Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns it all.

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I started this story with Edward's POV and decided to end it with his. Enjoy.


"… and you don't have to worry about anything, Casey is going to be just fine. We'll shift her to one of the private rooms after a quick observation but you'll have to be patient about it."

Mrs. Lincoln smiled, wiping away her tears as she nodded, desperately trying to contain her excitement. Her husband nodded at me and I smiled, taking a deep breath.

Fuck, life was much simpler when I had to chase drug dealers.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Cullen. I don't know how to thank you enough. I know you were in Chicago for four days but you stayed back just for Casey. We really really appreciate it and thank you for everything." Mrs. Lincoln said through her tears and I nodded.

"That's my job and I wanted to help, plus Dr. Young is an old family friend, there was nothing I could've refused him for."

"Thank you." I just offered a smile and shook hands before bidding them goodbye.

It was forty minutes later that I was changed into a sweater and jeans. I walked out of the room as I checked my phone and realized it was almost time for lunch. Great. I was going to fly back home hungry. Or maybe I could have a bite to eat before I left for the airport. My flight wasn't until twelve-thirty. I checked up on the reception, signing up the papers for three-year old Casey before I met up with Dr. Young.

"Edward, thank you. We were completely stuck with this case and didn't know what to do. You helped us in the matter of four days."

I nodded. "It's no problem and I was happy I could assist you."

"Are you leaving for Seattle right away?"

"Yes, Jim. Let's just say that my extended stay here was not well received at home."

I shuddered internally as I recalled the wailing and whining over the phone even now. That was five days ago but man, it scared the shit out of me.

He laughed and nodded. "I can imagine. I never got to ask how is everybody at home."

"Everyone is great."

"I called Carlisle a couple of days back, he seems to be in seventh heaven with the grandkids around."

I snorted as I looked at him. "That might be an understatement. Another one is on the way," He frowned. "Alice."

"That's wonderful. So I'll let you be now. Have a safe journey. I'll call once I'm in Seattle some time."

"See you around, Jim. Good luck."

Just as I turned to exit the hospital, my phone buzzed and I checked the screen only to roll my eyes. Alice. God, she had officially lost it because this was her fifth call since I was away from home and she was really losing it with all the pregnancy hormones.

She was seven months along and because she is so short, she looked more pregnant than she should. Alice and Jasper were over the moon though. They were going to keep the gender of the baby a surprise but they were both rooting for a girl.

I was not ready to answer the call but it was inevitable.

"Hello Alice."

"Edward, hi is your work done?"

I rolled my eyes. "Would you care?"

"No, anyway," I could hear her eating something on the other line. "I have a question for you."

"Alice, I repeat this every time you call me that I am a pediatrician, not an obstetrician or gynec. You can't ask me pregnancy related questions, you can call me all the time once your baby is born. If you want, I'll move in with you and Jasper once the baby is here, okay?" I said softly as I nodded at the driver who was sitting in the car. He stepped out and held the rear passenger door for me to get in.

"Where to, Mr. Cullen?"

"The airport, please." He nodded and the car purred to life.

"Edward! Listen to me!" Alice shouted and I screwed my eyes shut.

"Should I patch you through with Dr. Banner?" I suggested and heard an impatient sigh.

"Why won't you listen to me?!"

I winced as she screeched on the other line and then I heard her crying heavily.

"Alice, sweetheart calm down. It's okay. What is it? You can ask me, I'll try to help."

"Okay," I heard her taking a deep breath. "I was counting the baby's kicks and they didn't reach until ten in an hour." Her voice broke and I sighed softly.

"Alice, the baby might just be resting then."

"They weren't ten!"

I rolled my eyes. "Have some light snacks, okay? The blood sugar rush will get the baby moving again, I'm sure."

"Okay, thank you!" She chirped and I chuckled.

"Is the nursery ready?"

"Yes! Emmett and Jasper did the finishing touches yesterday. We'll go furniture shopping soon!"

"That sounds great, Alice. Now, I'm on my way to the airport, I'll see you on Sunday."

"Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too, Alice. Goodbye." I ended the call as fast as I could and placed the phone away from me. I ran a hand through my hair and closed my eyes.

Oh, I missed everyone at home so badly.

Four and half hours until I see them again.

"Sir, can I get you anything else?" The air hostess asked, her amber eyes gleaming with a suggestive tone as she tried to flaunt her cleavage to my face. I smiled politely and shook my head.

"Thank you, that'll be all." I nodded, taking hold of my champagne flute. After the heavy lunch at the airport, I wasn't interested in anything else. I got comfortable in the first class seat and switched off the TV because it was just plain boring and waste of time.

I took an inviting sip of my champagne and placed the flute away. I stared at the platinum wedding band resting comfortably in my finger. I smiled, stroking it softly. I couldn't wait to see Bella.

God, it seemed like ages ago we had spent time together. She had finished her book tour last week and she got back from London but I had to leave for Chicago the next day for a medical convention. Bella never left for more than four days, she always came back home because of the kids.

I still couldn't believe we have been married for three years. These past years passed in a perfect, blissful blur for me and her. We had our fair share of fights but we resolved them before the end of that day. It was natural to fall into a very systematic routine for us while taking care of Seth and Eli because the kids were so wonderful. We had no complaints. They appreciated what we did for them and that made us more than happy.

My eyes wandered out of the window to stare at the beautiful blue sky and the mystical clouds floating around. I chuckled as I was suddenly reminded of the time when we did tell Eli that we were engaged the morning after I proposed to Bella. She was over the moon that she would get to become a flower girl again and could finally ask for a sibling. We distracted her to get the last thought out of her mind and were very successful at it.

Bella and I decided to take our time with the kids before tying the knot. We wanted to give enough attention to Eli and Seth before even thinking about having a wedding. Alice was already planning everything since the moment she came back from her honeymoon but we tried to rein her.

We did decide upon a date. August 13. Our first date was on the thirteenth and Bella wanted a summer wedding. Even through the chaos, we celebrated Eli's birthday in a grand tradition just for the soul reason that we didn't want her to feel unwanted because of the wedding and everything.

Our daughter had turned four. We couldn't believe she had been with us for more than a year. Time was flying by and our baby was growing up so fast. The surprise that set the wedding aside came two days before the wedding. I had whisked Bella away from Alice just to spend some time with her and to not lose our heads as Alice was trying to kill us with the wedding planning.

I looked up at Bella, gazing at her beautiful face as she had a smile playing on her lips while her fingers caressed my face. My hand was playing with the engagement ring that shone brightly and proudly on her hand. It was beautiful yet simple, just like her. We were getting married in two days. I was desperately waiting to finally and officially have Bella as my wife. She would belong to me and I would to her. There was nothing more that I wanted.

My head was propped up on her lap while her soft fingers were stroking my hair rhythmically which made me smile. She always knew how to comfort me and it just took the slightest of her touch for that to happen.



"What's wrong? You seem distracted since yesterday."

"Nothing, I'm just a little nervous with the wedding and all." She murmured and I sighed, kissing the palm of her hand.

"Hey, it's going to be fine. Don't worry about anything, darling."

"Okay," She smiled although it didn't reach her eyes. "I won't."

"Now, would you care to let me know what's really bothering you?"

Tears gathered in her eyes and she shook her head. "It's nothing." I sighed and sat up so that I could look at her better.

"Bella, tell me." She slammed herself into my arms and I hugged her tightly, stroking her hair. "Hush, Bella. It's okay. Don't cry." I rubbed her back as I heard her weeping against me. She eventually pulled back to look at me and I kissed her forehead, cradling her face in my hands.

"What is it?"

"Nobody from my family is going to be there." She whispered in a broken voice, gazing at me from under her eyelashes. I sighed, not knowing what to say. "I miss my mom so much right now."

"I'm sorry, love. But, you have a family now. We are your family, aren't we? Don't cry, I can't stand you crying. Don't feel like you don't have a mom. My mom is always here for you. Sometimes, I think she likes you more than me." She giggled through her tears and I wiped them away. "I love you so much. Don't cry. You've been so strong through everything, why do suddenly miss her so much?"

"Mom would've helped my calm my nerves… about everything. This wedding, what things could happen in the future."

I chuckled and drew her in my arms, nuzzling against her hair. "Well, let me help you then. The wedding is going to be perfect, you'll be looking beautiful in the wedding dress. What the future holds, we'll have to wait for that. But I bet it's going to be happy, safe and filled with lots of love." She blushed and nodded, cuddling closer to me.

"I love you, Edward."

I smiled. "I know, love. Okay, now I'll get your change of clothes. I think you need some rest, you look very tired. We will get the kids from mom and dad's before dinner."

"That sounds nice." She whispered and I released her as I got out of the bed.

"Make sure you don't answer Alice's calls." I muttered and she chuckled behind me.

"Edward?" Bella called out just as I was reaching our walk-in closet. I turned and smiled as I offered a questioning glance. She bit her bottom lip and stood by the edge of the bed, her brown eyes suddenly looked shy.

I took a few steps closer in her direction and gazed at her patiently.

"What, Bella?"

"I'm pregnant."

All the air left my body and then I could hear my heart beating loudly in my chest. A baby. We were going to have a baby. Our little baby. Oh my god, we were going to be parents. A smile generated on my face and she grinned, watching my joy over the news. I closed the distance between us and held her face in my hands.

"Really? Are you sure?"

Bella nodded. "I took three tests last night, they were all positive." I laughed and I could see happy tears forming in her eyes.

"We're having a baby."

"Yes, we are."

"Oh, Bella. Thank you so much." I lifted her in my arms and spun her in a circle as she laughed making me smile. Her hands rested on my shoulder and I set her down on her feet again. I hugged her tightly, pressing soft kisses against her hair.

"We should visit a doctor though." She mumbled against my chest and I pulled back, nodding my head.

"Okay, I'll give Dr. Sherber a call. I'll set an appointment around four, okay?" She nodded and I smiled as I leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she deepened our kiss making me sigh against her lips. My hands immediately reached for the zip of her dress and our clothes were discarded soon enough.

The memory of that day was fresh in my head like it was an incident from yesterday but that was four years ago. I sighed and reached for my phone to stare at the picture of my Bella. We decided to tell the family we came back from our honeymoon.

We thought to break the news to the kids first. And to our surprise, they took the news really, really well. We were tad surprised but oh well, they both loved kids.

Eli was already waiting for me to approach her as she was comfortably settled on mom's lap. She raised her arms in my direction and I quickly lifted her in my arms, placing a loud kiss on her cheek making her giggle. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hid her face against me, making me frown. Mom mouthed 'honeymoon' and I sighed softly.

"Princess, what's wrong?"

She shook her head and I kissed her hair while carrying her to where Bella and Seth were waiting for us. They were sitting at a secluded spot that wasn't a part of all the festivities going around of our wedding. We wanted to speak with the kids before anything else.

I couldn't take my eyes off Bella all day. She looked breathing-taking in her long wedding gown. It hugged her curves perfectly and pale skin glowed against the embroidered lace. The satin skirt felt good against her skin because she was feeling nauseous since morning.

"Edward, what happened?" Bella asked and I took a seat next to her.

"Hold on," I murmured and rubbed Eli's back. "Eli, baby mommy and I want to talk something very important to you. Look at us."

Eli finally pulled back and stared between me and Bella. I smiled and took off her ballet flats before she crawled over to sit on Bella's lap so that her gorgeous wedding dress won't get ruined.

"Mommy, no go."

"Oh, sweetie. You won't have time to miss us. Nana just told me that you are going to have so many pool days. You've seen the pretty swimming pool that nana has, haven't you? She's going to let you have ice-creams and watch movies and have so much fun!"

"Mommy, stay."

"Baby, we have to go."


I cleared my throat and made her look at me, her blue eyes seemed so sad and it broke my heart.

"Mommy and daddy have some news for you. Are you ready?" I asked with a big grin on my face and she nodded, hugging Bella tightly.

"Seth." Bella said pointedly and he dragged his chair closer to us.

"Bella's pregnant." I whispered and he gave a earsplitting grin to us.

"Really?" I nodded and he looked at Bella. "Really?" He asked again and we laughed as we nodded. He gave us a hug and sat back in his chair. "That's so great, you guys. I can't wait!" I smiled, relieved that he was happy about it.

Now our attention went to our little baby who was gazing at us with confusion clear in her features. "Eli, princess what is the one thing that you've wanted the most since you started school?"

She frowned and gazed at me thoughtfully as I clasped one of her little hand in mine. "Ooh! Bike!" She clapped her hands and looked around but then frowned. "No bike?"

"No, baby," I grabbed her hand and placed it on Bella's belly. "Here. There is a little baby in there. Mommy is going to have a baby. You wanted a baby, didn't you?"

Eli gasped and her face was a picture of horror as she stared at Bella. "Mommy, you eat baby?"

Seth laughed making her pout and I set her on my lap from Bella's. "No, darling. Mommy has a baby inside her and it's going to grow big in the next eight months. Then we'll get him out of her tummy and that's how you'll become a big sister."

"Really? I want baby boy!" She pouted and I laughed, nodding my head.

"Okay, we'll have to wait for that."

"Mommy, a baby in there?" Eli asked Bella, touching her belly softly who nodded.

"Yes, honey. We're going to have a baby."

Bella smiled, watching Eli who was intently staring at the belly and then a big smile escaped her lips as she looked between us. "But, I don't see baby."

"Well, he'll get bigger in the next few months."

"Yay!" She clapped her hands and hugged me tightly, making me sigh with relief. I hugged her tightly and looked over at Bella who had tears running down her cheeks.

"The kids are happy, Mrs. Cullen."

She blushed and nodded, wiping away her tears. "I couldn't be happier."

That's when Eli had jumped off my lap and screamed to everyone as she ran around that she was going to become a big sister. Bella and I just shared one exasperated look as we couldn't do anything else.

Then the whole family had gathered to confirm and our plans went into the dumpster of keeping it a secret. But their reactions were wonderful and mom couldn't stop crying at that point. She would be getting a fourth grandchild to spoil, of course.

Bella's pregnancy was hardest on Eli of all people when she once came crying to us out of nowhere and asked if we would love her any less just because she wasn't our real daughter. We loved her more than anything in this world and it really hurt us that our four-year old thought that way but mom said it was pretty common for children to get possessive at some point of time when there was another baby on the way.

Eli would throw tantrums, get into fights and refuse to eat food and all of that was affecting Bella badly. We had wondered at one point of time that what had we gotten ourselves into. I had never seen Eli shout at Bella but the day she did, I had totally lost it. My wife was pregnant and she shouldn't be crying her eyes out over something stupid that our daughter did as her biggest priority should be taking care of herself.

There was one particular thing Bella was terrified to telling Eli for some reason. It was when Bella was eighteen weeks along that I couldn't hold it in any longer. We had to tell Eli and everyone because there was no denying with it. That was the worst day since Bella had gotten pregnant.

I killed the engine off and leaned against the headrest of my seat as I closed my eyes. There was nothing but silence around me except for the continued weeping coming from my right side ever since we had left the hospital. Bella tightened her clasp on my hand suddenly and I opened my eyes to look at her immediately. Her eyes were screwed shut as a pained expression was masked on her beautiful face.

"Baby? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Bella nodded, sniffling softly. "I'm fine. Just a cramp."

"Baby, please don't cry so much. Please. Do you know that the second trimester is supposed to be the most relaxed time and you are not comfortable. You don't even seem happy these days. What is going on, Bella? I thought you were happy about this."

"I am," She wiped away her tears. "I can't watch Eli get sad over it."

"Why are you worried about Eli? She'll be fine. She's four and we know how smart she is. She'll get over it, it's just a phase, love. Please don't get sad about it."

"Eli won't even talk to me these days! Is it all my fault, I just…" She couldn't complete her sentence as more tears flowed down her eyes. I sighed and took off my seatbelt so I could turn to stare at her. I stroked her cheek and kissed her hand softly.

"Bella, love don't let something so small overshadow on your joy of being a mother. You look so beautiful right now," I wiped away her tears as blush flamed her cheeks. "Please, don't cry. You are tired. We'll have to rest for a while now. Can you do that for me?" Bella nodded but then frowned.


"I'll ask Julie to make something. Don't worry about it." I leaped out of the car and went over to her side to open the door.

Bella gave me a soft smile and I smiled back as I helped her step outside. She sighed softly and immediately tightened the coat around her. "It's cold."

"Hmm." I rubbed her back and stroked her protruding belly softly. "Let's get you inside now."

I unlocked the main door and ushered her in before shutting it softly. I took off my coat and then Bella's to placed it away in the coat closet before leading her to the couch in the living room.

Seth was already sitting there watching some television show while Eli was nowhere to be seen. Bella hugged me tightly, taking deep, labored breaths against me as she tried to stay up. I placed a kiss on her forehead and caressed her belly.

"Hey, guys. Is everything okay?" Seth asked and I smiled, nodding my head.

"Yes, it was all fine. Both are healthy although we have to share some news with you and Eli. Could you get her?" He nodded giving a big smile and rushed downstairs to her bedroom.

"He loves to help me with everything. I have never seen him this excited to work." Bella mumbled against my chest and I chuckled, kissing the side of her head.

"I'm glad."

She looked up at me, giving a soft smile. "You know, I shouldn't be the only on writing in that baby journal that you bought for us."

"I promise, I'll write something tonight before bed. It's kind of a big day."

"Good." She leaned up and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Mrs. Cullen, you might feel a kick or two sometime soon enough."

"I can't wait."

"Maybe, I should give a pep talk."

She chuckled. "What?"

I smiled and bent until I was face to face with the baby bump.

"Hi, baby. We are waiting for you to kick sometime soon enough. If you be a good girl and do that, daddy will buy you any car you want when you turn sixteen. I promise. I love you." I placed a soft kiss on it and then sat up, making Bella glare at me.

"That's not fair."

I stared at her innocently. "What? It's not like―Hey, come on quick." I said softly as I watched Eli and Seth standing by the end of the armchair. Seth nodded and quickly sat on that chair while Eli came running to me and slammed herself into my arms, making me chuckle.

"Hey, princess. How are you?"

"Good." She mumbled and rested her head on my chest as she closed her eyes. Bella reached over and stroked her hair making me smile.

"Baby, did you put your toys back in the basket?" Bella asked softly but Eli didn't even bother to look at her. Bella's expression fell and her eyes glazed over with tears but she offered me a small smile.

"Eli, mommy asked you something."

"Yes." Eli finally mumbled and I sighed, setting her down from my lap making her pout.

"Did you both find out the gender of the baby?" Seth asked bringing me out of my reverie.

Bella and I smiled widely. "Yes, actually the news is something related to that."

"It's a boy!" Seth announced happily and we laughed.

"Yes. It's going to be a boy and a girl." He froze mid-movement in his cheer and stared at both of us with his mouth hanging open.

"Oh my god, twins? You're having two babies? That is so great!" He jumped out of the chair and hugged us tightly making me chuckle. Bella let out a pained protest and he released us apologetically.

"Eli, did you hear that? Two babies. Boy and a girl!" Seth said excitedly staring at my princess who was gazing back at us sadly.

"Princess, aren't you happy? Two babies. You get a brother and sister. You wanted both, didn't you?"

"No! I no want babies!" She shouted and ran past Seth to go downstairs to her bedroom. Seth sighed tiredly and I heard a sniffle next to me. I pulled Bella in my arms, hugging her tightly as she cried against my chest.

"Baby, don't cry. Please. You want me to talk to her?" Bella nodded and I kissed her hair. "Whatever my wife wants. I'll go, alright?" She pulled back and I pecked her lips softly.

"Seth, stay here with Bella. I'll go check on Eli."

"I'll come with you." Bella said, trying to unsuccessfully stand up.

"Don't you dare come downstairs, Isabella. You almost tripped last week, I don't want that to happen again." I snapped and she nodded, wiping away her tears.

"I'll be back." I kissed her forehead and quickly made my way to Eli's room which was open while Eli was curled up on the bed as she cried against the pillow.

It broke my heart to see her in so much pain but it also scared me that Bella was taking a lot of pressure of Eli not liking the babies. We had known about having twins for a couple of weeks but we were reluctant to share the news for Eli's sake.

"Princess? It's daddy. Look at me."

"No! You don't want me! You only want babies! I am not your baby! You pick me up from car and I no come from mommy's belly!"

I groaned and ran a hand through my hair. "Elizabeth, don't you dare say such things ever again. You are our daughter and the babies are going to get here no matter what. We love the babies just as much as we love you."

"No! You love babies more!" She sobbed heavily and I sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed. I stroked her hair, gazing at her drawings hung all around the room.

"We love you so much, baby. Don't say that." I said softly. "We love spending time with you. Do you realize how sad mommy is because you are not speaking with her? Doctors said that mommy shouldn't be so sad or else she might fall sick. Do you want mommy to fall sick? Even the babies won't be well then."

"I don't want babies. I only want mommy and daddy!"

"Eli look at me." I placed my hand on her leg and she kicked it away making me sigh.

I heard footsteps approaching behind me. "Eli? Look what I got for us. Chocolate ice-cream." Seth said as he walked over to us with a tub of ice-cream in his hands. "Bella said we can have ice-cream just for today even though it's cold outside. Come on, it's melting already."


"Seth, that's fine. Leave her alone. When she's fine, she'll come upstairs. We can't entertain her all the time. Let's go."

I turned just as I felt a warm hand on my arm. I rolled my eyes and gazed at Bella tiredly.

"No, Bella. Not right now. Let's go."

"Let me speak to her once." I stepped away and helped her sit on the edge of the bed. "Eli? It's mommy. What's wrong, honey? You can talk to me. Please, don't cry so much. We are so worried about you. And you know, the babies love you so much. They can't wait to meet you."

"I don't love babies." Eli said and rolled in our direction which caused her leg to kick firmly against Bella's belly, who let out an agonized gasp.

"Edward! Oh god, Edward!" Bella muttered breathlessly as she blindly reached for my hand. My heart broke as I watched tears rolling down her cheeks while I helped her stand up. She clutched her belly and I quickly made her sit on the couch of the bedroom.

"Baby, what's happening? Seth, call Dr. Sherber right now." I murmured and stared at Bella frantically as her face was contracted into a mask of discomfort.

"Edward, the babies."

"Our babies are fine, love. They are perfectly fine. Please don't freak out."

"It hurts where she kicked!" She sobbed as she tried to catch her breath and I hugged her tightly, rubbing her back soothingly.

"I know, I'm so sorry. It's going to be fine. I'm right here," She continued crying and I hated to watch her in pain. "Baby, I've got you."

"Edward?" I looked over at Seth. "She'll be here in ten minutes. She was around the neighborhood for some work. She'll get here."

"Okay," I gazed at Bella. "Baby, just ten minutes."

"Bella, should I get some water?" Seth asked and I nodded on her behalf. He rushed out of the room and I could feel her cries turning to soft whimpers.

"Show me where does it hurt the most." I murmured and she placed her hand at the center, making me sigh. "It's alright, we're going to be fine. The babies must be worried too that what got you so scared so please stay strong for them."


She closed her eyes and rested her head on my shoulder while she took deep breaths. My eyes went over to bed and found it empty. I glanced everywhere and discovered that Eli was not in the room.

Seth walked in with a glass of water and I took it from his hand. Bella kept her eyes closed as she took small sips while she occasionally winced softly. I shifted a little so I could go find Eli but Bella tightened her hold on me.

"Don't go."

"Alright," I kissed her cheek. "Seth, will you let Dr. Sherber in and over here, please? Or Bella, do you want to go upstairs? I'll carry you right away."

"That's fine." I nodded at Seth and he walked out of the room. "Where's Eli?"

"I don't know." Her eyes snapped open at that and she looked around, a sad frown forming on her forehead even through the pain.

"I love you, Edward." Her voice broke as she buried her face against the crook of my neck.

"I love you too, baby." I stroked her belly and she clutched my sweater tightly in her hand. We remained silent for a couple of minutes and I closed my eyes as I rested my head atop hers. My lips pressed against her hair and I breathed in the calming scent she always had.

"Daddy?" I heard my daughter's sweet little voice calling out my name. Bella and I pulled back as we opened our eyes and Bella gasped suddenly, a tear running down her cheek as it must hurt her. I wiped it away.

My eyes fell on Eli who was staring at us shyly, playing with her fingers and her eyes seemed very guilty.


I cleared my throat while I stared at Bella, stroking her hair softly.

"You check mommy?"

I turned to her and frowned. Eli went running over to the doorway while Bella and I just shared a confused look. I stifled a chuckle when I saw her dragging my bag that she must've found in my study. There was a tiny frown on her face, her little tongue was poking out as it must have taking her great efforts to bring the bag here. She let out sigh and gazed at me expectantly.

"I can't, Eli."

"No, daddy. You check mommy. Mommy in pain."

"Oh, really?" I muttered under my breath and sat up straighter just as Bella let out an audible groan.

"Daddy, check mommy!" Eli said with tears in her eyes and I sighed.

"Eli, mommy needs a different kind of doctor for this. Not me."

Bella gave my hand a soft squeeze and I shook my head. Eli put Bella in pain, I wasn't going to listen to her.

"Mommy, sorry." Eli whimpered as she looked at Bella with tears in her eyes.

"It's fine, baby. Mommy is fine. The doctor will get here and then I'll be okay."

"I no hate babies."

"I know you don't, sweetie." Bella managed a smile on her face.

"Daddy, sorry." I just offered a tight nod and that caused her to bawl in front of us.

"Eli, don't cry. Oh god, come here." Bella said softly and Eli immediately went to sit next to her as she hugged her tightly.

"Daddy, angry."

"Daddy is not angry, honey. He is just a little tired." She whispered and let out a pained sigh. "Edward, when is she getting here?"

"Bella, let me take you to the guest room please. Don't be stubborn about this."

"I'm fine here." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Mommy, the babies be okay?" Eli asked shyly.

"Yes they will be, baby."

"Daddy check mommy." Eli said again and I gave in as I grabbed my stethoscope and got the blood pressure monitor out. She grinned at me and curiously watched me check up on Bella's heart rate, breathing and blood pressure.

"Blood pressure has heightened to 140/100, which is not good." I muttered pointedly and Bella sighed, nodding her head.

"Right," Bella turned to our daughter. "Happy, sweetheart? Daddy checked up on me."

"Mommy, you sleep now." She told and I chuckled, sighing softly. "But my bed small."

"Exactly, shouldn't we take mommy upstairs to the guest room?" I asked and Eli nodded, turning to Bella, who clutched her stomach tightly.


It was forty minutes later that Bella was fast asleep from the medications and I had escorted Dr. Sherber out. Just a small dose of pills and she would be alright. Bella was fine and the babies were fine. That's all that mattered.

I felt a small tug on my pants just as I closed the door. I looked down at Eli who was gazing at me shyly.

"Yes, Eli?"


I nodded. "It's okay but I don't want that happening again." She nodded, giving me a beautiful smile of hers and I couldn't help smile back. "Alright, now how about dinner?"


I lifted her in my arms and kissed her forehead. "Julie, yes. Let's go check." I carried Eli to the kitchen and I found Julie, our housekeeper and cook, placing a lid-covered bowl on the kitchen island. She turned to me and offered a smile.

"Dr. Cullen."

"Thank you, Julie. I'll have the kids help me set the plates. You can leave for home. Also, get Oliver to the clinic on Monday sometime around two. Give Carmen a call, she'll set up an appointment."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Have a great weekend." She nodded and exited the kitchen quickly.


"Yes, princess?"

"Where Julie live?"

"She lives two minutes away with her husband and five year old boy." I kissed her nose and she giggled.

"When mommy wake up?"

"Mommy will wake up after some time, how about we have dinner until then."


Ah, maybe it wasn't all bad. Eli finally got excited about the baby and I still remembered how she kissed the belly the next day and the babies had kicked for the first time. She was over the moon about it. God, I missed them all right now. A week without them was too much. Time was flying and it was getting difficult to keep up with my kids growing up so fast. Bella and I were really having a hard time accepting that fact.

Seth was seventeen, a junior in high school and quite popular from what I had heard because of his smart brains and Volvo S90. I knew I went a little overboard with the car and should've given him one of my old ones but I didn't want him to feel bad years later when he looked back upon his high school days thinking that he never had a car of his own. I would have.

Served me right though, Bella didn't have sex with me for five days, like I was to blame for everything.

Eli had turned seven three months ago and she was into learning a difficult word every day, a habit Bella had gotten her into. She still loved to bake and was taking ballet classes which really made me proud of her because she was great at it. My little baby wasn't so little anymore although she had stopped spending time with boys and was more with girls which was a huge relief for me.

Olivia Rose and Nathan Anthony were born on April 22. They were the most beautiful babies and unfortunately had my copper hair and green eyes. Mom couldn't stop crying when we told her we were going to name our daughter after Livy and she was ecstatic that we were. Her hair was curly just like Charlie's which made Bella feel slightly bittersweet although Nate was all me. Even the hair. God, he was riot. I loved him so much.

They were at just the right age at two and half year olds and the most wonderful babies. Livy was just like Eli when it came to everything she wanted; pink. She loved coloring, listening music and she had an interest in playing the piano ever since she was a baby and would bang her fists against it. I would let her because her smile was the most beautiful thing in the world, it was just like Bella's.

Nathan was my boy. Seth and I were so happy to have a boy in the house so we could play with the cars and action figures and maybe we played more than he did but we enjoyed a lot.

Nate was into watching excessive cartoons and breaking things. But as naughty and troublesome he seemed on the exterior, he was just as silent at heart. Ever since he was a baby, the only thing that calmed him down was staring at the quiet Lake, he could watch it for hours from the balcony.

Couples have problems taking care of even one newborn, we had twins on top of that. Bella was really paranoid when it came to the two of them. But she was the best mother our kids could ask for. She was loving, devoted, caring and so gentle with them. The twins loved her so much, they were incredibly attuned to Bella and everything that she did. God, they were beautiful kids and Livy even blushed like her mother.

I chuckled as I recalled how Bella had barged into my office when the twins were nine months old.

"You remember our deal, Leslie?" I whispered as I stared into her big blue eyes and she nodded. "Cool."

I smiled and grabbed the remote from my desk of this examination room. "Now, I have a friend who's going to help me with this. His name is Bob. I think you know him." I turned the television on and she giggled, clapping her hands.


"That's right. Now why don't you sit on mommy's lap and we'll watch him make burgers." I muttered and her eyes were glued to the television as I directed Mrs. Pinzer to sit on the chair closest to the TV.

I brushed my hand against the top upper part of her right arm that was cleaned with soap and water and turned to Pam, the nurse, who handed me the syringe.

"Should I hold her arm tightly?" Mrs. Pinzer asked and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"That's fine, Mrs. Pinzer. I bet Leslie is a strong girl."

"She might cry." She murmured and I smiled.

"I'll make sure she doesn't."

I gazed at the spot as I inserted the needle directly through the skin and moved my hand to direct the plunger. I pushed the plunger down as far as it would go and a soft whimper left Leslie's lips.

She let out a pained cry and I pulled the needle out gently. I nodded at the nurse and she turned on the machine. Leslie gasped staring at the bubbles around her that were produced and she tried to burst them from where she sat.

I applied a thick cotton ball on the injection site and smiled watching her giggle and try to grab the bubbles. I put a tape to it and then she was fine to go.

"There you go, all done." I murmured and the nurse turned the machine off. "Now Leslie, you are fine to go home." She pouted and I chuckled, lifting her in my arms. "I know, our deal. Right. We'll let your mom fill out some forms while we go to Carmen."

I carried her out of the examination room and toward Carmen's desk where she was patiently reading through some file.

"Dr. Cullen."

"Carmen, Leslie here was very brave as she took the shot and I promised her two candies. Do we happen to have some left here?"

She smiled. "Yes of course." She opened the drawer that was specifically filled with candies and pulled out two. I gave them to Leslie and she smiled widely.

The elevator opened and I turned to find Bella walking in with Julie in tow while she held Nate in her arms who was crying uncontrollably. Oh god. Bella gazed at me and then Leslie before sighing softly.

"Leslie, why don't you go to your mommy. I have another patient here." I set her down and she went running back to the examination room.

I walked over to Bella and took Nate from her arms who was already reaching for me. I checked for fever, his pulse and everything seemed normal. There was no hint of rash or any clotting, then why had Bella gotten him here? His green eyes stared at me and it was heartbreaking to watch him cry.

"Hi, baby boy. Why are you crying so much? Tell me. Are you mad at mommy?" I rocked him in my arms and felt his hand clutching my coat tightly in a fist just like Bella always did. I looked over at my wife. "What's wrong, baby?"

"He just started crying after he ate and then he wasn't burping well and I checked on the internet and they said he might have diarrhea."

I burst out laughing and she glared at me as tears gathered in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to laugh. Was he fine on his way over?"

"Yes, he fell asleep but then we woke up once we got here and started crying." I touched his diaper and rolled my eyes.

"He has a wet diaper, Bella. Change it, please. I'll finish up with a patient and be with you."

"Okay." I peeked inside the stroller and found my little Livy fast asleep. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead before returning to my patient.

Fifteen minutes later, I went to my office and found Nate playing in the play pen with all the toys he could ask for but Livy wasn't there. I turned and found Bella pacing around the room as she rocked our little girl in her arms.


Those words warmed my heart and looked at Nate who was grinning at me. I went over to him and he clutched the wall as he stood up on his feet, his green eyes always seemed so merry.

"Hey, little man. That's my boy. Can you stand for daddy now, Nate?"

I knelt next to the playpen and he reached for me, placing his palm against my lips so I kissed it making him laugh. He left his hold on the wall and fell back on his butt comically making me chuckle and he joined in.

I kissed his forehead before I walked over to Bella who held our whimpering daughter in her arms.

"Livy? What's wrong, angel? Come to daddy." I took her in my arms and hugged her little form tightly, breathing in against her ringlets. "You're so beautiful. Daddy missed you so much, baby."

Bella smiled at me and leaned forward to plant a kiss on my lips.

"Hey, honey."

"Hey, don't scare me like that again." She blushed and nodded, stroking Livy's hair, who was gazing at the two of us with her big green eyes.

"She's so beautiful, Edward. You're definitely going to have your hands full. Boyfriends, date nights, prom night."

"None of that," I said firmly and kissed Livy's cheek, making her giggle. "Not until she's forty. That's right, no boys for you."

"Da-da!" I chuckled and pecked her lips.

"She's such a daddy's girl. The only time she would come to me is when she's hungry."

"Livy loves you." I said softly and Bella smiled, as Livy stared at her.

"Do you like mommy, Liv?"

"Ma-ma!" She giggled, clapping her hands as she continued babbling something in gibberish and she went into Bella's arms quickly.

She pecked her lips and I smiled, turning to find Nate nowhere in the playpen. Fuck, he was right there. I stopped dead in my tracks when I found him surrounded by nurses outside my office. How the fuck did I leave the door open? He was giggling as they all spoke to him while one of them held him in her arms.

"You're kid, Mr. Cullen. He likes the ladies already." Bella said and amusement was clear in her voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, alright." I walked over to get Nate from them.

I grabbed my travel bag from the baggage claim section and smiled politely at the woman next to me as I made my way to the gate. Thanksgiving was still a week away yet I could see posters and flyers for the holiday sales were already up.

Even though I was only away for a week, I really missed Seattle. I turned the airplane mode off from my phone and wondered if I should call Bella or would she be busy. It was almost two-thirty. She would've have to pick up Eli from school at three.

My eyes wandered around the busy airport and a very familiar figure caught my eye. I smiled setting the bag down just in time she came running to me. I laughed when she hugged me tightly, wrapping her legs around my waist as she pressed her face against my neck. I rubbed her back, placing a soft kiss against her hair.

"Hi, baby. I missed you. God, you look hot today."

"You are never leaving the city again, Edward. Do you hear me?"

I chuckled. "I promise, I won't go."

Bella leaned her forehead against mine and sighed softly. I smiled and wiped away the tears that were present on her cheek as more continued streaming. "I missed you too."

"I know you did, but don't cry. Please, don't cry." I pressed my lips against hers and she kissed me back eagerly as I deepened our kiss immediately. She moaned as I bit her bottom lip and I sighed at that sound. I missed it. I missed her. Our tongues battled against each other and we eventually pulled back to breath just as there was a throat clear. I turned and found Seth standing there, smiling at us.

"Thank you." He said dryly and I rolled my eyes as I set Bella down again.

"Why did you get him?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Gee, thanks Edward. That's really sweet." Seth mumbled sarcastically.

I chuckled and gave him a quick hug. "Did you behave while I was away?"

"I'm not ten, of course I did. I'll be turning eighteen in two months."

"I know," I pointed to my bag and he groaned. "Come on, if you want the trainers, help me with the bag."

"That's blackmailing."

"No, I'm just admitting that I'm old now."

"You're thirty."

"I'm old enough for you, aren't I? Come on."

I wrapped my arm around Bella's waist who gave me a soft smile and leaned forward to kiss my lips softly. "I really missed you, Edward. Even the kids missed you a lot. Liv was crying so much last night, I had to make her sleep in our room. But I think she had a bad dream. You know she needs you after she has a nightmare. "

"I'm here now, don't worry." I murmured and she nodded as we made our way to exit the airport.

"How was the operation? Is the girl fine now?"

"Yes, she's alright. I'll have to call and ask Dr. Young for an update though."

"Not now, later." She mumbled and I laughed, nodding my head.

"Whatever you want, Mrs. Cullen."

"Liv and Nate are supposed to go to a birthday party at four at Duvall's," I frowned sadly. "But daddy was coming home so they said no. Plus, it's Friday." She murmured, stroking my cheek.

"Movie night. God, I'm not up for it."

"You look tired, baby." I nodded and kissed her hand. I could hear Seth speaking on his phone to someone ahead of us.

"I just want to go home and make love to you."

Bella blushed and rested her head on my shoulder, hugging me tightly just as we reached the parking lot. "There are kids eagerly waiting for you at home, I don't think they'll like that."

"I know."

"We have all night."

I smiled and kissed her lips soundly. "God, I knew you were smart. Where are the twins?"

"Well there is a plan for that, first, we have to pick up Eli from school and then the babies are at Esme and Carlisle's."

"Fine and isn't there―" My phone rang and cut me off. I sighed and answered it as Carmen was calling.

"Edward Cullen."

"Dr. Cullen, could you come over to the clinic for a couple of hours? There were three appointments cancelled since last week and all of them are calling and checking since the last three days."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Which ones again?"

"Jill White, Sean Hendricks and Chelsea McCarthy."

"All under one?"


"Alright, set them for three, four and five," Bella exhaled soundly by my side and squirmed out of my arm as she marched over to the car. "Is that all?"

"Yes, Dr. Cullen."

"I'll see you in twenty," I ended the call and walked over to the passenger side of the car where Bella was sitting. I opened the door and found her wiping away her tears hastily.

"Hey, so we have to drop you first?" She asked softly and I sighed, stroking her cheek.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Work is important. I understand. I'll tell the kids you had an emergency or something."

"Bella, I really wish I could come home with you. Baby, I'm sorry."

"That's okay. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She took a deep breath and smiled at me before pressing her lips against mine.

"I love you."

"I know."

She nodded and I kissed her forehead before walking over to the driver's side where Seth was sitting. I cleared my throat and he groaned, getting out of the car.

"I drove us here." Seth told me grumpily and I smiled as I sat in the seat he vacated while he sat at the back.

"I know. Just until the clinic."

"You're going to the clinic?"

I sighed. "I have some patients to look at."


There was silence in the car for the first few minutes until I could hear Seth laughing and sighing soundly from behind. I looked over at Bella who just smiled, shaking her head. I chuckled and looked in the rearview mirror to find him texting someone.

"Honey, did Seth tell you he is bringing his girlfriend over at our place for dinner tomorrow?" Bella asked and I heard Seth groaning behind me.

"Oh? Seth is still going out with the same girl? What's her name again? Valerie?" I asked and Bella slapped my arm lightly making me laugh.

I think her name was Vanessa.

"It's Vanessa. And yes, it's the same girl."

"Wow, how long have you guys been dating?"

"Ten months."

"And now we're meeting her. You should try going out with a bunch of girls. There is so much more out there. One girl for the rest of your―"

"Why is there a problem with that?" Bella asked in an accusatory tone as if challenging me.

"Nope, it's perfect. Great going, Seth."

"I'm so excited!" My wife seemed so delighted and I chuckled.

"Relax, baby. We don't want to scare her away."

"I'm not that bad."

"No you're not. You're very sweet." I gave her a side glance and offered a smile as I kissed the back of her hand.

"Sweetie, do you have to go?" Bella pouted and I sighed.

"Just a matter of three hours. The kids have naptim anyway."

"Yeah, okay." She rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I placed against her hair and continued driving as I hoped these three hours will be spent soon enough.

"Daddy!" Two voices yelled at the same time the moment I stepped inside the house. I smiled at my girls as they both hugged my legs tightly. I laughed and lifted Eli in my arms to hug her. She pulled back and placed soft kisses all over my face making me chuckle.

"Hi, princess. How was your day?"

"Daddy, new word!"

"Okay, what is it today?"

"D-O-C-T-O-R!" She spelled it out with a triumphant smile.

I laughed. "Was that painter, am I correct?"

Eli sighed exasperated and shook her head. "No, daddy. It's doctor."

"Oh? And who is that?" She giggled.


"That's right." I kissed her cheek soundly.

"I missed you and then I got a pink star on Monday but you were not at home." She pouted and I sighed sadly, stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry, baby. But I'm here now. I bet you're going to get lot more stars next week for sure."

"Yay! And I make drawing for you."

"Did you? Well show me then."

"Okay!" She pecked my lips before I set her down and she went running to her room downstairs. I smiled at her retreated form. Oh, she looked so beautiful. It was a simpler time when she was just three and it was easy to carry her around everywhere. She also needed me and Bella all the time but now she was growing up. As much as I was happy to see that, it was bittersweet.

"Daddy!" My other girl demanded my attention and I chuckled as I swooped her in my arms, kissing her lips soundly.

"Oh, angel. Daddy missed you the most."

"Weally?" Her green eyes gazed at me curiously and I nodded, making her giggle.

"Really, really. Mommy told me that my baby missed me a lot."

"Lots." She pouted sadly and I sighed, kissing her forehead.

"Well, now you don't have to. Daddy's here. Did you have a bad dream last night, baby?" Livy nodded and buried her face against my neck. "It's okay. We won't talk about it. So, tell me what you did while I was away."

Olivia pulled back and gave me an exuberant smile as she pointed to the stairs. "Walk!"

I gasped, smiling at her. "You walked up the stairs on your own?"


"That's my girl. I'm so proud of you. Now, where is Nate?"


"And where's mommy?"


I carried Livy to the kitchen as she rested her head on my shoulder and clutched my sweater tightly in her little hand. I stroked her hair and smiled when I saw Bella dicing something as she hummed a tune under her breath. Her brown eyes met mine and she grinned at me. I looked around and frowned when I saw Nate with his leg propped on the refrigerator as he tried to open it with his little hands.

I chuckled and looked at Bella, who just shrugged.

"We wanted to have ice-cream during dinner time."

The ice-cream was in the freezer.

"Nate?" I called out and he kept his feet back on the floor as he turned to me. His green eyes widened and he came running to me.


I smiled and ruffled his hair as he hugged my legs tightly. I set Livy on the kitchen island and she pouted as I lifted Nate in my arms.

"Hey, little man."

"Daddy, I miss you." He pouted and I kissed his cheek making him smile.

"I missed you too, buddy."


"Hmm," I pretended to think. "Well, they didn't have any chocolates in Chicago."

"Daddy!" He whined and I chuckled getting four candy bars out of my pocket. He gasped and reached over to grab it but I shook my head.

"They are to be eaten tomorrow. For snack time. Now, mommy is making some delicious dinner that we have to eat. So we'll keep these in the freezer." I opened the freezer and placed the bars in it. My eyes fell on his feet and I sighed.

"Why aren't you wearing your socks, bud? It's getting so cold. Aren't you cold?"

"No." I kissed his forehead and smiled.

"Daddy!" Livy called out and I turned to find her glaring at Nate.

She raised her arms in my direction and I lifted her on my other arm. Bella gave me an amused smile and crossed her arms over her chest. She knew what was coming.

Nate squirmed in my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. Livy tried to get them off and I rolled my eyes.

"My daddy." Livy told Nate firmly and he glared back at her.

"No. My daddy."

"No! My daddy!" She said again and I looked over at Bella to mouth 'help' but she smirked, shaking her head. God, she does that every time. "Nate, bad boy!"

"No! You bad boy!"

"She is a girl and you both are good kids." I murmured softly but they both completely ignored me.

"Nate, go!"

"Babies, don't fight." I tried again but they both held the similar irritated expression on their faces. God, it reminded me of Bella.

"Daddy wike boys."

Livy gasped like he just said the most unbelievable thing in the world.

"No! Daddy no wike!"

"You pee bed!"

"You bad!"

"You cwy!"

That did it. Livy started crying heavily in my arms and Nate continued staring at her silently. My eyes looked over his head to find Eli standing next to Bella as they both were whispering about something amongst themselves.

"Nate, not cool buddy. Apologize right now."


Eli skipped over to us and tapped Nate's leg so he would look at her. "Nate, we'll get our drawings to show daddy, okay?"

Nate nodded and squirmed in my arms so I set him down. Livy immediately hugged me tightly and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"It's okay, baby," I tried to calm my baby down. "Hush, you're fine now. You don't always cry. Mommy and I know that, it's okay."

Bella walked over to us and stroked her curls, making Livy look at her.

"Honey, you are a wonderful, little girl. We love you so much." She kissed her blotchy cheek and wiped away her tears. "Don't cry. We don't like it when you cry. Our baby is such a strong girl."


"Yes, angel."

Bella smiled, taking Livy from my arms. "How about you also go get your drawings and then we'll have dinner. We have movie night coming up, remember?"

Livy nodded and gave her a kiss before running off to the stairway. I heard Seth speaking on his phone alongside the staircase so I called out to him.

"Seth! Hold her hand." He nodded and I finally turned my attention to Bella.

"Do you think we spoil Livy a little more than the others?"

"She is the youngest." I said as the only way of explanation.

"By seven minutes."

I smiled and pulled Bella in my arms, crashing her lips against mine instantly. She moaned softly as we deepened our kiss and I felt her whimper as I tugged against her bottom lip. My hands cradled her face and she wrapped her arms around my neck as her tongue tangled with mine. We breathlessly pulled back when I realized I was hitching her dress up and I also heard the pattering of little feet our way.

"Daddy, we make drawings for you." Eli said excitedly as she walked over to me. I smiled and lifted her in my arms, setting her down on the kitchen island.

"Show me." She handed me a paper that had six figures drawn and I realized it was all of us outside the house, playing in the garden. It was pretty good. "This is fantastic, did you really make it on your own?" Eli nodded and I smiled, kissing her cheek. "It's beautiful, princess."

I felt two figures near my legs and I looked down at Livy and Nate who had a paper in their hands and hopeful smiles on their faces. "Daddy!"

"Ah, let me see." I gathered up the papers just as Bella asked Eli to help her set the plates up which she loved to do. Seth walked in after he kept his phone away and held an eager smile on his face to be around everyone.

For once, the house was peacefully silent.

I cleared my throat just as I realized Seth was about to stand up out of my periphery. He froze and I slowly turned to look at him in the dark. I offered a sarcastic smile and he rolled his eyes sitting back down on the plush couch. Bella sighed next to me with a why-are-you-so-mean look and I just shrugged.

"Daddy, Fin." Livy pointed to the Disney character from my lap and I nodded, kissing her hair.

"Yes, that's Flynn."

"Remind me again, how many times have we watched this movie?" Bella whispered in my ear and I chuckled.

"Four hundred thousand times." She smiled, kissing my cheek.

I could feel Seth shifting uncomfortably from my left and then he groaned.

"Edward, it's Friday!"

"Shh." Eli shushed him and snuggled against my side as she continued watching the movie. I chuckled and looked over at Seth.

"All we ask is for you to sit with us to watch the movie once a week. Next year, you'll be off to college and I bet a thousand bucks, you'll be missing the kids sitting here."

"You say that every Friday."

I gazed at him for a second. Ah, who was I kidding? The movie was utter crap.

"Fine. Ten o'clock I want you back here. That's four hours from now. Go." I said in a dismissive tone and he gave me an extra-sweet smile.

"Ten-thirty. That's it. And your new trainers are in your room." I muttered and he leaped over to give me a hug, squishing all my kids in the process and they quickly pushed him off from me.

"Yeah, fine," Seth dusted his hoodie. "Thanks. Bye, Bella. I'll be back on time."

"I know you will." She said and he kissed her cheek before leaving the room.

"Daddy!" Nate whined out my name from Bella's lap and I sighed. He hated this movie. I set Livy next to me just as he crawled on my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. I kissed his cheek and hugged him back.

"Hey, buddy boy. What's wrong?"

"Cars." He pouted and I smiled, stroking his hair.

"We'll watch it after this one, alright?" His bottom lip quivered and he shook his head. I watched tears gather in his eyes and I rubbed his back. "No, baby. Don't cry. We'll watch it after this one, I promise."

"Honey, he's just getting cranky. He's had a long day." Bella whispered and I nodded.

"You want to go watch the lake, bud?"

Nate nodded and rested his head against the crook of my neck. I stood up with him in my arms and grabbed his blanket from the closet in the room before I walked out of the room and went upstairs to go back to the balcony. I unlocked the doors and a gust of cold wind made him shiver.

"Nate, should we go back in, little man?" He shook his head and I wrapped the blanket around him, making him sigh softly. I dragged one of the chairs closer towards the glass partition and sat with Nate on my lap.


"I know, it's so pretty."

I still wondered what fascinated Nate so much about it. He suddenly gasped and pointed his little hand in the direction of the boat that was arriving to the shore at some far off neighbor's place.


"It's a boat."


I chuckled. "You can say that, sure."

Nate placed his head on my chest and I noticed his eyelids were gradually drooping. I stroked his hair, watching his peaceful face finally falling asleep. He was a handsome little boy. They loved him at Alice's store. I tightened the blanket around him and closed my eyes, hugging him tighter as I felt myself drift off to sleep.

"Edward? Edward, honey wake up." I heard my wife's sweet voice calling out my name. I opened my eyes and found her gazing at me with a loving smile. I smiled back and she gave me a chaste kiss before wrapping her arms around my neck.

"How long have I been out here for?" I asked, clearing my throat and she chuckled.

"Thirty minutes. Your daughters missed you. I thought I'll take Nate from you but you have a hard grip."

I smiled as I stared at Nate.

"He's going to break hearts once he is old enough. Girls will be fawning over such a handsome, charming face." She continued.

"Well, we still have time until he invites girls over at our place. It's getting colder, let's get inside."


I kissed her cheek before I stood up with Nate in my arms. His hands immediately clasped around my neck and Bella shut the balcony before we went back to the theatre room.

"Daddy!" Eli and Livy shouted but I shushed them.

"Nate's sleeping girls." Bella murmured and I sighed when he stirred in my arms. I should've taken him upstairs to his bedroom. He pulled back and rubbed his eyes tiredly before opening them.


"Hey, little man."

"Sweep." He pouted and I kissed his forehead.

"Go to sleep then. It's okay."


I chuckled and looked over at Bella who was already seated by the girls. Her eyes met mine and she motioned me to get to her. I sat next to her and Nate immediately went on her lap.

"Baby, you want to sleep?" Nate nodded. "Come here, mommy will put you to sleep. Daddy, give me the blanket."

I handed her the blanket and watched her gently ease Nate from her lap. He placed his head on her lap and closed his eyes. Bella draped the blanket over him and stroked his hair soothingly.

"That's nice." I murmured and she smiled, resting her head on my chest. Her arms wrapped around me and she gazed up at me.

"I love you."

"I love you." I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Three… two…" I frowned as Bella counted against my ear. "And one."


I get it.

My daughters crashed themselves into my arms and Bella laughed as she shifted slightly to give them some space. I kissed their heads and stared at their beautiful faces illuminated by the projector screen. They were so perfect. Livy got more comfortable on my lap and Eli took mine and Bella's hand in each of hers.

"You have spoilt them while I was away, Mrs. Cullen."

Bella smiled at me. "Sometimes it's okay to be a bad mom." I chuckled and gave her a chaste kiss.

She is the best mother.

I motioned Bella to wait while I lifted my fast asleep Eli in my arms. She sighed softly and wrapped her arms around my neck but continued sleeping. I carried Eli to her bedroom that was two doors away and placed her on the bed. I tucked her in and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. I smiled when my eyes fell on the portrait of hers hung above the bed. It was from her fourth birthday. God, it seems like millions of years ago.

Just as I turned to get up, I felt a tug on my sweater. I switched the dim bedside lamp on and gazed at my little girl.


"Yes, princess?"

"Do you like being a doctor here?" I chuckled at her innocent question and studied her beautiful blue eyes.

"Of course, baby. I love it. Why do you ask, love?" I kissed the back of her hand softly.

"Is that why you got me home after car crash?"

I sighed and stroked her soft hair. Eli had been asking a lot of questions about this since the past couple of weeks. That's why she learnt the word 'Doctor' for today. I got it now. I knew it was difficult for her to recall anything because she was seven now and she was much younger to remember anything that had happened when she was just three.

I was trying to beat around the bush every time she asked so she doesn't get to the topic of adoption all over again. But, I guess she meant business tonight.

"No, Eli. Daddy found you way before that time and fell in love with you the second he saw your gorgeous face. You were the most beautiful little girl I had ever seen. With your big blue eyes and that pretty smile but you were crying. I wanted you to stop crying and I wanted to protect you. Daddy wanted to let you have the world."

"But, I am not your daughter, then why you got me home?"

"Because," I smiled and placed her little hand on my heart. "I had made a connection with you here. In my heart. And that's the most important connection in the entire universe."

"Moons and stars?"

"More than that."

Her bottom lip quivered and she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. I placed a kiss against her hair and rubbed her back.

"I love you, daddy."

"I love you too my baby. Thank you so much."

Eli pulled back and frowned. "For?"

"Making this all happen," Her face grew more confused and I chuckled. "You won't understand but you are a very special person." I kissed her nose.

"So, will you let me have extra cookie tomorrow?"

I laughed and nodded. "Don't I always? But, don't let mommy know." I whispered the latter part conspiratorially and she giggled, nodding her head. "Come on. Sleep now. It's late." I tucked her back under the covers and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Night, daddy."

"Good night. Sweet dreams, baby."

"And that's the last one down." Bella murmured as she tucked Nate under the covers.

We both gave him a kiss and went to our bedroom to finally wind down from the long day that is had turned out to be. I checked my watch and it was ten already. When the kids had fallen asleep, Bella and I watched a movie that didn't involve a Disney princess or flying horse. It felt nice to spend some time with Bella but the kids were sleeping by us.

As soon as Bella and I stepped inside the room the moonlight that shone from the floor to ceiling windows that faced the lake had brightened up the entire space. It was amazing. Bella tugged on my hand and I turned to her with a smile on my face.

"I'll just go freshen up and change." I nodded and she kissed my cheek tenderly.

"How about wine?"


She breathed out with exhaustion and I chuckled, making my way to the end table while her footsteps faded towards the walk-in closet. The end table was a mini-fridge which was an important need when Bella was pregnant and would want to eat snacks in the middle of the night. She used to crave chocolates more than anything else and Eli was more than happy to eat those with her.

Those were some great times. I made a quick work of pouring the chardonnay in the two wine glasses before carrying them to the bed. I placed the chilled wine glasses on the nightstand and waited for Bella.

Bella walked out of the closet, dressed up in a midnight blue gown and matching robe. She had removed all the unnecessary pins from her hair and let them flow down her shoulders. Her brown gazed at me curiously as she crawled over to sit on my lap.. She settled herself sideways and wrapped her arms around my neck, smiling shyly at me.

"Hey." I murmured and gave her a chaste kiss.

"Mm, hi. God, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, love." I nuzzled against her hair and closed my eyes. There was pin drop silence around us and it was hard to imagine days like these with a teenager and three kids around but surprisingly the night was being very generous to us.

"You look very tired." Bella said softly and stroked my cheek.

I opened my eyes stare at her beautiful face. "I'm fine. How are you feeling?"

"I'm great now. I feel safe when you are around." She pressed her face against my neck. I stroked her hair and breathed in her calming scent.

"The kids were handful while I was away?"

"Legos everywhere." She muttered making me laugh.

"Hey, it's okay now although we have to worry about Christmas a little."

She pulled back to look at me. "Why is that?"

"Eli was animatedly telling the kids about Santa Claus and gifts and our babies are finally understanding what Christmas is about so they might ask us for anything."

"It can't be that bad. Our kids have got smart brains."

I smiled and played with her engagement ring and wedding band set as I felt her hand stroking my hair soothingly. I gazed at her beautiful face and watched the very familiar blush flaming her cheeks. Even after all those years, that blush never missed to make me smile.

"You're so beautiful. I'm the luckiest man."

"Really, Mr. Cullen? I'm surprised you still want to be around me after six years."

"We spent the initial two years hating each other's guts but I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Well, you don't have much choice." She said and lifted her left hand to show me the rings. I chuckled and pressed her lips against mine.

"Even if I did have a choice, I couldn't stop loving you. Part of me believes that I always loved you."

She smiled curiously and took a sip of her wine. "Even when we hated each other?"

"Even then. You're perfect."

Blush rose in her cheeks and she shook her head. "That's not true but I love you so I'll let that one go."

"I'm honored," She giggled making me smile. "But think about it. No guns, no CIA, no adventure. Life is going to be pretty boring with me. I'm not the hot agent anymore."

"Well, it's been four years since you haven't been the hot agent but I have managed just fine."

"You like me in scrubs."

Bella smiled. "I love you in scrubs. And a normal life sounds good to me."

"I think so too."

She squealed as I flipped her over so that she was lying underneath me. I pressed my lips against hers for a long kiss. We pulled back breathlessly and her brown eyes glowed in the moonlight.

"It's moments like these that matter." Bella whispered and gave me a warm smile.

"I bet this is just the beginning then."

"I would like that," She nodded at me, pulling my lips against hers. "I love you, Edward."

"I love you too."


And we're done.

Thank you for loving and supporting this story! I love you all so much and it's kind of bittersweet that I have to go and press 'Complete' now that there is nothing else left. It was a great journey for me to write this story. I made some amazing pals along the way and the wonderful reviews you wrote never failed to make me smile.

When I started writing this story, I never thought I would actually finish it. I wondered somewhere along the road, people will get bored and I'll just stop writing it. But that never happened. I always had someone who would PM me; wondering if I was okay or when is the next chapter update coming!

And now that this story is over, you can check out my other story as well! Okay, that was a cheap shot at promotion, never mind.

Special shout out to my favorite people who reviewed every chapter of mine. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

I know I'm not from America, I know I don't have the best grammar skills or that the story plot got sidetracked sometimes. But, I have tried to improve myself in every way possible and I'm thankful for the people who stuck around to read the story even after that.

Thank you. For everything.

Paint the Walls.