Okay, so this is going to be a chapter filler thingy, and with this'll I'll also put up a poll…probably. I want you guys to decide who he'll fight next chapter. Other than that, there's this. You see, I finally got a day off and decided, "Well, my Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction needs a REAL update." So I set to work. Though this was short, and I was a bit lazy while doing this, it'll only make the next chapter longer. Not to mention thinking, as trying to remember all this stuff from the manga is HARD.

Now, after this I will probably not update in…months. I'm busy, and can't really do a lot, especially with jumping between fandoms like i do.

A quick shout out to xxxDreamingflowerxxx for understanding my struggles with fandoms. Jumping back and forth, writing new stories, springing with new ideas. All of it is hard to work with. You work on one thing, only to become attracted to something else and almost forget about it. So, with that I would like to say, sorry.

Sorry SomeRandomGuyOntheNet, for not sending this official chapter sooner for you to proof read. I kinda back out on you there, and that was more of a dick move on my part.

And then I'm sorry for everyone else who's followed, favorited, reviewed, all that jazz. As this is my most successful fanfiction on my page, I feel like I should have updated a little more instead of going silent with this for 6 months.

Also, I understand that this is a long-ass Authors Note, but I felt as if this needed to be said. I'll update Tokyo Ghoul: Reborn for Revenge as much as time will allow, as well as Tokyo Ghoul: Different Output. So, without holding you back any longer, I give you TG: RFR chapter 10.

No one said a word. No noise, no voice. The whole of CCG was silent. After what seemed like years, but were mere moments passed, someone stepped up to a pedestal. About 70 CCG officials were present, all of which were from all the wards. They were kept in between rank 2 and below, as having a funeral gathering for 50 dead wasn't an excuse to have low security. However, as sorrowful as it was, a man appeared on that pedestal, ready to give a speech. The air seemed to become heavier. He cleared his throat before proceeding to speak.

"Today, we are gathered, to give our dear officers their passing into the afterlife. These men and women, who worked and fought, have been taken from us. Taken, by the monstrosities called…Ghouls." The man stated the name of them as if it were enough to throw up just by speaking it, "they have taken more, and the fact that has happened is unacceptable! We, the CCG, are here for a reason! Our purpose is to create a safe world for all, and to eliminate them from our ranks!"

"Now, I have heard news. We do not have just monsters against us. We have abominations of hybrids in our midst. This might be a…predicament, as we have never encountered them before, but this isn't something we will back away from," the elderly man coughed a few times, "we shall not back down! We shall not surrender! We will rid this world, and the next, from any and all monsters and abominations! Now I, Tsuneyoshi Washuu, Chairman of the Organization known as CCG, will join in the hunt to eradicate these Beasts!" and with those final words, the man known as Tsuneyoshi Washuu, stepped down from the pedestal. Everyone present sat silently for a few moments, before erupting in throws of triumph.

"The Onitune is fighting once again!"

"We shall rid them all!"

"Avenge those who've fallen!"

More and more, a chorus followed. More and more, they felt hopeful towards their goal. The complete eradication of ghouls.

They ran across the building rooftops, practically tapping each roof only to bounce to the next. They were traveling the second fastest way other than by bullet train. It was the only way to go undetected, even during the day. They paid no mind to those who thought they saw something, as they were too fast to even begin to see them. She struggled to keep up with him, and he felt as if he would leave her behind.

Suddenly, he stopped running, forcing her to as well. It wasn't enough that he was worried, but it was enough to make him think of what he was doing. He quickly glanced back at the purple haired girl behind him, sighing in relief as she was still standing there. His white hair flowed through the slight breeze, cold icy wind being flung about by the atmosphere. He motioned for the girl to follow him, but they went around the large group below via rooftop. He didn't doubt that they would be fine, he just wanted to get her back without them finding out she was a ghoul.

They didn't stop nor falter. If anything changed, they went faster. They were eager to return, or one of the two were at least. The wind billowed through the air as they sped, they're feet taking them where they needed to go. Suddenly, a large explosion off in the distance was seen by the two, as well as everyone on the ground. The man with white hair heard the girl gasp, causing him to look behind him.

"K-kaneki-kun…" the girl whispered in fear. Kaneki soon realized why she was scared.

He to, looked out towards the billowing smoke in fear, "We need to go, now."

A man stood in a studio, humming a small tune to himself as he worked his magic. He drew on paper before place leather over delicate leather. Sewing them together, tight and firm, he quickly and effectively polished the skin, making it somewhat shine. Picking off of the manikin head slowly before smirking at the new master piece, he placed it over his head and face. A new mask to cover the old ones. It zipped up diagonally and only had one eye to look through. The maniacal smile that accompanied it made it all the better.

Standing up now, he walked over to a coat rack and grabbed a black tuxedo, fitting on accordingly before slipping on nice dress shoes. A knocking noise resounded through the studio, making the man walk over to the door. Opening it for his guest, the two greeted each other.



A little girl walked down a dark hallway with a red cloak, accompanied by other characters in red cloaks and masks. Her eyes were downcast, and her hair foreshadowed her face. There was a death-like stillness to the air, no sound other than footsteps seem to follow her. She felt alone, but she needed this. It was all for the better.

They stepped through and out the hallway and into another room, where there were 3 people. One was sitting in the center chair, the other was kicking her legs whilst sitting atop the small table, and the last man just stood. They sat in silence as the two escorts bowed respectfully.

"Dismissed." The man in the white robe stated apathetically. The two men left in a hurry, the door closing behind them, leaving the girl alone.

"Now, about you," the man began, "you said you wanted to join us. Why?"

"I need power." The simple sentence was uttered by the girl before she looked up at them, facing them straight on.

"Oh," The girl covered head to toe in bandages perked up, "and why would you need power from Aogiri, Hinami Fueguchi?"

The CCG waited for the arrival of none other than Arima Kishou, the CCG Shinigami, in the 14th ward. The reason itself was still unknown, other than the fact he had one objective that he must complete.

Find Kaneki Ken.

That was short, sure, but it was all I got from my day off. I also was being lazy while typing this, so it only amounted to around 1,500 words. But don't worry too much, the next chapter coming in April will be a huge continuation of this one. This one was more of something to get y'all riled up. Other than that, the poll is going to be about what the next fight should be. I'll check out the poll as much as I can. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get that going in time. Anyways, favorite, follow, review, and vote on the poll.

Also, sorry SomeRandomGuyOntheNet, you won't need to proof read this one. You'll be doing that with chapter 11 and beyond. Didn't really wanna bother you.