A mother can be so ruthless at times. It's troublesome, he knows, but Shikamaru makes the most of it.

Disclaimer: Naruto and its characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

Note: This chapter was originally a stand alone story. However, with some leeway, I saw it could potentially be a follow up story to "Nag," and hence I've posted it as such. Reviews are priceless. Please let me know what you think. Yoshino's character may change a bit in this one, so please be forewarned.

She was ruthless. Definitely, ruthless. Guilt, begging, bribery, none of it was beneath her. It had both pained and plagued him that she would consider the most inappropriate of times to hassle them. Intensity had risen in the past few weeks and it was always prudent to steer clear when they could. It was troublesome no doubt, but today, they planned to take a direct hit. He was sure she would have an innocent plan of attack, but they came prepared with payback and a game played by their rules at the ready.

She waited on the porch of his childhood home and warmly greeted them with pleasantries.

"It's so nice of you to drop by," she welcomed as she ushered them in. "Come. Sit."

She wasted no time in helping them to settle around the kitchen table and placed a few glasses of ice cold lemonade before them.

As always, there was an initial sweetness to her that teased them into listening and possibly agreeing with her, even if they didn't want to. That lure would only catch them off balance when the cobra in her would strike.

3...2...1, as if on cue, "Yesterday I noticed a part of the fence on the East end is rotting. It looks like it will have to be replaced soon."

"Oh?" Temari replied in surprise. "Shikamaru, do you think you can look at that later?" Temari glanced over at him, in askance for him to be nice.

He nodded in response, suppressing a roll of his eyes.

As predictable as the sun rising at dawn, he braced himself for her next words.

"It's unfortunate. Things tend to get old before you know it," she commented, then she sighed. "I feel like time is passing by quickly and I'm not getting any younger either."

No, Ma. You're only a week older than the last time you told us.

"Now, Mom," Temari (forever the diplomat) responded, "you're as young as ever." She leaned in to give her a placating hug and flashed Shikamaru a lopsided grin. It caught him off guard and he had to suppress his laugh, swallowing his drink with force, lest he spew it all over the two of them.

"Come now. Enough of that kind of talk, what's new with you?" Temari coaxed.

"Well, let's see," she began, contemplating where to go next. "Ah yes, yesterday when I was out in the yard, guess who happened to walk by?"

It better not be Ino, he groused.

"Ino!" she chirped.

His eye roll nearly caused his globes to rotate to the back of his head and this time Temari had to hold back her chuckle.

"Ma," he returned. It was his typical low growl, whiny warning, one she never ever seemed to heed. Did she ever listen?

"What?" she asked in the best voice of surprise she could manage.

"Never mind him," Temari dismissed, urging her to stay on topic.

"She looked radiant and better than ever!" she exclaimed.

Ouch! She wasn't quite expecting that. Temari quickly plastered on a smile and spoke. "Great," she said with lackluster enthusiasm. Lucky girl, that perfect Ino, to look even better than her bombshell self.

She wasn't even showing yet but pregnant Ino sure could set up a rift between them as wide as the ocean. If they were lucky, the tides would be turning and maybe the ocean wasn't as big as they thought.

"I also saw Yamanaka-san," she continued.

Now this was a change. They both glanced up at each other to see where this was going.

"She asked me if I wanted to help her shop for the baby (big emphasis on the baby), and of course I told her I would love to."

An audible sigh with another conscious eye roll ensued, followed by an unceremonious drop of his forehead to the table.

"What is it Shikamaru?" she asked sweetly.

"Nothing Ma,"he replied blandly, knowing without a doubt she'd play the beggar's card next.

"Anyway," she continued, "of course I would never rush you, but..."

Pftttt. right.

"well..." she left the thought hanging like she always did, so they could fill in the blank themselves. It was a low tactic that beggar's card. Begging without really specifying what you wanted, but being specific all the same.

"Hmmm," Temari interrupted.

"Yes, dear?" she asked hopefully as if everything she ever lived for hung on her next words.

"Mom," she began and glanced up to Shikamaru with 'the look'.

"I know what you've been trying to say to us," she continued.

A pink tinge of embarrassment hinted at her cheeks. Even Yoshino knew when she was a little too direct. Still it didn't matter. Maybe all the hints were finally paying off! She could hardly hold back her glee. Her eyes grew big and she held her breath in anticipation as she leaned in to hear what was said next.

"And?" she asked hopefully, unabashed.

"But I'm a kunoichi Ambassador between the Leaf and Sand," she stated in her most important voice, surprised that with effort she could sound quite convincing.

"And I'm not sure I can take care of a baby with the harsh travel schedule associated with the job."

She could start to see the clouds of doubt and fear creep into her mother-in-law's eyes, like the next thing uttered would destroy a dream of hers that only they alone could fulfill. It pained her to go on but they had to finish what they, or rather she, had started.

Yoshino nearly covered her ears. It was better to falsely hope and dream than hear the words spoken aloud. Temari practically screamed 'I'm a working woman' and left it at that.

Dejectedly, but certainly not going down with the ship, she readied herself for one last wholehearted try.

"You know, Ino still plans on going back to work after the little one is born," she added. "Plus, if it happened to you, you know I would help. All you would have to do is ask."

"Nah," Shikamaru chimed in. "It's not worth it," he grumbled. "All you would do is nag us about the baby. I wouldn't get a moment's peace."

"What?" she counter claimed, clearly flabbergasted. "Of course not! I wouldn't be overbearing or a nagger." She hoped she hadn't gone that far.

Shikamaru pinned her with a glare that said it was impossible.

"Really," she promised. Now he was getting somewhere. A promise by a shinobi was more than a mere handshake. It inherently meant you'd link it to your reputation and nothing short of death would change it.

"Ma." he said shaking his head.

"No really. I promise!"

"Pffft," was all he responded. "Besides, I think we'd go crazy with you telling us what to do."

Scrambling for the pitiful chance that was drifting further away from her grasp, she quickly countered: "I would never do that!"

"And the comparisons would kill us," he continued.

"Really Temari," she pleaded, looking directly at her. "I would treat you with the respect you deserve, stay away when you asked, never use comparisons, and help when you needed it."

Her heart was racing. She really needed them to believe her. This was really important.

"I don't believe you," he said back to her.

"Please," she pleaded. "I've never gone back on a promise Shikamaru," and with this he quirked his eyebrow. Happily he'd concede that was one thing she had not done. Instead of nodding though, he looked skeptical.

"You really think you could leave us alone?" he asked seriously.

"If that's what would make you happy. Yes," she replied with certainty, putting things into perspective.

"Give us space? Stop being a nag?" he questioned.


"Help without being overbearing?"

"Yes." she said, tears nearly forming in her eyes. Was she really that bad?

"And never use comparisons?"



"Yes, of course," she hurriedly replied, worrying to no end that her only chance at being a grandma was quickly disappearing. Fear that she was loosing her son and daughter- in-law with her aggressive tactics was also sinking in.

Shikamaru and Temari glanced between each other just then.

"Ma," he spoke as he shook his head. "After today, do us a favor and stop hassling us about a baby."

The last sentence struck a chord. She'd admit she had always hoped she would be a grandma one day. The dream began the very day Shikamaru began courting the wonderful Sand kuniochi. Her determination had never wavered but she supposed she'd never really directly asked them what they wanted out of life or when. It was just assumed. Sure there were expectations and hopes, but there was nothing specifically required by the Nara Clan. She'd also have to agree that too much pressure was never a good thing. Perhaps she was a guilty party in dissuading them even more.

For their parts, Shikamaru and Temari steadied their gazes and worked hard to be serious. All those months of relentless, unabashed badgering had to come to a blatant stop, and gleefully, not without severe consequences.

"Okay," she finally conceded, dismissing any future hopes of her dream. "Never mind me then."

To avoid being glum, she tried to guide the conversation to more familiar small talk.

"So, what's new with you two?"

She hoped a change of topic would help her find something else to occupy her mind while she processed it all.

Temari looked back hopefully at Shikamaru and he nodded.

"Well, we've been busy," Temari stated and he knowingly chuckled.

Busy, of course. Too busy to make her a grandma!, Yoshino filled in, but she kept that to herself.

"And it will soon be to the point we're going to need some help," she continued looking over to her mother-in-law.

"That is, if you're not too old," Shikamaru chimed in and they both chuckled, like a secret joke was being told.

To that she smirked. Did she really say it that often?

"What do you say to that, Ma?" he asked, pro-offering a small bag to her, "will you accept this and seal the deal?"

"What kind of help?" she inquired, seriously. The last thing she needed was a heavy desk job shuffling papers to add to work done on the farm. Did this have to do with paperwork for the Leaf/Sand Alliance?

"Well, it's a hard earned job," he admitted and she agreed.

"Yet very rewarding," she added.

"No one else could take it on though," he stated, "so if you can't, I'm not sure what we're going to do."

These two were her precious people, the ones she lived for. Of course she would do anything in the world for them. Life was short and she knew from experience, in a moment's notice, it could all be taken away. With new determination it was decided, she would help them in a heartbeat with or without a grandchild.

"Sure," she agreed. "What do I have to lose?"

Accepting the agreement, she nodded and took the pro-offered gift bag from him. She shifted the tissue around and discovered the small cloth at the bottom. Spreading out the tiny fabric, her heart stopped. She blinked. The message was there but the words weren't connecting. She blinked again to be sure it was real.

"Is this...?" Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. It couldn't be.

"Is this what I think it is?" she asked again in disbelief, peering at the tiny lettering.

Temari nodded and Shikamaru just grinned.

"Remember your promises," Shikamaru reminded.

"Don't worry, I will," she said still wide-eyed in disbelief. It took a moment to process, but the delayed discovery was soon followed by barely contained glee.

The squeal of delight became muffled as she embraced them both in a huge hug.

Shikamaru sighed. He had to admit that it felt nice to see his Ma so happy. Temari too.

She held it out, admiring it with a fresh new outlook. Tears of joy, started to fall.

The small gift was her pride and joy at the moment. A dream come true was finally happening. She could hardly believe it. They were expecting! Oh the joy! She could hardly wait to share her life their little one. Alas, a little one of their very own. She couldn't imagine being happier than she was now. Life would soon be filled to the brim with sunshine kisses and a sweet, sweet grandchild.

Shikamaru was pleased and somewhat relieved. He loved his Ma and so did Temari. In the past few weeks though, they had had enough. She would always be a part of their life. Stubborn as she was, there needed to be ground rules. At long last, they were moving along on their terms. Agreeably tricked, but uttered all the same, she'd made them promises they needed to hear. Fortunately, he knew she was good for her word.

Laughter would soon fill the air when the little one would be eager to retreat to his Nara grandma's home in his or her little baby bib. She smiled at the sentiment written on it: Move out of the way! I'm going to Grandma's! Indeed, she'd make sure he or she would readily use this first Grandma gift to her.

Later that evening, Shikamaru was found relaxing on a hillside, contemplating the visit while doing some cloud watching. A lot was accomplished today, he thought, much more than he had hoped. The day was very special, and he smiled when he remembered the moment when his ruthless Ma had given her word to make the future a better one. Before he could get too comfortable though, a flash of regret passed through him. Too bad they didn't establish ground rules on spoiling the baby. Ah well. That might have to be a later project he mused.


Author's note:

Happy Mother's Day Yoshino and Temari! May all the Grandmothers and Mothers out there enjoy their special day!

To my readers: Did it work or fall flat? It's hard to gauge what others make of a story. Humor me and press review. It's the only way I'll get to know.

In terms of timeline, my other story "Sign" happens between these two chapters. I didn't want to to ruin the surprise though so I decided to wait until now before mentioning it. If you'd like to see Yoshino after she becomes a Grandma, feel free to visit my other story, "The Meaning 'Shi' Had," which loosely fits after this story.

Lastly, comparisons between my other stories are appreciated. Which writing style, pairing, or topic did you like best? Your vote will help to indicate to me what works. Thanks in advance for your input.