Servant States for different Possible Stories

Class: Caster

True Name: Rinnosuke Morichika

Sex: Male


Alignment: Neutral Good



Endurance: D

Agility: D

Mana: C+

Luck: C


Class Skills

Independent Action. A-

It is the ability to remain independent even when rejecting the Magical Energy supply from one's Master; the ability that allows for action even in the absence of the Master. At higher ranks, it is also possible to remain for extended periods of time in this world without an established contract. It is both useful and troublesome depending on the disposition of the Servant and the rank of Independent Action. Acting in autonomy from the Master's Magical Energy supply, the Master can concentrate their own Magical Energy on large spells, or the Servant will be fine even in the case they cannot supply Magical Energy due to injury. The downside is that they can be harder to control and keep by their side, making the only true way to command them is by utilizing Command Spells. Due to his Half Human and Half-Yokai nature he is capable of surviving long periods of time without the assistance of a Master, normally as a yokai it would be higher rank but due to his simple personality its a rank lower.

Item Construction. C+

It is a Caster-class Skill. It is the Skill to manufacture magical items, from implements of war to items for daily use. Also, this Skill requires time to gather components and manufacture items. While this skill isn't his specialty, the few known creations of his are of high grade comparable to Noble Phantasms in terms of raw power.

Territory Creation. D

It is a Caster-class Skill. It is the Skill to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus, such as for the purpose of collecting mana. Like Item Construction Caster isn't knowledgeable in bounded fields Arts but due to his understanding on bounded fields and knowledge on spiritual items he is more or less capable of creating a territory unintentionally.

Personal Skills

Mystic Eyes. A

It is a Skill where one has possession of Mystic Eyes, capable of imparting magical effects upon a subject and interfering with the outside world. This skill is Caster's main ability and the one trait that he possessed that was special. Rather then an offensive or curse inducing Mystic Eyes, Caster Eyes allow him to know the name and utility of all things.

Caster is capable of knowing the names of any object he see without limitation even Divine Constructs, due to this he is even capable of knowing the name of Noble Phantasms. The only two down side to this ability is that he must look(target) at the object in question if he wants to know its Name(Concept) so just simple seeing it won't work just as he can't know the name if the object is concealed like Excalibur under Invisible Air. The last down side is that while he is capable of knowing the utility of any object, he doesn't know how to use the object, for example; for a computer he's able to know that its name is "personal computer" and that it's a tool for "collecting and processing information"he doesn't know how to start it up and where to input the information.

Spirits of the Worshiped: B

This skill is a unique skill that Caster attained due to being able to learn the name of all things in the world, for learning the name of the object is to learn the name of the god within it since all objects have a name and everything with a name has a god within it. This skill allows Caster to turn any object, regardless if it originally had any mystery at all, into mystic code with high amounts of mystery allowing even common items like a pipe or a modern gun to affect even Heroic spirits, since any god, regardless of status, will naturally be a being with high Mystery.

At this rank even a common item can be equivalent to a high ranking Noble Phantasm however this skill does have limits. Firstly, just because the object is equivalent to a high ranking Noble Phantasm does not mean it becomes a Noble Phantasm because the mystery comes from the god an not from a 'Legend'. Secondly, only the object itself gets the boost in mystery not Caster so he does not gain a boost in stats whenever he uses this skill. Finally, this skill does not allow Caster to activate other Noble Phantasm Mystery because Noble Phantasms are crystallized legends.

Noble Phantasme

Mini-Hakkero: C+ (Support)

This is the only Noble Phantasm own by Caster created by him as a gift for a friend of his after they became independent from their family. Despite being owned by someone else it is still Caster's due to being the original owner, creator and only one who is capable of maintaining it properly.

The Miniature Eight Trigram Furnace is a magical furnace that takes the shape of an octagonal block, made of wood, with the eight trigrams printed in a circle on its front. The internal components were originally made of iron or steel, but replaced with hihi'irokane metal so that it may never rust regardless of the passage of time. Despite its small size it is a potent source of heat and magical energy, It was once described as capable of reducing a mountain to ashes. In addition to its normal functions, one of the furnace's corners releases a cool breeze, It also function as an amulet for protection and good fortune.

The Mini-Hakkero is an invention that should be impossible to create because it is created with the idea of a combination of magic and technology, two different application that can never get along due to their basic nature conflicting and denying against each other, though to Caster he views Science a form of magic without using Spiritual power although this is base on his lack of proper knowledge on technology, making this noble phantasm a miracle just by its very nature.

While it acts as a support Noble Phantasm normally, when its name is called it capable of launching an Anti-Mountain, A rank Noble Phantasm. The change happens because it originally wasn't design to be used as an offensive artifact but due to the current owner usage, it has since became known for its destructive power. The attack starts off by using not only the Prana within the furnace that is normally stored but also the Mana in the air around him and gathers it in the middle and releases a beam of pure Prana of Heat and Light in a straight line obliterating anything in it's path for miles on end.

Well, that was an interesting Servant. Yes this time I did Rinnosuke Morichika from the novel Curiosities of the Lotus Asia, he is a half yokai half human owner of the curiosity shop named Kourindou, an antique shop that deals with items from the Outside World, in relationship with the land he lives in, most of the items he has are old and discarded due to the special nature of the barrier that surrounds Gensokyo.

To answer some of the things you no doubt are curious/worried about this servant Yokai are phantasmal creatures created by fear and legends such as vampires, Oni , kappa, Tengu, etc. They are powerful beings the suppress human logic, examples are Oni have the raw strength to shatter mountains with just their fists and Tengu's are capable of covering vast distance with ease hens being name as one of the fastest Yokai types in Gensokyo. While it is unknown what type of Rinnosuke is, being one should be naturally be stronger then most humans although he does lack combat capabilities because of how passive he is and his Half blooded nature.

For his Personal skill out of all the options only Mystic Eye's were the closes thing I could use to describe it. It doesn't use any magical energy and it takes little effort for him to know the name and utility. I originally went with clairvoyance but I discarded it due to the fact that it doesn't directly affect his visual prowess just give him the information. For a comparison, think of Shirou's Structural Analyse but rather name and utility is known and not compositions.

Spirits of the Worshiped is rather unique since it incorporates the nature of Gods in Touhou( non-corporeal true form and capability of possessing any object) as well as the rules in Fate( Mystery and similar rules). I originally thought of having it as a Noble Phantasm but for the life of me I couldn't twist any logic in order to incorporate a 'legend' to rationalized it so I made it a skill since technically anyone can do the same if they understand how gods work. In case you were curious I didn't give the skill the ability to use the gods blessing for a simple reason, it would be impossible for Rinnosuke. While it's very possible for someone like a priest or a shrine maiden, Rinnosuke never struck me as a religious type despite how much respect he has for them so he is incapable of gaining the blessing of the gods.

How the skill works specifically is rather simple, Gods always exists even if they can't be seen or if their forgotten their simply not acknowledged. Since they don't have a true physical form the only way to be able to interact with the physical world is if their known, so if for example a God was to be acknowledge while within a sword then that sword would gain a lot of 'meaning' and the god will be 'awaken' and 'present' in the physical world, and in the world of Fate that would make the blade have a lot of Mystery due to the sheer power Gods have. It doesn't actually change the physical nature of the blade it would just gain a lot of Mystery. Hopefully it makes sense and no one is completely upset about this I just felt that I had to give Rinnosuke some form of combat capabilities, even if he doesn't have the training to utilize it properly.

Nothing much on the Min-Hakkero, I wasn't exaggerating on the Classification of it. While it technically hasn't destroyed a Mountain Rinnosuke, the creator of it, describes it as capable of reducing a mountain to ashes with the Magical Energy stored inside. So while it's not a combative Noble Phantasm normally, I really wanted it to have that capacity, even if it's not on a 'normal' level.

I decided to do Rinnosuke out of every other character from Touhou because he's the most 'normal' character that can possibly be a Servant and not be completely broken, I mean try to picture Reimu as a servant with her abilities virtually the same in this system? she would be broken as hell and I can't use any true Yokai because their basically a type of 'divine spirit' in Touhou terms so most of the characters are out of the question. So I chose Rinnosuke although I do admit I do like him as a character so I wanted to get him some attention.

I have a couple of ideas on what I want to do and one of them is possible if I can do it right since this will be Servant version not real version. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?