This is the sequel to 'I'm claiming these ones' - Warnings of implied really early miscarriages.

St. Mungo's, June 4th, 2000

Tonks was about to fight someone.

She didn't need to go through this much bullshit with Teddy. Then again, if she had to choose, this time around wasn't too bad. Between being pregnant during a war, and with a husband whose internal problems decided to manifest with incredibly poor timing. Or, being subjected to monthly check-ups, a strict ban on field work past 3 months, and said husband fretting if she left his sight. It was honestly difficult to say which she preferred.

"You're doing well. I know you've done this before, and this is probably tiresome, but you didn't get to check your baby's development last time," the Healer said reassuringly.

"Well, at least it doesn't look like a bean anymore," Tonks said.

"Yes, for some reason, that's a common disappointment for parents, but really, what did you expect?"

"I honestly couldn't stop laughing, a tiny bean!" Tonks snorted.

"Yes," Remus interjected, "and I had to repeatedly remind you that we cannot, under any circumstances, actually name our child 'Bean'."


"I prefer the term Responsible Adult, thank you."

Tonks huffed as she propped herself up on her elbows so she could reach over her baby bump and pinch Remus on the arm. He yelped and backed away from her.

It was actually quite nice to know that he was being so supportive of her. He always asked if she wanted anything, and never tried to make decisions for her. He'd learned that lesson the hard way, she mused. However, when Remus promised her something he made good on that promise, to the point that her own mother, Andromeda, was a little envious.

'What's the matter, Mum? Dad never offer to go on a cravings run for you?'

'No, dear Ted would wait until I was about to commit murder before running out the house for watermelon.'


'Just you wait.'

But still, months later, Remus was perfectly willing to leave at three in the morning to get her what she wanted. She imagined being at Hogwarts for her pregnancy, with a direct route to the, meant it wasn't particularly taxing, but it was the enthusiasm that counted.

He had begged, literally begged, Harry to take over his DADA exam supervision today so that he could accompany Tonks to the Hospital for the check-in. She had no idea what he had agreed to, but Harry looked incredibly pleased.

As soon as the news of their upcoming second child at hit her co-workers at the Ministry, she'd had a chaperone everywhere. Kingsley had nearly demanded that she take maternity leave immediately, but was quickly shut down when Tonks reminded him that they were short staffed as it was. Who on earth would cover for her? Plus, she liked to think she could take care of her own offspring and still do her job, thank you. Remus had wisely kept his opinions to himself, but by month seven he still tended to hover like an anxious humming bird. She'd told him if he wanted to feel like he was helping, he could always bring her breakfast in bed so she didn't need to move for food. She had been joking, but lo and behold the next day she awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. Best husband.

She was now in for a mandatory check-up to ensure the health of their baby, but considering the child's genetics it was anyone's guess. At least, Tonks thought wryly, the baby definitely wasn't a Werewolf. Nor would it ever be.

St. Mungo's, February 6th, 2000

"There doesn't appear to be any magical or biological defects in your baby, and it's developing at a good pace," the maternity Healer said, pocketing her wand away in her front pocket. Tonks thought this made her look like a kangaroo, and said so to Remus, who instantly tried to shush her, but the Healer just smiled. "I get that a lot, especially when they're still a bit loopy on the cheering charm."

The cheering charm was administered to Mothers during their check ups. The Healer explained that if the Mother was happy, the baby tended to be 'happy' too. So, if there were any problems, the Healer would be able to tell instantly as the baby would be 'unhappy', regardless of how the Mother was feeling.

Their baby was very happy, apparently.

Tonks beamed with pride when the Healer told her this, tugging on Remus sleeves whispering, "did you hear that? Our baby is very happy, I'm awesome."

"Dora, with your personality, it's hard not to be happy," Remus sighed, causing Tonks to grin even more. "Remember, you did have a question you wanted to ask though."

"Oh! Right," she cleared her throat and tried to gather herself, which was difficult when she still felt like a personified cotton ball. "I - we were wondering if you could tell us what might have been causing us trouble conceiving."

"You were having trouble?" The Healer asked, perplexed.

"Well, we had been trying for the better part of last year, and Dora had no clue until about New Years eve," Remus informed, looking a bit uncomfortable.

The Healer turned to Tonks, "what gave it away?"

"I threw up after eating a macaron," Tonks said sadly, "I love macarons, why would they betray me this way?"

Assuming that Tonks didn't actually need that question answered the Healer directed her focus to the initial query.

"You had been trying for a year, before anything? That's unusual. I expect you tried for fertility testing?"

"We were both fine, and both clean too, then again, his fertility levels," Tonks jerked her thumb at her husband, who was now staring at the ceiling, "tend to have 'dramatic fluctuation'."

She emphasised her point by making a wiggly hand gesture, like a roller coaster going up and down. The Healer raised an eyebrow at Remus for clarification.

"Werewolf," he said shortly, "turns out that follows a lunar cycle too."

"Oh ... OH," the Healer suddenly placed her hands on Tonks shoulders, looking between the two prospective parents, "I should have checked. I'm sorry, but I think I know what it was."

"It's a werewolf thing isn't it? I knew-" Remus had turned to his wife, gesticulating in the Healers direction while Tonks clamped her hand over his mouth.

"Yes and No, it's also a Metamorphmagi thing," the Healer supplied, calmly, and indicating they should sit down.

St. Mungo's, June 4th, 2000

Long story short, turns out Werewolves cannot usually breed, and they certainly cannot beget werewolf children. Any embryo with the genetic mutation of Lycanthropy simply does not survive it's first full moon in the womb. The drastic change in it's physiology brought by the culmination of the lunar cycle causes it's termination. Which would explain Tonk's incredibly erratic, and heavy, time-of-the-months.

Being able to conceive between the pair of them at all, was due to Tonks being a Metamorphmagus. The space on a human genome in which the Lycanthropy and Metamorph mutation resides is the same. This space controls genetic transformation ability, and therefore codes for nothing in humans. So, a Lycanthrope and a human would never conceive as the Lycanthropy would always be expressed, but with a Metamorph, there would be a one in two probabaility of producing a Metamorph child.

The only reason they had managed to conceive Teddy so quickly, and had so much trouble with their second, was pure random chance.

Tonks looked up at Remus quickly, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. He looked down at her and smiled. She remembered he had been rather quiet after the explanation. When she had asked him what it was that bothered him he became conflicted. First, telling her that he was happy he could never pass on his condition, and second, that he was sorry that it took so long for this child to occur, and tha miscarriages she had to suffer before it. Tonks had told him to stop being silly and to stop apologising, smacking him with a pillow when he tried to argue.

"Alright, I think you're good to go. You're not at work anymore are you?" the Healer asked, eyeing Tonks critically.

"No, ma'am, I am house bound until this one," she pointed at her belly, "decides to finally vacate."

"Hmm, well it might be sooner rather than later, it's grown a lot quicker than I would normally expect. Don't be surprised if it comes early."

Remus immediately looked worried, "I thought you said it was fine?"

"It is, Mr. Lupin, but not every baby follows the same schedule as the next. Especially as this child genetics are so uncommon. I'm just preparing you," the Healer reassured, despite Remus not looking reassured at all.

"Oh for heavens sakes, you great fret, divert your brain power to helping me stand up and then make it look as if I'm not waddling like a penguin." Tonks yanked on the sleeve of his robes until she was on her feet, and the leaned back against his sturdier frame.

"I could just carry you?" Remus offered, and Tonks was incredibly tempted to take him up on that offer, despite how much she hated being fawned over.

"I don't think that's wise, what if you drop-" the Healer started, but Tonks held up a finger.

"He would never," and then turning to Remus she demanded, "carry me."

He leaned down, placed a hand securely behind her knees and then flicked her up into the cradle of his other arm. To say the Healer looked impressed was an understatement. Tonks grabbed his head to give him a kiss and then lounged back in Remus arms as he walked to the door. She gave one last look at the Healer's astonished face before replying, more than a little smug.


- - - oOoOoOo - - -

Lupin Cottage, August 14th, 2000

The Healer had been right to warn them for an early birth date. Remus was busy giving Teddy his evening bath when Tonks had the sudden unavoidable urge to pee. Heaving herself up from her settled spot on the sofa, she straightened to make her way to the bathroom, before she froze. For a horrifying moment she thought she had left it too long, and then her abdomen tightened. The unpleasant sensation of her water breaking was not one that Tonks had missed.

Standing in the middle of their living room, wearing nothing but a moo-moo, and several feet away from any door, she reverted to screaming like a baby bird.


There was a loud splash from upstairs, something that sounded like the towel rack being torn off the wall, and then hurried footsteps down the stairs. Remus came skidding into the lounge, his socked feet gliding across the smooth wooden floor, Teddy wrapped hastily in a towel, and wet hair sticking up everywhere just like his son's.

"Dora?! What is it, where is... are you ok?"

If another contraction hadn't rippled across her frame at that moment the sight of her husband out of breath, wielding his wand in one hand, and their infant son held fast with the other, would have made her swoon. As it was, she bent slightly due to the pain and the sudden rush of hormones as realisation hit her. Baby. Now.

She must have said the words aloud, because Remus eyes widened slightly for a moment before he was off. Wedging Teddy between two cushions on the sofa so he didn't scamper off, he then backed Tonks into her previous seat. Next, he lunged across the room to throw some hastily grabbed flu powder into the fire, and dropped to his knees, sticking his head in the green flames.

"Grimmauld Place."

Tonks watched as Remus asked if Harry would mind quickly coming to Lupin Cottage and collecting Teddy for the next couple of days. Baby number two was on the way.

Not even five minutes later Harry, closely followed by Ginny, scrambled out of the fireplace. Harry made a beeline for Teddy, swooping down and pulling him into his arms for a tight hug. Ginny passed Tonks and gave her a wink as she went, gathering the supplies for Teddy that Remus had just summoned.

"I'll come over in a couple of days to make sure everything is still ok, if you need anything-"

"We won't ask," Harry interrupted Remus, patiently. "We can manage, I think, you've got more important things to concentrate on right now. If we really struggle I think I'll contact Molly or Andromeda."

"We?" muttered Tonks slyly, giving Ginny a sneaky side eye. The red head just grinned.

"Yeah, I guess that would work. Speaking of Andromeda I should probably call her next and let her know. Then I need to call my Dad," Remus trailed off, absent-mindedly picking up various toys that littered the floor.

"Might also want to call for a Healer," Tonks winced, another contraction pinching her insides, "don't really fancy being subjected to my mothers home birthing techniques, again."

Harry and Ginny managed to catch the slight grimace on Remus' face before he turned from them to put the collected toys away in a wicker basket.

"I'll do that after I've contacted our folks," Remus agreed, placing a quick kiss on Tonks' head before ushering Harry and Ginny back towards the fire.

"I expect a fire call tomorrow, Remus," Harry said admonishingly, before he stepped into the fire and disappeared. Ginny snorted and gave them both a salute before she followed Harry out.

- - - oOoOoOo - - -

The next few hours seemed to pass in waves. Much like Tonk's contractions, only time wasn't passing more quickly the longer labour continued. The rush of her mother, her father-in-law, and a maternity Healer left Tonks feeling a bit windblown. But Remus had stayed a constant, never out of her reach for more than five minutes at a time.

They had managed to move her upstairs to her bed, which is where she felt she would be most comfortable. Despite Andromeda's insistence that the birth occur in an open room, the Healer emphasised that the Mother's comfort and emotional well-being came first. There was a slight issue as to how they would make it up the stairs, before Remus lost his patience and simply carried his pregnant wife up to the second floor.

Now, they were all positioned in Remus and Tonks bedroom, and Andromeda was trying to get Tonks to lie flat on her back in the bed. Even after trying to convince her daughter that this would be the most comfortable position, Andromeda tried to compromise. Grabbing Remus by the arm she shoved him at the bed and tried to get Tonks to lean back against his chest, while he was placed at the headboard. Thoroughly unimpressed, Tonks had gone past slight discomfort a few hours ago and had entered the realms of 'I'm in enough pain that I don't care if I seem pissy'.

"Mum, I swear on Merlin's saggy ballsack if you don't let me do this my way, I'm gonna scream in your face."

"Really, Nymphadora you're being ridiculous."


Remus had to gently coax her back against his chest when she seized up during another contraction. Once it has passed, however, Tonks was back into action.

"No, this is bullshit, Remus give me a hand."

Not having the faintest idea what she was planning, Remus let his hands hover slightly by her sides, ready to support her as she moved. Tonks gradually managed to pull herself up onto her knees, with the Healers hurried assistance. She then turned her self around to face her husband, before gripping his shoulders tightly. Spreading her knees apart, she braced herself.

"There now I'm done."

She had never understood why women always seemed to give birth on their backs. The hips faced forward, logically, lying down meant you had to fight against gravity to push the baby out. Giving birth was hard enough, gravity could fuck off.

Everyone in the room had to hold their tongues as Tonks proved herself right by giving birth in twenty minutes flat.

"I love being a Metamorph," Tonks huffed, slightly overshadowed by the sounds of their incredibly confused new baby girl, before she slumped against Remus front.

- - - oOoOoOo - - -

Lupin Cottage, August 15th, 2000

It was then, in the early hours of the morning, when their second offspring was finally born. Tiny, fidgeting, and with dusty brown hair, she refused to lie still for the Healer to wrap her in a cream coloured blanket. As soon as a set of limbs were wrapped up, the other set would kick or punch out furiously, determined to be free.

Remus eventually took pity on the Healer, lying the blanket over his arms, raising his hands up to take her, and lightly cocooning the flailing body into his hold.

"Well, she definitely gets that from you," Tonks said quietly, blinking slowly as her daze wore off, now propped up against the headboard.

"How so?" Remus asked, sitting back down next to his wife.

"Really, Mister sleeping starfish? Besides, I love me some blanket cocoon."

"Fair point."

The Healer approached them after collecting up the piles of blankets and her bag of potions. "I'll leave you lot to it, if you need me I'll just be downstairs."

"I'll come down with you, we could all do with some tea I think, Lyall?" Andromeda offered, and Lyall started out of his found gaze and nodded. She turned to the three now cuddling on the bed, "You two need anything?"

Remus and Tonks looked at each other before shaking their heads, and Tonks snuggled up along Remus' shoulder. Lyall gave a tiny wave to the new baby before Andromeda slowly closed the door, with a soft click. The only sound in the room was breathing from two adults, one newborn and her continued rustling in the blanket.

"So, she needs a name," Remus prompted.

"Hmm," Tonks replied, "I still haven't got anything though."

"Me either, all of my stockpiled names are masculine. I couldn't think of any feminine ones that wouldn't result in her hating me... or that weren't plants."

"Oh god, can you imagine? Iris Lupin; she'd be some sort of pick and mix herbaceous hybrid."

"... Herbaceous hybrid?"

"Oh shush, Professor Lupin."

Remus chuckled, carefully dislodging their daughter into Tonks awaiting arms for her to feed.

"I wonder how Harry's coping."

"Teddy loves Harry, he's probably been on his best behaviour. Besides he's not exactly that troublesome, considering his parentage."

"Excuse you," Remus huffed, nudging Tonks head with his own. She just flicked him with her free arm in retribution.

"What names did you have in mind? Maybe we can find more unisex versions," Tonks reasoned. Remus just mumbled something, "sorry, didn't catch that, hun."

"All I had were James and Sirius."


Remus just nodded meekly, before burying his face into the crook of her neck. Tonks bubbled with silent laughter, "this is just because Harry tried to claim them first isn't it?"

"A little bit."

Tonks hummed, "well I have a feeling James is most definitely off limits, but Sirius isn't exactly a conventional name anyway. Siria?"

"Sounds too much like the country... wait," Remus sat up, "what about Siri?"

"Siri," Tonks repeated the name, envisioning various scenarios in which she would have to use it for a more grown up daughter. "That could actually work. Siri... Siri Hope Lupin."

Remus turned quickly to look at her, "Hope?"

"After your mother. Only seems fair, I got to honour my father, you should get to honour your mother. But I think by outright naming her Hope our children might click they're only named after dead grandparents. Might get a bit depressing."

"A bit?" But before she could respond Remus had leaned down to kiss her soundly. Pulling away they both noticed that their baby was no longer feeding and had instead fallen asleep against Tonks chest. Her once brown hair was now a light shade of green.

"Siri Hope Lupin, I like it," Remus nodded, then a slightly smug expression crossed his face. "Harry is going to be so miffed."

I wanted to avoid using the typical 'named after a dead person' cliche, but every other name I had just seemed so random. So, I decided to alter an existing characters name. Plus Hope needed some attention, otherwise known as the 'oh my husbands a wizard and my child is a werewolf? no problem' mother.

I did a whole unit on Genetics and it's honestly a lot more complex than I made it out to be, but I didn't want to waffle and honestly, the pseudo-science gets the gist across.