If I Was Human

An Inuyasha Mpreg Fanfic

Modern Day Setting

Summary: Everything was perfect. But then he hit puberty. Inuyasha is forced into marriage after puberty, and his number one goal is to escape his fiance. His brother, Sesshomaru.

Chapter 1


Inuyasha was used to being stuck with silence. Silence had become his life.

He sat in the car with his father, his eyes looking outside to the many things that passed. They were heading home, his father having for once picked him up from school. Inuyasha had been happy to see him, but now he doubted his happiness.

"Inuyasha, I say this out of love."

Inuyasha looked to his father with a frown, his words sticking to his tongue. Telling him he couldn't see his friends anymore, that he was to be privately home schooled was not love.

"I'm months away from graduating," Inuyasha stated, his father looking to him for the first time since he picked him up.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, wanting to just walk the rest of the way home. They were only a couple of blocks away.

"In time Inuyasha, you will understand."

Inuyasha almost growled but held it back, clenching his hand into a fist.

If his mother was still alive, she wouldn't have agreed to this.

"And if I don't understand?" Inuyasha asked, his tone clipped despite his best efforts to not appear aggravated.

"The decision has already been made."

"It's my life!" Inuyasha barked, his temper getting the best of him. His father narrowed his eyes, Inuyasha panting through his nose as he waited for what he would do.

"Is there more you wish to say?"

Inuyasha knew he was being tested, but he couldn't help but say what he believed was right.

"You don't live my life, you don't understand anything! Being home schooled may be your brilliant plan to control me but I'm not like Sesshomaru! I'm not scared of you or your power!"

Inuyasha scowled after he released everything on his mind, his father silent for a long moment.

He nodded, Inuyasha going to open the door when their limo stopped in front of their home.

"Sesshomaru is not afraid of me. He is a loyal son. You happened to not be. Your mother gave you too much freedom."

Inuyasha looked to him sharply, narrowing his eyes.

"She let me live. You're asking me to die."

Inuyasha pushed open the door, getting out of the car. He slammed the door close, storming into their home.

"Welcome home young master Inuyasha," all off the maids lined up in waiting chimed together, Inuyasha growling in anger when he heard his father walk behind him.

"It starts tomorrow Inuyasha. You are not to leave this house."

Inuyasha jumped up into the air, landing on the balcony of his room.

"Never!" He yelled down at him, turning around and entering into his room.

Inutaisho sighed, looking down to the ground.

He was doing what he had to do.

"He hasn't noticed?" Inutaisho looked up to his first son, shaking his head. Everyone could smell it, the scent a sweetness that seemed to erode the senses. But, Inuyasha had yet to notice.

"I wonder... If this is best for him."

Sesshomaru remained stoic, but Inutaisho could see the frown barely tip his lips.

"It is what is best."

Inutaisho shook his head, looking to his son.

"It is not only his freedom I am taking."

Sesshomaru bowed, Inutaisho's eyes flashing red.

"I will do what you ask father."


"Who does he think he is?" Inuyasha grumbled as he talked to his friend Miroku over the phone, laying down on his bed. Miroku he felt could be the only one that could understand, having been taken out of school to be taught by monks.

It was a family tradition, and at first Miroku hated it. Now he found it as a scapegoat to not get arrested for the many girls he tried to sexually harass.

"He is your father, that is who he thinks he is," Miroku responded, Inuyasha rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Stop being literal. What should I do?" Inuyasha asked, a tad more calm now. Miroku sighed, Inuyasha not sure if it was a sigh of thought or defeat.

"Sneak out. That's what I did a few times when the training became too much."

Inuyasha frowned.

He had thought about sneaking out, but it wasn't like he could just walk across the lawn.

His house was a heavily guarded fortress, getting out wouldn't be easy.

"Where would I go?" Inuyasha asked, Miroku telling him to hold on for a second. Inuyasha sighed in annoyance, getting off his bed and standing up. He walked over to his window, looking out to the many guards walking around.

"Come over here, the monks went out for a burial. They'll be gone for a couple hours."

Inuyasha walked away from his window when a guard looked up, clenching his hand into a fist.

"I'll be over in ten, he did say my punishment started tomorrow."

Inuyasha hung up, putting his phone in his pocket. He went to his bathroom, brushing his hair back into a ponytail. He took a quick shower, discarding some of his scent.

He went to his closet, opening the large doors. He looked to the fire rat outfit his mother gave him, running his fingers over the material.

It was warm.

He changed into it, going over to his window. He looked down, seeing the guards were shifting posts. He waited till they separated to jump, landing in a tree. He tried to remain quiet as he held his breath, looking down to the guards that didn't seem to notice his presence.

So much for being superior demons.

Inuyasha jumped to the next tree, slowly advancing his way off his father's property. When he got to the last tree he jumped over the gate, landing on the street.

He was finally out.

He jumped from house to house across the neighborhood, heading to the shrine the monks were located in.

It was about twenty minutes away by car, but Inuyasha knew he could get there in fifteen.

He looked behind him when he heard a siren blare, the guards having finally realized he was gone. It was too soon though, he hadn't gone far enough yet.

He went off the trail, taking the long way around to the shrine.

He hoped he didn't get caught, the last thing he wanted to do was go back to that hell hole.

When Inuyasha finally got to the shrine it had been almost an hour, his body more tired than usual.

He panted as he landed on the shrine steps, looking up when he heard clapping.

"Took you long enough." Inuyasha snorted up at Miroku, walking the rest of the way up the stairs. Miroku pat his back, Inuyasha shrugging off his hand.

"What took you so long?" Miroku asked, Inuyasha rolling his eyes like it should have been obvious.

"My house is a fortress. They noticed I had left minutes after I passed by the gates." Inuyasha stopped walking for a second, panting softly as he tried to catch his breath.

"Took the long way?" Miroku asked, Inuyasha nodding his head. He was abnormally tired for some reason. He could usually run for hours and be perfectly fine.

He brushed the feeling off. It had been a while since he did so much.

"Is there any sake?" Inuyasha asked as he and Miroku walked into the shrine, Miroku nodding with a smile.

"There always is. All monks are pretty much alcoholics!" Inuyasha chuckled, Miroku leading him to his room.

"Do you think they'll search here?" Inuyasha asked, Miroku nodding as he poured some sake for him.

"They'll try. Full blood demons can't enter the temple. You were lucky to be born as half."

Inuyasha didn't think so. Being born a half breed was a burden. It had been two hundred years ago, and still was today.

Inuyasha took the cup of sake Miroku offered him, sipping it slowly, closing his eyes in bliss.

"I heard Shippo was also being taken out of school for fox demon training. And Kikyo for priestess training. The world's changing once again."

Inuyasha had to agree. Humans and demons had learned to live in peace, but there was always a human or demon that tried to start a war between the two.

Inuyasha wasn't so sure about anything, but there seemed to be more demon activity now. Demons were being called to kill demons, regular humans taught to be monks and priestesses to kill demons. It was beginning to become hectic once again.

Inuyasha knew though that if anything bad happened, tetsusaiga was waiting for his command.


Inuyasha looked into his cup of sake, his vision blurring for merely a second.

He was so tired.

"It kind of sucks though. Your dad just wants to homeschool you?" Inuyasha shook away the haze over his mind, looking to Miroku.

"Yeah, it sucks. I don't even care about stupid school," Inuyasha grumbled, Miroku sipping some of his sake.

"After you finish school, home schooled or not, what do you plan on doing?" Miroku asked, Inuyasha smirking.

"I was thinking of asking Kagome to marry me."

Miroku spat out his sake, Inuyasha sending him a glare.

"Shut up monk!" Inuyasha barked, Miroku raising a hand as he coughed.

"Sorry!" He croaked, Inuyasha drinking the rest of his sake.

"I'm not making fun of you Inuyasha, just surprised me!" Inuyasha snorted, looking away from him.

He had been dating Kagome for two years now, the girl rather annoying when she wanted to be. But, Inuyasha had feelings for her, feelings he was still trying to decipher.

But he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his days with her.

It worried him though. She was human, there was no guarantee she would live forever. And that scared him.

Could he truly watch her die?

"I think you should, that would be better than staying with your father." Inuyasha nodded, grabbing the bottle of sake.

He frowned when his stomach ached with a sharp pain in his side, his hand tightening around the bottle.

"That old man is just an asshole," Inuyasha grumbled, pouring himself some more sake.

"Ever tried to understand his motives?" Inuyasha looked to Miroku sharply, narrowing his eyes.

"Whose side are you on?!" He barked, Miroku raising a hand.

"I don't choose sides Inuyasha, I try to understand."

Inuyasha sipped his sake, looking away from him.

"Stupid monk," he grumbled, Miroku taking the bottle from him to pour himself some more.

"I'm still in training technically, so I'm not a monk."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, relaxing back against the wall behind him.

Why would his dad do this?

"You are the son of the great Inutaisho, Inuyasha. It's no surprise if he wants something like this to be done."

Inuyasha looked to Miroku, starting to feel like he wasn't drunk enough.

"He already has Sesshomaru to control. The bastard would lick his boots if he asked." Inuyasha drank all of his sake pouring himself some more.

"He doesn't need me."

Did he?

Inuyasha stayed with Miroku for a couple more hours, leaving before the monks came back. He returned home, not seeing any guards on duty.

He was too drunk to care, jumping onto his balcony. He entered into his room just as the sun started to go down, stumbling towards the bathroom. He pushed open the door, falling down next to the toilet. He felt another sharp pain in his side, throwing up as he felt his body shift.

Stupid moon.

Stupid time.

Inuyasha grunted when he felt a pain in his chest, throwing up again. He slowly got to his feet, washing out his mouth.

He looked up to the mirror, seeing a person he didn't recognize.

It was a girl, Inuyasha touching the mirror.

He frowned when he felt something trickle down his thigh, wondering what was wrong. He looked down, raising an eyebrow at the breasts he just suddenly seemed to have.

He reached a hand into his pants, his member gone.

How much had he drank?

He undressed, looking at his body that seemed to have changed dramatically.

He had breasts, and a vagina?

Inuyasha chucked, wondering how he got so drunk.

He touched his thigh, bringing it up to his face.


He stumbled into his room, looking to the door when it was opened.


Sesshomaru stood in his doorway, his eyes roaming over his body.

Inuyasha stumbled back, his vision blurring before going black.

What was happening to him?