Urgh… the sun is so bright...

Onodera yawned, blinking his green eyes.

Why is the blanket so heavy?

The editor moved, shifting under the covers. The bed felt oddly bigger and the blanket heavier.

Two front paws were in front of him, covered with light brown until the white paws.

This must be a dream Onodera repeated to himself, frantically waving what should be his arms, were instead 2 front cat legs.

How is this possible? What can I have been turned into a cat.

Climbing out of the cover, Ritsu automatically stood on all four paws. He turned his head down and a high pitch screeched erupted from his feline body.

I have a tail? That's impossible!

The editor rushed down from his bed immediately, running towards the nearest reflective surface. A brown cat with white paws and wide green cat eyes stared back at him. Realising the reality, Onodera' wide green eyes got even wider in shock.

How is this possible?

Onodera walked around in circles, his tail swishing up in the air stiffly. He knew his cooking was bad but it shouldn't have resulted in witch craft. Was it the new convenience meals he bulked ordered as easy dinner the cause? Or did he stepped on a cursed talisman on the way home?

How can I finish editing the manuscript like this?

The editor glanced at the reflection again and looked away after a second. The cat reflection was still there.

This really is happening, what am I supposed to do now?

Onodera ran to his phone and pawed at it in panicked attempts to unlock it. Uselessly, his paw slid off the screen, leaving paw imprints.

What am I supposed to do now?

Like an answer to his prayers, the screen lit up with a text message.

Takano flipped the page, taking a sip of his coffee before placing his cup down. It was Sunday and he was looking through the manuscripts at home. Curiously, he checked his phone. The editor in chief has dropped a casual text to his next-door neighbour. Unsurprisingly, Takano has yet to receive a reply even though it has been a few hours since he sent it.

Onodera must be sleeping in.

That – or Onodera just completely ignored the message.

Scratch… Scratch

Takano glanced at his door; soft scratching noise was coming from behind it. The editor in chief looked through the eye hole, seeing no one Infront of his door, nor any movements. But the noise continued.

Scratch… Scratch… Scratch

''That's odd'', thought Takano. The noise was obvious. Opening his door, Takano came face to face with a brown feline, one paw raised in the air with its claws out, in mid scratch.

A cat?

Takano glanced around the hallway, there wasn't anyone around. What's a cat doing in front of his door?

Initially sitting on its legs, the light brown cat was now walking frantically around him, its tail hitting the raven's lower legs. Somehow, it looked terrified.

Takano San, I've turned into a cat!

''What are you doing here?'' asked Takano, bending down to pet the mysterious animal. Big and bright green eyes stared back at him, instantly reminding him of Ritsu. '' You look like someone I know.'' Glancing at the door of his neighbour, Takano walked over.

''Onodera,'' Takano knocked several times, and waited. Receiving silence, he did it again, louder. '' Onodera.''

Unlocking his phone, the editor in chief called. After several calls, he tried knocking the door again. Silence.

''That's strange,'' said Takano, talking to his new feline friend. '' Onodera would at least answered the call for work, but he didn't respond at all.''

At this point he was getting worried. After trying the combination of phone calls, knocking and ringing the doorbell, he still didn't get a single response. '' Good grief,'' muttered Takano in exasperation, scowling with his arms crossed. '' Onodera better not fainted.'' Hearing this, the feline pawed at his pants repeatedly, meowing away urgently.


'' Well,'' Takano sighed. '' It's not like we can help the idiot anyways. I'm definitely asking him for his key the next time I see him. Onodera can't look after himself a single bit.''

At this, Onodera hissed.

Yes, I can. And I didn't faint alright !

''I don't think Onodera brought you for me,'' said Takano, dropping his assumption. It was far stretched even by shojou manga standards. Opening the door to his own apartment, he held it for the cat to enter. Despite his hectic work life, Takano managed to keep his place neat and tidy, impressing Onodera. Shame rushed in.

Maybe I should clean up my apartment more

Quietly, Takano opened his fridge and poured milk on a small plate, placing it in front of the cute cat.

''It's been a while since I last took care of a cat,'' Takano told his new companion, recalling his distant past when he was a decent owner and looked after his former pet, rather than having someone looked after him in his following early adulthood. '' Sorry if I'm not a good owner.''

Green eyes looked up hesitantly at him. Reaching his hand, Takano gently stroked Onodera's head, brushing his soft fur. The cat was small and delicate, with dense fur. The editor in chief reckoned it might have been the pampered pet of a rich family.

''I thought of a name for you,'' said the editor in chief, mesmerised by the striking beautiful feline eyes. They looked so much like Ritsu's. Onodera looked away, even under this form he couldn't disguised his emotions.


O-O-Oda ?!

The brown cat looked upset. Of all names, why did Takano San had to choose the stalker alias name?

Takano continued, ''someone must have abandoned you, or you disappeared on your own,'' he explained, referring to their predicament ten years ago. Guiltily, Onodera hung his head low, unable to face the man he loved and left so carelessly.

''Regardless, Takano carried his new pet, cuddling it close to his chest. Warm heat emitted from him to his cat, along with a steady strong heartbeat. '' You found your way to me.''

'' I shouldn't be doing this,'' thought Onodera as he wondered if cats could blush. ''But it feels so nice sitting in his lap.''

Looking through the manuscript, the little brown cat was resting obediently on his lap. The editor in chief had on his black spectacles, his cup nearly empty of its content. Getting up, he took his cup to the sink, washed it, and came back to the couch. Like how he did years ago, the older man picked the feline up. Silently, his little companion contemplated him with a mix of curiosity and weariness. The memory of Sorata rose. Remembering when he first saw the abandoned kitty, Takano felt a wave of yearning. He placed the feline on his chest, close to his neck.

Onodera could smell the mild scent of his shampoo, along with a sweet natural scent that was always there on the raven. Unconsciously, the brunette let out a soft content purr at being stoked.

''If Onodera was as forward as you,'' Takano wished. '' That will be nice.''

Day turned into dusk.

The editor in chief had been working all day, hardly taking a break.

Takano San is always so good at his job

Takano glanced at his cat, its eyelids were almost closed.

''Guess it's time for bed.''

Onodera followed him to his bedroom, instinctively waiting outside the bathroom as the older man showered. Somehow, he felt like a peeping tom, trying to steal glances at the figure.

Wait, why did I followed him in ? And why am I waiting for him to finish showering ?

Snapping to his senses, Onodera got up and sauntered to the living room, choosing a spot away from the owner of the apartment. Lying still for a while, Onodera got up on his hind legs. The floor was too cold and hard. Hesitantly, he headed back to the bedroom, hiding in a corner.

I shouldn't get into his bed, but the floor is cold and uncomfortable. . .

Just as he was about to turn and leave, Takano picked Onodera up the floor and plopped him right beside him.

''Goodnight'' said the editor in chief, turning off the lights. Lying in the dark, Onodera's cat eyes adjusted immediately. He could see Takano's long eyelashes. In a slow, steady rhythm, the raven's chest rise and fall with each breathe.

In the darkness, Onodera realised how lonely the editor in chief was. He couldn't quite articulate it - whether it was the way he stroked his fur, or it was the pensive way the raven stared at him, but there was an apparent and sometimes stabbing sense of loneliness carried by Takano. The brunette placed his paws over his head, curling up.

I never seen this side of him before… or maybe…

Onodera admitted to himself unwillingly.

Maybe I have been ignoring it all the while

Onodera thought about all the times he brushed the older man off, in a hurry to ignore and leave. He thought off all the times he and Takano had sex, when the brunette let his walls down the tiniest bit. Even so, he had never felt this at ease with the man he loves. Today he didn't even had spoke a human word with him, Onodera was just around him. Yet it was so comforting to be able to be with him without any worries about what to say.

Onodera put his small paw on Takano's hand, touching him.

Takano San…

A soft purr went unheard in the night.

I love you…

Onodera blinked his eyes. Waking up, he stretched his limbs.

I'm back to being human!

In mortification, the editor also realised he was completely naked – in Takano's bed. Immediately, Onodera checked on the older man, who seemed soundly asleep. Escaping as soon as he can, the brunette got up but was yanked back down.

'' Where are you going?''

''Ta-Ta-Takano San,'' Onodera stammered, already caught with no way out.

''I don't know how you got in, but you're not leaving so fast ''

''I-I-,'' said the younger, trying to escape his clutches, with no success. He was even more flustered then when he first realised he had turned into a cat '' I got turned into a cat somehow. I'm sorry to have bother you, I'll be leaving now.''

''Oh, so that was you,'' Takano pulled him closer, turning the brunette towards him. Onodera caught feel something hard pressing against his thigh. '' You had me so worried, now you can stay here as long as you want.''

''I must be dreaming,'' thought Onodera, finding himself in another even worse nightmare. ''This can't be happening.''

Onodera screeched like a cat.








Author's notes:

I'm back from the dead, just for a little while before the other side sank its clutches into me and drag me back again.