Well, long time, no see. It's been 2 years since I last logged on to this account which is kind of crazy. Lol too much happened in two years to even explain but in short, I'm a senior in university now and our university made us move out (rightfully so). I got into a masters program so I really have no motivation for school at the moment lol. I celebrated my 22nd birthday (yeah I'm old now) on facetime with all my friends on March 26th (woo!). Sooo thats my life at the moment...

I high key forgot about this since I was so busy at the time and I just remembered it and my love for Maximum Ride definitely has not dissipated; I'm just older now. I was looking through the last chapters posted and tbh I can't believe I kept this up for that long cause consistency is not really my strength so pat on the back for me. I'm down to continue the story but I don't know if I even have any followers any more?

SO is there anyone who is even interested in me continuing the story? Let me know if anyone is interested :)