hiccup stuttered again

Stoick thought for a while and did a hearty laugh, making Hiccup chuckle nervously, Stoick grabbed his son's shoulder "My boy! You're all grown up! You finally have the guts to ask someone to be your girlfriend! I'm proud of you, my boy!" Stoick said, squeezing his son

"Ugh… ugh… dad… it's really… it's really hard to… BREATHE!" Hiccup wheezed

Stoick lets go of his son and continued his hearty laugh "I'm just proud…"

"I-I know you are…" Hiccup said


(I'm just gonna skip the part where Gobber and the gang knew about their relationship… sorry!)

A year had already passed, Hiccup, Astrid ad Snotlout were already 20 while the twins and Fishlegs were 19. Life has been extremely amazing and normal for the people of Berk. Hiccup and Astrid continuing to love each other every day, Snotlout and Fishlegs are still trying to win Ruffnut's heart making Tuffnut wanna blow things up.

Hiccup was at the forge, working on his flight suit, finally. Hiccup had been waiting for the time that he'll be making that flight suit and test it. Working on fixing a few minor calibrations, yep… it was very sensitive, he began to sew it to the leather, and making new armour to put onto his clothes right now, he felt proud.

Toothless watched him do it, feeling intrigued with what his rider is making, he was in a gleeful mood that day and can't wait to fly in the skies. Hiccup sighed and showed Toothless his work "Look bud, now I'm able to put the map and other materials into my new armour" Hiccup smiled

Toothless growled happily, then Hiccup began putting his new armour on, Toothless watched him do it and he shot out a gummy smile upon seeing the results, it fitted his rider well.

Hiccup smiled at Toothless and looked down to himself, then he heard a knock from the door, Hiccup bent down, getting his supplies "Yeah… come in!" Hiccup yelled

The door opened revealing Astrid, then Toothless greeted her, making her smile. Astrid patted Toothless and looked around "Hiccup?" Astrid yelled

"I'm over here!" Hiccup answered

Astrid followed the voice and saw Hiccup… or an armoured man, fixing his stuff from under a table. Astrid questioned herself and asked again "Hiccup?" she asked in confusion

Hiccup looked at Astrid and stood up "Yeah?"

Astrid gasped a little and Hiccup chuckled at her "Like the armour? I just finished with it, I also have the flight suit in here and I was just about to test it out, I'm just gonna put some things in here…" Hiccup said, arranging his things

Astrid grabbed his little box of tools and handed it to Hiccup "New armour? Well I thought your change is already done since last year, guess there was a late catch" Astrid said

Hiccup chuckled and grabbed the tool box from Astrid gently and puts it onto the desk "Yeah, well, Trader Johann came just a few days ago, and he did got enough materials for this new armour, so I got started yesterday and until today…" Hiccup said, with a little charismatic flair

"That's nice… and you're gonna test it out now?" Astrid asked, braiding his hair

"Yeah…" Hiccup replied, taking a glance at Astrid

Astrid lets go of his hair, Hiccup touched the braid and looked at Astrid confusingly "What did you do to my hair?" Hiccup asked

"Nothing, just braided it, but it looks good on you…" Astrid said

"I'll just arrange a few stuff in here, then I'll test the flight suit" Hiccup said, arranging a few stuff from this small cupboard filled with simple machines

Astrid nodded and smiled at him, Hiccup looked at Astrid and formed a weak smile, then he began arranging his things again, Astrid grabbed a few couple of papers and handed it to Hiccup

"Here, well then, good luck…" Astrid said, kissing his cheek before exiting the forge


Toothless flew around the sky, with Hiccup steering him. They made a few couple of somersaults up in the air, speeding up in the skies, a few birds were at their side, flying away with them, Hiccup steadied Toothless in the sky. He then locked the tail, making Toothless steady

"Okay bud, let's test this out…" Hiccup said, patting Toothless

Toothless growled and steadied himself, then Hiccup began unbuckle himself from Toothless, then he slid himself out of Toothless, making a free fall, he screamed in fun and a little nervousness… well, he is falling out on the sky!

Hiccup looked around and saw Toothless falling with him, then he looked at the clouds, then he saw the ocean in sight, he pulled the leather from his pants, making the flight suit spread out, then he was lifted up back up to the height of the clouds with the help of the wind of course… Toothless spreads out his wings and glided with Hiccup from the skies.

"Yeah! It works!" Hiccup said, a little bit shaky

Toothless roared in glee, then Hiccup pushed a button from below his chest plate, revealing the back fin, steadying his flight. Hiccup looked at Toothless and smiled "Yeah bud! It works!"

Hiccup leaned sideways, trying to steer himself, Hiccup looked at Toothless who was just following him from behind, then he looked out-front and saw the sea stacks. Toothless tried flying to him faster, but it was already too late, Hiccup had been hit from the sea stacks, knocking him unconscious, then Toothless caught him and they crashed onto shore


"Hiccup? Hiccup? Hey! Wake up!"

Hiccup shot up and looked around, then he saw Toothless and Astrid beside him, then he held his head and looked at Astrid "What happened?"

"I don't know…" Astrid said

"What do you mean? Oh… hey, Toothless" Hiccup patted the dragon

"I don't know… me and Stormfly were just flying around till I saw you here on the beach and Toothless, you were unconscious…" Astrid said

"My head hurts…" Hiccup grunted

"Oh yeah… you were gone for at least 3 hours, so I guess you were unconscious for about 2 hours… the sun's getting real low, your father is looking for you and… also we have a dragon race coming up next month, individual race… your father announced it… so… will you be joining?" Astrid asked

"Yeah… sure I guess…" Hiccup nodded

"Great! You better not ditch it! And also… your dad's waiting in the Great Hall…" Astrid said, mounting Stormfly

"Great!" Hiccup said sarcastically, standing up

Hiccup mounted Toothless and the couple both flew away to the Great Hall where Stoick was waiting for Hiccup. Toothless landed near the Great Hall, Stoick went to him and waited for Hiccup to dismount his dragon "Where have you been the past 3 hours?" Stoick asked

"Ugh… I was out flying with Toothless and I don't know what happened next… then Astrid woke me up on shore, saying I was unconscious for maybe… 2 hours" Hiccup said

"I'll see you in the Great Hall with the gang" Astrid said, walking up to the Great Hall

"And what of this? A new armour?" Stoick asked

"Yeah… been making it since yesterday!" Hiccup said

"Nice… but I have to talk to you about something…" Stoick said

"Ugh… what is it now? Did-did I do something again?" Hiccup asked

"No… I'm going out for a while… you know, chief meeting… I'll leave you in-charge of the village while I'm gone…" Stoick said

"Oh Thor…" Hiccup groaned

"I'll be gone for only two weeks… when I come back, we will held the dragon race and also… keep a good eye out on Skullcrusher for me, okay?" Stoick said

"Okay… fine"

"That's my boy" Stoick said, before hitting his son's shoulder

Stoick got his basket of things, then he patted Skullcrusher and left to the docks of the island, Hiccup waved goodbye and smiled, then he patted Skullcrusher "He'll be back in two weeks… don't worry…" Hiccup felt a little nervous about the village for 2 weeks

Hiccup looked around and saw two Viking wrestling on the ground, then he sighed and smiled nervously. Hiccup looked at Toothless and Skullcrusher "This is gonna be a long two weeks" Hiccup mumbled


"Hey guys…" Hiccup said

"Why the long face Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked

"Ahh… dad just left me in-charge… of Berk, again… for two weeks" Hiccup said

"Good luck with that" Astrid said

"Really Astrid? Your suppose to be helping me" Hiccup said

"All I'm saying is, good luck again, being 'acting chief', but don't worry, we'll still be helping out" Astrid said "The guys and I have no plans till the dragon race so… we'll sure to help out"

"Thanks guys…" Hiccup said

"Hey Hiccup, are you joining the dragon race? It's been a while since WE ALL had a competition" Snotlout said, looking directly at Astrid

Astrid glared at Snotlout, making him flinch away, the twins chuckled at him, making him a little pissed, then Astrid looked at the guys, Hiccup just sat with them "Yeah, I wouldn't mind joining the race" Hiccup said

"Great! I'm tired of Astrid always winning" Tuffnut said

"Say one more word about it and those will be the last words you'll ever spit from your trash mouth!" Astrid hissed, glaring at Tuffnut

"Man… Astrid has gotten violent since the past year" Tuffnut whispered over to Ruffnut who just laughed

"What was that about me?" Astrid glared

"Nothing! Nothing!" Tuffnut said

"He said that you've gotten more violent since the past year" Ruffnut said, nearly smirking

"Hey! I told you not to say it!" Tuffnut said

"Ugh… you didn't said anything" Ruffnut said

"Oh yeah…" Tuffnut said

"I'm glad you guys noticed that…" Astrid said, sarcastically

"Calm down Astrid" Hiccup said

"Fine..!" Astrid groaned

"Seems the boyfriend is the key to shutting her up…" Snotlout whispered at Hiccup

"I heard that!" Astrid said, punching Snotlout's face

Hiccup looked at Snotlout who was grunting in pain, then Hiccup looked at Astrid who looked really annoyed, then he stood up and sat down beside Astrid "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing…" Astrid said

"It doesn't look like it" Hiccup said

"Yeah! Tell her that!" Snotlout said

Hiccup shook his slowly at Snotlout and looked back at Astrid "What's really wrong?"

"Nothing really… it's just that… these guys won't shut up!" Astrid said "Why? Is there a problem with me winning?"

"Yeah..! You always win when Hiccup ditches the race! So we would like Hiccup join this race so we all have a competition!" Snotlout said

"Yeah… Astrid has gotta lose somehow" Fishlegs said "You're always so competitive"

"But that's me..!" Astrid protested

"Astrid… they do have a point" Hiccup said

"What point?" Astrid asked

"All of us has a chance to win or lose somehow… it's not only you who has to authority to win" Hiccup said "Let's have a fair race guys… I won't ditch the race to go exploring this time guys"

"Be sure of that or we'll drag your little bony, leather butt back here to Berk!" Snotlout said

"Oh now… my new armour? Great!" Hiccup said, sarcastically "Trust me guys, I'm not gonna ditch the race…"

"Oh you really better be…"


Two weeks came in so fast, Toothless shut up from his bed and looked at Hiccup still sleeping, then Toothless looked up to the window and realized… it was the day of the race!

Toothless jumped out of his stone bed and went outside, leaving Hiccup sleeping, then he saw Stoick entering the house, he growled

"Oh hey there Toothless… is Hiccup up yet? I need to talk to him" Stoick said

(Uh-oh! Here we are! HTTYD 2 baby! Wooh! *keeps excitement down*)

Toothless just pointed at the house, then Stoick looked up and saw Terrible Terrors singing on the rooftop, then he went inside the house, but Toothless stayed outside and admired the sight of Berk from in-front of the house

Stoick went inside and dropped his baskets of things and went to the table, then he saw his son sauntering down for breakfast, he approached his son quietly and began to talk "Son, we need to talk"

Hiccup jolted up and looked behind and saw his dad standing there "Ugh… dad! Dad! Y-you-you're-you're back! Early! In the morning! Did-did I? Did I do something wrong? Ugh… how was the meeting?" Hiccup asked, stuttering

"Son… we have to talk about something important…" Stoick said

"Ugh… what about dad?" Hiccup asked

"You're the pride of Berk son… and I couldn't be prouder…" Stoick started off

"Ugh… thanks I guess? W-what-what are we even talking about?" Hiccup asked

"And I'm sure your mother is proud too… my son, you're all grown up…" Stoick trailed off

"Dad… I feel like this conversation is very one-sided! You're creeping me out!" Hiccup said

"… and since you chief could ask for a better successor, I've decided… to make you the new chief of Berk!" Stoick said, turning around from his son, standing in pride

Right then and there Hiccup froze, he was so shocked that all these thoughts came into his head about his dad and about being chief… he wasn't ready, no not yet… not right now, not ever. Without thinking, Hiccup stood up from the table and ran to the window and jumped out. Stoick turned around and saw his son gone from the table "Son? Son? Hiccup? Hiccup?!"

Hiccup began to run away, then he spotted Toothless and quickly mounted him "Let's get outta here Toothless!" Hiccup said, getting his helmet that was hooked in his dragon's saddle

Hiccup quickly buckled himself up and Toothless flew away, setting a few villagers surprised, then they saw Stoick running out of the house, seeing him fly away. The villager looked at Stoick confusingly, while he looked a little disappointed and went inside the house, then Skullcrusher came walking after him. Stoick turned around and saw his dragon, then he patted him. "Nice to see you again, my friend" Stoick said


"Where is Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked

"I don't know…" Astrid said, finishing off her face-paint

"Oh… don't tell me they ditched the race again?!" Snotlout said

"Ugh! Astrid's gonna win again!" Ruffnut groaned

"Don't worry babe… I'll help you win!" Snotlout flirted

"Me too… darling" Fishlegs said

Ruffnut punched Snotlout and Fishlegs, making Tuffnut laugh "Pathetic!"

"C'mon guys! Let's get our faces in there! The races are about to start!" Astrid said

"Wait! Lemme finish first my face paint!" Tuffnut said

"Ahh! Tuffnut! What kind of face paint is that?!" Astrid exclaimed

"The awesome one! What about yours? You look like a butterfly!" Tuffnut pointed

"It's because it is! At least me and Stormfly has good art… not like you! You look like a mutton-head troll!" Astrid said, mounting Stormfly

Ruffnut laughed at her twin, Snotlout and Fishlegs joined in too. The gang had mounted their dragons, then they flew away to the docks where the people were waiting, cheering their names. After a little while, Stoick had came up to the deck, followed by Gothi, Gobber and Spitelout

"It's nice to be back! Berkians! Welcome to our annual dragon race!" Stoick yelled

The crowd began to cheer loudly, then Astrid looked at the gang and saw an empty spot beside Snotlout's, then she sighed "He ditched the race again" Astrid said

"I'm so gonna drag his butt back here on Berk!" Snotlout said

"Count me in!" Tuffnut said

"Hey guys… easy, he might have an explanation to that!" Fishlegs said

"Always looking at the bright side Fishlegs?" Astrid asked

"C'mon! Let's forget about Hiccup and let's just get the race started!" Ruffnut said

"After I win, I'll go find Hiccup and drag his and his dragon's butt back here, even if I have to use force!" Astrid said

"Good luck finding him! He might be at the edge of the world now!" Fishlegs said

"Okay racers! Ready!" Stoick called "… GO!"

"And the race started!"

The dragon race started, the gang had started catching the sheep and dunking them to their respective baskets, the competition continues.


This is Berk, its twelve north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death

It's the best kept secret this side of, well… Anywhere

Granted, it might not look like much but this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises

Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart

This is my home… Our home… well… the only up-size are the pets….

Oh sure they have yaks, sheep… even mosquitoes and mice

But we… well… without them, we are just one tribe of Vikings against the world, but with them, we are unstoppable… we are the voice of peace, with them, all things are possible

They may have their armadas, weapons, catapults… and other more I don't want to mention

But we… we have our DRAGONS…

And with Vikings on the backs of dragons… the world just got a whole lot bigger


Let's watch HTTYD 2 now baby!

Wooh! It's like the continuation of this story with a dumb ending…

Yep! That's the ending…

So guys! Thanks for supporting this story! I so much love you all! And also! Guys! Watch out for HTTYD -Last Stand-! It will be published at exactly June 12, 2015 (PST- Philippine Standard Time) so that will be June 11 for the Americans out there!

So thank you again! So very much! Let's reach this story to 8,000 reads by Christmas guys! (Fan Fiction. Net readers) and 2,000 reads on Wattpad! Wooh!

Yeah! This story will be marked complete once I publish HTTYD -Last Stand-, so stay in tuned for that! And the EARTH-SHATTERING PLOT TWIST THAT NO ONE CAN EVER THINK CAN HAPPEN BUT IT HAPPENED

So guys! This is the last time I'll say sayonara or good bye to you guys, and since this is the last chapter of this story… I've decided to change things up a bit

So… guys… *cries*we are at the verge of crying! Well obviously it is me, you will never mind me crying… I'm just a girl with the dumbest writing skills! I'm the worst writer in the world… right guys?

Infinite possibilities awaits for us, be the Outcast you wanna be, my dear kitsunes… sayonara for the last time! Arigatou gonzaimas!