Hey guys! Here's another chap, as promised. It's another crossover with my friend's story The Dagger. We worked together to write it and I think it came out pretty well. Be sure to check out her story if you haven't. It's a Flash fanfic and it's on this account. Enjoy!

The day after finding Joey, Alex and Roy went to the bunker to train and think things through.

"I have no idea what to do," Alex said hopelessly as they walked into the room. "I can't think of even one option."

"We'll figure it out, Al," Roy said.

Just then, Oliver came downloan the steps.

"Hey, Oliver," Roy greeted.

"Hey, Roy-" he stopped short, noticing their worried expressions. "What's wrong?"

"It's complicated." Alex sighed. "First of all, my brother came back from the dead."

"What?" Oliver asked. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"It's fantastic," Alex said, now smiling. "It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. But now he needs treatment, and I don't have money."

"I'm sorry," Oliver said sincerely. "I wish I could do something. But at least you have your brother back."

"Yeah," Alex said, the smile fading once more. "It's just a matter of being able to keep him around."

Suddenly, Sam walked into the bunker with a grin on her face.

"Sup' peeps!" She shouted, her grin remaining.

Alex and Roy looked up, both surprised to see her here.

"Sam," Oliver said, looking at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just in town, and I wanted to drop by. What are you doing here?" She asked playfully, she then walked over to Oliver and gave him a hug.

"Hey, Sam," Roy said. "Good to see you again."

"You, too, Red. How've you been?"

"Pretty good," he replied. "What about you?"

"Good," she said simply. "Hey, Alex, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, wondering how she could know something was up.

"Okay, Alex, I've been through a lot. I know when something's wrong," she replied with a quite serious tone.

"You might as well tell her," Roy said to Alex.

"It's complicated," Alex finally answered, unsure if she shouldbe answering at all. "My brother basically came back from the dead, and now I need money for hospital bills. Getting Joey back is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, but now I have no idea what I'm going to do."

"I have money," she said, her tone even more serious than before, "it's complicated how, but I can give you all of it if you need it."

"I- I don't know what to say," Alex replied, in complete shock. "I mean, I can't accept this, but-"

"Alex, I lost someone and I won't get him back, and that's how I have this money. I'd do anything to get him back, and I can't. If I can help anyone get their loved ones back, I'll do anything. This isn't something you can say yes or no to, okay? You're getting the money. Now, how much do you need?"

Roy was the one to name the amount, Alex was too shocked and great full to speak. Sam confirmed that she had enough and Roy confirmed that they would take it.

"Thank you, Sam," was all Alex managed to say as she fought back tears of joy.

"Anytime." She grinned. "So, Ol, today I met this girl who could make anything into a bomb."

"That ability would be perfect for you," he commented with a smile.

"I got fire instead. I like fire." She grinned again.

"What are you talking about?" Roy asked, confused. Alex realized he still didn't know about his old friend's powers. She smiled, knowing how amazed he would be in a moment.

"I can freeze things and set them on fire," she simply stated, as if it was a normal skill.

"What?" He asked again after a moment's pause.

She sighed and grabbed Roy's jacket with her right hand, setting it on fire. She then switched to her left hand, putting out the fire and freezing the jacket. She paused and spoke, "You're probably still confused, so I'm a meta-human which means I have powers from the particle accelerator, and I have fire and ice powers. So...yeah…."

"So that's what's been going on in Centeral," Roy said with wonder.

"I would pay for that jacket, but Alex now owns all of my money," Sam stated. After a moment, she spoke again, "Well...this just got awkward."

Alex shifted uncomfortably. Sam was right, and Alex felt embarrassed. But she was willing to do anything for her brother, suffering through a few awkward moments was a very small price to pay for his life.

"Sam," Oliver sighed, "you just made it more awkward."'

"Oh. Oops." She paused. "Um, well... How's Thea?"

"Theas good," Oliver replied. "She's taken over Verdant."

"Really? Well, tell her I said 'hi'." She paused, "So, Roy, are you and Thea still dating?"

"Umm, no, actually," Roy answered. He and Alex glanced at each other awkwardly.

"Oh my gosh." Sam gasped. "You guys are adorable together."

They laughed. "Well, thanks, Sam," Alex said. Then she became a little more serious. "For everything. I should be going, though."

Sam also grew more grave, "Alex, if you ever need anything, I'm here. Not here, I'll be in Central. But I'll be here."

"Thanks, I think. You coming, Roy? I'm heading back to the hospital."

"Sure," he said. "Bye, Sam. See you later, Oliver."

"Bye, Red," Sam said.

"Bye, guys," Alex said as she and Roy left the room.

"Did that just happen?" Alex asked in disbelief as she and Roy exited Verdant.

"I think so," Roy replied, smiling at her.

"So, we're back on our feet, then." Alex started going through all her new expenses in her head. "Cosmetic surgery can wait, and if Joey can get a job he should be able to take some classes at a community college to finish up high school, and I'm earning enough to get a small two bedroom place..."

"I'll still pitch in wherever I'm needed," Roy cut in. "My little brother too, remember?"

Alex smiled. "I remember."

Thanks to mjf2468 and mantale3 for favoriting and to Highlander348 for reviewing. She said:

Oliver could help Alex by giving her the money for the surgeries. She is his friend and partner! Why wouldn't he help her out in her time of need?

Please show more of Katana kicking butt to! It's been awhile and I am getting fidgety over it! (bites her fingernails potentially ruining her manicure) :(

Actually, it's at a point where Oliver has lost his company and his money. But as you can see, it all worked out in the end!

As for Katana fighting, I have to admit action scenes aren't really a big priority for me with this story. I know it's a fanfic for an action show but it's more of a general life story for Alex than it is an action story. So you'll understand that those scenes will be few and far between. That being said, Alex will be getting back to crime fighting soon.