A little epilogue to see if Luffy got to the food or not...

Scorching Flame



Somewhere in the dark woods...

Six waiters came together among the trees, carrying bags of dirty dishes and cooking equipment. "You all got leftovers?" asked one, yawning before eyeing their bags of containers hungrily.

"We do," said a taller waiter, proudly flashing teeth with his short, stocky partner and displaying their bag of goodies. "Don't get any ideas of getting this away from us."

"Yeah. You guys thought you were so smart last time," said the stocky one.

"Oh come on, we'd never do that," said the yawning one's brown-haired partner with a flirtatious wink.

The tall guy smirked, enjoying her attention way too much. "Don't even try that again, it's not gonna work this time," he said to her.

"You stole from us, too!" said a highly annoyed waiter with a badly chosen hair colour. "But I'm not to blame, NOW AM I?" She directed a glare at her bespectacled partner.

"When are you going to get over that?" he asked.

Yawning waiter's partner winked at him as well. "I liked that he was willing to share," she said, moving closer but getting shoved in the chest by a warning hand.

"Stay back, wench!" said miss purple.

"Guys, Guys." Yawning one stepped forward. "Lets just get out of this dark woods before some animal comes and gets us. I need sleep."

Miss purple and her bespectacled partner visibly tensed. "Yeah," she said. "We heard sounds by our tent and saw strange stuff in bushes. Besides that crazy half-naked girl."

"Whoa, WHOA! WHAT?" asked tall guy.

"I thought I saw a little blue-nosed raccoon, wearing a hat," said bespectacled guy in a small voice. "And I think he talked. They don't talk, do they?"

"Was the naked lady the hot boss lady?" asked tall guy quickly, his mind on other places.

Miss purple glimpsed around her. "In the distance I also thought I saw a tall..."

"A tall what?" asked the wench impatiently.

"A very pale guy. He had to have been pale. Because he was white as a sheet. Maybe he was a clown. But, for a moment there, he looked a lot like a… a… a skeleton!"

Laughter suddenly bubbled out loudly from somewhere in the dark woods.

The waiters looked at each other, mouths open, bodies quivering. Quiet only for a moment before they completely lost it. "THE SKELETON!" Throwing everything aside, bags and containers, they ran for their lives.

Bespectacled guy battled to keep up with the rest. "THE RACCOON!"

From a tree, dropped straw hat-wearing Luffy, seeing the six individuals running up a dust storm as they vanished into the night. He snickered and gathered up only the three bags of leftovers, on the ground, leaving the rest behind. "Thanks, guys," he said, tossing them over his shoulder and walking back to the ship.
