AN: Thank you guys so much for the reviews on the last chapter. Reading it all really made me want to write some more. Which brings me to this new chapter. I've been trying to get it up and reply to all those reviews since yesterday but this site seemed to be having issues with the profile section. Anyway, here's the next chapter so get ready to be majorly confused. I really hope you like it. Don't forget to review and follow and favourite!

When Damon woke up the next morning, he could feel the sun's warm rays on his skin and he wondered why his alarm hadn't gone off. He opened his eyes and his mind registered the fully made bed that he was lying on top of. It was then that the events of the previous day came rushing back and just like that he felt desperate and useless once again. He walked down to the kitchen and stared at the coffee maker. Elena always had a pot on ready for him. He sighed as he sat down by the counter deep in thought. He then remembered Caroline Forbes. She was smart and contrary to what Stefan might have said, she was good at what she did. He looked up at the clock and it was 9 am. It wasn't too early to call. He went online and found her number and placed a call to her offices. "Forbes Private Investigators", said a cheerful voice from the other end of the line. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like to speak to Caroline Forbes", said Damon.

"Of course", said the woman. "Could you please give me your name for the record and I'll transfer your call immediately?"

"I'm Damon Salvatore", answered Damon.

"Thank you Mr Salvatore", said the woman, her cheerful voice starting to get on his nerves. "If you could just stay on the line for one moment, Ms Forbes will be with you." With that, he was put on hold.

Seconds later, he heard Caroline's voice, "Caroline Forbes. How can I help you, Mr Salvatore?"

"I think you already know the answer to that", said Damon.

"I'm really sorry about your fiancée but all signs point to her leaving you", answered Caroline. "I can't imagine what I could do to help you."

"For the sake of this conversation, why don't we just say that Elena left this house willingly? Can you track her down?" asked Damon.

Caroline sighed. "I suppose I could. But are you sure you want to find her?"

"I'm positive", he said.

"Alright then", said Caroline. "Why don't you meet me at my office at 11 am today? We can talk about my fees and exactly what my services include. My assistant will give you the address. I'll see you at 11 am sharp, Mr Salvatore."

Before Damon could say another word, he was transferred back to Caroline's assistant. He took down the address that she gave him and then looked back at the clock. It was 9.30 am. He had plenty of time until his appointment.

11 am came too soon and he was standing in the lobby, just outside Caroline's office, wondering if he should go ahead with this or turn around and walk away. Just as he was about to walk out, a young girl came out of Caroline's office. "You must be Mr Salvatore", she said. "Ms Forbes is waiting for you. You can go right in."

Damon thanked her and knocked on the office door. "Come in", he heard Caroline call out. He slowly pushed the door open and entered the medium sized office room. At its centre was a large table behind which, Caroline was seated. The opposite walls were lined with shelves, some of which held books while others held folders. The wall behind Caroline had a large bulletin board with a number of newspaper clippings, wanted posters and missing persons' posters on it. "Have a seat Mr Salvatore", said Caroline sensing his discomfort. When Damon sat down, she continued, "What would you like to talk about first, my methods or my fee?"

"The fees, I can handle", answered Damon. "I think I'd like to hear what you're going to be doing."

"Well, I already know a fair amount of things about Elena thanks to the investigation I'm still conducting for your father", said Caroline. "I won't be contacting anyone who's close to her because if they know where she is, they won't tell me and they will warn her. What I will do is poke around her other contacts, see if any of them have seen or heard from her. I also might have access to certain cameras in and around the city which should help me track her. The most important thing I'm going to be doing is monitoring her online activity. There's no way a working woman Elena's age can stay off the internet for too long. If I can't find her after a week, I'll loop a few other contacts I have in other cities and states and we'll widen the search."

"That sounds good", said Damon.

"But it's going to cost you", said Caroline. "I don't expect this to take more than a week or two at most so-"

Damon cut her off saying, "Like I said I don't care about the charge."

"You still don't believe that she left of her own free will, do you?" asked Caroline.

"I've known Elena for years now and I know she wouldn't just leave", answered Damon. "Even if she were going to leave me, this isn't how she would do it. There has to be something more to it."

"Do you think this has anything to do with the Good Samaritan?" asked Caroline.

"What could a thief who's yet to be caught have to do with my fiancée?" asked Damon feigning innocence.

"If there's any reason other than what you've just told me to make you think that Elena has indeed been kidnapped, then you have to let me know", said Caroline, fixing him with a steady stare. "If I keep looking for her under the assumption that she took off voluntarily when she's actually been taken, all my effort and all your money would go to waste."

"I know that", said Damon. "So believe me when I say this, I'm telling you the truth. I would never do something to put Elena at risk."

Caroline nodded. "Alright then, I'll be in touch. My assistant, April will give you a copy of the payment and if there's anything you need she can help you."

Damon got to his feet and shook her hand. "Thank you", he said. "The police won't take on this case so I can't tell you how grateful I am that you're will to do it." Caroline just smiled politely as Damon headed out of her office.

Soon, Damon was back at home. He realised that ever since Elena had moved in with him, he had never actually spent more than a few hours at a time alone in the house. The home that he had so lovingly designed and built now felt oppressive. It was as if the walls were closing in on him and he just couldn't breathe. Despite the open concept of the house, he was starting to feel claustrophobic. Deciding that he couldn't stay inside the house any longer, he got up and went outside. Even the smallest things reminded him of Elena. He remembered what she had told Stefan just days earlier. "It's Mystic Falls, Stefan. Nothing bad ever happens here", she had said. He was forced to wonder if she had indeed been right. But that would mean that what Caroline and the police believed would have to be true and it just couldn't be true. He knew it in his heart. He had felt it when he had walked into the quiet house at around noon the day before. He had to find her; he needed to find her. He just couldn't bear the thought of her in danger.

Damon ran his hand through his messy hair and sat down on the front lawn. He didn't want to simply wait around for Caroline to come up with an answer, if she ever came up with an answer. She had said it herself; she was working under the assumption that Elena had left which meant that she wouldn't be looking in the right places. This was all just frustrating. Why wouldn't anybody believe him? He knew that if he stayed put for any longer, he would only go insane. So he got into his car and started canvasing again. He knew that his search probably have the same results that he had the day before but he had to try and try, he did.


Elena woke up with a jolt on an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes wondering if she was now seeing things. She wondered if she was dreaming but the dull throb of her head told her otherwise. She got off the bed and walked to the window and pulling the curtains aside, she pushed them open. Bright sun light streamed into her window and it was clear to her that it was well into the day. She looked out at the quiet neighbourhood. The place looked so familiar. She had been there before but she just couldn't remember it. She paced the room as she tried to remember the events of the previous day. She had been getting ready to meet Vicki at the Grill. Just a few minutes before she was about to leave, a man had shown up at her door and asked her for directions to Sunset Lane. The next thing she remembered was waking up in the strange room. Realizing she wasn't going to get any answers from an empty room, she stepped outside and walked down to the lobby. The first thing that caught her attention was the fact that the lobby looked like no one had set foot in it in years. Just as she was about to leave, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. "Anybody there?" she asked.

A shadowy figure crossed her line of sight but she didn't get an answer. She slowly inched forward and kept her eyes open. She made it all the way to the back of the room but still, there was no one in sight. Giving up, she walked out of the motel and onto the streets which were just as empty as the motel. She wandered aimlessly around looking for a telephone booth or a police station or any other sign of life. About an hour later, she gave up and sat down by the side of the road, hoping that someone would cross her path sooner rather than later.


Stefan pulled up to his brother's house and was surprised to find it locked. He knocked on the door but got no response. He checked the garage to find Damon's car gone. He sighed and pulled out his phone. Leaning against his car, he called his brother. "What?" he heard Damon snap at him through the phone.

"Where are you?" asked Stefan.

"My fiancée is missing and no one else is willing to do anything about it", answered Damon. "What do you think I'm doing?"

"If she's been taken, you're not going to find her by roaming the streets aimlessly and if she left, I doubt if she'll still be in Mystic Falls. At the very least, she wouldn't hang out at the usual places", said Stefan.

"I know", said Damon, sounding defeated.

"Why don't you come home?" asked Stefan.

"I don't want to", answered Damon.

"You can spend the night at my place if you want to", suggested Stefan.

Damon laughed. "The two of us under the same roof? That didn't end well the last time."

"The house is still standing", said Stefan. "I guess it could handle both of us for another night."

Damon sighed loudly and said, "I'll be there."

"Good", said Stefan. "I'll be home in about 15 minutes." Stefan then hung up and was glad that he got what could be considered as a positive response from his brother. One step at a time, he reminded himself as he drove home. And knowing Damon, it would probably be baby steps.

By the time Stefan got back to his apartment, Damon was already there, waiting outside the door to be let in. "Took you long in enough", he said when Stefan was in sight. "I know you're a cop but that doesn't mean you have to drive at snail pace."

"I do not drive at snail pace", answered Stefan, defensively. He unlocked the door and the two walked in. Damon immediately plopped down on the couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table. "So?" asked Stefan.

"So?" Damon asked in response.

"What were you up to today?" Stefan asked, clarifying his previous question.

"I hired Caroline Forbes", said Damon. "Then, I spent the rest of the day looking for Elena."

"Damon, you need to stop doing this", said Stefan.

"Why?" asked Damon.

"Because it's pointless", answered Stefan. "She's gone, Damon and by the looks of it, she left on her own free will. If she wanted you to know where she is, she would have told you before she left. It's time you let this go; it's time you let her go."

"I can't believe you're saying this", said Damon. "You know her as well as I do. Does any of this sound like something she would do?"

"It doesn't", agreed Stefan. "But that doesn't mean that that's what happened. All the signs point to it."

"What if you're wrong?" asked Damon. "What if she's all alone and scared? What if somebody took her and she's waiting for us to find her? How would she feel if she were to find out that nobody was looking for her? Did you ever stop to think what she could be going through right this minute if I'm right?"

"I have thought about it", said Stefan as he reheated some of the previous night's leftovers in the oven. "It scares me to even consider the possibility. But Damon, it seems very unlikely. Do you want to know what makes me so sure what you're coming up is just not true?" Damon simply nodded in response. "I didn't want to talk to you about this until we were alone. Matt's already seen this." He pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket and handed it over to Damon. Damon just looked confused. "Those are her call logs from the day she left. See that number", he said pointing to a number that was highlighted multiple times on the single sheet of paper. "I checked for that number in Elena's phone as well and it isn't saved. Not only does she receive calls from this number multiple times a day, but she also calls this person quite often by the looks of it. It's also the last call she made from her phone."

"Any idea who it is?" asked Damon, already dreading the answer.

"I don't know", said Stefan and Damon let out a breath he didn't realise he had been holding. "It's a burner phone and it's either been tossed or switched off."

"She wasn't cheating on me", said Damon with conviction.

"I don't think she was either", said Stefan. "I just think this could be a friend she didn't want you to know about; someone who helped her pull her disappearing act."

"I still don't believe that she left me, Stefan", said Damon.

"I don't expect you to", answered Stefan. "But one day, you're going to have to face the truth." The microwave beeped indicating the food was ready. Stefan got two plates out and took the bowl out of the oven. "It's not much but I have some left over pot roast", said Stefan.

"I'm not hungry", said Damon getting to his feet. "I'm just going to head home."

"Are you sure you want to?" asked Stefan.

"Actually, I'm sure I don't want to", said Damon. "But I can't do this either. I can't sit here and try to convince myself that she's really done when I don't believe it now and I know I won't be believing it anytime in the future either. I can't believe anything until I see her again."

Stefan nodded in understanding. "I don't want you to think I'm being harsh", said Stefan, "and maybe I am. But I just want you to acknowledge the fact that there is a second possibility. When the truth inevitably comes out, I just want you to be prepared."

"If you're right, then it won't matter", said Damon before leaving the house.

As soon as Damon was out of earshot, Stefan kicked the empty trash can in his kitchen. He had intended to be sensitive, but instead, he'd just made things worse. He paced the small kitchen wondering how he was going to make things better. Motivational speeches and pep talks were clearly not his forte but those were things Damon excelled at. No matter what the circumstance, he knew he could count on his brother's support and that's exactly what made him feel so much worse. Damon needed him to be his brother but instead, he was being the cop. He needed help; he needed advice, that much was clear to him. But with Damon not being an option, he had no idea who to turn to. His father? He wondered idly.


Damon was once more struck by how dark and quiet his house was. As he made his way up the stairs, he heard the distinct sound of a phone ringing. He had heard that ringtone a hundred times. As much as it had annoyed him, it had been Elena's favourite tone. He bounded the last few stairs to his room and answered her phone, breathlessly, "Elena?" he asked, expectantly.

"Not quite", answered a male voice from the other end.

"Who is this?" asked Damon, suddenly on high alert.

"I could tell you", said the man, "but that would simply ruin the surprise. Now let's just cut to the chase. I know where Elena is and I know that she isn't going to be getting out of there anytime soon."

"Where is she?" asked Damon.

"All in due time", said the man.

"How do I know you aren't lying?" asked Damon.

"You don't", answered the man. "You have no choice but to trust me unless you don't want to see your fiancée ever again. The ring, the suitcase, and the clothes – those were just set up to mislead the police and I have to say, I'm impressed by your conviction. Even when everyone told you that she left you, you didn't believe them. Anyway, I'm straying from the point again. I know who you are. I know you steal from the rich and give to the poor; a real robin hood", the man added with a slight laugh that just made Damon flinch. "Don't bother denying it, I know I'm right. So here's what you need to do. I need something valuable. I won't tell you what it is just yet but I can tell you that it's in the possession of a private collector. You'll receive the blueprint of the house very soon along with the location of the item within the house. You'll also get a picture of said item along with a very detailed physical description. That should make things easy for you. I want the item safely in my hands a week from when you receive the details."

"And what if I don't do it?" asked Damon.

The man just laughed. "Didn't I make it clear already? You'll never get to see Elena again; at least not alive. Oh and Damon, no talking to the police. I'll know if you do. And besides, we don't want your brother knowing you moonlight as a thief, do we?" Damon grunted in response for lack of a better option. "Good", said the man enthusiastically over the phone. "Then, it's settled. Do this right and everything will be back to normal. You can go back to living your life as it was; you can even get married right on schedule. Just don't screw it up." With that final taunt, the line went dead.

Damon felt the irrational urge to throw the phone at the wall and let it shatter to pieces. The rational side of his brain reminded him that he needed it to stay in contact with the man who held Elena. He put the phone down gently and sat down on his bed. He took in a deep breath. The man had promised him that Elena would be back once he got whatever it is that he wanted. He'd broken into houses before, he could go it again. He may have promised Elena that he was done with that life but he was going to have to do it one last time. He knew the risks and he was more than willing to take those risks. He didn't care about getting caught anymore. As long as it guaranteed Elena's safety, he would do it.