I tap my foot against the tarmac, anxiously checking my timer. Today was the day. The day I would meet them. The day my whole life had been leading up to.

I stand up, checking my timer once again.

Five minutes.

I begin to walk away from the bus stop I had been sheltering in, not caring that the rain is soaking my T-shirt. I can't stay still; I have to move.

Some people met their soul mate early on, in their teens or even earlier. Some simply didn't have soul mates, not that they seemed to mind. Some people met theirs when they were really old. I'm glad that I'm meeting mine when I'm still young. 18 years. In my opinion it's the perfect age. I want as much time as possible with mine.

3 minutes, 20 seconds.

What if they don't like me? What if something goes wrong and I don't actually meet anyone? What if they aren't the right person? The thoughts drift into my mind, as they have been doing on and off for a few weeks now. But I push them away. The timers have never been wrong before.

2 minutes, ten seconds.

My hands are shaking as I look around the street. There are quite a few people, all hunched against the cold. Then I spot someone looking at her watch. She looks to be about my age. I start towards her but just as I am about to reach her another guy walks up and taps her shoulder. The looks on their faces are beautiful, scared and excited and happy all at the same time. I turn away, not wanting to intrude. I really like seeing people meeting their soul mates, because they always look so happy, and I don't see it often, but right now I have more important things on my mind. I check my timer again.

45 seconds.

I check myself in a window. I don't look too bad, considering it's raining. Turning away, I begin to walk when someone appears out of nowhere and I walk straight into them.

"Damn, I'm sorry," I apologize.

"My fault, sorry." The other person says. He's about my age, with dark hair and contrasting pale skin. In fact, now that I look at him properly I notice that he's… definitely not hard on the eyes… If you know what I mean…

Then it dawned on me. I looked at my timer.

0 seconds.

I gasp and look up to see him looking at his own timer, eyes widening as he realizes. Then he looks at me, his face lighting up in a smile.

"Hey," He says. "I'm Phil."

"Dan," I smile, "nice to meet you."

Yo! Thanks for reading! Reviews are nice! Read my chaptered fic: F.E.A.R. - A Phanfic. cheers. PM me if you feel like it.