3 Months later:

L leaned on the bistro table, "So, how's it feel to be a citizen of England?"

Light arched an eyebrow, "Should it feel different? I was more distracted with how it felt to be married to someone." Light gave L a soft smile.

L rolled his eyes. "Okay, smart ass." L leaned in and kissed Light's cheek. "Where to? You can travel now, so?"

Light sat back, "Why do we need to go anywhere?" Light flipped the page in his book.

L groaned, "Because, we never went on any kind of honeymoon, is that not what couples do?" L narrowed his eyes as Light continued to read his book.

Light glanced up from his book let out a deep sigh and set his book down, "So, where do you want to go?"

L smiled and sat in Light's lap facing him, "How about Russia? I've never been there."

Light winced, "Too cold."

L sat back a little and placed his index finger on his bottom lip. "Hmm, what about Paris?"

Light folded his arms, "Smells funny."

L shrugged, "Dubai?"

Light retorted quickly, "Too hot."

L glared at his lover, "Sydney?"

Light arched an eyebrow, "Animals can and most likely will eat me."

L growled, "Oh come on! Let's tour Italy then!"

Light pulled L in and smiled, "That'll be fine." Light placed a romantic kiss on L's lips. L kissed Light back gently nibbling on his lip. Earning him a quiet moan, "Not in public."

L grinned and bit Light's lip harder, "Then let's go somewhere less public." L nuzzled Lights neck, "Please?"

Light rolled his eyes, "Twice isn't enough for you?"

L smirked deviously and shook his head, "Nope." L stood up and pulled Light out of his chair leaving more than enough money to cover the bill. "Let's go old man."

Light laughed, "Hey! Who are you calling old?!" Light chased after L who teased him while running ahead of him.

After running through the streets of London and dodging hundreds of people L finally got to their apartment door and was struggling with the lock, "Oh, shit!"

Light pinned him against the door, and pressed his lips on L's neck. "You're a tease you know that?" L could feel Light's smile against his neck which made me let out a soft sigh and a small smile. Light kissed L's ear and pushed the door open, "It's been unlocked all day, I forgot to lock it when we left."

L grabbed Light's cheeks and gave him a coarse kiss, pulling him into the apartment. L pressed Light against the wall and shut the door. L pressed another rough kiss on Light while unbuttoning his shirt. "I want you." L breathed into Lights ear.

Light watched his lustful partner, and in one fluid motion yanked L's shirt over his head leaving him to blink a couple times a little disoriented. Light gave L a gratified smile.

L ripped Light's belt out from around his belt loops. Light arched an eyebrow as L ran his hands up his torso. "L…" L placed a finger on Light's lips and gave a devious smile and with one hand unbuttoned Light's pants letting them fall to the floor. L dug his nails into Light's back and moved him to the bed.

Light put up a small amount of struggle only serving to help L pin him down tighter. L started kissing Light on his collar bone and slowly moved down, causing Light to moan out. Light's moans were soft and full of lust, this excited L more. Once L reached Light's thigh he bit down hard enough to break the skin.

Light cried out in ecstasy, "Stop teasing me!" L gave Light a sadistic smile and grabbed Light by the hips and lifted him off then bed. L licked his fingers and placed them inside Light.

Light pulled L into an aggressive kiss and L took advantage of the timing and entered his partner. Light let out a loud moan, which excited L to begin his thrusts. Light arched his back and bit L on the shoulder drawing blood.

L rocked them back and forth until they were both panting heavily, L grabbed ahold of Light's member and began pumping it in sync with his thrusts. Both men were groaning wildly with lust before reaching their climax simultaneously.

As L collapsed next to Light he pulled him into a tight cuddle. "I love you."

Light smiled and leaned into L, "I love you, too." They both began to drift in and out of sleep before L's cellphone rang.

L groaned in frustration reaching over Light and grabbing his phone off the night stand next to his bed, "Yes, what is it, this best be very important, Nate."

Light sat up and stretched and looked out the window to see a curious book falling from the sky. "L…" Light pointed out the window as L leaned over to see.

L watched the book fall from the clouds and descend upon England. L squeezed Light's hand.

A quiet childlike voice said over the phone, "Death Notes are here."

L hung up the phone without saying another word and looked at Light with a grin, "Well..?"

Light fell back onto the bed, "So, I guess this puts our honeymoon on hold?"

L smiled at Light, "I want you to be my partner in this one… We make a pretty good team, I think."

Light smiled and pulled the covers over his head, "Will I actually get paid this time?"

L laid next to him and pulled the covers away from his face enough to kiss his cheek. "Naturally. And we can charge more, there's two geniuses now."

Light sighed, "What are we waiting for?" L smiled and threw some pants on and sat at his laptop.

The widescreen in the center of the meeting room of Parliament lit up with a single old English bolded letter: L. A familiar voice came over the loud speakers using a voice changer, "Greetings members of Parliament, it has come to our attention you seek professional investigators. I will require that my partner works with me. He will contact you at a later date when needed. You will address him as 'R'."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Keep your eye out for the sequel: Agents of Death!