~*~Life in an Idiot's Fishbowl~*~

Sequel to 'A Shark, A Goldfish and the Village Idiot'

As promised here is the sequel to 'A Shark, A Goldfish and the Village Idiot'… I will be working hard on the upcoming parts and the rough draft of this story looks promising. Here's hoping that you will like it…

Now for those lovely readers who are willing to read any of my stories, by the way 'thank you', well, you know that I am also working hard on my Sherlock and Molly story, 'And So Beats A Gentle Heart', fear not, my wonderful friends! I am still working on it and will have another part…if all goes well, out in the upcoming days…It's just a found some bugs and must fix them…Blasted things those story bugs! Just know I am working on them both… it's simply when I have one rough draft giving me some trouble sometimes I step back for a few days and work on something else but please trust that I will finish them. Honest! For I hate to see a story unfinished so please don't worry. However you may feel free to worry about the fact that I quite possibly have no idea what the (insert vulgar word here, author likes the 'f' one) I'm doing!

A small little warning: there is talk of sex and talk of a blowjob…We don't 'see' it…I heard that 'aww' out of some of you! But it is still only talked about…

Now on to some fun!

~*~PART 1~*~

The good Watson had at the time deserted me for a wife, the only selfish action which I can recall in our association.

-The Blanched Soldier by Arthur Conan Doyle


Molly Holmes carefully tied the bright yellow bow to make herself a cute pony tail. Afterwards she carefully looked at herself in the full length mirror. Wondering how in the bloody hell did this happen…Wishing that she didn't look so…Oh, God! She honestly looked like a huge yellow balloon! Seriously! She nearly expected to find herself floating away and have everyone look up and say, 'Gee…Look at that lovely hot air balloon!' At least she hoped they would at least say 'lovely'…

Molly's hands tenderly caressed her very large pregnant belly. As she studied herself, she suddenly found herself watched by her dear, beloved husband as he come up from behind her to press himself lovingly against her. His sweet hands, hands that she adored, gently rubbed her large tummy…

Her large tummy was his entire fault! Not that she really minded she had always wanted a child…She really didn't mind that she was pregnant…What she minded was that one of her favorite colors was now betraying her and made her look like a bloody balloon! A huge yellow balloon, no less!

"You are frowning, why?" Mycroft Holmes whispered intimately in her ear.

His words and touch filled her body and soul with a soothing sweet warmth. Yet, she still saw a big bright yellow balloon. Molly watched her lip tremble, oh goodness, she actually felt like weeping!

"Oh, Molly…My dear, please don't cry…Seriously, what is wrong?" He asked softly, impossibly seeming to press himself even closer against her as if that was the only way he knew to comfort her.

Molly sniffed before she whimpered, "Well…just look at me!"

"I am and I plainly see my very beautiful and pregnant wife…and really just look at how heavy with child you are…It's such a lovely picture…"

"This is a lovely picture? Mycroft, I look like a huge yellow balloon that's about to float away at any moment!" Molly cried.

"You are far too heavy to float." Her husband stated obviously. Her already thin lips became thinner as she thought about hitting him…

"This is all your fault!"

"My dear, I may have taken a needle to some condoms but I clearly remember that I didn't have to force those lovely legs of yours to open!"

"Mycroft! Seriously, can't you just say 'it takes two to tango'?"

"I am not a fan of the tango, I am however a fan of those lovely legs of yours." After saying this he actually had the audacity to chuckle. "I know, my beautiful love, I know that I purposely got you with child, however, I did not tell you to wear bright yellow…Which is a lovely color on you…nor do you look like a huge balloon. Honest, you look like—"

"Like I might explode at any second! Look at me, you bloody man, I am huge!" Molly cut in, her hands going to her face as she began to sob.

Mycroft sighed. "You are not going to explode; pregnant women really don't do that. I'm sure it just feels that way. You know, you are not really huge at all, you are simply a very petite woman who just so happens to be in her final month of pregnancy. In fact, according to my figures and observations of you getting things at the estate seriously clean and that back ache of yours that you've had for the last hour, I'd say with certainty that tonight will be the night!"

"NO!" Molly yelled as her hands left her face. "No, Mycroft I refuse to ruin John and Mary's wedding!"

"You won't ruin it, my dear, they will still get married and I'm sure they will be happy…or happy enough. It's at the reception that we will need to sneak out into the night and later we can share what happened…or even share before we carefully run out the door. We can inform them that we still wish for them to enjoy themselves…and…Well, this is a big AND… if my brother is good, I just might allow him to come with us to the hospital. Hmm? That sounds nice doesn't it?" Mycroft asked softly.

Molly snorted, "Like you could actually keep your brother away…"

"Oh, my dear, why must I always remind you that I am the British government? I can do things, and perhaps it's true that keeping Sherlock away would be hard it would not however, be impossible."

Molly softly said his name and as always she felt she had his full attention…It was as if everything she had to say was the utmost greatest of importance to him.

It made her feel special and…well, to be perfectly honest, it made her feel loved. Molly couldn't ever doubt Mycroft's love for her. She turned into his arms so she could face him.

"I am happy to be pregnant, Mycroft, so very happy…It's just right now…At this moment…I…I look like a huge yellow bal—"

"No." Mycroft cut in, "You look like my beautiful wife and Molly, and you are indeed very beautiful."

He carefully removed Molly's hands from her face to tenderly, lovingly wipe away her tears before gifting her lips a light chaste kiss.

Molly placed her hands on his hips and leaned towards him, her big belly kept her from getting as close as she'd have liked.

"All I know is that my husband is looking elegant and so damn yummy…While I look like this!"

And he did look elegant and yummy, in his expensive, always expensive, dark gray three-piece suit. Freshly polished shoes that seemed to hold absolutely no flaws whatsoever. Molly wouldn't be at all surprised if dirt was actually afraid of such shiny perfection. Mycroft was also wearing a lovely ironed white dress shirt with a bright tie that she had found that matched the dress she was wearing perfectly. Yet, wearing that lovely colorful tie he in no way looked like a huge yellow balloon! God, it wasn't fair!

"Well, personally, I think you look very yummy as well and I would be incredibly happy to show you just how lovely I find you but then we'd miss the wedding…and it could bring about the birth of our child much sooner…Neither of those things would bother me all that much but…"

Molly smiled at him. "I know it would be no hardship for you, Mycroft, yet I really want to see John and Mary get married and witness the possible train wreck or possible breathtaking experience that will be Sherlock's best man's speech…"

Molly caught the flash of horror that crossed his features before he hid it with an deadpan expression for he must clearly remember his own speech that seemed to be more dedicated to her than to him…As well as the death threat if Mycroft didn't treat her right…

"I'm sure that as long as Sherlock doesn't threaten Mary with a shovel if she ever hurts John that things will be just fine."

No matter how expressionless her husband's face there was something in his tone…Something…Absolutely no humor and with a slight dark, cold edge?

Her beloved husband knew something! Molly was certain that he did. Something that his brother probably didn't even know…Could John know?

Molly has always suspected that there was something Mary was hiding…She had once given Molly advice on how to win a game of 'hide and seek' with Mycroft…Somehow, proving to Molly that Mary herself was pretty damn good at hiding…From what or who she had no idea.

Mary was quite nice but there was still something about her. She reminded Molly of a lone wolf. A truly magnificent creature…So beautiful and nice to look at, with all that lovely cuddly soft fur but get too close and things could end up pretty damn deadly. Those teeth of hers were sharp and would take little effort to pierce flesh. Plus, there was something cold and deadly behind those deceptively sweet, kind eyes…

Still, no matter how deadly Mary might be, Molly had a feeling she'd always see her as a dear friend.

Molly sighed, "We all have secrets and Mary should be allowed hers…Though…Whatever secret she has is odd…A while back I was talking to Sherlock and Mary as they planned the wedding and it seems that Mary has no friends coming that she's known for longer than five years…I…I find that sad and wrong, somehow…And I have a suspension that whatever secret Mary is carrying involves the reason behind that. I know and understand that she's an orphan and no family will be there…But surely, Mycroft, there are people from her uni days or even six years and beyond from her past that would at least want to be at the wedding…Yet, no one…She has never even once said, 'I wish so and so could be there…' It just makes me wonder…"

Molly pulled away from Mycroft to look for the delicate and beautiful bracelet that she had been planning to wear.

However, sadness hit her as she briefly thought of her flat mate from her uni days…Molly would have loved to have had Stephanie at her wedding…Yet that had been quite impossible…

Perhaps, just perhaps, Mary shared the same terrible secret that made it impossible for Stephanie to come to her wedding or to have even been her bridesmaid…

Molly bit her lip, shaking her head trying desperately to get rid of her heartbreaking thoughts…

She found the bracelet she had been searching for and with shaking, fumbling fingers attempted to clasp it to her wrist. Suddenly, her wrist and bracelet was taken by firm yet kind fingers and within seconds it was fastened and the bracelet sparkled beautifully upon her delicate wrist…

It was the only expensive piece of jewelry that she wore outside of her lovely antique wedding ring and band that had once belonged to Mycroft's French grandmother…She treasured it as well as the pendant that Mycroft had given her…She doubted it was very expensive but the sentiment was overwhelmingly great…A pendant that held her brother's green button…She use to carry it in one of her pockets at all times, until Mycroft had gotten ahold of it…and placed it in a lovely pendant just for her…It screamed loudly what a kind and thoughtful man he could be…That he was…Mycroft simply hid it quite well…Never from her, however…

After Mycroft fastened the bracelet he took her hand and kissed it before saying softly, his intelligent eyes watching her face. "And…it bothers you…Whatever, Mary's secret is?"

Molly gave a slight nod before shaking her head viciously. "It shouldn't bother me, Mycroft! Her secrets are just that, hers! It's just that I hope if the day ever comes and whatever it is she can trust John with whatever secret she carries…Though perhaps I'm being silly and she has already trusted him with it, yes?" She finished the last sentence hopefully.

Knowing full well that they both had some secrets.

Mycroft studied her still…yet, his eyes told her that he was seeing something else within his mind…It was as if a thousand thoughts were whirling around at the speed of light, flooding his brilliant mind…He slowly blinked and the moment was gone, bringing her back into focus, before agreeing softly, "Perhaps, she has done just that."

"Anyway…" Molly said as she attempted to straighten his already perfectly straight tie. "Her secret probably isn't all that bad! Maybe to pay for uni her first job was to talk dirty into the phone…Or she's an alpha werewolf who lost her pack and is attempting to make a new one! Or even a ninja assassin…or…Oh! She's hundreds of years old because she had been cursed simply because she had touched the forbidden treasure of Atlantis!"

Mycroft sighed, "You really must stop reading those ghastly paranormal romances, my dear, and they fill your lovely head with the oddest of rubbish."

Molly suddenly felt shifty eyed for a moment before she looked away to scratch at her nose before she lied…"W-What paranormal romances?"

Mycroft gave her a pointed look. "Oh, you know…The books that you enjoy hiding around the estate…in the strangest of places and sometimes even in my luggage when I must go away for a few days. The ones you place a post-it note to on certain pages that ask me what I think of you doing certain…improper things to me when I return from my little business trip."

"Oh, right…those…I may have noticed that after sneaking them into your bag that you are never away for long…quite…weird!" Molly said the word, weird, slowly as if half expecting the X-Files theme song to start playing somewhere in the back ground. When it sadly didn't she continued, "Though I honestly didn't think my reading those books bothered you. For some of those books have given me some interesting ideas and when I experiment with them you don't seem to mind. Though you did fear that using all that honey in the bedroom would be too much."

"Messy! I never said that the honey was too much; I declared that it would be quite messy and it was! Plus, really what the hell did you expect those werebears in that novel you had been reading to play with? Nor do I really mind you reading them…it's simply—absurd most times—"

Molly cut her husband off, "Well, werebears are also into fish, though happily they never did anything sexual involving them…Otherwise I probably would have stopped reading that novel because of the whole 'eww' factor."

Mycroft cleared his throat before asking softly, "Was that the delightful novel that had t-the…um…well…"

Molly watched fascinated as her sweet Victorian like man blushed before he continued, "The blowjob involving the ice cube?"

Molly did her best not to giggle. "No, that was the novel that involved a werepolar bear and a white weretiger…"

"Well, the authors of these novels are indeed creative and as much as I hate to admit to such a thing…I could very well be wrong about you reading such…things…Maybe…just maybe they aren't total rubbish…and you should keep reading them to your heart's delight!" Mycroft stated all this thoughtfully.

"I'm planning to keep reading, my love, don't you worry. I will continue to find…interesting things for us to…try." Molly said quite honestly.

"Good. Very good." Mycroft muttered looking away.

"Anyway if Mary is indeed over a hundred years old, after so much time, she deserves happiness!" Molly continued, giving another glance of herself in the mirror. Wondering if she had time to go out and buy another dress…A quick glance at the clock informed her that she just might be mental if she honestly thought she could actually pull that off, even with her husband's help…Nope, still couldn't pull it off!

"Oh, of course she does." Mycroft stated scornfully.

Molly slapped his arm in warning. "Behave yourself!" Molly said as she shot him a pointed look.

At that moment he actually attempted to look all innocent. All that look did was make her eyes narrow on him suspiciously.

He blinked at her.

"I'll have you know, my dear, that I always behave myself!" Said the man who took a needle to some colorful condoms just to show her that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her…Some men actually say that with a beautiful engagement ring but not her idiot! Nope. Mycroft Holmes thought she needed action that spoke volumes…

Feeling her baby kick, Molly rubbed the side of her belly as she shook her head at him in disbelief of what he had said…

"I'm simply agreeing with you that your lovely friend Mary deserves happiness with my dear brother's best friend…" Mycroft explained with a could careless shrug as if it wasn't all that important to him but because it was important to her…He'd force himself to at least half-hearted pretend to care. Perhaps he even cared a little bit…For he was a man who never liked to get involved in the lives of others but since he was now married…His wife had opened his eyes to a completely different world…One he quite liked to be honest.

Molly smiled at him. Extremely proud that her husband was at least trying to care which she found to be very sweet…

And then her sweet husband had to add, "No matter what deadly secret she is hiding from her soon-to-be husband."

Molly frowned at him. Now she knew for certain that Mary did have a secret…A deadly one at that.

"As I said before, everyone deserves to keep their secrets, Mr. Know-It-All." Molly informed Mycroft softly, "I happily allow you to keep yours with no questions or suspicions."

Suddenly, there was a beautiful tenderness in his eyes as he lifted his hand to caress her face. "I know. For you have always respected my secrets and that means the world to me, Molly, it really does."

"It's easy to respect your secrets, Mycroft. For your secrets protect England…Also, I fear that they are completely boring so really what would be the point of knowing them?"

Mycroft seemed to be completely used to her finding anything involving what he did for a living to be quite boring. In her eyes what he did was spend a very dull day in the office. He was simply a boring politician that had a lot of time on his hands, which is what she lovingly told others that didn't know him.

Luckily for him, Molly saw him as a yummy sexy politician…Who could easily make her laugh, cry, roll her eyes and was the only one in his life that dared to call him an idiot. Oddly enough he seemed to find her calling him such an charming endearment, much like 'honey' or 'dear'.

He gave her a soft half smile. "Whatever you say, my dear."

Molly smiled; she absolutely loved it when he said things like that! She liked so much that she reached up to kiss him.

Of course, he kissed her back. Welcomed it actually, with intense eagerness. He held her to him. As always the kiss saturated Molly's senses. The intense warmth of the kiss, the lips, the touch…All so overwhelming with love…That warmth…That love all flooded over her as he explored her mouth earnestly, eagerly and oh, so passionately. The kiss was so…so…right, so wonderfully perfect.

Molly highly doubted that she'd ever get tired of his kisses…

Their happy, blissful moans filled the air yet their moans turned into something else when Mycroft's phone went off. She knew that he had asked Anthea to deal with all his incoming calls today, except for one person…Well…Three actually…His mummy, daddy and Sherlock…She didn't need to be on the list, for his main plan for today was to never leave her side. He was certain that today was the day she'd be having their little princess…

They slowly pulled away and her husband sighed before pulling out his phone to look at it. He made a slight face as he answered it.

"What is it, brother mine? No…No…We still have plenty of time before we need to be at the church. Yes, we will both be there, Sherlock, for you know my wife wants to witness John and Mary achieve wedded bliss…Oh, you know bloody well that I wouldn't have shown up if Molly hadn't told me I was going!"

Molly gave her husband a displeased look that he unwisely chose to ignore as he continued, "No. I wouldn't ever put my foot down when it comes to her…Because, Sherlock, I'm the smart one! And I will always be the smart one, for I know damn well that if I put my foot down that another body part of mine would receive absolutely no pleasure what so ever!...No, brother mine, I am not being vulgar! I am simply being honest! So…Are you excited about this? Hmm? John and Mary, pure wedded bliss, those two will always be linked as one. Always a couple. Always together…Oh, what a delighted pair, on their own adventure in the game of life!" Mycroft had started to sound highly sarcastic.

"…I wonder if this means that I'll be seeing more of you now. It will be like old times…Except I'm married now and have to be home in time for supper! Have you thought about how different life will be now, with your best friend married?...Oh, you know exactly what I mean…"

Molly reached over and slapped his upper arm quite hard. 'Be nice!' She mouthed at him and he frowned heavily at her annoying suggestion. Her delightful idiot probably thought he was being nice!

So, Mycroft continued, this time he attempted to sound nice, to be honest it sounded a bit fake…Actually, he sounded uncomfortable as if he was constipated.

"Well…I'm blissfully married now and I still make time for my dear, sweet if not annoying baby brother…So, who knows, maybe your own bestie will remember you still exist in the upcoming months. Also, do take comfort in the fact that John needs you. He feels alive each time you take him with you on those silly little cases of yours. You are his own little battlefield…No, Sherlock, trust me; I know exactly what I'm talking about! You both hate being bored. It's just you both deal with boredom in different ways…So, do take comfort in the fact that if John does set your friendship off to the side it won't be forever…because you are his best friend and his drug…Now, do go away, for you have things that must be done…For you are best man! Lucky you! You becoming best man, twice, before the year has ended...Hmm? Well…I plan to snog my wife some more…Yes…Sherlock…we are on are way just not right at this moment! Yes, we are still in our hotel room…Sherlock, do rest ashore that we will both be present at the wedding! Stop worrying!...Really, that side is already starting to get full…Well, of course it is! John's family and so called friends are many! However, Molly and I plan to sit on the bride's side for I know there won't be a lot of people on that side…Though we have been arguing a bit, for she would like to set up close whereas I would prefer the back. Right…Bye. Don't call again."

With that Mycroft canceled the call even though she could still hear Sherlock yelling at his brother.

And what was this about arguing over where they were going to sit…Oh…right…Mycroft just played his baby brother. Molly had a feeling that now Mycroft and her were now going to be sitting in the front row on the bride's side. Sherlock would make sure of it, just so she'd win the imaginary argument and his older brother would lose…Aww that was kinda sweet, really…

"So, my dear, was that nice enough for you?" Mycroft asked.

Molly sighed wondering why she even attempted to correct his horrid manners when it came to his brother. Mycroft was probably one of the countless reasons that Sherlock's own manners were so questionable! Finally she shrugged, "You tried so that is all that matters."

Her phone went off and she quickly looked around for it before Mycroft found her phone for her, to simply hand it to her.

It was a text from Sherlock telling her that 'If convenient, you both should be at the church NOW. Even if it is inconvenient, come anyway!'

Molly quickly showed her husband the text…

He sighed before muttering, "Seriously, my brother is the biggest twat!"

"Hmm, I guess we should go and be off then, so he's happy."

"Or…We could annoy him greatly by making out and showing up within two minutes before the wedding starts!" Mycroft told her with a delightful boyish twinkle in his eyes, "He'll know exactly why we were nearly late…"

Molly couldn't help but laugh, "Oh, Mycroft, you are a wicked, wicked man!"

"I know! And luckily for me…You still love me anyway." Mycroft breathed before moving in close once more and claiming her lips with his own…

And so, much to Sherlock's great despair and aggravation they both, for a time, purposely ignored their phones…

~*~End of Part 1~*~