Day of impact.

The meteors rained down around them. Clouds of heavy dust and ash kicked up into the air causing Sam to cough and choke. She saw Teal'c and Daniel leap into the gate, the latter yelling at her to hurry. She stumbled down the path grabbing her radio and clicking it on.

"SIR! Where are you?" The radio sputtered with static, she flinched as more meteors struck the ground surrounding her. Her heart jumped waiting for a response. He had promised to get back and it was unlike him not to have checked in. Worry swept through her.

"Gar- cave- go- earth- Cart-" Only fragments of his order came through. Sam lost her footing as a shockwave rippled underneath her feet, sending her crashing to the ground. She looked up just in time to see one headed straight for the gate and the open wormhole. Dust caught in her nose and throat; burning and tearing her airways. A heavy stone sank to the pits of her stomach and she knew getting to the gate was not an option.

"Not going make it Sir. I am going to aim for the tree line and hope for the best." She bolted as best she could, jumping and rolling. Another shockwave knocked her off balance and hit the ground hard, blacking out.

One day since impact.

'CARTER! CARTER!' Sam came too slowly, barely able to breathe. Curled up on the ground hacking up debris, she slowly moved. A hand gently shook her shoulder as she struggled to breathe. Sam slowly rolled over and sat up gingerly. The Colonel was squinting out at the clearing where the stargate stood.

Or used to stand. Following his line of sight she turned slowly; the stone becoming an avalanche in the pit of her stomach. The entire area was levelled. All that was left was a crater. The slightest trace of the gate; gone. He helped her up slowly, watching her for any injuries. She stumbled forward and hissed as the long cut finally made itself known. 'Easy there, surprised you don't have more injuries. How the hell did you avoid being hit Carter?' He sat her down on a fallen tree. Her chest felt tight. Panic sweltered in her head, pounding inside her skull. His words seemed to become from a distance. As though she was stuck down at the bottom of a well. The sounds being slowly forced into her mind.

Her gaze remained on the crater, but barely in focus. She barely registered the Colonel cleaning out the long jagged cut and bandaging it up. Didn't so much as blink as one hand went to her neck and the other to her forehead.

"Carter, breath, you might be going into shock." Even blinking was a slow process for her. The Colonel sat next to her, on hand on top of hers. Time slipped past her but eventually she blinked. He was sitting next to her peacefully. "Sir." She reached up and slapped her cheek lightly.

"I'm sor-"

"You don't have to. Carter I am amazed you managed to get through that relatively unscathed. It's understandable you'd be out of sorts. Now come on, let's see if we can find the gate." He wrapped her arm around his waist helping her down to the crater. She let go, gingerly stepping forward only finding a bit of twinge. The Colonel kicked at the dust as she reached for the dropped pack. Laria and a few others stood at the edge even as Sam started to dig at the ground. The Colonel followed suit.

Fifteen days since meteor strike.

Two weeks later, tired and dirty from a hard days labour Sam sat at the edge of her dig site. The Colonel had headed off for a walk with Laira. He managed to fit in with these people. Worked hard, made them laugh. Sam, however Sam stuck out like a sore thumb. Her leg ached every so often, itched like hell. Garen spoke to her happily, eager to learn about Earth. There were some things that the Colonel had clearly told him about. So she referred him out with a smile. Now, however she scowled in the dwindling light. Grass was beginning to grow anew around them. Crops flourishing. Surrounded by people; she felt totally isolated.

She growled in annoyance. The Colonel didn't want to talk about it; he helped her dig but refused to speak much of it. And now he was gone off on a wander. Sam knew it wasn't his fault not really. She was trying to battle the feeling; that dread that had been squeezing her around the midriff since she saw the meteor. She continued to dig, hammering the shovel into the ground in annoyance. She froze as she collided with something solid. Very solid. She dug furiously, scrambling on her hands and knees to get the last of the dirt out of the way.

"Oh no…" She breathed out, a hard lump quickly forming in her throat. Heavy footsteps with a long stride caught her attention. Speeding up as they got louder. Dust kicked up into the air as the Colonel skidded to a halt next to her prone figure. "Carter?" She could feel herself shaking, turn towards him. He bent down and stared at the hole.

"What is that?" Sam sat back on the back on her heels; collapsing back. He turned to look at her worried. Her heart seemed to have completely stopped in her chest. Her chest heaved as the bubbling sensation of bile rose inside her.

"Carter? What is it?" He rapped at it with. They both knew what it was; the dismay was hidden in his dark eyes. Jaw tensing and pulse jumping in his neck. The moment stretched on. Sam rubbed at her face trying to stop the tears from falling. She squeezed her eyes shut and swallowed.

'That's the gate.' Sam didn't look at him, closing her eyes so tight lights danced behind her lids.

'Did it develop an iris in the ground? I didn't know meteors could cause iris growth.' Her face softened somewhat, eyes opening. His head dropped back, rolling his shoulders. His sigh echoed in her head. 'When the meteor hit the gate, it must have superheated the naquadah. Which flowed over the open wormhole and then cooled and hardened.' He stared at her. Initially he looked to her for a solution but he quickly realised one wasn't coming. His face became unreadable, something she had seen only recently in his 'retirement'.

'No way home.'

'Pretty much.'


'I don't know…' She stood up slowly and walked away, still trying to fight the tears threatening. As she reached the top of the crater she glanced back to see the Colonel standing at the hole they had been working on. Flinging the shovel away in anger and frustration. Even from her distance she could see the pain in his face. She turned and headed over towards the river, fighting down the urge to sob.

Day 1 of 100.

One hundred days.

That's what Garen had said his mother had done after his father had passed. One hundred days to grieve and let go of what she had lost.

How was she supposed to do that?

Her life, her work, her friends, her family?

Sam sat at the waters edge, wearing the rough linen of the Edorans. Bored out of her skull. Everyday was the same routine, working the fields, rebuilding and preparing the meals. Important work; but she was steadily losing her mind. She had even come up with a means of getting them home. Unfortunately she would have to be home to do it. She had started making notes, detailed calculations as to how to create a particle beam generator. Pointless but she needed the distraction.

Over a month since they had been stranded here. The Colonel had settled a lot more, but did keep to himself. He was following the Laira's advice given from the woman herself. Which irked Sam to no end. Was it a problem? Could be, but on this planet; stranded? Did it really matter? Dangerous thinking, but she had bigger concerns.

"Carter!" She flinched as water completely drenched her front; she took off her overcoat mock glaring at the man who was wincing from his boat.

"Good morning to you too." She shook her hair. Wiped the drips of water off her face and hung up her top on a nearby branch. He docked next to her and jumped out. As he pushed his sunglasses up on top of his head he quirked an eyebrow at her. "I did try to warn you, you were off… thinking." He shrugged; picking up her discarded shirt and hanging it up a bit higher. He nudged her notebook out of the way and sat down next to him. Fiddling with a make shift fishing rod.

"I'm just…"



"Little bit. It's okay I'm rather bored too."

"Yeah, but you fit in here far better than I do." She leaned forward to take off her boots and socks and placed her feet in the water. Reaching down and rolling up her trousers she kicked out slowly.

"I work hard, as hard as you. That's not fitting in." The Colonel cast out and sat back. Sam looked at him, tucking back her curling hair behind one ear. He looked almost peaceful sitting there, the line drifting in the water.

"They like you." She told him; biting her lip and looking up at the blue sky. The Colonel coughed forcing her to look over at him. He, being sceptical, at best.

"Carter how could they not like you?"

"They don't understand me?"

"I don't understand you half of the time." He shrugged, looking completely confused.

"But the other half you do."


The sat there quietly for about 20 minutes. She kicked in the water experimentally, surprised when the Colonel didn't kick up a fuss. "So you like fishing?"

"It's one of my favourite things in the world."

"Besides dogs, Guinness and The Simpsons?"

"Dogs are my favourite people." He corrected lightly nudging her shoulder, getting a laugh. His head tilted to look her in the face. She looked back in confusion. "It's been a while since I've seen that." Sam pulled on her own sunglasses, lying back on the ground. The cool water was a relief with the now sweltering heat. The Colonel scratched his face awkwardly.

"But yeah, fishing. Minnesota, it's my favourite place in all the galaxy. A beautiful little cabin, fish that grow thiiiiiiiiiis big and no one bothering me." He gestured wildly. Sam looked up at him smiling slightly. Large white fluffy clouds floated past lazily. If she tried very hard, Sam could almost fool herself into thinking she was back on earth. "Trees?" She joked, watching as he cast off once again. He laughed toeing off a boot and testing the water with his foot.

"Lots of 'em."

"Sounds nice."

"Land of sky blue waters... loofahs... Ya sure, you betcha, snookums…" She sat up and looked at him over the top of frames.

"Snookums?" She couldn't help it, a giggle burst out of her. The pair sat by the water, laughing merrily much to the confusion of the passing natives.

"Hey no giggling Major."

"Who exactly are you going to report me to Sir?" He nodded thoughtfully gathering up his fishing rod and getting up. He stretched and took off his other boot placing both over by the tree. Sam sat up and stared out at the winding river. He sat down next to her again, putting both feet in the water and kicking out.

Day 42 of 100.

Time had begun to drag on. Sam had realised that she had zero skills in cooking (the Colonel hadn't bothered hiding his lack of surprise or amusement) sewing simply resulted in a long list of expletives and bandaged hands. And that Laira really didn't like her all that much. She had turned her attention to helping create basic machinery to help in the farming. Drawing up plans and working with people to build them had really helped stem her boredom.

Well, it had kept her mind busy and wore her out so she slept like the dead at night. Her radio remained attached to her belt at all times. She couldn't help it. It was a comfort; having the little things from home with her. She and the Colonel now had daily fishing trips at the river. Well he fished and she made some notes or just stared out at the water. Thinking. Laira had hijacked them every so often. Sam knew she had no right to be annoyed by that, but she was. In fact he was quickly becoming "Jack" in her head.

"Hey!" Sam was buried in a new harvester well her torso was at least. "Hey." She answered rather muffled as she was ensconced in a maze of wood. Sam could see Jack smile slightly, bounce back on his feet and stuff his hands in his pockets. "Is there a reason I talking to Carters' butt?" She rolled her eyes, kicking a leg into the air; in an attempt to wiggle out. "Cause Carters' front is in a bit of tight spot." She answered jokingly. Paynan muttered something and Jack chuckled. Sam cursed kicking both legs into the air as her top got snagged on a bit of timber. Paynan burst out laughing. Sam would have given him the finger if she wasn't so caught up.

"I wouldn't do that. She's notorious for revenge. I once made a joke about a previous mission and came back to find my office completely cover in post-it notes." There was a pause, Sam rolling her eyes and hips trying to reach the snag. 'Little sticky pieces of paper. Floors ceiling, chair EVERYTHING. Our boss thought I had done it!'

"But you had not?"

"Nope. All her. But without a shred of evidence. Oh fer cryin' out loud. Here." He reached over and freed her. Muttering under his breath about her wiggling. Paynan looked at her curiously and she simply blinked with large eyes and a small smile. Jack pointed at her face melodramatically. "See! They always fall for that." Paynan gave them a small smile and quietly left the shed. Jack mocked glared at her as Sam brushed herself down. Trying to appear half way presentable. He reached up and tucked an errant bit of hair. The long fingers grazing her face slowly. Sam was taken aback by the force of the thrill that bolted through.

A soft "oh" caught both of them by surprise. Jack stepped back from her and looked round. Sam ducked her head trying to hide the blush. Laira looked upset, turning and leaving suddenly. He coughed looking between the door and her. "Ahhhh..." He attempted but words seemed yo escape him before he had grasped at one. 'Walk?' She tried and he nodded overly so, leaping on the distraction.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood to attention the second they stepped outside. Sam was convinced they had only shared a rather bewildering minute in silence. However it would seem that it was quite a bit longer. Or gossip travelled at faster than light travel in Edora. She kept her eyes adverted, hoping no one else noticed that they were in lock step with one another. Well maybe it was more the lack of space between them she hoped that went unnoticed. She could see Laira and Garen watching them.



"Nice weather." Sam looked at him briefly letting out a puff of air. He hummed next to her and nodded slowly.

"It's scientifically proven. Weather chat is boring no matter where you are in the universe." He winced dramatically at her trying to get a smile. She shook her head. Kicking an idle stone as they wandered aimlessly.

"Write that down." She told him sagely, a little too sagely. He stopped and looked at her perplexed.


"It's not science unless you write it down."

"That's an odd philosophy."

"I thought it more amusing." She deadpanned, arching one eyebrow, trying to hold back a smirk.

"Nice Teal'c impression."

"It's my Daniel one that kills."

"Good one." His eyes narrowed and only let the slightest of smiles show. The pair stood for a moment thinking about their friends back home. Sam's eyes slid shut at the images flashing in her head. Controlling her breathing. Making sure the tears didn't fall. She could manage this, she had to.

Day 66 of 100.

Midday, the hottest day so far. The sun beamed down on everything and Sam had decided to go for a quick swim. Her skin was warming warningly. The perils of being so fair. They had all gotten up early and most of the harvesting had been completed. So they had the afternoon to themselves. She wandered out to the stream leisurely, now only wearing the wide brimmed hat from home. She had grown used to the rather rough linens. Perhaps it was healthier that she was embracing the life she seemed stuck with. Well maybe hesitantly stuck an arm around. A nearly full notebook and an empty one were in the satchel slung around her shoulder.

There was an impressive stack building up in her room. Jack every other day would appear and inspect the rate of expansion. Joking about building her very own library. Over two months, ten notebooks. Some of the other women had decided to try to teach her how to sew and bake and all the other things that she was expected to be competent at. She reached the makeshift dock, dropping her bag and stretching. She stared down at her hands which were (not surprisingly) covered in little scratches from the needles and knives. Give Sam a toolbox or a welder and she was a master, give her basic home ware tools and she was a terror unto no one but herself. She took off her hat and the trousers and looser top she had opted for that morning. Quickly diving into the water. Relishing in the refreshing water. She swam around for a bit then was suddenly dunked.

"Ah! Jack! You son-of-a-" Sam kicked outs spinning around to the chuckling Jack. She shook her head, sending water droplets spattering around. He swam backwards, away from her. She spat out a bit of water irritably. He had disappeared beneath the water again so she decided to sit up on the river bank until he ran out of air. Sure enough bubbles started appearing in the water and Jack broke the surface, very much annoyed. She smiled cutely, twitching an eyebrow and kicking out. He attempted to keep a straight face but the amusement could not be hidden for long. She slipped back into the water and started doing laps. She usually would have opted for a run, but it was too dry and dusty for it, and she missed her trainers. Eventually Sam felt the threat of a burn and so got up to dry herself off.

"God I miss my towels." She muttered mostly to herself as she quickly dried herself and tugged on her clothes. Jack was furiously drying his hair, leaving it on end as though he had been electrocuted. He paused and stared at her. "Your towels?" He blinked, looking away from her. Put on his wraparound sunglasses and repeated "your towels!?" Sam nodded confused as to the baffled reaction. "Yeah, big massive fluffy ones. These ones are just scratchy and a shade off painful." He nodded slowly, becoming decidedly glum. "Do you think they're still trying to get us home?" Sam turned and sat down under the shade of the tree. Melancholy swept over her. Jack settled down next to her rubbing at one of his knees. "Good luck trying to stop Daniel." She smiled sadly thinking about home. "Even Space Monkey needs to sleep sometimes." They sat in the shade leaning against one another. A cooling wind had kicked up and she could hear the rain like noises that sent her back to her childhood. Her head dropped to his shoulders fighting back the sniffle. Jack sighed softly, laying his head on top of hers.

After a while Sam found herself blinking awake, curled into Jack snugly. He was snoring quietly. Arms banded around her. She let her eyes close once again. Sam didn't fall asleep again just dozed in a peaceful haze. If she snuggled in closer to Jack it was simply as she felt a bit chilly. Eventually her stomach started rumbling. Jack started chuckling. "How about dinner?" Sam nodded and got off Jack. He ripped the Velcro off his watched and looked surprised at the time. "Napped for 3 hours… oh boy." She shrugged pulling on her hat though the sunlight was beginning to fade it was still warm. The touch of sadness still lingered for the pair as they trekked back to the village. She frowned and bit her lip. Jack looked down at her. His shoulder bumped against hers ever so slightly. "What?" She stopped dead and chose to look down at her shoes. There was a moment where Sam stared dead down at her shoes. Screwing her eyes tight and rushing to get the words out before she chickened out. "Iwanttoraisethegate." He froze. The sentence unfurled and worked its way through his mind. After five minutes of silence she looked up to see his staring at her. His eyes were massive and there was a nerve ticking in his neck. She had to fight the wince trying to make itself known. He turned and walked away from her. Sam looked back at the river and shook her head. "Shit."