A/N: Hey everyone who reads my stories, I will be updating more now, I had some personal things in life, but I am better now. I have thought about somethings with this story and now have it that Danny and his friends are only a year behind jazz. To make me more comfortable on maybe writing a lemon in later chapters of this story. Now on to Chapter two of "A Christmas Wish"

Vlad's Pov

I sit down on a chair in the kitchen watching Daniel argue with my cooking staff trying to get them to let him cook. I think it's humorous and laugh a bit, "Staff, go ahead and let Daniel prepare food, if it's inedible then you can come back and remake it. How about that?" The staff nods and heads out while Daniel is glaring at me. "Vlad, I didn't need your help," "yes you did little badger, they wouldn't have listened to you otherwise" he pouted before turning around and beginning to cook. I can't take my eyes off him, so skinny but yet muscular, perfect for wrapping my.. I stop that train of thought before it gets too far, I might have realized I love Daniel, but I know he would never ever feel that way for me. Great another person I foolishly gave my heart too and only for them to never know. I sigh and pick up my phone to get ahold of his parents to let them know he would be staying with me. I dial the number I know by heart and hear his obnoxious father answer "YO! This is the Fenton household?! What can we do for you?!" I sigh "Hello jack, this is Vlad," "Vladdie! What do you want?" I sigh and cringe at that infernal nick name. "well jack I don't know if you noticed a lack of child in your house but Danny is at my house, and he asked to stay till the end of winter break" "sure V-man! Didn't know you were on such good terms with Danny but alright. Hey I got to go working on a new invention to find ghosts even if they are possessing a human! I can't wait to try it out. Bye V-man! I hear a click before I can even say anything else. I sigh and look at Daniel who by this time had gotten a much more stiffed back "Little badger?" "Fruit loop, leave it alone" I nod and decide to let him tell me more in his own time.

Danny's POV:

Hearing my father talk to vlad the way he did for some reason made me very mad, I felt my back stiffen when I realized that they didn't even know I was gone. I feel tears drip down my face slowly 'im not needed anywhere am i?' I sigh then feel eyes on my back and hear his nickname for me flow through his lips. "Little badger?" "Fruit loop, leave it alone" that's all I could say before going back to cooking. Tear keep falling down my face as I continue cooking, I place the lasagna I had been working on in the oven to cook. I feel arms around my middle after I had closed the oven, I feel myself pulled back onto a chest and look up. "Vlad? What's wrong?" "I am the one who should be asking you that, you've been crying since I got off the phone with your father" I sigh, "It's just what I told you when I first arrived here, they don't miss me, they don't care, they just care about their inventions. You know that if Jazz wasn't there anymore, I wouldn't have a Christmas or birthday? Sam and tucker don't trust half of me, due to a run in with freakshow, they haven't since." "Who is Freakshow?" "He's a human who I swear wants to be a ghost, he had a orb that can control ghosts, it controlled me and turned me into someone who I never want to be" "Daniel, I don't think that is any reason for Miss Manson and Mr. Foley to abandon you" "They haven't really, they are just busy getting ready for an actual life outside ghosts, I have no hope of doing anything due to my grades being so bad. I know Im only a Junior, but I will never have my choice of dream and will end up living in a box working at nasty burger." "Little badger, I have a question?" "Yes Vlad?" "What if I could get your parents to agree for you to come live with me til your grades rise? I can take care of the ghosts since I am a powerful ghost in the zone. This way I can get you the best tutors that money can buy and you have the chance to grow in both mind and body, both human and ghost, without fear. What do you think?" I stare at him in shock that this man is handing me everything that I have ever wanted on a silver platter, "whats the catch Vlad?" I hear and feel a sigh, "There is no catch, unless a catch is that I would like you to spend time with me?" I stare at him and smile wide. "YES! Vlad, I would love that, I could finally be normal." "well semi-normal" I smile "Yes, semi-normal" I smile wider at him and throw my arms around him I look into his dark blue eyes and let myself do something I have wanted to do for a little while now.
I hold him close and let my lips touch his in a kiss smiling during it.

A/N: and I have decided to leave it there, should I maybe include a lemon or a lime in the next chapter? Let me know in the comments