Chapter 1: prologue


abandoned house, near the city, 9:00am

"Hurry! (cough) we have to get out off here!" Mangle called over to her brother (Foxy), who she was dragging along behind her. They had both had been running around the house for the past hour trying to find an exit. One way or another, they had to escape the flames that were slowly swallowing their home. Neither of them understood what had happened, they were just talking randomly about daily life stuff, smell smoke, turn around and see that their house had been set on fire. Maybe they would have known what to do if their parents where with them, if they had any...

2 years ago when mangle was 10 and foxy was 9 all four of the foxes (mangle, foxy and their mum and dad) were on a road trip holiday. However, their parents had a... specific reputation. In fact the whole family. They had been known to steel and do some illegal things, but only did this for survival. They weren't exactly the most fortunate family. This basically meant they were always on the run. However just a few months before the road trip their reputation was cleared and they had the opportunity to become a more wealthy family, so they took the opportunity. However some still wanted revenge for what the family had done in the past. during the road trip there were a group of men who wanted the money from the fox family that was stolen from them. in result they caused their car to crash in the petrol station by chasing them down the highway. their parents had died in the crash however the two younger foxes made it out alive, barley. Mangle remembered waking up 3 days later in hospital, her brother in the bed next to her still unconscious. The doctor had walked up to her and broke the bad news to her that her parents were dead, and mangle burst out in tears.

Ever since then she and foxy had been living in an old abandoned house they had found near the city, depending on one another. and now the only place they had found and were able to call home, was on the verge of destruction.

"Mangle, WACHT OUT!" foxy called from behind her, though it was to late. Mangle's foot slipped on a lose plank in the floor and she fell face first, her grasp on foxy's had slipped. He stumbled back as the smoke clouded his vision. when it cleared again mangle was no where to be seen.

"Mangle! Mangle!" foxy called, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was a young 11 year old kit with reddish brown coloured fur and a few bangs on his head. he had large, pointy ears and golden eyes... or eye. his right eye was covered by an eye patch as when he was born he was born with no right eye. Same went for his right hand only it was replaced by a hook. This made him look like a pirate and oddly enough is why everyone called him foxy the pirate fox. he was also pretty skinny he wore torn light brown shorts that were especially ripped at the edges.

"n-no... mangle" he murmured to himself barley more then a whisper. he had no other choice then to turn around and carry on trying to find an exit before he was over whelmed by the flames. he knew that mangle would want him to carry on, however he couldn't help feeling a tremendous amount of guilt weighing his heart down. though he quickly reminded he was carrying on for mangle, not himself. Just then he noticed an escape route, a smashed window. He limped over to it using all his strength and hauled him self up onto the ledge. Almost immediately he jumped out and somehow managed to land two feet with his bear feet on the crisp grass. he realized it would be long until the garden was on fire too. suddenly he remembered his sister he had simply abandoned in there. taking a few steps back, he faced their old home that was in flames. He couldn't help it any longer and fell to his knees bursting out into tears. he hung his head down.

"why...why to us, why to me? I only want a family, not a run away life. First my parents, and then my... m-my sister." he sobbed as he leveled his eyes once again with the burning house. It was obvious that the fire was not an accident, and foxy was sure of only one thing.

"I will find w-whoever did this to our house, and when I do, I will give him what he deserves, and I shall avenge my sister. I-I swear." foxy mumbled before limping away from the ruins and into the city, no destination in mind.

with mangle

"ow!" she cried out as her face hit the floor. However the pain seemed to immediately subside when she could no longer feel foxy's grasp. 'oh no' she thought. She got up and looked around, scanning her surrounding though her sight was clogged with smoke. she had to get out of there or she would die, though she couldn't just leave foxy.

"foxy! foxxyyy!" mangle tried helplessly. "p-p-please..." she felt tears stream down her face. why was this happening to them? couldn't they just live a normal life like everyone else? then she remembered that she was still in the house, and she had to escape... foxy would have wanted her to. With deep regret she turned around and began to run through the incasing smoke. she knew it was hopeless until she bumped into something. managing to keep her balance, she realized it was the front door (which was unlocked) 'seriously, we've been running around for the past hour and the door was always here' she thought to herself. mangle quickly turned the knob and burst into the open facing the backyard, the opposite side of the house foxy was at.

Mangle was 12 year old female fox with white fur with a bit of pink. She had ripe rosy cheeks and wore gloves and a red bowtie around her neck. unlike foxy she had two hands and two eyes. considering she was a year older then foxy she was usually the one to take care of them both. however since they were poor again foxy was the one running around being chased by the police as he does the stealing. though both of the siblings are pretty tough though mangle is the one with the real strength, and foxy had speed.

"I-I will destroy whoever ruined our lives and I shall make th-them pay for taking my brother away from m-me" she murmured still in tears. And then immediately turned to the forest and broke into a sprint.

same day. On the street, opposite side of the same city: 11:00 am

the two bunnies slowly wondered down the street not caring were they were going. they had both just found out that their only family member left, their grandmother, had died from cancer. now they had no where to live, no were to be safe. both of them had watery, bloodshot eyes from crying their eyes out for the past hour.

the first bunny was just slightly taller then the other one (though they were twins) and was a medium shade of purple. he had big pinkish red eyes and big, long fluffy ears. he was pretty skinny and wasn't always the confident one, infact was more of the cute shy one unless talking to his sister. His name was Bonnie. Walking next to him, gripping him into a tight hug was his sister, toy bonnie, though people called her Bon Bon. She was a pretty sky blue colour and had emerald green eyes. Her floppy ears dropped down in devastation. she wore a red bow tie and the slightest bit of purple eye shadow. she also had very blushed red cheeks (she was not physically blushing)Both of them were aged 11.

"n-no... grandmother, she's g-gone," bon bon recapped to her brother "bonnie, w-what are we gonna do without her?..."

"I-I don't know sis," her replied, trying to hide the hopelessness in his voice "though we will figure something out, I promise."

bonbon pondered it for a moment trying to imagine how things turn out fine for them, until she embraced her brother into a tight hug and crying into his shoulder. "im so sorry, im acting so hopeless. I wish I wasn't such a nuisance, letting you take care of me as I break down. even worse while you stand brave and I sit wimping. Please forgive-"

"h-hey, bon bon. there's no need for any of that, I will protect you with my life and I understand that your upset, so am I..." bonnie broke in before she could say anymore "times now are gonna be hard for us, and we are way to young to be living alone, however I know if we always have each others back we can make our way through this."

"th-thank you, for r-reassuring me. I never want leave your side..."

Well unfortunately bon bon, I want doesn't always get

in the park, not far from last location, 4:00 pm

The two bunnies sat on one of the park benches in silence. They had used some of the money there grandmother gave them to grab a small bite to eat at one of the local cafes. it wasn't much though it was enough to fill them up. they had been sitting on the same bench in silence for the past half an hour, with a loss for words. Eventually bonnie decided to speak up.

"so what do you think we should do now?" bonnie asked her avoiding eye contact whiles she turned to look at him.

"I think that we may have to wonder around for a bit, get a job so we can earn some money and try to live off it. its either that or...orphanage" the two bunnies shuddered. orphanage's in general weren't that bad however the orphanage in that town was more of a prison for kids. They had both heard of the horrible things that had happened at that place.

"I think getting a job will do fine," bonnie said "besides what could go wrong when we stick together an-"

"HEY, YOU!" a group of Goth men marched over to the young innocent bunny's who were shivering in fear. they knew exactly who they were, this was the towns bully group, only a lot more serious like murderess. When the men reached them the leader of the group spoke to them in a deep masculine and evil voice " you 'wo look lost hey, let us 'elp ya."

suddenly two of the men charged behind the two bunnies and kicked them two the ground, placing their huge foot down on the bunnies backs to hold them down. bonnie and bon bon where as shocked as hell and trembling with fear.

"here's the deal," the same man said in a harsh tone "give us your money or you never see day light again."

"we- we don't have any m-money." bonnie managed to snuff out.

"ha-ha... every one has money you mother-fu-"

"hey don't talk to my brother that way!" bon bon immediately cut in though she changed to a whisper when the three men gave her a death glare "and I-its true, w-we don't h-have any m-money.' she was now on the verge of tears.

"oh is little bunny girl gonna cry," the man mocked faking a sad expression which soon turned into an evil grin as he thought up an ingenious idea "hey, how about we let the boy go and take the girl, god knows what we could do with her!" about then Bonnies and bon bons expressions turned into a look of horror as they realized what he meant.

"n-no! don't you dare do that to my sister! if you do I swear I will-" THUD! Bonnies words were interrupted when one of the other men stopped their foot extremely hard at the back of his head, knocking bonnie unconscious.

"no! bonnie!" bon bon cried as her vision went foggy with tears.

"and now the real fun begins. what do think fellas, toss the other one into the street, take this one and try to sell her on the black market?"

"!" she screeched

same city beauty salon 2:00am

"Chica! Chica!" a yellow cheerleader chicken called for her sister. She wore a short cheerleading pink skirt and short tank top with the words lets party! on them. she was born with no beak which meant she always wore and artificial one. She had blue eyes and her name was toy chica though everyone just called her chi and she was 13 years old. She was standing over someone who was in the chair in front with their in a water filled sink. chi worked at the beauty salon and right now she was in the middle of washing her clients hair. Her sister, chica, had come to work at her salon for the day just to get a feel what it was like. Just then another yellow chicken burst into the room with a bottle of shampoo in her hands. that was chica, chi sister. she was an 11 year old chicken who wore a short white tank top with the words lets eat! on them. she also whore dark blue long shorts that reach her knees. She had beautiful amethyst eyes.

"so sorry sis, just had finish that ladies finger nails." she said apologetically as she handed chi the shampoo.

"no problem sis, this is your first day after all, and by the time your my age you'll be a professional!" chi said proudly

"yeah thanks!" chica replied "so by the sounds of it I can gat a full time job here?" she asked excitedly.

"well see how you do." chi replied, a big smile brewing one face.

Ring, Ring... the break bell rang meaning it was lunch break

same location, 3:00am still in lunch break

chica was finishing up her pizza in the staff cafeteria with her sister chi and a few other staff. They were about to go back to the salon when they screaming coming from the retrooms.

"whoa, I wonder what that was."chica said with a worried expression. she looked across at chi who was stood up headed towards the restroom to investigate. Chica stayed put for a few minutes until she decided that chi had been gone to long, she stood up and let curiosity get the best of her however before she could walk over to see what was going on an explosion went of coming right from the bathroom, a grenade. the force pushed chica and all the other employees backwards into the wall. then they all got up wafting smoke from their sight.

"oh no, CHI!" chica charged over to the restroom to find her sister laying on the floor in tatters, half dead.

"no... NOO! chi... w-who did this?" she stare down and her sister closed eyes.

hospital, 3:30am

chica was sitting out side of the hospital room, covered in a few plasters. she brawling here eyes out. she couldn't believe that this had happened. So many question where swirling inside of her head. who set off the explosion, why not chica instead of her sister? will chi die...? almost as if on cue the doctor walked out of the room and sat down beside her and faced her with his big blue eyes, which were full of sadness. chica looked up from her face palm with bloodshot eyes. the doctor then mouthed the words 'im sorry' and turned his head away. with that chica screamed all the way whiles running out the infirmary and she never intended on looking back. Worst of all she had no family to go back to, no parents, nothing they had been orphans as soon as chica was born, no one knew what had happened. eventually chi thought she was old enough to look after them both. What now though...

same city, butches store 5:00 am

two bears came out of the butchers store, dragging heavy bags from behind them filled with meat. one of them was 12 year old bear with dark brown fur and deep blue eyes. he strangely wore a black top hat and bow tie though he was far from fancy(not in a bad way). His name was Freddy. Walking next to him was his 14 year old brother, Toy Freddy. He had red cheeks and was a lighter shade of brown and lighter blue eyes. he sported a red bow tie and a black top hat like his little brother. they had just been shopping for their next weeks supply. the reason why they were doing this them selves was because their parent had abandoned them when toy Freddy was 6 and Freddy was 4. neither of them really knew why but since then they seemingly managed to survive with a little help from strangers when they pass them on the street. the two had been living down a small ally which wasn't very clean and had a mysteriously bad odor though the two bears had managed to live with it.

"hey bro, keep up would ya, were almost there." toy Freddy told his brother smiling back at him almost mockingly

"yeah, yeah I know..." Freddy glumly replied, though his expression changed immediately when he thought about eating the delicious meat. Toy Freddy simply chuckled. After a few more minutes of walking Freddy said he needed to use the restroom as they passed the café.

"alright then I will wait here then and be quick, im starving." toy Freddy said

"don't worry I will." Freddy waved him of whiles entering he café.

toy Freddy stood there thinking for a few moments. He wondered if they would ever have a real life, if they would ever live in decent conditions. before he could pull any more thoughts out of his head something tapped his shoulder. Toy Freddy's turned around to see an old yet lively man holding a dagger up to someone's neck, a kid. he was struggling to get free but the old man wouldn't have it. the mother of the child was behind the man screaming at him to let her son go. toy Freddy couldn't just stand there.

"hey, let the kid go, what do you want?" he chided him

"only something simple, I want you to run away, you alone, and get out of the city." the old man croaked

"what, why?!" Toy Freddy tolerated.

"you should know why... you and your brother are a nuisance, you hang around in your odor ally, and live there. who the hell do ya think you are. that was me hang out place, the place I run when I commit a crime. one day I try to escape the narrow ally and you two are there blocking the way for me to get through. and just because of that little mishap i was arrested and lived in the underground city jail for the past 8 years. I shall finally have my revenge. now if you want this kid and his mother to live..."

He grabbed the lady(who was trying to slap him) by the neck and began to choke her,

"...then I suggest you get going, and alone. don't let your brother follow, or else..."

he tightened his grip on the child and his mother.

"fine! fine... I'll do it, though if you lay finger on my brother then I will-"

"knock him out."

"what?" asked a confused Toy Freddy

"you said for me not to touch him so you'll have to be the one to knock him out." the man repeated only more descriptive.

"no! why would I ever..." toy Freddy's voice trailed off as he realized the man had almost completely choked the women and her child.

"fine! fine! j-ust l-let them g-go!" toy Freddy screeched as he burst out in tears, though quickly wiped them away thinking about what Freddy would think.

" I will be watching you, if this isn't done by sun down, then I will have to hurt your brother, however if you knock him out and run away immediately , I will not touch him. oh and I don't care where you go, I just want you out of my life." he muttered to the bear before roughly releasing the boy and the women and walking away with out a care in the world.

same city, ally way, after dinner 8:00am just at sunset

Toy Freddy and Freddy had washed up in the lake and returned to their inviting home of dirty mice and putrid odor. it was a wonder how they had enough money to by plenty of food though could afford a pillow to sleep on. They both sat next to each other, their backs turned against the wall in silence. That was until toy Freddy remembered that what he needed to do had to be done before sunset. he then turned to Freddy with apologetic eyes and said

"Freddy, bro, im so sorry..."

"uh, for what-" Freddy was cut off by an extremely hard blow to the side of his head, immediately knocking him out. Toy Freddy then realized how hard the blow was and remembered that a hard blow to the side of the head can kill. he quickly rushed over and crouched down to check if his poor brother was still alive. He sighed in relief as he could still feel him breathing and turned around only to find the same man from earlier standing above him. Freddy slowly stood up the make eye contact with him.

's-so, its done. Are ya happy n-now?" Freddy muttered

"no," the man pointed back towards the entrance "go, take the bear with you, plop him on the side walk where he is out of my way and then you know what to do" the man strangle winked after saying that. freddy did what he was told. once he had placed Freddy down some where safe he got ready to run away.

"im so sorry Freddy, I know you will never forgive. Though just know that that im doing this for your own good, love you bro..." and with that Toy Freddy ran down the street and no matter how much he wanted to turn back he knew it would be a mistake.