Hello! I hope you like the last chapter!


Chapter 3 - Bullet

Ezra felt Kanan grab onto him, but it only lasted a second before it was gone.

Ezra hit the ground, his body helplessly flung around as his limbs were going in all different directions. He could no longer tell right from left, nor up from down.

He struggled and stumbled for what felt like light-years before he came sliding to a stop.

His eyes were still closed, but he assessed his injuries. His wrist and hands were on fire, along with his back and shoulders. He ached all over, but as far as he could tell, there were no broken bones. Ezra opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was the transport vehicle slamming into the wall of a building. He closed his eyes as the explosion echoed through the empty streets. He could feel the heat of the fire and the smell of the smoke. After a few moments, he opened his eyes again.

He was lying on his side, his eyesight parallel to the Lothal road where the, which was completely bare, minus the burning vehicle. He moaned as he rolled onto his back, and using his elbows, propped himself up.

And he was face to face with the barrel of a blaster. Ezra looked up and saw that the trooper had recovered quicker than he had. He had to be the most persistent and determined trooper in the galaxy; it was insane on how much motivation he had.

Ezra gulped, but the trooper did not fire. Instead, with his free hand, he removed his helmet. Kallus's smirk store right down at Ezra.

That made a lot more sense.

"Foolish child. Did you think I didn't recognize you?"

"Yeah, sort of. You're kind of stupid." Kallus's smirk turned into an aggravated frown. Ezra knew he was risking it, but he knew Kanan was around somewhere. He just needed to stall. As if hearing his thoughts, Kallus spoke up, his grin returning.

"I hope you know that you're friend is not going anywhere, boy." He looked over to the side, and Ezra followed his gaze. Kanan lied on the ground, unmoving. There was a small pool of blood forming underneath him.

"Kanan!" Ezra shouted. He tried to stand, ignoring the pain. He had to get over to him; he had to see if he was alright. But Kallus's gun pressed against his neck, the cold metal sending a chill through his body.

"You're not going anywhere," Kallus threatened, and Ezra sat back on the ground, the cold spot from the gun still stinging. Kallus grinned, and Ezra tried to remain neutral faced. Inside, he was freaking out. Kallus had the upper hand, and there was no way for him to get out. Kanan could be hurt, or worse, and Ezra had no idea of knowing.

Kallus was about to speak before Ezra's com crackled to life.

"Spector 6, come in." Ezra looked up at Kallus, hoping he had not heard it, even though it was blatantly obvious. Ezra had to turn it up when he was on the Ghost; he could never hear it over Zeb's snoring.

"Hand it over," Kallus said, and Ezra obliged. The barrel of his gun was still pointed at his forehead.

"I regret to inform you rebel scum that the boy will not be able to join you again. He is now property of the Empire." Kallus evilly grinned, glancing at Ezra.

"Is that so?" Ezra was taken back by Hera's voice, and her sass. Somehow, Hera must have known that he was in trouble. But Ezra could not figure out how. He looked back up at Kallus, who was also thrown off by Hera's reply.

"Yes, that is so. He will be taken into custody and tortured until he breaks. It's such an awful process to see."

"Then it's a good thing you won't have to see it." Kallus, again, was appalled by these statements. His weapon lowered. Normally, Kallus's threats would have sent everyone running away, full of worry. But this was Hera, and Ezra knew that she had to have a plan.

Kallus looked up from the com, his eyes widening. He quickly turned around to face Ezra, his weapon raised, and loaded. Ezra winced, closing his eyes.

But he did not feel anything.

Daring to sneak a peek, Kallus was no longer standing in front of him.

Kanan was.

"Kanan!" Ezra shouted, standing up and rushing to his mentor.

"Hey, kid." Ezra's eyes darted to Kanan's shoulder, which he concluded was the source of the blood.

"What happened?" he asked, looking back at Kanan.

"What, this?" he said, gesturing to his wound. "Nothing much. Just took a bullet for you." Ezra went pale as his thoughts swept him up. Kanan had taken a bullet for him. No one had ever done anything like that for him, and it felt strange. He was worried that Kanan would be angry, or upset. Yet he was making a joke about it?

"Ezra, it wasn't your fault." Ezra shook his thoughts away, looking at Kanan. "Nothing Hera can't patch up."

"Speaking of Hera, how did she know?" Ezra picked up his com, from where Kallus had dropped it. He was still lying on the other side of the street after Kanan's force push.

"While Kallus was chatting, I called Hera and hatched a plan." The sound of the Ghost filled the street. Ezra and Kanan looked up at the ship that hovered before them. The ramp descended, and master and apprentice jumped on board.

Kanan walked into the med bay. It was kept colder than the rest of the ship for some medical reason that he did not grasp, and he shivered slightly as he walked in. Ezra was sitting on the counter, his legs hanging off the side and not yet touching the ground. His head was wrapped from the blows to his head, as was his wrist. Thankfully it was not broken.

"Hey," Kanan said, taking the chair closest to him.

"Hey," Ezra said, looking down at the floor. Kanan sighed.

"I'm sorry." Ezra looked up at him in confusion.


"I said I'm sorry. I should have never dragged you into this."

"You think you dragged me into this?" Ezra asked. Kanan saw the teen's eye roll. "As if. I've been in this long before I met you guys."

"Yeah, but back then you were just a kid. The Empire knew nothing about you," Kanan argued.

"And neither did I!" Ezra shouted, shocking Kanan. Ezra's shoulders slumped. He looked down at the ground, avoiding Kanan's gaze. "Look, I didn't know anything back then. Being on this team means…well…a lot. And I don't regret joining, even if I get a few more cuts; so neither should you."

Kanan nodded, and when his padawan looked up, he smiled at him.

"I know, but you're still a kid. And I worry sometimes."

"I'm practically an adult," Ezra said.

"You're fifteen."

"My point stands."

"You're not old enough yet, kid." Ezra jumped off from the counter, and Kanan stood. He followed his padawan out of the med bay.

"Am I old enough to drive the ship?" Ezra asked. Kanan smiled.

"Not in my lifetime."


R & R

~ Kavella ~