"Get it away from me."

JJ sighed, lowering her hand as she heard her daughter behind her sigh. "Emily, it's supposed to help you. Can you please just take them?"

Emily crossed her arms and glared at the younger woman she loved. "I don't like them."

"I know you don't like them Em, but you need to take them."

Emily's eyes glanced down. "I do not."

"Mom," the fourteen year old groaned, throwing her hands up in the air. "We can see you're in pain. Why won't you just take the medicine? It's not going to kill you."

The brunette woman looked to her eldest, smiling inside every time she heard the young girl call her by that name. "You know they make me feel fuzzy."

JJ shoved the pills in her wife's direction and forced the brunette woman to look her in the eyes. "I know they make you feel fuzzy and that's why I'm lowering your dosage. Only two pills will make the pain go away and your mind will be just fine, ok?"

Emily pouted.

The fourteen year old in the room shook her head, rolling her eyes at her mother's behavior and finally walking toward the door of the master bedroom. "I can't deal with this. Have fun with her, mom."

"Wait," Emily whined, stretching her arms out toward her eldest. "All I need to feel better is a snuggle with my babies."

"Or not."

The brown eyed woman frowned as her daughter walked out of her room and off toward the rest of the family downstairs. Leaning back against the pillows that rested before her bed's headrest, Emily's eyes fluttered over to the blond sitting on the edge of the bed. "She doesn't like me."

JJ let out a huff of a laugh. "You know that's not true."

"Oh no, she's just being a normal teenager and doing normal teenage things, which just happens to include being rude to and rejecting her mothers."

JJ grinned, handing her wife her medication. "Exactly."

Emily's eyes hardened as she finally swallowed the blue pills, gulping down half of her water that JJ had put on their nightstand. "This is ridiculous. Michelle is being ridiculous."

"Who's Michelle?"

Frowning for a moment up to the younger woman, Emily's eyes widened. "Right," she breathed, smiling at the memory of her daughter sitting both her and JJ down to have that very discussion. "It's a brave step she's taking."

JJ nodded in agreement with the ambassador's daughter. "I'm excited for her. It's been almost two weeks since you've gotten back from the hospital and her therapist already wants to cut her sessions. No medication, no nothing."

"She's a strong girl."

The blue eyed woman smiled gently to the older woman, reaching for her hands. "She gets it from her mommy," she grinned, watching as Emily's eyes started to water. "We have our baby girl. She's all ours, Em."

Emily giggled, letting her wife slip under the covers beside her and snuggle up behind her. "You trying to get lucky there, Mrs. Prentiss?"

"Oh Mrs. Prentiss," JJ purred, moving Emily's hair from her bandage so nothing could get in the way of her recovery. "Every day I'm with you, I'm lucky."

The teenager could hear her parents laughing from up the stairs and rolled her eyes, trying her best to ignore the smile that tugged at her lips at the warm feeling that was growing inside her chest. She had felt better in the past month than she had in her entire life, and her mothers were a big part of that.

She was so grateful for what they and her new therapist were doing for her, and if she hadn't been found that night at the diner and she was stuck with the woman she had first called 'mom', maybe she wouldn't have found happiness.

Hearing a knock at the door, the blue eyed teen pointed to her younger sister. "You stay where I can see you." The five year old had been getting a little mischievous lately, and she wouldn't have the blond blaming another broken vase on her again.

"Hey," the older boy laughed, seeing his friend for the first time in weeks. "Look at you; alive and well."

"Noah," she beamed. "Hey. What are you doing here?"

Noah held up the newspaper in his hand. "I have a job, remember? Hey, how's your mom?" The entire town-more like all of Virginia and Washington D.C-had heard about the Prentiss family and what they had gone through, and the paperboy had tried his best to get in contact with them but after calling and even writing a few times, he had learned to let them have their space.

Smiling, the brunette pulled the sleeve of her sweater down to cover all of her skin. "She's getting a lot better, thanks."

"And how are you?"

She bit her lip. "Better."

Noah handed the rolled up newspaper to his friend, his heart beating fast in his chest as the younger girl's blue eyes looked up to his. "So I was thinking, if you're up to it, would you want to hang out on Saturday? I got invited to this party and I thought you might like to be my date."

The fourteen year old's cheeks flared. "Your date?"

"You don't have to," he rushed out, shaking his head when he saw his friend's eyes widen. "I just thought tha-"

"No," the younger girl smiled, nodding to her classmate. "I'd like to. I mean I may have to ask my moms, but I want to."

Noah's posture immediately relaxed. "Really?" he smiled.


He quickly nodded his head. "Ok, well I'll call you later to tell you the details, ok? I have to get back to work." Backing down the front walk, Noah lifted his hand to wave. "See you, Michelle."

Her eyes quickly widened. "I don't go by that anymore."

Noah's face fell into a frown, and he made his way back to the front door of the biggest house in town. "What do you mean?"

"There's a lot of bad that goes with Michelle and her past," she shrugged. "I don't want to be Michelle anymore."

Taking in the words of the younger girl, Noah stuck his hand out to her. "Well I'm Noah Evans," the teenager smiled, doing his best to make the brunette feel as comfortable as she could. "And you are?"

Shaking hands with the older boy, she grinned. "Allison Prentiss," the fourteen year old stated strongly. "It's nice to meet you."