Family Is Power

By: Aria

Summary: The sequel to Family Above All: The Originals may be down but who said that they're out? New enemies coming out of the woodworks to take them down, new surprises that could spell either trouble or help for the siblings, new loves, home truths about what really happened in the tenth century regarding a certain Petrova girl and an Elejah baby on the way. Now the stakes are higher than ever as secrets kept buried resurface and a new threat regarding Hope and the new baby comes.

And a sacrifice that will change the outcome for the Originals forever.

Pairings: Elejah, Sofi, Klaus/Tatia, Kolvina, Rebel with a past Kol/Selene

Disclaimer: I do not own

AN: The much anticipated sequel to Family Above All! I have a few stories I'm working on-Family Is Power, Negotiations, See Thine Heart, A second chance at Love and Always and Forever but if any of you want little one shot stories about their lives after all of this, tell me and I'll make a story just filled on one shots for whichever pairing you want

Chapter 1: This is our REBIRTH

The months that passed for those still in New Orleans was long but in the end, it seemed to be the one thing that they all needed to move on after the numerous deaths that had occurred.

The months away from New Orleans did some good for Elena and Elijah as they took to raising baby Cara with such expertise that many people thought the girl was their actual child due to the girl's dark locks that were coming in.

Their actual child was what was growing inside Elena and she glowed like the sun but yet at the same time, many men knew better than to go after those she loved as they barely make it out with their lives.

Fin and Sophie's relationship that was between mentor/mentee dissolved and became much more intense while the relationship of sorts between Kol and Davina was in between hot and sweet, never anything else and it was the perfect pace for them.

He didn't want to go as fast as he had gone when he and Selene were together. He did still love her and a part of him always would but he was trying his hardest to let her go.

Out of all of them, though, Klaus was a volatile mixture of hopeful, lonely and confused.

He was lonely because he couldn't be with his daughter and his somewhat love Hayley died, hopeful as his time and whatever relationship he had with Eva Lafleur made him feel like he used to when he was just a human with an untriggered wolf gene and confused because of what Elijah had said to him months before.

Tatia Petrova is possessing Eva Lafleur. The two of them are one in the same at the moment.

Why hide that from me Tatia? His mind was a jumble of questions and as he was deep in his thoughts he didn't notice both Fin and Sophie appear at the doorway of his studio while he painted a scene from one of his many lifetimes.

Tatia was holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers and smiling underneath the setting sun during Samhain-or what's known now as Halloween.

Fin's deep voice boomed over him. "Niklaus?"

"I need to act, I need to spill blood."

Klaus was back.

Of all things to annoy Eva Lafleur-or as Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson know her as Tatia Petrova-she had to have two idiotic Crescent wolves follow her around on Oliver's orders. Every nerve cell in her body wanted her to turn around and berate them but that would be too easy and the words too perfect so she did it her way.

She made the blood in their veins feel like oil while the sun was burning them, making them feel like they were being set on fire until their hearts gave way and she stepped over their bodies.

She may have seemed like a sweet little blonde girl but the reality was that she was just as dangerous as all of these people put together and then some.

She had the Petrova Fire burning in her.

Storming into the courtyard of the Abbatoir, she began to scream for Klaus only for Fin to arrive.

"Tell him that if he doesn't act yet, every single Crescent will be dead by tomorrow morning." She warned him and she was gone with a turn of her heel.

Fin and Klaus watched her walk away and knew that she was right.

Elijah could have expected to see many things the second he and Elena returned from Italy with Cara but what he saw made him wonder if he was in the right house.

Klaus, Kol and Fin were surrounding a map of some local property with both Sophie and Eva beside them.

The three vampires and two witches looked up at them and the vampires stared at Elena.

"How did that happen?" The two witches blinked and Sophie explained it to them in a single sentence.

"Elena's pregnant."

Davina was furious with Kol who didn't want her to be involved in whatever he and his siblings were planning so as she went into the attic, she saw Mikael had a stake in his heart and a redheaded girl staring out the window.

Turning around, the girl smirked.

"You have got some explaining to do about bringing this bastard back Davina Claire."

As the siblings were doing their various things, Elena let her mind wander off as she stood in the nursery where Cara was napping peacefully.

Years ago, if anyone had told Elena that this would be her life, she would have asked them if someone had compelled them to tell her that but now, she knew that this was what she had wanted.

"I heard that you've got a bun in the oven," she turned to see her father and she smiled. "You're making me a granddad already."

"You'll be the best one." She told him and Marcel hugged her close, burying his face in her hair.

"Once upon a time, there was a majestic king, who lived with two of his noble brothers and his sorcerer brother as well as a sorceress who made one of the noble brothers something he had thought lost-happy- and they lived in a colorful kingdom where music and art were celebrated. The king did not foresee having a child, but he lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible. In time, he was blessed with a beautiful baby daughter for whom he wished only peace and happiness. Still, the king had demons who pursued him. There was a ruthless beast who wanted to take the kingdom for her own. Armed with a pack of untamed creatures, she drove the other magical beings from the land. And there was a wicked sorceress with enchanted stones that weakened the king on every full moon. Seeing the shadow his enemies cast upon his home, the king was driven to send his beloved princess away, convincing all who remained that she was forever lost. The king, in his sorrow, turned away from the world. The castle closed its doors and the kingdom fell. Some say that the only light that shines in the castle illuminates the shadow of the once mighty king in the room meant for his child. But as the ruthless beasts took rule over the fallen king's realm, little did they that he and his brothers would not rest until their enemies were vanquished. For they believed that one day, they would heal their kingdom and bring their princess home. So that she might live happily ever after."

It was the same story that she had always told Hope and still, she was filled with that feeling that someday, Hope will return home.

Until that time, Rebekah Mikaelson swore that she would be the best mother for her niece that ever lived.

Yes, she was sad that Hayley had died giving birth but yet, she knew that Hayley may have-at the end-loved the girl she carried and had at least a precious moment with her.

One by one, each sibling killed a few wolves until Elena-who had also killed them when they found their way into the nursery-came across Oliver in the hallway while she stood between her room and the nursery. He smirked at her and he looked ready to stab her, showing her the hunting knife in his hand. She was about to pull out her knife only for him to be stabbed in the back and have his throat slit by Eva who smirked at her.

"Sorry my shadow self," she told her smirking. "I saw an opportunity and took it."

Elena nodded and whispered the one name she never thought she would say in her life.


The bodies were all lined up in the courtyard and as Kol set them on fire with a bottle of bourbon, Davina ran into his arms. She was shaking and shivering like a leaf when he saw her walk through.


She must have come back sometime before the death of one of the ressurected witches but as she smiled at him, he was quite surprised to do anything but stare at her.

"Selene?" Klaus asked as he stepped up to look her in the eye and she stared back at him defiantly. She turned her gaze over to everyone but she settled them on Elena.

"If you weren't Tatia's doppelher, I would call you that." She sounded so sweet but as she turned, she made the vampire who was about to charge her turn to ash.

"I've got a lot of explaining to do, huh?"

A rather sinister smile lined the face of the elder witch as she watched her sister's abominations talk to the redhead who seemed uneasy and rather cold to some of them when questioned about her allegiance to them.

Maybe she could be persuaded to her side.

Cassie-well, Esther-had a group of witches start making the Moonlight Rings when she felt something she shouldn't have felt.


Looking around, she realized why that power felt so familiar.

Dahlia's here.

I really hope that you all liked this chapter! The next one, both Tatia and Selene decide to tell them a bit as to why they are back but the full story won't come until a few chapters in and there will be an Authors Note before that chapter to give you a sneak peek at it to be nice.

Though Oliver doesn't die yet in canon, I decided to go partial canon/AU for this so he died sooner