"This is beyond ridiculous!"

Loki's eyes were sparkling with fury as he glared up at the Allfather, chained and held in place by guards in front of the throne. "I even prefer the dungeons against this", he hissed.

"This is why I am forced to do this", Odin replied, sounding terribly tired. "The dungeons have not changed you – the humans may."

"So that's it? You decide over my fate – again? Let me be a stone in your game again you can shift as you please?" He took a deep, shuddering breath. "Send me to the humans because it worked on my brother?" He spat the word like a particularly disgusting fruit. "Well, if this is it, Midgard shall it be."

Without waiting for another answer, Loki turned around. He could almost feel the resigned nod of the Allfather allowing his guards to follow him as he walked out of the hall with as much dignity left as possible.

Only Thor caught the faint glimmer of fear in his brother's eyes.