All rights go to Rick Riordan.


Originally Posted July 31, 2017.


"Well then, off to bed. You have a big day tomorrow."

And with that everyone went to bed. Still processing what just happened as they fell asleep.


Thalia had a problem. She hadn't really thought about it last night, Chiron had put Pj's on their beds for them, but this morning, as she was getting out of the shower, the only clothes she could find were the ones she had worn yesterday. Deciding that this would be addressed in the planning later. she resigned herself to wearing the same clothes again.

Knock Knock

Opening the door she saw her little, because she is older, cousin. Nico seemed to have run into a similar dilemma because, he too was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"Nice clothes." He said.

"You too."

"I told Chiron about it. He said it would be better to wait until Lady Hestia changes us to get us more clothes, but not to expect her today because apparently there was a big storm last night."

"Well I hope she comes soon! This is the only outfit I have."

Just as she was finished a bright flash filled the room.

"I apologize. Time traveling does take an unmentionable amount of power and energy, even for the first child of Kronos." Hestia said dryly. "Not to mention explaining this to my little brother, in case you missed the storm last night."

"My apologies, Lady Hestia. I didn't mean to offend you."

"No worries Thalia. I am merely exhausted." Hestia sighed. "Now, let's continue with the plan. Perseus is currently attending Blue School at 241 Water Street in Lower Manhattan. Blue School has developed an education model which combines elements of other approaches and unique elements of its own. It offers a dynamically balanced education for seriously curious young people age 2 through grade 8."

"So basically the kids that aren't accepted anywhere else." Nico concluded.

"If you look at it that way. Now, as you know, Perseus is currently eleven, putting him in 5th grade with Mrs. Carrie Klein. Class has been on break for the holidays, but will resume this week where the six of you will be introduced as the foster siblings of a new family to the area. Now, it may raise a few eyebrows with the six of you in the same class, but as far as I can tell there is only one fifth grade class in their school. Any questions?"

"How are we going to get there? The camp van is kind of conspicuous." Thalia asked.

"I will arrange for a blue van to be placed just outside of the protections at exactly 7:00 a. Thursday."

"Thursday?" Nico asked.

"Yes, apparently a full week right after break is too much for the children to handle. Now, school doesn't start until 8:00, however on your first day they will expect you there at 7:45 to get settled in. Tell Chiron that he will need to go with you as your foster parent for appearances on the first day. After that Argus can bring you."

"Why can't we drive ourselves!?"

"You won't be old enough by the time this happens. Even if you don't get pulled over, someone could still see you through a window."

"Yeah, besides Thals, remember the last time you tried to drive?" Nico raised his eyebrows.

"Be quite di Angelo! I'd like to see you drive Apollo's sun chariot!"

"It's different for me! I'm a child of Hades! You're a child of Zeus! I actually have a reason to be scared of heights!"

"I have a reason too!"

"Oh, yeah? What?"

"None of your business."

"Oh, sure. I bet you-"

"If you could continue this later, I have received another summons from my brother. I think it's time we got to the transformation." Hestia interjected.


"It's fine. Now, I have never done this before; however, I have seen it and while it did not seem to cause any pain, it may be uncomfortable." Hestia warned, "Are you ready?"

They both nodded.

"Let's begin."

In the next second a feeling of dissociation began to form all over Thalia's body. Everything seemed to be getting smaller. It was like the opposite of puberty. Instead of getting big and clunky, her body was getting small and fragile. She could feel her hair receding and her fingers shortening. The sensation of watching, as the room seemed to grow bigger around her shrinking body, was one she will never forget.

"That was worse than getting turned into a plant." Nico groaned.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. Please relay the information I have given you to Chiron."

A bright flash signaled her departure.

"Oh," Thalia groaned. "It'll be worse when we turn back."

"Don't remind me."

Finally, after groaning for a few minutes, Thalia and Nico managed to drag themselves to their feet and notice the box on the bed that had not been there before.

"For your new school year. Good luck." Thalia read the note on the box. "P.S. You may want to use it before speaking with the others."

Thalia opened the box.

"It's clothes."

There seemed to be clothes for every occasion going from sleepwear to a funeral.

"Let's go check your room."

There was a similar box on Nico's bed.

"Hurry up and change. We have a lot of explaining to do."

As Thalia was changing, she contemplated the following few months. Was it really fair to Percy if they did this? Lady Hestia had said this was important, but what if Percy got upset? Oh well, I guess he'll just have to deal with it. Thalia thought as she opened the door to find Nico waiting for her.

"About time!" He said. "I've been waiting for ever!"

"Oh be quiet, di Angelo. You take longer than me most of the time."

"But not this time. And in case you hadn't noticed, this quest is kind of time sensitive."

"Oh, My, God. You are so not funny."

"Hey, I'm hilarious!"

"Hilariously not funny!"

"Maybe it's just time you got a sense of humor!"

"Please stop!"

"I can't! There's still time!"

"You're jokes don't even work! They make no sense!"

"Hey, even a broken clock works twice a day."

"My ears are bleeding!"

The sound of bad jokes and annoyed yelling could be heard, the whole way down to where Chiron was sitting on the porch, woven into the conversation in the counselor meeting, and all around camp until finally it all ended when the campers teamed up with the Stolls to to make Nico start singing whenever he even tried to tell a time joke.

Sorry. I tried to publish this before midnight so it would be July everywhere, but I think it may be August in the east. Oh well, it's still July for me. Also Blue School is a real place that you can look up. I was looking at elementary schools in Manhattan and I saw it and I was like 'FATE!' this must be Percy's school. So I chose that. The teacher is real too, and the address.