A/N I apologize for the first time I posted this. I copied it directly from my Ao3 account and it screwed it up for some reason. Hopefully this is posted correctly now without any errors.

Dean and Castiel have finally admitted their feelings for each other. Thank Chuck. Now comes first dates, awkward first kisses and Sam and Charlie giggling like fangirls in the background. Oh, and Gabriel showing up with Dean and Castiel's half human/half angel baby.

Wait... What?You heard me.

Everything begins to fall into place and for the first time in a long time, The Winchesters and their family are happy. They just hope it will actually last.
Somewhere across the country, Metatron sits in a shady motel room, the stench of urine and sweat permeating the air. He clenches his fist in anger as he hears the news about Dean and Castiel's new child. Suddenly, a plan begins to form in his mind, one that erases all the anger and makes a smile spread onto his face. It is horrible, it is vile, and even he knows there will be no place in Heaven for him once he's accomplished this.

Oh, well. The path to revenge tends to be a lonely one, and he is prepared to pay the price.

"So, get this," Sam said, turning his laptop so that Dean could see the screen. "Four people dead in one week. Their hearts ripped out of their chests and missing." He looked almost excited at the prospect.

"Sounds like werewolves," Dean replied, sipping his glass of Coke. "And definitely our kind of thing."

Sam nodded, tapping a finger thoughtfully on the table. "It's only a few hours drive from here. Wanna check it out or should we see if one of the others can take it?"

"That's still so strange."

"What is?"

"The fact that we even have others to call. And that one of them is the actual King of Hell. We've done this gig solo for so long that I've forgotten what it was like to be able to rely on anyone but you and Cas."

The younger Winchester shrugged, leaning back in the booth. "i guess once I started dating his mom he realized we had to be on the same side."

The bunker had filled up pretty fast in the past few months. Bobby had decided to set up base there, wanting to be closer to the Winchesters in case they needed him. Charlie had stopped being a nomad and decided to put down roots there as well, even getting a job at a thrift store in the city. When they got Claire from Jody's they set the teen up in her own room, something she hadn't been able to have in a very long time. Yeah, and Rowena and Sam had gotten together, too (much to Dean's chagrin at first), which meant Crowley had finally stopped trying to plot against them and just accepted them as allies.

"Yeah, cause' that's still not weird or anything."

"Says the guy who is dating an Angel of the Lord. Isn't that some sort of sin or something?" Sam teased.

Dean pointed an accusatory finger at his brother. "Hey, that's partially you and Claire's fault. You meddlers just had to get involved."

Sam shot him Bitch Face #12. "Well, I'm sorry, Dean, but it got pretty old pretty fast. Sometimes it was like you and Cas forgot I was even in the room still, because you were too busy eye fucking each other. Even Claire noticed after 5 minutes of being around you two."

"I'm a good looking guy," Dean said with a cocky grin. "Can't blame the nerdy little dude for checking out the merchandise on occasion."

"On occasion?" Sam squawked out. "The tension was so thick between you two that even I needed a cold shower afterwards."

Dean looked unapologetic at his brother's plight. "You should be used to it by now, Sammy. I used to get more phone numbers than a New York City phone book."

Sam was unimpressed. "I still can't believe you never noticed how he felt about you."

"I thought he just liked me as a friend." Dean absently twisted his straw wrapper. "I just assumed he didn't understand the concept of personal space."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Dean, normal friends do not stare at each other the way you two do. Nor do they rebel against Heaven, repeatedly die for them, kill their family - "

"I get it, I get it. Calm down, Sasquatch." Dean raised his hands in surrender. "I'm a dumb oblivious idiot."

"Were a dumb oblivious idiot. Until Claire locked you two up in the dungeon for the entire day."

"Hey, I was gonna tell him!" Dean said indignantly. "Eventually," he muttered.

"Sure you were," Sam replied, picking up his menu and scanning through it, as if he was going to order anything but rabbit food as usual.

There was a sudden flutter of wings next to them and both brothers casually looked up, used to the angel's random appearances by now. Dean's greeting died on his tongue as he spotted the huge teddy bear in Castiel's arms, that was almost as big as he was.

"Hello, Dean. Sam."

"Uh, hey Cas? Whatcha got there?" Dean asked, gesturing to the monstrosity.

The angel smiled broadly. "Now that we are in an amorous relationship, I decided to do some research on human courtship rituals."

Sam burst into laughter but quickly hid it behind a fisted hand when Dean shot him a glare. Dean glanced back at his boyfriend. "Yeah? So you figured... a giant ass teddy bear?"

"Yes. It is customary to give your significant other some sort of romantic sentiment to show how much they mean to you. I noticed that those things were usually stuffed animals, flowers or jewelry. Since you don't seem to enjoy gardening or earrings, I decided it was best to go with the stuffed animal."

Sam let out another bark of laughter while Dean turned red. Other patrons at the restaurant were looking at them with amusement, like they were a bunch of adorable puppies on display at the pet store. "Thanks, Cas," Dean said with a clearing of his throat, awkwardly holding out his hands for the bear.

Castiel proudly handed it to the hunter. "Do you like it, Dean? I tried really hard to find one you liked. Do you see? This one has green eyes just like yours."

Dean couldn't help but feel his heart melt at that, despite the situation that had quickly veered off into 'chick flick' territory. Dean had never been one to do random romantic stuff like this, nor was he usually on the receiving end. They had only been officially together for a couple weeks, but had yet to go on their first date yet. Cases kept coming up that prevented them from taking a day or two to hang out.

"Is... was that not right?" Castiel asked nervously, fiddling with the lapels on his ever present trench coat.

"I love it, babe. Thanks," Dean reassured him.

The angel beamed and sat down in the booth next to Dean.

Sam was looking at them both with hearts in his eyes. Dean resisted the urge to punch him in the face. "Aww," he said, doing everything but patting them both on the heads.

"Shut up, Bitch," Dean groused, sliding over more to make room for his angel.

"What? I think it's cute. Jerk."

"Yeah? I dare you to go buy Rowena a huge stuffed animal."

Sam frowned. "She would probably set it on fire..."

"Case in point." Dean pointed to the massive bear at his side. "I don't care what you say, I like it."

Castiel looked like he had just been told God Himself had approved the gift. "I'm really glad you do, Dean." He paused, suddenly, his brow furrowing. "Where's Claire?"

"With her Grandpa Bobby, learning how to shoot properly."

The angel's happy face turned stern. "Dean. I told you I didn't want her anywhere near the guns! They are very dangerous!"

Dean crossed his arms over his chest. "Cas, we are hunters. She's our kid now, and with that comes certain... precautions. There's always another evil son of a bitch around the corner just waiting to get the drop on us. I want her to be prepared."

"We will protect her," Castiel said with determination. The brothers both believed that, but Castiel tended to be overprotective of Claire. "She will have no need to use a gun or anything else."

Dean rested a hand on the angel's arm. "I know you want to keep her away from this. But like I told you when you decided to get her from Jody's - she's gonna be in just as much danger as we are."

Castiel looked away, guilt in his ocean blue eyes. "I-I missed her. I know I should have just let Jody care for her - "

"Hey, I get it. She's a good kid." Dean smiled at the other man. "But if she's going to be a part of our lives, I would rather her be safe than sorry. That means learning the family business, and learning how to protect herself. Honestly I wish she didn't have to, but... it's too late now."

"It's my fault," Castiel nearly whispered. "If I hadn't taken Jimmy she would never have gone through this."

Sam leaned forward, a sincere look on his face. "Cas, we have all made a bunch of stupid mistakes. We can't change the past, but we can change the future, and at least try to make it a good life for all of us. Claire isn't alone anymore. She has us. You did what you had to back then, and she understands that now."

The angel smiled again, some of the guilt melting off his face. "Thank you. I apologize for ruining your meal."

"Hey," Dean said, reaching out and grasping Castiel's hand. "You didn't ruin anything, man. In fact, we were thinking about going on a werewolf hunt. Wanna come?"

Castiel nodded. "With you? Always."