In The Heat of the Morning

I'll tie a knot in rainbow's end

Challenge the trees

Light my candle from the sun

I'll give you daylight for a friend

I'll do all of these

I'll prove that it can be done

Oh, I'm so much in love

Like the little boy that races with the wind (By The Shadow Puppets)

To Mithian's disgust the weather had changed dramatically when she woke up. She watched despondently as rain lashed down the window. The skies all around looked darkened and the clouds full of rain. Everything she'd been thinking about doing had relied on a beautiful day, and it now seemed that she had to alter her plans somewhat. As she silently fumed, a knock on her door interrupted her thoughts. As she called come in a familiar face popped around the door.

"I was just checking to see we were still on for this afternoon." Merlin smiled, raising his eyebrow mischievously.

"I can assure you it will take more than a few rain showers to deter me!" Mithian smiled, and encouraged him to come in and sit down. "What are you doing this morning anyway?"

"Oh I have a few tiresome documents to go through, and a brief meeting with Arthur to attend too." Merlin said, pouring them some water. "I thought we could take the horses out and go for a ride, I've been told it will be clear this afternoon."

"That sounds lovely I love that grey mare." Mithian said, "She reminds me of the first horse I had back in Nemeth."

"The groom claims that Persia has a strong nature but I like you find she is quite easy to handle." Merlin commented, eating a few grapes.

"She is certainly easier than some of the other horses I've had to ride. We had one chesnut that broke his stable he had such a ferocious kick on him."Mithian grinned, reliving the scene again.

Merlin laughed, "It is usually me that ends up being kicked, especially when I ride out with Arthur and the Knights."

"I think that maybe the horses have sensed you have moved up in the world, and now treat you accordingly." Mithian remarked, jokingly.

"Is that how it is with horses? I am almost disappointed I always saw them as rebels somehow!" Merlin said, looking mockingly disappointed at Mithian's suggestion.

"Well maybe Camelot's horses are different. It seemed that ours were always kicking off about something." Mithian said.

"Camelot's horses have probably picked up on the prat's habit of being impressed by breeding and status. They will doubtless put me in my place at some time or another." Merlin remarked, a resigned look on his face.

Mithian laughed, "Merlin I think you do yourself down, that just won't do!"

Merlin got up making for the door, "I will work on it before we meet again this afternoon." He grinned, bowing to her.

"You see that you do, otherwise the horses and I will have to show you how to behave."

"Well now that I would like to see." Merlin laughed, "I will see you later."

"I will look forward to it." Mithian confirmed, a hearty laugh coming out as the door closed.

All of a sudden her heart swelled once again, and determination took over her features as she considered the afternoon ahead. She decided to get her best trousers out of her bag and she hunted around for an appropriate blouse to wear with them. She found the pretty white silk garment her father had brought her on her last birthday. She inspected it in the daylight, satisfied it had survived the journey sufficiently.

After a brief rest she decided to go on a quick walk, around the gardens. Once she had crossed the court yard and left the hustle and bustle behind her, she breathed in the solace of quietness that suddenly surrounded her. The roses were all coming into bloom now and she felt high on the beautiful smell of scent that flowed around her. At this moment nothing could break her sense of serenity, even the battle with Merlin which lay ahead. A battle she decided she would not lose.

When she considered how down she'd been when he had initially dashed her hopes, and then compared her mood at breakfast, the moment he walked in the room, she knew she couldn't be without him. It was not that she didn't understand his concerns, but to her they were all so unimportant. If one thing had taught her that, it was Arthur and Gwen. Their story above all others she would take inspiration from. It felt so right that in the brave new world that Arthur and Merlin were developing that love would conquer over mere duty.

For so long in the old world duty had been everything to the older generation. But now things were starting to change, now that the boundaries were opening up. There was no longer just one way of living, but many different ones. Traditions were starting to change and take on new directions. The day Arthur had chosen a mere servant to become his wife and Queen a new premise had been set by him.

The day Mithian had left Camelot having been turned down by Arthur, she had felt both humiliated and if she was honest a bit bitter too. Her dignity had been affronted her pride had taken a hit. But then through the following months as she'd thought about it more clearly, she realized that this way of love over duty could be a decision for the better. Suddenly the old ways seemed just like that, old and used up, a new way were all sorts of possibilities could thrive, in a brave new world. A world where a King could marry for love, were people like herself suddenly had a choice and not just their duty.

As Mithian made her way back across the court yard a sense of optimism caught a hold of her, she was restless to start her journey about convincing Merlin, that what he had set up for his friends, he himself could also have. The more Mithian thought about it the more she became convinced that what lay at the heart of Merlin's concerns was a fear of reaction rather than any deep seated reason. He after all had been there at the heart of his friend's battle to be together, and he more than anyone knew how tough taking a different course could be.

She arrived back in her room and quickly dressed into her riding clothes. She remembered to put on the lucky charm bracelet that had been a gift from her mother. As she looked nostalgically at it on her wrist she briefly remembered her dear mother, another person who was prepared to fight for what she felt was worth it. She smiled for a second in memory of a woman who she only had a fleeting memory about, but still felt the presence of every day, thanks to her father who never stopped mentioning her.

Satisfied she looked the part Mithian grabbed her bag and ran out of her room, her excitement for what lay ahead rising. By the time she'd made her way outside the sun was shining down on the court yard. She smiled at the sight of the big beautiful white mare that stood waiting for her. Her mane had been platted and she stood and admired the work for a second.

Merlin was already on his horse a big black stallion who was already showing impatience to move away. Merlin pulled on his reigns to calm him down, patting him as he did so.

"What a beautiful horse!" Mithian smiled, stroking her head, before climbing on top of her.

"I am glad she passes the Nemeth standard of approval." Merlin grinned. "I think mine will be a proper handful."

"Let's see how she performs today." Mithian grinned. "Be prepared to be left behind Mr Court Sorcerer!"

Mithian kicked her horse and she bounded away leaving Merlin at a stand-still. By the time he had arrived through the gate Mithian was already galloping out into the country. She breathed in the fresh air, and made the most of the feel of the sun shining down. She barely noticed the changing countryside as she released her mounts inhibitions. She could hear Merlin and his horse slowly catching up, and encouraged her mount to open up again. She responded with a light neigh, that brought a smile to the Princesses face.

After a few minutes of hard galloping, Mithian sensed that Merlin and his horse were finding the pace tough. She decided to ease off slightly giving him more of a chance to catch up. She couldn't help but smile as he eventually came alongside her. His face was bright red, as though he himself was doing the galloping.

"I'm so glad you've given us a chance." He grimaced. "I'm not the fastest of riders at the best of times. I like to admire the scenery as I ride. It seems you Aristocrats cannot control your competitive drives. Arthur is just the same the number of times I've had this same conversation with him."

"I'm sorry maybe you are right about our natural competitiveness. Ever since I was a girl my only ambition was to ride faster than my older brother. He got the first of everything of course, so I was always determined to beat him whenever I could." Mithian laughed.

Merlin shook his head. "There you see I was right. The first time I rode a horse I was terrified. Coming from a village like Ealdor the only horses we saw belonged to rich people who visited us to buy supplies. I use to think they were ferocious things."

"The rich visitors or the horses?" Mithian laughed.

"Oh both!" Merlin laughed back. "It is only when you leave your home and learn about the world and the way it works, that you really understand anything."

There was a pause for a moment that made Mithian wonder if this was where Merlin's feeling of never thinking he was quite good enough for her came from. She was determined to prove him wrong.

"But surely you know now that just because you came from a humble background it doesn't mean you cannot move in a world of Kings. I mean everything you and Arthur have achieved should be able to tell you that by now." Mithian insisted, making sure she met his eyes. For a second they stayed like that, and yet again Mithian was taken aback by just how blue his eyes were.

"You always manage to say such profound things." Merlin smiled, "You make me believe like I should believe in miracles, or that there is nothing I can't do."

"You should believe in yourself, your whole life is proof about that. Look about where you've come from and everything that you have overcome to get this far. I think you're an amazing man. I also think Arthur would not be the man he is today without you by his side." Mithian said, as if daring him to deny the claim.

There was a pause before Merlin stuttered. "Let's take a break for a moment."

Mithian followed his lead stopping her horse, noticing a steam up ahead she led the horses over to it, leaving them to drink. By the time she had got back Merlin had laid out a blanket on the ground, and had started laying down food all around.

"I didn't know we were having a picnic." She sighed, clasping her hands together in delight. "I don't think I've had one of these since I was a little girl."

Merlin smiled, "In that case it was a good idea of Gwen to suggest this."

Mithian laughed, "I might have known she was behind this." She helped him to unload the basket licking her lips at the box of strawberries lovingly prepared. Her competitive edge kicking in she went to pinch one, to discover that Merlin had used his magic to whip it away from her. "Ah that is cheating!" she cried.

"Of course, well you are the one who says I must use my talents." He teased her, giving her a little wink.

"I suppose I did, so I can't complain too much I guess." She grinned, quickly pinching a strawberry as he went to put it down.

Merlin saw her too late, and ended up half lying over her, making them both laugh.

"I am sorry." Merlin laughed, straightening himself awkwardly.

"I'm not." Mithian grinned, smiling slyly at him. "In fact if I had magic I would have kept you there for a very long time."

Merlin smiled despite himself. "I'm sure you would have. I know what you women are like."

They tucked into the picnic both of them suddenly hungry after their ride, as Mithian took a drink she watched him closely. For a man who claimed he was clumsy he had a very precise and neat way of eating. The redness on his cheeks showed his graceful bone structure more than usual. She fought an erratic urge to run her finger along it. She thought in frustration as to why he found it so hard to believe her feelings for him. How could a man who was so prepared to serve a King be so reluctant to believe a Princess could love him? To Mithian it made no sense at all.

"Merlin don't you ever have an urge to do something outside of your destiny?" she asked, him suddenly. She didn't really expect him to answer the question, but to her surprise after taking a few minutes to consider it he did.

"Yes quite often, more times than I like to admit. Sometimes it would be nice to think that I could wake up not thinking about having to follow the path I've been given. Before I arrived in Camelot my magic became almost like a prison to me. I couldn't perform anything in front of people, just in case. When my journey began I thought I would end up in a place where magic could be freely used, a place where I could express myself. But then I ended up in Camelot a place where using magic could result in death. It felt like I had gone back to the beginning of my life again."

Mithian put her hand softly over his. "That must have been a real disappointment to you."

"To begin with, but once I discovered what my true destiny and the reason I'd been given my magic was it was like starting over again. Even if serving Arthur in the beginning was not as easy as it is now. God he was a prat in those early days." Merlin laughed.

Mithian giggled. "I couldn't believe the first time I heard you call him that."

"I've called him worse." Merlin laughed. "But I always knew deep down that he had a good heart, that he believed in the right things, and would always do things for the right reasons. I could never serve anyone who wasn't like that. Once we learnt to get to know each other, our relationship developed. Sometimes I know what he is thinking before he does."

"Really?" Mithian asked. It wasn't that she doubted it, only that she was surprised that he would admit such things to her. For the first time she began to sense why it was he was so adamant that there was no room in his life for anyone else. Maybe he was right after all, and it was a hopeless dream.

Mithian jumped, as she felt his hand on hers lightly. She lifted her face staring at him, and was struck by just how sad he suddenly looked.

"Mithian I've upset you, I'm sorry." Merlin said, his eyes clouding over.

"No you haven't." Mithian lied, "I did ask the question after all. I suppose I didn't realize how deep your and Arthur's relationship was."

Merlin gently wiped the solitary tear away that had run down her face. She was annoyed that she had showed such weakness, now he would close up again she thought to herself. But surprisingly he didn't.

"Mithian you are such a special person. " Merlin said gently touching her face. "You make me feel actually good about myself, you make think I can achieve things. I have spent so much of my time hiding, worrying about how things would turn out. Being with you I have the confidence to look back and realize just what I have managed. I thank you for that."

"In that case our time together has not been a waste of time." Mithian said, sitting up and taking a deep breath, happy that at least he was acknowledging the good qualities she had always known he possessed.

"Don't ever think our time together has been a waste." Merlin said, taking hold of her hand. "From the moment I met you, you have never shown me anything other than respect and friendship. It is probably more than I deserve considering how I treated you the first time we met."

"You were protecting your friend's position I understood that." Mithian assured him. "I've not been perfect if it wasn't for me you would not have been attacked."

"That was Morgana's fault not yours." Merlin interrupted. "I think what I'm trying to say."

"Merlin you don't have to say anything, I would rather have you as a friend than nothing at all." Mithian sniffed, squeezing his hand back.

"Will you let me finish?" Merlin smiled, "It is only through my time spent with you, that I have come to realize I don't need to do everything alone. Suddenly I can see that I don't have to be on my own anymore, only serving my destiny. Like you said we've achieved already everything that had needed to be done. Now we just have to make sure everything stays in place."

"What are you saying?" Mithian asked, a fleeting feeling of hope stirring inside of her.

"As long as you understand I must always serve Arthur, and providing that is not a problem for you, I see no reason as to why we should not be together." Merlin explained. "I want to have you in my life Mithian, you make me feel so happy. I still don't quite understand what you see in me."

"Merlin!" Mithian cried, throwing her arms around his neck. "I thought you were going say no again, and now I feel so happy I could cry."

"I always thought proposals were suppose to make women happy not sad!" Merlin said, confused.

"Proposal?" Mithian asked, a sly smile on her lips. "I always had in mind that the man who asked me to marry him, would get down on his knees and ask."

Merlin looked at her for a moment. "Yes?" He said, taking a good look around. "Okay then."

Mithian could barely stop giggling as she watched him climbed on to one knee, and take her hand. He continued to take it most seriously even as she tried to control herself.

"Mithian will you please marry me?" Merlin asked, a twinkle in his eye.

Mithian paused for full effect, the moment she saw him looking a bit doubtful she threw herself into his arms. "Of course I will." They kissed and rolled over ending up on the blanket, right by the strawberries. Merlin fed her one, she giggled as it went down. All of a sudden she could do nothing but laugh, she felt so crazily happy.

"I will have to ask your father for your hand of course." Merlin prompted. "Do you think he'll allow it?"

"Leave my father to me, he will be fine." Mithian promised.

"One of the best things is at least it will mean the end of Gwen trying to fix me up. I wouldn't even like to think about where some of those women came from!" Merlin grumbled.

Mithian laughed. "I think both Arthur and Gwen will be very pleased, all they have ever wanted is for you to have some happiness."

"Yes I know how do you think you'll take to living in Camelot?" Merlin asked. "I hope its not too boring for you."

"Boring?" Mithian cried. "Merlin I love Camelot beautiful place can't think of anywhere else I would like to live. I will doubtless miss Nemeth but I'm sure they'll be visits home."

"I just want you to be happy." Merlin said, simply.

"Before you proposed you were saying you can't think of why I would want to marry you. The reason is you do make me happy, you are a good person who brings out the best in everyone around you. Why would any woman not want that? That's not to say we won't have our hard times, but I know we'll get through those, if we trust one another." Mithian said, starting to pack up.

"I do trust you." Merlin said, "With you I feel like I could achieve anything."

"You already have achieved miracles, now it's your turn to get your reward." Mithian promised.

"I already have my reward." Merlin smiled.

By the time they'd arrived back at Camelot the sun was going down, and they briefly spent time watching the sun disappear over the trees. They had just begun to kiss when they were disturbed by a nosey voice.

"What the hell do you think you are doing kissing the Princess of Nemeth?"

Merlin turned around to face an inquisitive Arthur followed by Gwen beaming away running down the steps.

"Didn't I tell you he was a prat?" Merlin murmured.

But Mithian had already been enveloped into a hug by Gwen. Watching his wife and her friend for a moment Arthur put his hand on Merlin's shoulder looking at him straight in the face.

"Well done old friend we thought you'd never ask her!" Arthur said.

"I came to my senses in the end." Merlin replied, "I hope you will have a nice apartment for my wife and I."

"I dare say we can find you somewhere, just make sure you don't mess up her names when you marry though."

"What you mean like you did? Didn't you marry Gwen's mother instead?" Merlin grinned, slapping Arthur in the back.

"Thank you Merlin for that! We won't go there again." Arthur coughed.

Merlin laughed. "Thank you for all your support, I wouldn't have got here without you or Gwen."

"What are friends for?" Arthur said, as they ended up clasping their arms, never had the bond been stronger or more meaningful.

Mithian smiled as she watched her future husband and his friend hug one another. They would never admit it to anyone else, but she could sense the brotherly love they had for one another, and she would never separate that, no matter what. But as she thought of the future she remembered what her father had said all those years ago. "My petal sometimes if someone means that much to you, you just have to make it happen. Well Mithian thought happily, she just had.

The End.