Oh my god. Regina? Are you awake?

Ugh. No.

Regina. Please. Should I get a doctor?

Any sensible person would have at this point. I can't tell if I'm awake or not. You're obviously not hearing me.

Miss Mills?

What? Who the hell are you? One of the minions I cursed? You're not Doctor Whale.

Are you sure she spoke?

Yes Emma. Tell her you are sure. I spoke to you. You heard me. For once in your life, do the right thing.

Sometimes people in a coma will murmur or moan.

I am not moaning, nor murmuring. I spoke. I told Emma to stay. God knows why.

I'm sorry Regina. I swear I thought you told me to stay.

I did. For crying out loud, what is wrong with you?

Your heartbeat is going faster than before.

I'm frustrated. But see, in order for my heartbeat to go faster I would have to have a heart. So either you were wrong or it's a goddamn miracle. Either way, my heart is broken and you're at fault. Remember that. Feel that. Because I feel it. I register the emotion. Cold-hearted. You infuriate me.

Fucking doctors.

Language, Miss Swan. I don't care about my current state, you will watch your language around me. Besides, fucking doctors is more your mother's thing, isn't it?

So you've been in a coma for two weeks. Enough is enough. Wake the fuck up.

Like I have any say in it. Wake up Regina. Wake up. Open your eyes and tell Emma to leave. Oh wait. You've tried that. With little to no success. No, you had to tell her to stay and she thinks it's a figment of her imagination. Good job Regina.

You feel warm.

What are you doing? Untangle your fingers from mine. You do not deserve my warmth. Why are your fingers so soft? Stop squeezing my hand. Stop assaulting my senses. They are unwanted. Get it through that thick skull of yours.

Is there some kind of potion I can whip up? To take us back in time?

Sure. Because magic is child's play. Whip up some elixir and take us back in time. What would happen? Would you change your words? What would you tell me? That you love me too? If you take us back in time I would still remember. I would remember your words and I would never open my heart to you. I would transport you from my car and dump you in the ocean.


Oh god no. That voice. Tell her to leave. I do not want her here. I don't want either of you here. Just leave.

Mary Margaret is here. I'm gonna give you two a moment. I'll be back.

Imagine a fire ball Miss Swan. Imagine a fire ball right into your chest. How dare you leave me here with her?


Oh for Pete's sake. Stop your insensitive crying. This is not about you Mary Margaret.

I love you.

Ha. Sure you do. You love me so much that you had to tell my mother about my little secret. You love me so much that the only person I have ever truly loved was brutally murdered. Well. Fine. The first person I truly loved. I thought I loved someone else, clearly I was mistaken.

I'm sorry.

All the sorry's in the world will not make up for what you have put me through.

I know I have made mistakes in the past. I was a child. I will not make those same mistakes now.

I am supposed to forgive you because you were a child? Forget it.

Emma loves you. She is miserable without you. She has not left your side since the accident.


I don't know how to protect her. She looks so tired. Guilty. It wasn't her fault.

Yes it was. Stop rambling. You know nothing.

I know you love her too. It's so obvious. I don't know why I didn't see it before.

Because you were too caught up in your own bubble. Did I love Emma? I suppose so. Key word being 'did'. The precious daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. You both have ruined me. You both took away from me what I loved the most. Except, Emma is still here. Torturing me. Be a mother. Take your child home.

You have to forgive her Regina. She was scared.

Let me guess. While I'm on the path of forgiveness I have to fit you in as well? It's not going to happen.

You are the closest thing I have to a mother.

I am not your mother. I will never beyour mother. Your mother is dead. My mother is dead, you took her life. Remember that? How I wish we were still in the Enchanted Forest. I would have you executed and this time I would make sure it would stick. I'd do it myself.

I love you.

Yes. You've said that. Let's move on. Do not kiss my forehead. Gross. I once loved you. You were the most gorgeous child I have ever met. Precious Snow White. Too bad your heart is as black as mine, dear. Your path of redemption does not start with me forgiving you. I will not forgive you. I will not forget. I am the Evil Queen. Remember that. Where is Emma? Send her back in here and leave.

I'm sorry it took so long for me to come visit you.

I wish you would have stayed away.

I'll bring Henry by tomorrow.

You do that.

Bye Regina.

Adios. Honestly. What's with the kissing me? It's highly inappropriate.

I'm back.

Thank god. Wait.

I want to tell you something.

Well. It's not like I can stop you.

When Henry first showed up at my door, I was so scared. I asked for a closed adoption because I didn't think I would able to deal with ever seeing him again.

Yet when he showed up on your 28th birthday you welcomed him with open arms.

Would you have adopted him if it was an open adoption?

No. Yes. I don't know. Does it even matter? What's done is done.

I can't help but think that we are forever connected through Henry.

Yes. That's generally what happens when you share a son. Because that's what we do, isn't it? We share a son. Despite your closed adoption, despite you giving up your son. We now share a son.

Maybe it was faith. Maybe it was suppose to work out like this?

Oh please. Faith is nothing but a fairy tale. An actual fairy tale. It doesn't exist. It was created by someone who needed an excuse. I refuse to believe that this is faith. I have been through enough. If this is faith I would like to have a word with the creator, because it sucks.

I dreamed of you that first night.

How inappropriate of you. Maybe I was there. Maybe from the moment I first saw you I was drawn to you. Not because you're pretty. Maybe I wanted to kill you. Maybe I came to your room and maybe I watched you sleep. Perhaps my heart fluttered when you purred in your sleep. Who knows. Keep thinking it was a dream.

I don't understand how someone like you could love someone like me.

I'm beginning to wonder the same thing. I don't know why I loved you. I did. I loved you with every fiber of my being. It hurt to love you as much as I did. I remember when I first knew I loved you. There was no grand gesture, no big revealing moment. You smiled and I realized I loved you. As simple as that. You took something so simple and made it utterly complicated. Why did you have to do that? Why couldn't you just have let me love you? I don't love you anymore. You infuriate me.

Please don't cry Regina.

I am not. I don't know why you keep on insisting that I'm crying. I don't cry. I won't cry. Not over someone like you. Not again.

You can hear me, can't you?


Can you squeeze my hand?

No. I don't know. Even if I could, I wouldn't want to. I don't want to give you the satisfaction.

Please Regina. Try.

Fine. There. Feel that? I'm squeezing. I imagine it's my hand around your throat.

Shit. I can feel that. I kinda want to kiss you right now.

Don't you dare. Don't you even think for a moment that it's okay to press your lips on mine again. Not while I lay here. Please. Do not torture me like that. I am tired Emma. I am tired of fighting you. I am tired of trying to get you to listen to me. I am so very tired.

Maybe my magic will heal you.

Who knows. You don't know how to use it. It probably won't. You may think you're the savior, it doesn't mean you were destined to save me from my coma. The world just doesn't work that way. The universe is an unfair place. I have learned that much.

Can't you invade my mind or something?

What would that accomplish dear? I don't want to invade your mind. You invaded my heart and broke my trust. You broke me Emma. You can't fix that with a bandage. I am not even sure I would want you to. I am just so tired. Let me sleep.

I am not giving up on you. When you wake up I am going to fix this.

Okay. Whatever you say. Let me sleep now. Please. Why are you crawling on the bed? I can feel that. Oh god. For crying out loud Emma. It's not okay to curl up to someone in a coma. Even it feels good, it's not okay. I'm gonna sleep now. I hope you roll off the bed in your sleep.



You hurt me.

I know.

I loved you.

You still love me.

I know.

I love you.

You told me I have no heart.

I was angry.

You hurt me.

I know.

I want to wake up.

Then wake up.

I don't know how.

Open your eyes Regina.


Come back to me.


Wake up Regina.


Open your eyes.
