Here we go with chapter seven of Saint of Sacrifice. This next chapter will be yet another time skip, to where Ikki and Shun are taking on their mission. This one is going to be from Shun's perspective as he goes to complete his mission and even talk to his older sister. But the next chapter will be the same thing from Seiya's perspective because I thought it would be fun and we can see what Ikki's up to.

After that we'll go back to Shun and the Sanctuary and more of the story will be set up. Originally this story was only going to focus on the Hades Saga, but I love Soul of Gold enough to want to include that as well as yet another enemy. I hope you guys enjoy the expanded version of this story! Also yes, Shun is OP, but he won't be forever. It's just for the role I want him to play in the Sanctuary arc.

Chapter Seven: Andromeda's Gift

Ikki's fingers had moved to Shun's pulse point again even as they watched the pointless battles. He wasn't sure if it was to reassure himself or Shun at this point, but he was glad that Ikki seemed to be seeking some kind of contact again. He was snarling, though Shun couldn't tell why at this point, even as he kept glaring down towards the gathered Sonata Saints of Death Queen Island. It was odd to Shun that they were here. After all, none of the other Sonata Saints had come, if there were any. They had gone to the Sanctuary. Still, Ikki didn't seem keen to let him step around him and Shun understood in a way.

Recently, away from the Sanctuary and it's pressures, Ikki had managed to heal more. Shun didn't force expectations on him, only rewarded Ikki's good behavior with giving him more positive attention. As much as he hated manipulating Ikki, in a way it was necessary. His teacher had really destroyed what little was left of Ikki's childhood with what he had done, so Shun had to almost re-raise his brother in a way. Only the knowledge that it would help Ikki in the long run kept Shun from feeling guilty.

And as it went on, it became clear that Ikki still felt protective of his little brother even if he did know he could fight himself now and didn't always need it. Still, Ikki had been hurt by the actions of those Sonata Saints, even if they did regret it now. Now that he was getting better and able to at least show some love to Shun again, he didn't want him anywhere near what had once hurt him so bad. That fear was showing up as anger, so Shun gently laid his hand over Ikki's.

The Phoenix Saint jumped a little, his eyes turning to Shun's soft and understanding one. Had anyone else given him that look earlier or at any time before, he would have attacked them for daring to show him weakness. As it was, Shun's eyes made him reluctantly relax as he tried to convince himself that he wasn't alone and he was okay this time. Shun patiently waited for him as always, not even wincing when his hand tightened around his wrist in a vice like grip instead of searching for a pulse point.

"I'll be okay," Shun assured his brother in their native tongue. There was no use speaking Greek here after all. "You know I will. I can protect myself and I know you have my back as much as I have yours."

Ikki's eyes turned back to the others warily, never losing their suspicious glare even as he continued to hold Shun's wrist as if he was afraid he was going to leave. Shun's chains had long stopped viewing Ikki as an enemy, and he was in no danger of being shocked by his chains, which was good since they were trying to stay out of sight. The others would stay just a little after everyone else had left, just about half and hour or so. They had started after the Sonata Saints had lingered and noticed Ikki watching them.

Shun was thankful for that, knowing that there wouldn't be any civilians other than maybe Tatsumi and Saori around to end up getting in the way when it inevitably came to blows. Still, Shun understood Ikki's need to protect one of the few good things he had in his life, the rock as his world view was changed once again. The last one had crumbled, and the pain and driven Ikki over the edge. Shun would be much harder to destroy.

"I don't want you to get hurt," Ikki finally said, quietly and like a secret that he couldn't bear to speak aloud. Shun just gave him a calm and affectionate smile as he stepped up to his brother and laid his forehead against his shoulder. Slowly some of the tension left Ikki's frame as he wrapped his arm around Shun's shoulder tightly.

"I'm strong now," Shun quietly assured him. "I'm not stupid either. And you're here. We're going to be fine, I promise. You're strong enough to face them. We both are. We're just fine, Nii-san."

The last of the tension seems to bleed from Ikki as he just breathes and holds his little brother close. Things are winding down for the day, and the battle between Jabu and Seiya is finally done, though some of the contestants look a little worse for wear. With everyone filing out, it would be the perfect time to step forward and do their best to fulfill their missions. Shun would need to try and corner Saori alone and speak with her, as well as test the others in a fight. Still, Ikki's mission would be the more difficult one.

"Let me go first," Ikki said, probably sounding the most upset he had in a long time. Shun didn't have the heart to tell him no.

"Okay, Nii-San," Shun replied quietly.

Ikki slowly relaxed, his fingers finally peeling away from Shun's wrist until they again rested on his pulse point, assuring both of them that the other was close. Things were winding down. The civilians would be gone soon and it would be time to move. Still, his promise to let Ikki go first seemed to have finally reassured the Phoenix Saint that they would be okay.

Finally, when all eyes are turned away from them, Ikki sliped up next to the Golden cloth box, turning his burning eyes towards the others to await them noticing. They want to get noticed for Shun's mission after all, so he would wait. It seems to take an awfully long time for people trying to hold onto such a priceless artifact to notice, mainly because they're looking to the box where he knows his Nee-san is waiting. Ikki finally snarled, getting several pairs of surprised eyes to turn in his direction. And still, Shun waited.

"Ikki," Kiba, one of the Sonata Saints that Shun recognizes gasped. "It's you!"

"What are you doing back here?" Jabu growled, clearly unhappy with how things happened last time.

"Arles is done with this side show," Ikki said, sounding like he would almost rather be spitting out any other words. "He wants this armor back in the Sanctuary where he belongs."

"Ikki," Seiya said, pushing forward into the crowd, past Nachi, Ichi, Geki, Jabu and Ban. Past even Hyoga and Shiryu. "Think about this! Arles isn't who he says and things are terrible in the Sanctuary! If you want to help Shun you can't keep fighting by yourself like this! Let us help you."

Had Shun not come along, these words might have actually swayed Ikki to join their side, and Shun couldn't help but sigh when Ikki shook his head. The worst part about helping Ikki's heart is that he was willing to do anything for him. Still, Shun felt a stab of irritation at knowing that they were using his feelings like that. They were fighting against the laws of Athena, for a tournament that didn't even matter since you couldn't just win a Gold Cloth. Had they learned nothing? Still, he was glad that Ikki trusted him enough to not just rush off in a misguided attempt to help him.

"Who says I'm alone?" Ikki asked with a malicious smirk, to the gasps and murmuring of the Saints below.

Then, Ikki planted his feet and raised his arm. It was a simple gesture, if not one that could be confusing to anyone who didn't know the two brothers as Saints. It was one of trust too, that said that Ikki knew Shun and his armor wouldn't hurt him. It brought a smile to his face. The fastest way for Shun to reach him after all, was to wrap his chain around something and pull himself down. Ikki was strong enough to hold both of their weight and it gave the impression that Ikki was better and was willing to work with others.

Ikki's cosmos brushed against Shun's and Shun could feel that Andromeda was growing fonder of the boy. Andromeda could feel that Phoenix was changing, trying to apologise for their first fight, and inviting Andromeda to trust it. And they both did, very much. So Ikki's grin only grew more pronounced as a familiar sphere chain wrapped around his arm securely. And with a quick tug, a smiling Shun landed ever gracefully next to his older brother. The other Saints looked stunned as Shun's chains retreated back to his own wrists once again.

"It's been a long time," Shun replied with a neutral tone. "Everyone's grown up so much. I guess I should introduce myself again. I'm Andromeda Shun."

It was almost like someone had dropped a bomb for all the surprised choking and whispers that rang out from the Saints below. Shun just continued to give them a neutral smile, knowing what they saw. After all, he had once been the most innocent creature, full of light and life. That innocence was gone, though he was still kind and would rather not fight if speaking was an option. This was no different, though Ikki stood like a bristling wall in front of him. He wasn't attacking yet, letting Shun talk. He knew that Ikki could tell he appreciated it a lot.

"S-Shun," Shiryu gasped, as if surprised to see him. He supposed they all were. "Is that really you?"

"Yes," Shun said, though his smile fell then. His eyes turned more severe as he looked over everyone, the kind of look he learned from his master. It was the one that said don't-lie-to-me-or-you-will-see-my-roses. It was effective, if their reactions were anything to go off of. "Unfortunately our promise didn't go as planned. So...what are you even doing? In a place like this…"

"Shun," Hyoga said, his icy calm exterior trying to match Camus but failing. And if that wasn't interesting, Shun didn't know what was. "The Sanctuary is not what it seems to be. Arles isn't who he says. We're not doing anything to hurt anyone here. Please let us help you."

His voice had taken an almost pleading tone at the end, and it sparked yet more irritation in Shun. If he had been younger that kind of tone would have made him cave, would have made him want to answer him. Who were these saints, trying to emotionally manipulate him? His master had taught him too well to fall to those kinds of tricks as other, more gentle Andromeda Saints had before. He frowned, and his body language shifted just a little. Enough that Ikki shifted to fight too. After all, his reaction screamed wrong-answer to Ikki.

"You seem to confuse me for someone else," Shun said, shaking his head. "I'll make things clear then. Per the law of Athena, Saints are not permitted to have personal battles. We fight only for Athena, not for the misguided notion that someone can win a cloth without the training for it."

"Like Arles and your Master are any better," Geki hissed, though when the others tried to quiet him he wouldn't be swayed. "Murders, both of them! How can you throw your lot in with them? All of the Saints in the Sanctuary think they're high and mighty, but you're no better than us! Go back to killing people then!"

There were several quiet shouts of people below trying to apparently disagree with or correct Geki, but the damage had been done. Even Ikki bristled at this, and Shun felt anger. How dare they? They, who had never been to Sanctuary? Who never knew what it was like under Arles's rule because too many supported him out of fear or loyalty to Athena? How dare they spit upon the Saints doing their best to thrive, when they had never seen? How dare they judge Saints, or his Master like so many others when they had never met them. Ikki in front of him growled, even as Geki looked contrite and opened his mouth again.

Shun had ready made his choice though, even as he closed his eyes, sighed, and nodded at Ikki. These Saints didn't know loyalty to Athena as he or even Ikki did. They judged them for someone else's actions or rulings, but continued to carry on with useless battles like they were any more morally upright. Taking a deep breath to center himself, to not let his emotions rule him as other Andromeda Saints before, he heard Ikki snarl and everyone else scatter and yelp as fire lit up the stadium.

"Enough talk then," Ikki snapped. "Show me your power."

Shun leaped down to the floor below next to Ikki, who didn't start at his presence. Their old friends were clearly reluctant to fight, not that Shun was complaining as it gave him time to lay out his defense. The chains began to swirl, creating the Andromeda Cluster at their feet. Ikki snorted disdainful but didn't move, knowing how powerful Shun's defense was. At the very least it would allow them some breathing room in the battle, especially if they were cautious enough.

"It looks like the Andromeda Cluster," Shiryu gasped, which really, Shun was beginning to think everyone was just going to keep being amazed by this. Someone always seemed to say it.

"This stupid chain won't stop me," Jabu growled as he grabbed it, snarling as he pulled it from formation. Shun just shrugged as Ikki scoffed.

"Idiot," Ikki said, which once again, made everyone pause. "Andromeda's chain is a living thing. It responds to enemies, especially ones touching it, by unleashing several thousand volts."

Even with the warning, and how comically wide Jabu's eyes became, there wasn't enough time for him to drop the chain before Andromeda responded to his call as eagerly as always. Lightning seemed to spark down his chain and into the unprepared Unicorn Saint, who screamed and was thrown across the room. Shun just sadly shook his head, wondering why they weren't more careful with things that were new to them. It would get them hurt at some point.

Still, the fact that Ikki trusted him enough to stay within his defense, to not just jump into the fight, it really did mean a lot to Shun. That kind of trust was hard to come by, and he wasn't going to waste the trust he had gained with his brother at this point. He took another deep breaths steadying himself. He couldn't afford to simply rush into battle because they had insulted his Master. He had to be smarter about this. Ikki's presence at his side was a boon he was glad for, steady and unwavering in the face of their friends.

"I will ask once more," Shun said, his voice icy cold. "What is it you are doing here?"

They seemed to pause, to look to one another instead of answering. Shun felt sadness at this point when they wouldn't answer him. Either they didn't have an answer, or they were unsure what answer to give to not escalate the situation further. Clearly they were no longer following the rules of Athena. While it was true that Arles was not a good man, at the very least the Saints were not supposed to be fighting battles like these, not without the blessing of Athena for such battles. Shun sighed, shifting his stance. He could practically feel Ikki shift too as his cosmos brushed against Phoenix, inviting him to join his attack with his.

"I see," he said. "Very well. Let me ask another question then. Do you wonder why the Phoenix Saint and Andromeda were sent together? It is because our cosmos compliment each other. Phoenix is fire and I am wind."

There were gasps of realization as Shun's chains snapped back, indicating that he was no longer in the mood to defend but would instead attack. The Saints scattered, not that it mattered much with two forces colliding. Even as Ikki began to move his arms like wings, Shun was pointing his own hand towards the air. Andromeda and Phoenix flashed into the sky, menacing and dangerous even as fire and wind sparked into the silence. The resulting show was intense.

"Flight of the Phoenix!"

"Nebula Storm!"

Fire and wind combined into a firestorm that created a billowing tornado of flame. It tore through the arena, forcing even Ikki and Shun to leap back as it tossed the other Saints around like ragdolls. All too soon the two were unable to match their cosmos together and the attack petered out, but the damage had been done. A crater was left in the center, where the stage of the arena had once been. Entire sections of the audience seats were even gone.

"This is why I wanted to wait until the civilians were gone," Shun said, both in awe of the power and trust he and Ikki could achieve as well as afraid of the damage. What it an ally was too close to that? They would have to be careful.

"Think you've tested them enough?" Ikki asked suddenly, getting a surprised hum from Shun. "I know your mission lies elsewhere. They're pretty injured now, enough for me to take them alone. I know you want to…"

Want to speak to Saori went rather unsaid, though Ikki didn't seem that upset by it. After all, she had at least been there for him for a while when Ikki hadn't been. Still, he was right that Shun wanted to speak to his Nee-san. What about her had seemed to have spooked Arles so much? He wasn't sure, but as he looked to the others trying to struggle to their feet, he knew he didn't want to kill his old friends either way. Could he be faulted for leaving now to speak with her? Finally he turned away, looking to Ikki again.

"If nothing else," Ikki said slowly, practically growling. "You can sense how fast they're growing, right? Their cosmos is stretching fast. They're no match for us now but they could be. You can ways report that to Arles."

Shun knew Ikki was still struggling, and maybe only wanted him to leave because he didn't want him to get hurt. But he also knew that Ikki was aware how much that one year he had spent with Saori had meant to him. If nothing else, he wanted to try and protect her if he was able. Finally he leaped away, going towards the stairs he saw in the back before when they had been watching and ignoring the noises of protest behind him. He knew Ikki would take care of it.

"Thank you, Nii-san," Shun said. Ikki didn't respond, but he didn't have to.

Shun was gone before anyone had the bright idea to attempt to slip past his older brother, not that it would do much good he knew. Ikki was right that they were rapidly growing more powerful, but they still weren't anywhere close to the level to challenge Ikki if his older brother played his cards right. Shun had faith that Ikki would be just fine, so he turned his attention instead to the hallways above. In the silence, the sounds of battle could be heard, like background noise. If he knew his sister and even Tatsumi, they would be waiting.

When he reached the door to the box above everything, he could already tell he was right even before he began to turn the doorknob. That was strange in itself, seeing how he shouldn't be able to sense Saori. She was just a civilian, right? Either way, as he opened the door to find his big sister, far more mature and beautiful, he found something in his heart warm at the sight of her, some emotion he couldn't identify. He took to smiling at her, sitting calmly but sadly, and Tatsumi, who looked older and far more nervous, instead.

"Ah, hello Nee-san," he said pleasantly. "It's been a long time."

"It has," Saori agreed sadly. "You've grown. I'm sorry I missed that."

Shun let out a thoughtful hum as he hopped up and sat on one of the cabinets that filled the room, watching her carefully. He wasn't sure what Arles's interest in her even was. What about some girl in Japan had brought his attention to her? Sure, she was hosting a stupid tournament with Bronze Saints, but really what harm could she do? Tatsumi looked like he wanted to scold Shun, but he didn't speak. It was Saori however that surprised the young Saint.

She stood, white dress and gold jewelery making her look far more regal than ever, even as she slowly crossed the space between them. Shun tilted his head, but felt at peace for possibly the first time in a long time. He wasn't sure if it was that feeling he couldn't name or just getting to see his sister again, but he didn't feel threatened by her. The chains on his armor were silent as well, even as she drew closer. Slowly, her hands reached up to cup his face, her eyes aching.

"What's happened to you?" She asked sadly. "You would have never hurt your dear friends before. I worry how the Sanctuary has changed you, and Ikki too."

Shun wanted to feel angry, to remember what his master taught him, but this was different. The curl of his cosmos under his skin at his words told him that she wasn't trying to manipulate him, that she was legitimately worried. His cosmos, his very instincts were telling him that she was true. Somehow it relaxed him, and even brought doubt to his earlier assessment of the Bronze Saints. Maybe they weren't trying to manipulate him and Ikki at all. Maybe they were worried. They hadn't seen them in years after all. How would they know how they changed.

Shun blinked, wondering how his sister had the ability to just change his perspective so quickly. What about her had his cosmos practically singing. Some part of it was wary, as if she had personally wronged it before, but like Shun it could always forgive so easily. If nothing else, it was a confusing mess. His cosmos should have never met Saori before, not unless she could reincarnate too which had to be impossible. Somehow, the thought of telling Arles this never even crossed his mind. He couldn't betray her like that.

"Something about you is different," Shun finally said. "I guess I can see now in a way why Lord Arles is so interested in you, Nee-san."

Nearly immediately, both Tatsumi and Saori's eyes widened as they realized the implications of someone like Arles being interested in her. It didn't make much sense after all. What could he have heard or even expected that could have made him so concerned about everything that was happening? What was it about her that had Arles turn his attention away from the Sanctuary? If nothing else, it threw up red flags in his mind, more than Arles already did. Still, Saori's eyes suddenly softened and she smiled softly.

"I see," she said, her eyes kinder than he had ever seen. "Thank you Shun. You must realize how dangerous he is. We won't let your warning go to waste."

Had he been warning her? He supposed that in a way, admitting that was a kind of warning. Shun didn't want to hurt his old friends, even if he didn't understand what was happening. Still, a mission was a mission, and it was safer to not be in Arles's line of fire. If nothing else, and his Master's suspicions about Arles were true, then going back would give him the chance to continue to protect people while the Sanctuary recovered. Tatsumi seemed to also come to the same conclusion and relaxed slightly.

"Be careful, Nee-san," Shun said quietly, hoping she would understand how much he still loved her. Her smile turned worried as she reached instead for his hands. Shun let her take them.

"Shun, please," she said. "I don't want you to get hurt. Let me help you. We can keep you and Ikki safe along with the armor. Arles can't be allowed to have it. Please believe me."

Shun didn't know why, but he did believe her. Something in the way his cosmos just seemed to pause and listen let him know that she was telling the truth. Still, as he let his eyes flick down to their hands, curled together like before, he knew he couldn't answer that call. Aphrodite had long been suspicious of the Pope, and had only joined his inner circle in a bid to keep Shun himself safe. The best way to try and protect people was to be trusted by Arles and suggest things go differently. It was a thin defense, but the only one they had.

He couldn't abandon everyone else, not when he and his Master might be able to save them. He couldn't abandon his Master who had done so much for him and had already been left behind so often without others even realizing it. Shun couldn't see everything happening in the Sanctuary and not try to help in some way. Maybe people like Geki would hate him for it, but this was to protect him too. If nothing else it would give them an ally on the inside.

"I can't," he managed past the lump in his throat. He wanted to, he did. Saori's face grew sadder and get hands tightened on his own.

"He's forcing you too," she said quietly. And in a way she wasn't wrong. "There's a reason you have to go back."

"Yes," he said quietly.

Saori's face seemed to fall, as if him saying so was breaking her heart, but he knew she would understand, even as her hands trembled in his own. He gave her a sad smile and ran his thumbs over his knuckles. Even if he wanted to be with her, to not have to fight his friends, he couldn't turn his back on Athena or the Sanctuary like this. He had to go back, if only because it was the best way for him to try and keep everyone safe and to protect the justice Saints were meant to.

"Promise me you'll do your best to stay safe," she begged him quietly. "That nothing will happen to you. You're my little brother, even if not by blood. I can't help but want to protect you. Please, Shun."

"You have my word," he easily said, his tone soft and comforting. If there was one promise he could do his best to keep, it was that.

Saori closed her eyes, not bothering to hide her heartbreak and tears at the thought of letting him go again. Even so, she stepped back and let her hands slip away from his. She clasped hers in front of her, as if it would help her keep hold of the memory for a little while longer. Tatsumi had still said nothing, but wouldn't meet his gaze either. Shun had the information he was sent to collect now, what little there was. Even so, as he slipped to the floor and towards the door, he hesitated and looked back, the sounds of fighting still happening in the background, like static.

His anger had gotten the better of him earlier, but now he was certain that his old friends were much the same (even hot-headed Geki). They wanted desperately to protect him, as he wanted to save them. Shun could forgive their comments born of stress and ignorance then, because he still loved and forgave so easily. He loved them, and perhaps that's why it made it so hard for him to simply leave again.

If nothing else, he had to tell his Master his suspicions now. If anyone would know how to read into them further, Aphrodite would. He took just a moment to look at the two over his shoulder, committing their faces to memory again after so long. He couldn't forget why he was fighting, and why he sought justice so badly. Then he turned and vanished from Saori's view as quietly as before. He didn't hear her whisper his name as both a prayer and a farewell.

So there's chapter seven. Some insight into what Aphrodite changed, some information about Aphrodite and some foreshadowing. Pretty soon we'll have a chapter where Aphrodite will have his own spotlight again. We'll get to see what Shun means about Aphrodite's suspicions and the kind of things they're getting up to in the Sanctuary. Aphrodite is a lot deeper in this story than his anime counterpart.

Don't worry about OP Shun for much longer, because things are going to get crazier from here on out. Plot is moving people! I hope you guys have enjoyed the misunderstandings in this chapter too. They're kind of fun to write because let's be honest. Real people don't always communicate well. But it's fine because Shun can still forgive and see the best in everyone.