A/N: This is more of a leisure story with out too much action. There is still action and fighting but that is not the main focus. The story will focus about them at school, going places, jumping from place to place, and all the "normal" things that they come across and do.. Anyway, hope you enjoy my story!


Chapter 1:

You know those moments when you feel like you don't exactly fit in? Yeah? Well, that's pretty much my life 24/7. The flock and I are different. And not in a bad way… I mean in a completely amazing, breathtaking way. We're genetically enhanced with wings. So essentially, we're 97% human, 2% avian, and 1% pure awesome. Okay well not really but whatever. Don't get me wrong; I still hate the scientists or white coats as we like to call them but I have to be honest. I don't know who I'd be, or whom my family would be with out my avian DNA. I wouldn't be Maximum Ride.

I'm not a cocky person but I'm basically a legend in my Flock. I hate to admit it, but I can pretty much do anything… besides that educational stuff, as if any of that is even useful. I've done it all… I've destroyed Itex, killed a LOT of people who deserved it, saved multiple lives and all while "mothering" my flock. Some people need money and material things to keep them going in life but as long as I have my flock by my side, they're all I need to keep me going. Lets go back to the part where I said that education is useless. Well, maybe I lied I little. Education is important to some people because otherwise, the world would be overrun with stupid people. I like to think that I'm smarter than the average bird because I actually have common sense unlike those incompetent white coats. Seems to me, like they forgot to add "Ethics" as a course in high school and if they did, they failed miserably. They'll do anything to "further science" as they like to put it. They have absolutely no feelings; they like to hurt innocent beings without even the slightest bit of guilt. Which is exactly why it irritated me to no extent that there was a white coat standing right in front of me with a nervous grin on his face.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I whined.

"N-number 273, y-you will obey!"

"Did you just actually refer to me as a number?" I sneered.

"You will cooperate with us this time." He looked behind me at my flock in surprise as if he'd never known of them before.

I widened my posture a little to protect my flock. I could see a black blur coming from the side in my peripheral vision. I concentrated on the white coat and didn't know whether to laugh or throw up. His face was dripping with sweat and it was all red and puffy like a blowfish. And if you've never seen one, well let's just say they ain't cute.

"What?!" I exclaimed in mockingly. "Did they not give you the complete file of the amazing Maximum Ride?"

Normally, I would have already knocked him unconscious with a punch in the chest. However, he was clearly a nervous wreck and this was probably his first assignment so I decided to have a little fun with it. I stepped forward with a murderous look on my face.

"Here's something that's not in my file that you might find interesting. We used to have 7 members of the flock. Until one unfortunate day when little Sammy decided to steal my favorite shirt and I decided to get revenge. All it took was one look and poof! He was gone. Sometimes, I wish I could have done something a little more extravagant."

The white swallowed nervously and took a few steps back. But I wasn't done yet. I would never be done until the day they stop hurting and killing innocent children.

"You know that saying that says 'if looks could kill, you'd be dead'? Well, if I were you, I'd start running because this look can kill."

At this point, he was trembling which I thought was quite amusing. I roundhouse kicked him in the chest and he fell like a pile of bricks. We all stood there for a minute almost hoping for him to spring back up and start fighting.

"Well that was easy." said Gazzy stating the obvious.

"Almost too easy..." Iggy cautiously walked over and felt his pulse.

"He's not dead but he'll be unconscious for a while."

A wave of relief immediately came over me because I knew that my flock was safe.I turned around to look at my flock. They we're all grinning at me…. minus Fang. He managed to give a satisfying smirk.

I led my flock out from the alley behind the motel we were staying at. I mentioned my flock to go ahead and that I'd catch up in a few seconds. Looking around, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over me.I took one last look at the white coat lying on the ground, turned around and took off. Within seconds, I gained altitude and had caught up to my flock. This is what I love... soaring high and feeling invincible.